American School Textbook Reading Key CORE 1 WB

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oO eel Qf Alz|x Agtet WIZ MAH B15 AILIEE SHire obelge tre ce # Ms yet, HOje! QUE Bole ot st Mole! 118K} 4gos pi ts7| BSRADO BAPE Oui od j é a (1 The Regions of the United States Listen to the passage and fill in the blanks. ‘The United States can be divided into five regions. Each region has its own environment, such as landforms and climate. These set each region apart from the other ones. ‘The Northeast region includes 11 states and the nation’s , Washington, D.C. (District of Columbia). The Atlantic Coastal Plain and are the Northeast’s major landforms. The Northeast is often divided into two : New England and the Middle Atlantic States. In American history, many of the first from Europe settled in the Northeast. New England is known for the early settlements by the Pilgrims and The Middle Atlantic has some of the most populated areas and largest urban areas in the U.S., including New York City, Washington, D.C, and ‘The Southeast includes states, The Mississippi River ____ through the western part of the region, A warm climate and a long __ in the Southeast help farmers grow many different kinds of. _ Tobacco and cotton were some of the first cash crops for early owners. Peaches in Georgia and oranges in sunny are two important cash crops for modern Southeast _ farmers. ‘The Midwest is a region of plains and The Great Plains and the Central Plains are known for their rich fields of corn, soybeans, and wheat that as the eye can see. The Mississippi River begins there, and four of the as far are in the Midwest. Its flat land and fertile make this region a center for agriculture. People often call the Midwest “the of the United States.” ‘The Southwest includes Arizona, New Mexico, Texas, and . The region has many and range areas, so it contains several deserts. There are also numerous __ , canyons, mesas, and buttes. The Grand Canyon, one of the best known ____ ii the US., is located in the Southwest. Finally, the West includes California, Nevada, Oregon, ____,and the Mountain States. Alaskaand are in the western region, but they are separate fromthe _ United States. The region is a _area with many different environments. The Northwest is known for its long along the Pacific Ocean the Southwest is dryand contains. many deserts. Much of the Mountain States is _ by the Rocky Mountains. Complete each sentence with the correct word. Change the form if necessary. metropolitan landform stretch dominate __ rainfall 1 The physical environment of a region includes its and climate. 2. The continental United States from Canada to Mexico. 3. Arid regions get very little all throughout the year. 4 NewYork City isa large area with millions of people. 5 The Midwest region is by croplands. Write the meaning of each word and phrase in Korean. 1 geographic 15 cash crop 2. physical environment 16 plantation 3 set ~ apart _ 17 prairie 4 District of Columbia _ as stretch 5 Atlantic Coastal Plain 19 as far as the eye can see 6 mountain range 20 the Great Lakes 7 subregion _ 21 fertile 8 be known for 22. cropland 9 Pilgrim 23 agriculture 10 Puritan a 24 Breadbasket 11 densely populated _ 25 arid 72 urban - - - 26 numerous 7 13. metropolitan — _ 27 diverse — 14 growing season 28 dominate __ ©) Listen to the passage and fill in the blanks. The United States is sometimes called a nation of People from many ___ live there. It took _ for the United _ society. And the country’s people did not come different countries and _ States to becomea from the world at the - In fact, to America happened in various stages. After Christopher Columbus discovered America in ____, many Europeans started to move to America. The first __to come to America were English, Germans, Irish, _ ,and French. Many ___ Started coming as well. But they were __,sotheywere to America against their will. Then, between 1880 and a second wave of immigrants _ the United States. Many of these _camefrom_ and Eastern European countries, including Italy, __, and Russia. Since the late __, Asian immigrants—people from China, Japan, Korea, and other countries—have a ____ the western United States. While the first immigrants often ______ to rural areas, later immigrants _ a the cities. For instance, New York and Boston were ——_toltalianand immigrants, the largest __ inthe second __ immigrants. Chicago was home to __ many races and nationalities. Today, the United States has _ __ from almost every country. But not all have always gotten along with each other. Immigrants sometimes encountered -Early immigrants, such as English settlers, ,and Germans, much with English culture. However, ___and had different immigrants were very different. They spoke different and customs, Some people who were already well settled _ more poor newcomers__—_—_ As a result, social discrimination blacks, Jews, and other ethnic groups continued into the However, the U.S. passed laws to end discrimination in the _ Now, all people are treated __ ____ no matter what race they are. So, most. Americans live together _ Complete each sentence with the correct word. Change the form if necessary. asa result stream into ethnic group discrimination race 1 Immigrants in the 1800s. the vast empty land in the United States 2 of the new laws, discrimination is now illegal. language, and history. is a group of people who have the same customs, 4 Inthe late 1800s, many of the new immigrants faced 5 Chicago was home to a mixture of many and nationalities. Write the meaning of each word and phrase in Korean. a nation of immigrants 2 race 3. century 4 amulticultural society 5 atthe same time 6 immigration 7 in various stages 8 against one’s will 9 pour into 10 newcomer 11 stream into 12. spread out 13. concentrate in 14 Jewish 15 ethnic group 16 second wave 17 nationality 18 get along with 19 encounter 20 discrimination 21 treat 22 fairly 23 no matter what 24 in harmony © Listen to the passage and fill in the blanks. An economy is the way that and services are produced and ‘The economy ofa country includes the _ ofall producers and within that country. A strong produces many goods and services. Today, the domestic product (GDP) of the United States is the any country in the world. The GDP is the of goods and services produced within a country in a year, So having the highest in the world _ that the U.S. has the largest economy in the world. ‘The early American economy was farming. The majority of colonists who came to America from Europe in the 1600s and were farmers. Later, the ___and service industries the largest parts of the economy. Today, the __and technology industries are the - 7 parts of the economy. In the United States, people and companies are part of a economy. In a free market, people choose what to produce and . Farmers decide what _ _ to plant. Factory owners decide what ___ decide what kinds of products to when they make decisions products to sell. And consumers consider - about buying these goods and . People can choose how they __and spend their money without government ‘The American economy is also based on the _ __ system. This means that people can own and run their own . People who start and run their own businesses are called In most people who sell goods or services decide on their prices according tothe ___supply and demand. If the supply is large yet is low, the price usually _ If the supply is _orsmall yet demand is high, then the price often Complete each sentence with the correct word, Change the form if necessary. scarce free market free-enterprise entrepreneur supply 1 Ina , people choose what to produce and what to buy. 2. The American economy is based on the system. 