IT Induction

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IT induction:

1. Overview
ACTED is pleased to offer employees access to its computer network and the Internet.
However, ACTED's desktops, laptops and computer accessories, as well as the programs and
data they contain, are ACTED property. They are to be used by ACTED employees in fulfilling the
responsibilities laid out in each employee’s job description, and for no other purpose.
Therefore, all employees are to abide by this policy.
2. Data Protection
a. Storage and Backup
Any data stored on a computer hard drive is vulnerable to the following:
 Loss due to a computer virus.
 Physical loss or damage of the computer e.g. Theft, dust, Water damage, Fire or physical
destruction, Faulty components, and Software damage.

Precautions to be taken include:

 Computers are to be sited away from risk of accidental knocking, spillage of drinks,
leaking pipes, and overheating due to radiators
 You are strongly advised to have a backup copy of all ACTED work under your operation
in the prime back up location/tool that is the server.
 On the field bases, back up should be done with the hard drives available in each
 Back up on the server should take place regularly.
 Please contact the in-charge IT immediately in case of any problem with the server,
computer or the network.

b. Protection against Viruses

Data is vulnerable to loss or corruption caused by viruses. Viruses may be introduced from
CDROM/DVDROM, other storage media and by direct links via e-mail and web browsing.
Precautions to be taken include:
 All computers in use must have authorized ACTED virus protection software installed on and up
to date. Please link with the IT team if you have any problem with the software (no key, not
updated etc.) No staff is allowed to uninstall the ACTED protection software for their personal
 Downloading of films, music, games and usage of online file sharing systems e.g., torrents is
completely prohibited.
 Staff should treat email attachments that they are not expecting with extreme caution – it does
not matter if the sender is known to you. Viruses are often sent this way. If unsure what an
attachment is for, or why someone has sent it, this should not be opened. Staff should be keen
on the email addresses they are receiving emails from and not just the senders name, hackers
may use known names but the email address does not match. i.e. Nairobi IT can be sender name
but the email address could be anything like which shows the email is from
an ACTEB domain and not ACTED.
 Staff must not violate license agreements by making illegal copies of software. It is not
permissible to download software from the internet or install from CD or disc without prior
authorization. Software licensing will be arranged and recorded as part of the procurement
and/or installation process. Any unlicensed software found on a practice PC must be deleted or

c. Protection against Physical Hazards

Staff must be aware of and comply with the following:
 Water
 Ensure that the PC is not at risk of pipes and radiators which, if damaged, could allow water
onto the equipment.
 Do not place PCs near to taps/ sinks.
 Do not place PCs close to windows subject to condensation and water collection on window sills.
 Ensure that the PC is not kept in a damp or steamy environment.
 Fire / Heat
 Computers generate quite a bit of heat and should be used in a well-ventilated environment.
Overheating can cause malfunction, as well as creating a fire hazard.
 Try to place the PC away from direct sunlight and as far as possible from radiators or other
sources of heat.
 Have the wiring and plugs checked often.
 Ensure that ventilators on computers are kept clear.
 Do not stack paper on or near computers.
 All computers are to be completely shut down at the end of the working day

3. Software/Hardware
 Windows is the only operating system in place for all ACTED laptops.
 All computers used by ACTED staff should strictly contain specific license Operating System,
Office Application, and antivirus software that has been approved by Management.
 The other basic application software that will be installed on ACTED Computers include; Acrobat
reader, WinRAR, Chrome/Firefox, Skype and Adobe Flash player. Please contact IT Team in case
your job requires additional application software.
 Do not download and/or install any software, utility or hardware on any ACTED computer
without any authorization from the in charge.
 Do not delete or alter any computer settings, user profiles, etc. without specific permission.
 Software/hardware purchases after being authorized by the Management is strictly to be done
by IT/technical Person.
 Staffs are prohibited from installing or upgrading Computer hardware/software by themselves
that is solely responsibility of IT in Charge, as such any hardware/software fault noticed should
be communicated immediately.
 Staffs are prohibited from downloading software, upgrades, or add-ins from the internet
without permission.
4. Internet and Email Use
 All staff must use the Internet and email in a responsible manner. Inappropriate use may be
subject to disciplinary or legal action.
 No surfing website that contains material about illegal activities, including pornography, drugs,
computer hacking, militant/extremist behavior, violence or weapons – unless it is clearly related
to your professional role.
 The internet is not to be used for personal entertainment or any purpose other than ACTED
business during working hours.

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