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1 (2010)

Nidhal K. Al Abbadi et al. used skin color and texture features in order to detect whether a person in
having psoriasis skin disease or not.The image was fed to the feed forward neural networks as an input
and feed forward-NN was able to classify the image by discriminating between psoriasis infected skin
and healthy normal skin.


Harshit Jain et al. Used Convolutional Neural Network as the deep learning technique for detecting
leprosy or Hansen's ailment disease. Dermnet Nz datasets were fed as an input to the CNN and
classification was done.Their model was able to classify images into infected and non-infected skin
with an accuracy of 91.6%.


Researchers have used different deep learning and computer vision based techniques for predicting
various dermatological diseases.Sourav Kumar Patnaik et al. used InceptionV3, InceptionResnetV2 and
MobileNet (with modifications) architectures in order to classify the human body parts present in the
image into the disease from which it is infected by.They were able to predict 20 diseases with an
accuracy of 88%.

Artificial Neural Network was used for detecting 9 types of dermatological diseases with an accuracy
of 90%. 775 skin images were taken as an input to ANN for training the model.

5 (2012)

K-means clustering, color gradient techniques and feedforward backpropagation artificial neural
networks were used for detecting 6 types of dermatological diseases.Classification accuracy of
94.0146% was obtained.

6 (2016)

Vinayshekhar Bannihatti Kumar et al. combined Computer Vision techniques like image preprocessing
and feature extraction with Machine learning models(Decision Tree, KNN and ANN) in order to
identify different skin diseases. The proposed work was able to correctly detect dermatological diseases
with an accuracy of upto 95%.

7 (2018)

Image processing techniques were used in order to enhance the skin disease images in order to remove
unwanted noise.Then an ANN able to automatically diagnosing skin diseases from the sample images.

8 2013

Pigmented Skin Lesion (PSL) image results were firstly analyzed, preprocessed, segmented and feature
extraction was done by Damilola A. Okuboyejo et al and then the lesion images were classified.The
ABCD rule proposed by Stolz et al. in 1994 [11] was compared with the state-of-the-art machine
learning algorithm like logisitic regression.

10. Stolz W., Riemann A., Cognetta A., “ABCD rule of dermoscopy: a new practical method for early recognition of malignant
melanoma,” Eur J Dermatol 1994, 4(7).

9 2016

Different image processing techniques were applied to the sample images of skin cancer, psoriasis and
dermatophytosis and then feature extraction was done. Two-level classifiers were then used to classify
the images into different dermatological diseases on the basis of different parameters like Entropy,
Texture index and Correlation factor.

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