3 people decide on their prices according to the law of and demand. 4 When some products are , their prices increase. 5 Aperson who starts his or her own business is called Write the meaning of each word and phrase in Korean. 1 distribute : 14 manufacture 2 producer 15 storeowner 3 consumer 16 consider 4 economy 17 opportunity cost 5 gross domestic product (GDP) 18 make a decision 6 be based on 19 interference 7 majority 20 free-enterprise system 8 colonist 21 run one's own business 9 manufacturing industry 22. entrepreneurs 10 finance industry 23 inmostcases 11 technology industry 24 lawofsupplyanddemand 12 fastest-growing _ 25 go down _ 13 free market economy 26 scarce enced 04 The Native People of North America ™ Listen to the passage and fill in the blanks. Around years ago, the first arrived in the Americas. Many believe they crossed a land bridge from Asia During the Ice Age, there was a of land that connected Asia and North America. From Asia, big of animals moved across that looking for food, and the first people the animals that supplied their food. During their , they also wild berries, nuts, and fruits for food. That is why we call them As the years , more and more people the land bridge, and they spread all over the Americas. These people were the of the Native Americans. Over time, early Native Americans began to and to build homes. They various places and built Many Native American adapted to their environments. Cultures developed the climate and the natural resources of the tribes’ This each tribe to live differently from the others. In the area of North America, there were tribes like the Sioux and Lakota. They hunted for food and the land. They lived in , cone-shaped tents that they could from place to place. In the Southwest, there were tribes such as the and Navajo. They adapted to the harsh, arid in the desert. The Pueblo in the desert using a method called They built homes, called pueblos, outof . Adobe protected their homes from ____ heat and cold, In the West, the ___inAlaskahunted for food and clothing. The Tlingit were skilled 7 . They used wood to make totem poles, , and crafts. And in the East, the Iroquois built longhouses using materials from the forests. Some tribes even formed an _ ___ called the Iroquois Confederacy. They were among the first Native Americans to__ European colonists when they arrived in 10 Complete each sentence with the correct word. Change the form if necessary. wander archaeologist ancestor adapt civilization 1 The of the Native Americans were the people who crossed the land bridge. 2 The Native Americans had their own, 3. Many Native American tribes to the harsh environment. 4 Some tribes the land in search of food, 5 An is a person who studies past human civilizations. Write the meaning of each word and phrase in Korean. 1 native people 16 teepee 2 archaeologist 17 cone-shaped 3 land bridge 18 harsh 4 strip of land 19 dry farming 5 herd 20 out of 6 hunting trip 21 adobe 7 gather 22 extreme 8 hunter-gatherer 23 whale 9 ancestor - 24 craft worker __ 10 Native American 25 totem pole __ 11 civilization - 26 canoe _ 12 tribe ee 27 craft 13 adapt - 28 alliance _ 14. surroundings 29 Iroquois Confederacy 15 wander 30 deal with Daily Test i) } The Age of Exploration & Listen to the passage and fill in the blanks. In the century, many European countries, such as : Spain, France, and England, traded for from Asia. Gold, silk, and from India and China were in great in Europe. Europeans were pay high prices for Asia’ goods. However, it took a very long time for to travel to Asia by land, So the Europeans began to another to Asia. ‘The Europeans find sea routes to Asia. Portugal the way. The developed a new ship, called the 5 which could sail farther and than other ships. In 1418, Prince Henry the a Portuguese prince, began sending __to explore the western coast of Africa. Slowly, but , the Portuguese sailed and farther south, Finally, in , the Portuguese captain Bartolomeu Dias became the first European to the southern tip of Africa, the -Buthe did notenter the Around ten years___, Vasco da Gama sailed all the way from Portugal to The Europeans had discovered a to Asia. The Portuguese sailed to Asia by Africa. But Christopher Columbus, an Italian, believed he could Asia by sailing west across the He Ferdinand and Isabella, the king and of Spain, to a three-ship mission. With his ships the - After _ weeks, his crew __land. It was not India ; it was the New World, Columbus had - North and South America. Pinta, Nina, and Santa Maria, he in_ In __, an expedition Ferdinand Magellan set sail from Spain. Magellan was killed in the __, but his crew achieved the first of the world in Soon _ , the French, Dutch, and English entered the race of global , too. ‘The Europeans’ sea explorations to reach Asia during the fifteenth and centuries changed the world We call this time “the Exploration” or “the Age of u 2 Complete each sentence with the correct word. Change the form if necessary. round Age of Exploration sponsor compete to circumnavigation During the Age of Discovery, the Europeans find sea routes to Asia. Most explorers needed someone to their expeditions with money. It took many trips before the Portuguese could the southern tip of Africa. Ferdinand Magellan's crew achieved the first of the world in 1522 The Europeans sea explorations during the 15th and 16th centuries are called “the D Write the meaning of each word and phrase in Korean. 10 u 12 B 14 15 fifteenth century 16 Prince Henry the Navigator spice 17 expedition be in great demand 18 steadily be willing to 19 round pay high prices 20 southern tip of Africa merchant _ 21 Cape of Good Hope by land 22 waterway search for 23 convince route 24 sponsor compete to a 25 mission _ _ sea route _ 26 set sail . _ _ lead the way 27 circumnavigation _ Portuguese 28 soonafterward caravel _ 29 the Age of Exploration farther 30 the Age of Discovery paca © Listen to the passage and fill in the blanks. After discovery of America, more and more came to the New World. Most came _____ gold, silver, and other treasures. They make Spain the richest country in Europe. There were _already in the Americas, of course, but the Spaniards the rights of the local people. In the sixteenth, there were two major __ in Central and South America. One was the Empire in the land in Mexico. And the Empire was in the South American land that is today. Both the and the Incas had a lot of gold and other that the Spaniards wanted. In order to establish in South America, Spain needed to the Aztecs first.In____—_, Hernando Cortez sailed to Mexico with about 550 _ . After just a few years,in =, the Spanish the Aztec capital Tenochtitlan and the Aztec Empire. A Jater,in___, another Spanish conquistador, Francisco Pissarro, a the Inca Empire. Pissarro___ an expedition with only men and 37 horses. ‘The Aztecs were ___ warriors, and the Incas were strong people, too. And the Spaniards had many soldiers. So why didthe win? They had much stronger _like guns, and metal ___ _ They , too, which the Native Americans had never seen before. ‘The Spanish also had one more weapons . The Spanish arrived in the New World with diseases like . The Native Americanshadno____——_to these diseases,so_ ithe died. As a result, the Spanish easily most Native American ‘Then, they the natives and took their treasures. Spain also a lot of land in North and South Americaand____—=—————_colonies, “4 Complete each sentence with the correct word. Change the form if necessary. Inca Empire enslave in search of AztecEmpire smallpox 1 Spaniards came to the New World other treasures. gold, silver, and 2 Inthe sixteenth century , there was the in the land in modern-day Mexico. 3 The was in the South American land that is Peru today. 4 and other diseases killed large numbers of Native Americans. 5 The Spanish the natives and took their treasures. Write the meaning of each word and phrase in Korean. 1 Spaniard 16 fierce 2 in search of 17 weapon 3 proceed to _ - 18 gun 4 ignore 19 cannon 5 rights 20 metal armor 6 local people a 21 ride a horse _ _ 7 modern-day 22 deadly 8 riches 23 disease 7 9 establish 24 horrible a 10 colony - 25 smallpox _ +1 conquer _ 26 immunity ee 12 conquistador _ a 27 defeat _ 13 capture 28 enslave 14 end 29 claim _ 15 decade 30 setup —_ F Daily Test (Uy @ The First French and English Colonies Listen to the passage and fill in the blanks. While the Spanish Central and South America, people from other European countries explored and North America. On the , the two most important countries were France and The French mostly explored the area that is today. In ; Jacques Cartier the St. Lawrence River, Other French explorers, such as Sieur de la Salle, explored the North America. La Salle discovered the and claimed it for In 1608, Samuel de Champlain built a French settlement in present-day ‘The English mostly the eastern part of the continent along the . The first permanent English was founded at Jamestown, Virginia, in . The came there to their fortune. They wanted to But there was no gold, and many settlers hunger and disease. However, leaders like John Smith, who married Pocahontas, the daughter of an Jamestown grew bigger and In , another important English settlement was in present-day Massachusetts. It was started by the . They sailed on the Mayflower and landed in __, Massachusetts. They left England because of their religious Some other English colonists the Pilgrims. They were the Like the Pilgrims, the Puritans were a__ religious group of ‘The Puritans settled in the area of present-day Boston, Over the _ _, many more people moved from Europe to ‘America. Most came from England, but some also came from France, > and other countries, , they founded thirteen ___ colonies. Every colonywason ____ of the Atlantic. Later, these thirteen colonies would become the first the United States. 16 Complete each sentence with the correct word. Change the form if necessary. a In 1608, the French built a The first permanent English Virginia, in 1607. permanent Quebec settlement Puritan the east coast separate French settlement in present-day was founded at Jamestown, were a deeply religious group of Christians who came from England Eventually, the English founded thirteen Every English colony was on Ocean colonies. of the Atlantic Write the meaning of each word and phrase in Korean. 10 u focus on colonize interior permanent settlement settled in be founded at seek fortune get rich thanks to 12 3 14 15 16 7 18 19 20 21 22 Indian chief prosper Pilgrim belief Puritan deeply religious _ Christian Holland eventually separate Daily Test os oe © Listen to the passage and fill in the blanks. In the , there were thirteen English in America. A colony is anarea____————___the government of another country. The thirteen colonies in America were ruled by the of England. Meanwhile, from 1756 to , England and France fought the . England gained the land east of the Mississippi River by the war. However, the was very expensive for England, wanted the thirteen American colonies to help the government's debt, He made laws the _______did not like and began to tax goods. In 1764, the English passed the Sugar Act, and it passed the Stamp Actin _. This meant that when the colonists bought sugar, =, and paper, they had to pay money. The colonists . They called them the and began English goods. They said, “No without representation.” They wanted _ in Parliament, but the king refused. Soon, fighting began the English and the colonists. Many Americans wanted _ from England, _ __between the Americans and English soldiers led to the Boston Massacre in ‘American began training to be ready to fight “at a minute's notice” On April 19, » English soldiers, called ____, and American minutemen - Lexington and Concord, Massachusetts. These were the Continental Congress signed the They that America was an independent country. the first two battles of the - . One year later, on July 4, > George Washington was __ ___ the commander of the Continental Army. ‘The early years of the war were __ __. After winning the Battle of Saratoga in a , the Americans France and other European countries to help them. There were many __ fighting. The Americans both won and lost _. Then, in __, the American army and French navy General Cornwallis, the English army commander, to. ______at Yorktown, Virginia. The war was the ___ of the American colonies. Two years later, England _ Complete each sentence with the correct word, Change the form if necessary. boycotting pay off representative Declaration of Independence colony 1 King George Ill wanted the thirteen American colonies to help the government's debt. 2. The colonists protested and began English goods. 3. The Americans desired in the British Parliament but were rejected. 4 In 1776, the Continental Congress signed the wu In 1783, England recognized the independence of the American Write the meaning of each word and phrase in Korean. 1 1760s 16 representation 2 be ruled by 17 representative 3 meanwhile 18 refuse 4 Seven Years’ War 19 independence 5 pay off 20 tension 6 debt 21 minutemen 7 tax 22 notice 8 Parliament 7 23 redcoat 9 Sugar Act 24 Revolutionary War 10 StampAct 25 Continental Congress 11 extra a 26 Declaration of Independence 12 protest _ 27 proclaim 7 13. Intolerable Acts 28 appoint _ 14 boycott — _ 29 Continental Army 15. taxation -_ 30 surrender 18 Cn cle ses Classified? ih © Listen to the passage and fill in the blanks. Organisms are the characteristics they have _ Ancient scientists grouped all living things as plants or animals. However, when the was invented, scientists discovered many organisms that needed new . Today, scientists living things into five large groups called ‘They are the Monera, Protista, Plantae, and Animalia kingdoms. Members of the Monera Kingdom are very simple organisms. They can only with a microscope. They are also called prokaryotes. This means that they a intheir cell. and certain types of algae are in the Monera Kingdom. These organisms get nutrients by them through their Organisms in the Protista, or Protist, Kingdom are also Some have animal , some have plant features, and some have features of both plants and animals. Most are single celled, but some have - ___. They include animal-like _____and plantlike algae. The cells in _____contain chloroplasts. This enables them to do and to make their own food. Organisms in the Fungi Kingdom are __. They include molds, yeasts, and . Fungi are similar to plants, but they do not get their _ from photosynthesis. Instead, they ____ the decaying tissues of other organisms. Members of the Plantae, or Plant, Kingdom are organisms that cannot move. They include mosses, and flowering and non-flowering plants, Plant cells contain which makes them green. Italso them to use photosynthesis to make their own food. Members of the Animalia, or Animal, Kingdom are multicellular that can move. They include insects, worms, fish, reptiles, __, birds, and - - Animals cannot ____—_—__ their own food. ___, they eat other organisms such as plants and animals to ___ their nutrition. 19 20 Complete each sentence with the correct word. Change the form if necessary. | Kingdom Animalia Protista’_feedon _ microscopic 1 Scientists classify living things into five large groups called 2 Organisms in the Kingdom may have characteristics of plants or animals. 3 Many animals other animals for nourishment. 4 The organisms can be seen only with a microscope. 5 The Kingdom includes a wide variety of organisms, from tiny insects to big mammals. Write the meaning of each word and phrase in Korean. 1 be classified by 16 microscopic 2 incommon 17 amoeba 3. kingdom 18 chloroplast 4 Monera Kingdom 19 enable to 5 Protista Kingdom 20 photosynthesis 6 Fungi Kingdom 21 multi celled 7 Plantae Kingdom 22 mold 8 Animalia Kingdom 23. yeast 9 single-celled 24 mushroom 10 prokaryote —__ _ 25 feedon a a1 lack 26 decay a 32 nucleus _ 27 multicellular 13 animal-like - 28 fern - 14 algae ee _ 29 moss _ 15. plantlike : 30 chlorophyll €¥ Listen to the passage and fill in the blanks. ‘There may be organisms on the planet that we do not know anything about. If you discovered a new living thing, what would you it? How would you it? Long ago, scientists around the world had trouble about the organisms they were studying. They different languages, so they called the same different names. Swedish scientist Carl Linnaeus this problem. He grouped all organisms into seven ___ and gave them names, so all scientists would understand the names. Today, we still use the as the basis for classifying living things. Scientists now classify all living things into levels. They are kingdom, , class, order, family, genus, and species. At each level, all organisms share __ characteristics. The highest level is Each kingdom can contain several , each phylum can contain several classes, and . The classification gets more as it goes down All organisms one of five kingdoms: , Protista, Fungi, Plantae, and Animalia, The next is the phylum. Organisms that belong to the same phylum have similar . For instance, the Animalia Kingdom has ___phyla. One is____ . Chordates are animals with Classes, orders, and further divide organisms. In the Chordata phylum, there are several ___. They include mammals, _ amphibians, and fish. In the Mammalia class, animals may belong to certain orders . the food they eat. So there are orders for herbivores, and other types of animals. In the order Carnivora, there are families for animals such as dogs, cats, and The last two categories are genus and A isa group of organisms that is closely related. Species is the most classification. Members of a species ___at least one characteristic that no other organisms have. ‘The way an organism is classified _____ its scientific name. When scientists wantto san organism, they use the genus and the species. The first part of the name tells its genus. The second part of the name tells its _ _. For example, the scientific name for is Homo sapiens. __is the genus, and sapiens is the species. Altogether, the way an organism is classified _ a lot of information about it. Itallows people to note the and differences between various organisms. 21 Complete each sentence with the correct word. Change the form if necessary. genus dependon specific determine precise 1 Scientists classify all living things into seven : kingdom, phylum, class, order, family, and species. 2 Grouping organisms the traits they have. 3. The classification gets more as it goes down. 4 Species is the most classification for an organism. 5 The way an organism is classified its scientific name. Write the meaning of each word and phrase in Korean. 1 name 14. particular 2 take care of 15. specific 3. Latin 16 body plan 4 Linnaean System 17 Chordata 5 basis 18 backbone 6 level 19 carnivore 7 kingdom 20 herbivore 8 phylum 21 related 9 class 22 precise 10 order 23 specify 11 family 24 typically 12 genus 25 human being — 13. species 26 Homo sapiens _ 2 Pcs © Listen to the passage and fill in the blanks. All plants have basic__. They need sunlight, water, air, and to live and grow. To meet their needs, all plants have certain parts with the same Plants have that hold them in the ground. Roots help plant in the soil and the plant from moving. Roots are absorbing water and minerals from the soil, The of a root helps itabsorb waterand___and send them to the other parts of the plant. In most plants, tiny _ take in water and minerals from the soil. ‘The water and minerals pass through the root's and enter the e ‘Then, they move through the xylem to the and to all the parts of the plant. Stems leaves and flowers. Some stems, like those on trees, are and hard, Other stems, like __on flowers, are much smaller and soft. Yet all stems have the same basic parts for the system of plants. The xylem in the stem moves water and up from the roots. The _ __ moves food from the plant’s leaves to all the parts of the plant. Some stems do more than . Some stems, like in _ store food for the plants to use later. In fact, the potatoes we eat are stems. In addition, the stems of __ store water during long dry in the desert. Leaves are the parts ofa plant. Leaves are green because they contain Chlorophyll is __ chloroplasts. It lets plants _____ photosynthesis. This is the food-making ______of plants. Plants need water, ee , and sunlight to undergo photosynthesis. Inside the » water and carbon dioxide combine to make sugar and ___, The plants then use this __ to live and grow. During photosynthesis, plants __ __ oxygen into the air, so other organisms can it. Then, during ___, which occurs in plants and animals, the water and carbon dioxide are released into ___ 23 24 10 u 12 -) Complete each sentence with the correct word. Change the form if necessary. part function responsible for prevent chloroplast oxygen All plants have certain with the same to meet their needs. Plants’ roots them from being blown away by the wind. The phloem is moving food to all of the parts of the plant. are necessary for a plant to undergo photosynthesis. Water and carbon dioxide combine to make sugar and inside the chloroplasts. Write the meaning of each word and phrase in Korean. basic needs 13. transportation system part 14 phloem function 15 underground stem hold 16 cactus anchor 17 undergo prevent ~ from 18 process be responsible for 19 carbon dioxide structure _ 20 sugar tiny 21 oxygen root hair 22 release caaceeeeeees root's cortex 23 breathe _ xylem - 24 respiration _ Daily Test SED €Y Listen to the passage and fill in the blanks. Most plants make from their flowers. Flowers are the ee organs in the plants. Thanks to them, plants can produce seeds that will develop and new plants. Flowers have and female parts. The male parts make The female parts make that become seeds. ‘The isa flower’s male part. A stamen has two . The produces pollen grains. The _ is the stalk that connects the anther to the plant. The pistil is the flower's The has three parts. At its top is the . The stigma captures the that fall on it. The stem-like part in the middle is the the base of the flower that contains egg cells. The egg cells develop into seeds if they are To make seeds, a plant mustbe first. ___ occurs when a pollen grain is from the anther to the stigma. This can happen through __ —_ or cross-pollination. If the pollen is _ in the same flower, it is called self-pollination. If the pollen is transferred from the anther of one flower to the stigma of _ __ flower, it is called _ = 7 This is where the flower _____ are useful. Flower petals are the colorful of flowers. They attract bees, butterflies, __, or other animals. As they go from flower to flower, some pollen gets __ _on them. The pollen then _ ___ transferred to other flowers. That is how many flowers get Once a flower gets pollinated, a starts to grow, and it __ ____ into the ovary until it ____ an egg cell. Then, occurs, and a seed forms, The seed contains an _ __ of anew plant. The seed first develops into a__ » which may have one or more seeds. Many of these seeds __ fall to the ground. When that happens, they may and grow into new plants 25 Complete each sentence with the correct word. Change the form if necessary. transfer fertilize female pollinating pollen tube 1 Flowers have male parts and parts 2. Bees and hummingbirds are often responsible for flowers. 3. Ifthe pollen is in the same flower, it is called self-pollination. 4 Once a flower gets pollinated, a starts to grow. 5 The egg cells develop into seeds if they are Write the meaning of each word and phrase in Korean. 1 seed 14 be fertilized 2 reproductive organ 15 be pollinated 3 male part 16 pollination 4 female part 17 be transferred 5 pollen _ _ 18. self-pollination 6 stamen - . 19 cross-pollination 7 anther 20 flower petal 8 filament 21 outer covering 9 stalk 22 get stuck on 10 pistil a 23 pollen tube 11 stigma _ _ 24 fertilization 12 style ee 25 embryo a 13 ovary 26 germinate 26 © Listen to the passage and fill in the blanks. The of plants have seeds. There are two major groups of angiosperms and gymnosperms. Most plants on the Earth are Flowers, , crops, and most trees are all angiosperms. Angiosperms, also known as a by fruits. The fruit the seeds inside it. Fruits of all angiosperms form from flowers, produce flowers and fruits. Their seeds are the plants’ organs. Scientists divide angiosperms into two groups that are how many seed leaves a plant’s seed has. Monocotyledons, or » have one seed leaf, also calleda_____————_. Dicotyledons, or dicots, have two Angiosperms live in all and in all parts of the world. They are the largest, in the Plant Kingdom. ___ produce seeds but have no flowers or fruits. The seeds are not surrounded by a __. They produce seeds on __. Most gymnosperms are evergreens and have narrow, leaves. One kind of gymnosperm is the _____, which includes pine, _, and cypress trees. Cycads and are two other kinds of gymnosperms. — having flowers and fruits, gymnosperms _ other ways. For example, conifers, such as _____, often have both male and female cones on a tree. Male cones release pollen grains, which contain . When the pollen grains by the wind and happen to land on a female cone, the . The female cones produce from the pollen join with egg cells.'The ____—_ eggs eventually become aseed. When the seeds___—_—_, the female cones fall from the tree and _ them on the ground. The wind or water often __ the seeds away from the tree. When the _ are right, the seeds _______and grow into new pine trees. Gymnosperms are the ____ seed plants. Millions of years ago, they were the plants on the Earth. Today, there are only around of gymnosperms. Pa Complete each sentence with the correct word. Change the form if necessary. division femalecone dominant seed plant based on 1 There are two major groups of :angiosperms and gymnosperms. 2 Scientists divide angiosperms into two groups that are how many seed leaves a plant's seed has. 3. Angiosperms are the largest in the Plant Kingdom. 4 Conifers often have both male and ona tree. 5 Gymnosperms are no longer the most plants on the planet. Write the meaning of each word and phrase in Korean. 1 majority 12 evergreen 2 seed plant 13, needlelike 3 angiosperm 14 conifer 4 gymnosperm 1s cedar 5 flowering plant 16 cypress tree 6 be based on 17 cycad 7 seed leaf 18 gingko 8 monocotyledon 19 mature 9 cotyledon 20 scatter 10 dicotyledon 21 carry away 11 cone 22 dominant 28 © Listen to the passage and fill in the blanks. Most plants with seeds, but not all of them do. Some reproduce using seeds. We can divide these __ into two groups: seedless vascular plants and seedless plants. Vascular plants have that are made of tube-like cells. ‘These tissues let water and nutrients the roots and stems. All ____and gymnosperms are vascular plants. Nonvascular plants, however, __ these tissues. ‘Moses are the most __ types of seedless nonvascular plants. These plants all use photosynthesis to provide for themselves. However, they lack the that vascular plants have. This lack of veins ______nonvascular plants from growing very large and also makes them grow __ the ground. are the most common type of seedless vascular plants. These are very old plants thatonce millions of years ago. Ferns have leaves that are called __. They grow from the underground stem called a . Ferns have vascular tissues, so they can grow tall and _ Both and ferns reproduce without seeds. They use __ to make new plants, so their life cycles are _ _. Both mosses and ferns have two stages in their life cycles. Letslookatthe soft mosses. In the first >» mosses, produce spores ______. When the opens, the spores are released. Spores that landon ground grow into new plants. This stage is called __ reproduction. As mosses develop, they have male branches and female ___. The male branches produce___—_, and the female branches produce eggs. When there is enough , the sperm cells move totheeggsand____—_—_ them. Each fertilized egg producesa_____—_ that develops a capsule, called a spore case, which is filled with ___. This second stage iscalled___ reproduction. The life cycle of ferns is very _ that of mosses. 29 &® 30 Complete each sentence with the correct word. Change the form if necessary. asexually vascular tissue sexual reproduction lack moisture 1 Vascular plants have that are made of tube-like cells. 2 Nonvascular plants vascular tissues to transport food and nutrients. 3 involves both male and female parts. 4 Mosses reproduce in their first stage of reproduction. 5 When there is enough , the sperm cells move to the eggs and fertilize them. Write the meaning of each word and phrase in Korean. 1 reproduce 13 spore 2 seedless 14 alike 3 vascular plant 15 separate 4 nonvascular plant 16 stage 5 vascular tissue 17 asexually 6 tube-like 18 spore case 7 common 19 damp 8 vein - 20 asexual reproduction 9 fern 21. sperm (cell) 10 thrive a 22 egg (cell) 11 frond 23 fertiizedegg 12 rhizome 24 sexual reproduction _ Daily Test Ey © Listen to the passage and fill in the blanks. Allliving things have that help them survive. Plants also respond to their to survive, but they respond more slowly than animals do. Tropisms and other to certain conditions help plants meet their needs. A plant's response to an external is called a tropism. There are several types of - One is . In phototropism, plants grow or bend sunlight. This enables plants to get as much light as possible so that they may —_ _ photosynthesis. Another is =. Thisiis how plants respond to - Plants’ roots respond to the stimulus of gravity, so they grow into the soil their stems and leaves grow up in the air. - _ is the response of plants to water. Plants—especially their roots—grow toward _ . water. Tropisms are all _ responses by plants. They may be positive or negative. For instance, the roots of a plant that grow down in the of gravity show positive gravitropism, Stems that grow away from the gravity show negative gravitropism. Plants have also adapted to their environments For instance, desert environments are very dry and get water. So and other desert plants have adapted tothe ==. Theycan ong periods of time without water and can also ___ large amounts of water inside them when it rains. Also, some plants that little sunlight have adapted by becoming . Plants like the Venus flytrap ___ themselves by and eating small insects. In this way, they can get enough __ to survive. 31 Complete each sentence with the correct word, Change the form if necessary. phototropism sustain stimulus respond to _hydrotropism 1 Aplant's response to an external is called a tropism. 2 In plants grow or bend toward sunlight. 3 Plants'roots the stimulus of gravity, so they grow downward into the soil. 4 is the response of plants to water. 5 Some plants can themselves with little water or sunlight. Write the meaning of each word and phrase in Korean. 1 adaptation 12. gravity 2 respond to 13 downward 3 tend to 14 while 4 tropism 15. hydrotropism 5 response 16 a source of water 6 external 17 involuntary 7 stimulus 18 endure 8 phototropism 19 store 9 bend - - 20 carnivorous 10 toward _ 21 Venus flytrap _ _ 11. gravitropism : 22. sustain 32 Daca eR: © Listen to the passage and fill in the blanks. ‘The numerals we use today are called They are the ten 0, 1, 2, 3,4, 5, 6, 7, 8, and 9. Arabic numerals are based on the - But sometimes we Roman numerals. were used by the Romans. ‘These were actually not numbers but letters or symbols that were used to numbers. Each letter represented a different . The letters and numbers that they were this: I=1 V=5 X=10 L= C= 100 D=_ M= To make larger numbers, there were two ___. If the same size or a smaller letter - ____ another letter, you add their together. A letter cannot more than 3 times. So I] is 1+1, or 2. II] is 141+1, or Vis 5+1, or . If the smaller letter comes before the larger letter, you the smaller one from the larger one. So, IV is 5-1, or 4. IX is 10-1, or __LXLis ____, or 40. This was extremely and made doing math problems very Imagine trying to CCXIl and XXXVI together. we use Arabic numerals today. Solving math problems with Arabic numerals is _ than with Roman numerals. Let's learn more about - Numbers can be positive or . We can show them on a - Numbers to the right of __are positive. Numbers to the of O are negative. The number 0 is positive nor negative. We call these numbers _ ____ or integers. Numbers with like 0.2,3.14,and __are not whole numbers. Neither are fractions or such as}and a that are farther to the right on the number line are___ __ (+5>43). Integers that are ___ to the left on the number line are less (-1>-100). A is always greater than a negative integer (1>-100). Another way to divide numbers is to____——_ them as even and odd numbers. are any numbers that end in 0, 2, 4, 6, or 8. _ is an even are any numbers that end in 1, number. So are 36 and _ —— 3,5, 7, or 9. 11, 53, and __are all odd numbers. 33 (© Complete each sentence with the correct word. Change the form if necessary. | evennumber easy Arabicnumeral decimal Roman numeral 1 The numerals we use today are called 2 were not numbers but symbols that were used to represent numbers. 3 Solving math problems with Arabic numerals is much than with Roman numerals. 4 Numbers with , fractions, or mixed numbers are not whole numbers. 5 are any numbers that end in 0, 2, 4, 6, or 8. Write the meaning of each word and phrase in Korean. 1 Arabic numeral 15 positive 2 digit 16 negative 3. decimal system 17 number line 4 encounter 18 neither ~ nor 5 Roman numeral 19 whole number 6 represent 20 integer 7 numerical value 21 decimal 7 8 rule 22 fraction 9 repeat 23 mixed number 10 subtract 24 positive integer _ 11 extremely 25 negative integer 12. complicated 26 even number _ _ - 13 imagine _ a 27 odd number 14 fortunately 28 endin _ 34 Daily Test ts © Listen to the passage and fill in the blanks. is the study of points, lines, and Itis also the study of theshapesand that canbe _ _ using points, lines, and angles. A polygon isa closed : ____ formed by three or more Polygons are named by the number of sides, angles, or they have. Polygons with three sides are called . We classify triangles according to the __ of their sides and their angles. Figures that have the same size and shape are _. Figures that have the same shape, but not the same size, are . The lengths of sides of similar figures are Four-sided polygons are called . There are five special types of quadrilaterals: —_ » rectangles, squares, rhombuses, and trapezoids. A parallelogram has two pairs of _ ‘The opposite sides and angles are congruent. AL __ isa parallelogram in which all the angles are _ and the opposite sides are the same length. A square has four and four right angles, A___ isa parallelogram with all _ ____ congruent. Italso has two oe ______ that ran along its diagonals. A______also has four sides, but it only hasone parallel sides. A polygon with five sides is a _. One with six sides is a__ has eight. A has A heptagon has seven sides while an _ nine sides, anda has ten. In ____,a polygon can have an number of sides. But all of the sides must _ _ to forma closed figure. 35 Complete each sentence with the correct word. Change the form if necessary. unlimited line segment congruent proportional quadrilateral 1 Apolygon is a closed plane figure formed by three or more 2. Figures that have exactly the same size and shape are 3. The sides of similar figures are to one another. 4 Four-sided polygons are called 5 Intheory,a polygon can have an number of sides. ) Write the meaning of each word and phrase in Korean. 1 geometry 15 parallelogram 2 be constructed 16 rhombus 3 polygon 17 trapezoid 4 closed figure 18 parallel 5 plane figure 19. axes of symmetry 6 vertex 20 diagonal 7 equilateral triangle 21 pentagon 8 isosceles triangle 22 hexagon 9 scalene triangle 23 heptagon 10 congruent 24 octagon 11 corresponding sides 25 nonagon 12 similarfigures _ 26 decagon 13. proportional 27 intheory 14 quadrilateral 28 unlimited 36 Daily Test Er: © Listen to the passage and fill in the blanks. Around years ago, there lived the greatest in ancient Greece. He was a man named ___. According to _ , Homer was a blind poet. He told two of the stories of all time, the Iliad and the Odyssey. The Iliad and the Odyssey are long about great heroes, gods, and in ancient Greece. Homer was an poet, so his poems were later by people. ‘The Iliad tells about the , along war between the Greeks and the people of Troy. Paris, a prince of Troy, Helen, the wife of the Menelaus and the most beautiful woman in the world. All of the Greek leaders joined together and Troy. There were many great They included Ajax, was Achilles. He was in battle and could not be defeated, _, and Agamemnon. But the greatest Greek except for on his , his only weak spot. Meanwhile, the greatest hero Troy was Hector. ‘The Trojan War | plan by the Greeks that was _____ Odysseus. The Greeks built a giant statue of a horse. They left it outside the walls of the city of Troy and ___ inside the city for ten years. Troy eventually __ because of a clever leave. The Trojans brought the because they believed it wasan to the gods, But there were Greek warriors in the Trojan Horse. That night, the Greek warriors _ of the horse, opened the gates, and Troy at last. ‘The tells about the return home of Odysseus. It took Odysseus ten years to home after the Trojan War. _ _ _____ home to Ithaca, Odysseus had many difficult adventures. He was _ killed by the one- eyed ___ Polyphemus. He was also almost turned into a pig by the ____ Circe. He visited the » too. He lost his entire However, thanks to the gods— especially — Odysseus returned home andwas his faithful wife Penelope. a7 ‘<> Complete each sentence with the correct word. Change the form if necessary. 38 written down storyteller wooden Homer Trojan War Odyssey There lived the greatest in ancient Greece named The lliad and the Odyssey were later by people. The lliad tells about the a long war between the Geeks and the Trojans. The Greeks built a giant statue of a horse, the Trojan Horse. The tells about the return home of Odysseus after the Trojan War. ) Write the meaning of each word and phrase in Korean. storyteller 16 Achilles legend 17 fearsome blind 18 heel liad 19 weak spot Odyssey 20 defend epic poem 21 Hector oral - 22 be devised by be written down 23 pretended to Trojan War 24 offering kidnap 25 creep out Greek Menelaus 26 on one’s way attack 27 almost _ Ajax 28 Cyclops Odysseus 29 sorceress _ _ Agamemnon __ 30 be greeted by €) Listen to the passage and fill in the blanks. When writers create , they use both literal and figurative language. says exactly what you mean, Much uses literal language. However, many writers figurative language as well. This makes their writing much more . It also gives their writing more . There are many different for writers to use language. One way is to use A figure of speech is an that is not meant to be taken ___—__. These often create images in the — . Similes and metaphors are two of the most figures of speech. Both are - However, __are direct comparisons while metaphors are ____ comparisons. In addition, similes often use “as” or “like” to two things. For instance, one simile is “Love is likea______” Many similes animals. “He like a lion” and “She was as as a lamb” are two more similes. Metaphors are not similes. __. And they of my eye” “He isa : compare two unlike things that seem to have nothing do not use “like” or “ ? “She is the _ and “There isa sea of __ ” are examples of metaphors. Another common figure of speech is This is the giving of human ____ to animals, plants, things, or ideas. “The moon is _ , “The walls have _ ? and “Time waits for no one” are examples of personification. Some writers like to use in their works. This is using words that sound like the things that they . For instance, a snake might “ : a bee might © and a bell might go “ding dong” 39 40 Complete each sentence with the correct word, Change the form if necessary. literally literal language onomatopoeia metaphor _ personification says exactly what you mean. 2A figure of speech is an expression that is not meant to be taken 3 Similes and things, or ideas. describe. are two of the most popular figures of speech. is the giving of human characteristics to animals, plants, is using words that sound like the things that they Write the meaning of each word and phrase in Korean. literature 2 literal language 3 figurative language 4 employ 5 creative 6 imagination 7 figures of speech 8 literally 9 reader 10 mind 11 simile 12 metaphor 1B 14 15 16 7 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 popular comparison direct indirect refer to meek lamb as obvious as in common mule personification onomatopoeia © Listen to the passage and fill in the blanks. In art history, Classical Art has been a very period of art to many later eras. _____ refers to art from ancient Greece and Rome. The ancient ____and - created many wonderful a , including pottery, sculptures, and buildings. Classical Art simplicity and proportion. The ancient Greeks the way. They considered balance and to be the most important qualities in art. One of the easiest ways to understand Classical Art is to look at the of this period, When the ancient Greeks built buildings, they used _ as supports and followed one of three classical orders: Doric, Ionic, and Corinthian, Most columns have a - at the bottom, a shaft in the middle, anda at the top. The _ was the oldest and simplest in style and usually had no base. The had capitals decorated with spiral scrolls. And the had the most decorated and __ capitals. ‘The Romans were ____ of Greek art and created copies of many Greek works. But they also introduced some new ____———_ from the Egyptians. In Greece, the ____ of Apollo, the Temple of Hera, and the Parthenon are _ of Classical architecture. In Rome, the and the Temple of the Pantheon of the Gods are two examples. The buildings are all and are fine examples of the classical _ ___ on balance and proportion The ancient Greeks and Romans also created many beautiful . They focused on the beauty of nature and the _ of the human body. They the human body asa and harmonious form. ‘Myron’s Discus Thrower and Apollo Belvedere are _ __ examples that show the beauty and proportion of the _ al Complete each sentence with the correct word. Change the form if necessary. Classical Art focuson column admirer harmony 1 refers to art from ancient Greece and Rome. 2 Classical Art simplicity and proportion. 3 When the ancient Greeks built buildings, they used as supports and followed one of three classical orders. 4 The Romans were of Greek art and created copies of many Greek works. 5 The ancient Greek and Roman sculptors focused on the beauty of nature and the of the human body. Write the meaning of each word and phrase in Korean. 1 Classical Art 14 Corinthian order 2 influential _ 15. base 3. later eras 16 shaft 4 pottery 17 capital 5 sculpture _ 1s decorate with 6 focus on 19 spiral 7 simplicity 20 scroll 8 proportion 21 elaborate 9 architecture - 22 admirer 10 column _ 23 element 11 classicalorder 24 Coliseum 12. Doric order 25 symmetrical _ 13. lonic order 26 fine a 25 emphasis 26 well-proportioned a2 if Pas ED € Listen to the passage and fill in the blanks. Throughout history, there have been many _ music. Among the most famous are the __ , Classical, and Romantic periods. ‘The composers who lived during these periods wrote some of the greatest of all ‘The Baroque Period lasted from around to____. Two of its composers were Johann Sebastian Bach and George Frederic Handel. Many new forms of music, such as __ _, oratorios, and ____, were created in the Baroque Period. ‘There was often an on religious music. Both Bach and Handel are well their music with religious : Bach _ St. Matthew Passion and Jesus, Joy of Man’s Desiring. Handel wrote The ____, which contains the Hallelujah Chorus. Baroque music was often _ __and difficult to play. It was also known for its Handel’s Water Music and Royal Fireworks Music are pieces from that age. _. It lasted from around 1750 to ‘The next great age was the _ - . Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart, Joseph Haydn, and Ludwig van are the three greatest composers from this era. Vienna, Austria, became the ___ of this period. Classical music was both __ ____ and less complicated than Baroque. Unlike Baroque music, the ___ ina piece of Classical music often changed, and the pieces were as well. Sonatas and _ were popular then. Beethoven's Ninth Symphony, The Marriage of Figaro, and Surprise Symphony are some popular works from that period. The Romantic Period lasted from around __ to . The works then often expressed strong emotions, making them . Fantasy and imagination were key __ for the composers when they were writing their music. More instruments were added to the than were used the Classical Period. Many works in this period, like Richard Wagner, were quite long, Among the famous composers of the were Franz Schubert, Robert Schumann, and Frederic 3 1 10 Complete each sentence with the correct word. Change the form if necessary. { Baroque Period emphasis Classical music Romantic Period fantasy Johann Bach and George Handel are two greatest composers from The There was often an on religious music in the Baroque Period. was both lighter and less complicated than Baroque. and imagination were key aspects for the composers in the Romantic Period. Among the famous composers of the Schubert, Schumann, and Chopin. Baroque Period Classical Period Romantic Period oratorio passion be well known for religious theme complicated liveliness representative u 12 13 14 15 16 7 18 19 20 were ) Write the meaning of each word and phrase in Korean. era focal point mood Ninth Symphony The Marriage of Figaro Surprise Symphony emotion passionate fantasy key aspect

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