Viettel 'S Oporation Management

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Student: Diêm Thị Hải Vân

Student ID: 2105002296
Cohort: F – UON – M – 3C
Semester: I
Academic year: 2022-2023
Instructor: Nguyễn Phương Chi
Headteacher: Bùi Mai Anh
Submission date: 16 - 1 - 2023
Management Consultancy Report For Viettel Diêm Thị Hải Vân
ID: 2105002296

Part 1: Analysis Of Viettel's Management And Operation 3

1. Introduction to company 3
1.1 Company history 3
1.2. Company's Vision 4
1.3. Company's Core Value 4
2. Environmental Analysis 4
2.1.1.Politics 4
2.1.2. Economics 5
2.1.3. Social - Culture 6
2.1.4. Technology 7
2..1.5. Environment 7
2..1.6. Legal 7
2.2. Internal environment 7
2.2.1. Strengths 7
2.2.2. Weakness 9
2.2.3. Opportunities 10
2.2.4. Threats 11
3. Company Strategy 11
3.1 Competitiveness Strategy 11
a. Price leadership strategy 11
b. Product differentiation strategy 13
3.2. Operations Strategy 13
4. Productivity Improvement 14
5. Forecasting services demand 15
6. Resource Utilization 16
a. Take advantage of financial resources 16
b. Utilize human resources 17
7. Service Design 17
7.1. Design Theory 17
7.2. Changes in service design through many years 19
8. Quality Management 19
9. Customers service management 20
9.1. Customer classification 20
9.2. Interacting with customers 20
a. Taking care of customers before selling 20
b. Taking care of customers while selling 20
c. After-sales customer care 21
9.3 Applying technology in customer management 21
10. Project Management 22

Part 2: Comment On The Management Of Viettel And Offer Solutions 23

1. Comments on management and operation of Viettel 23
2. Solutions to improve the management status of Viettel 23

Reference List 25

Management Consultancy Report For Viettel Diêm Thị Hải Vân
ID: 2105002296

Part 1: Analysis Of Viettel's Management And Operation

1. Introduction to company
Viettel is a military telecommunications corporation with 100% charter capital
of the state. This is a business enterprise in the field of post and
telecommunications with the main product being mobile network services. The
company introduction is the summary of the most general information about
Viettel military telecommunications group
1.1 Company history
Viettel military telecommunications company was formerly known as
Electronic Information Equipment Company, established in 1989. In 1995, the
company officially became the second service provider in Vietnam and changed
its name from an electronics and equipment company to a military electronics
and telecommunications company with the transaction name Viettel.

By 2000, Viettel had tested and successfully provided a long distance telephone
service using VoIP technology on the Hanoi - Ho Chi Minh route.In 2003,
Viettel began to popularize and expand its fixed-line telephone service business
across all regions of Vietnam and began to invest in basic telecommunications

Beginning in the third quarter of 2004, a turning point of Viettel's development

was marked when the 098 mobile network officially came into operation. By
2005 From a military electronics and telecommunications company, Viettel
officially became a military telecommunications corporation under the
directives of the central government and the state.

On April 5, 2007, Viettel Telecommunications Company (Viettel Telecom)

under Viettel Military Telecommunications Corporation was established, on the
basis of merging Viettel Internet Companies, Viettel Fixed Phones and Mobile
Phones. After more than 30 years of operation, today Viettel has affirmed its
position as one of the number one telecommunications groups in Vietnam with
leading quality post and telecommunications services.
1.2. Company's Vision
Since its establishment and operation, Viettel has always tried its best to fulfill
the goal of "universal telecommunications services". By 2018, Viettel has
officially completed this long-term goal and repositioned the brand for a new

Management Consultancy Report For Viettel Diêm Thị Hải Vân
ID: 2105002296

development step, a new phase that is "The mainstay, pioneer in creating digital
society in Vietnam". Vietnam"

Also in 2018, the military telecommunications corporation Viettel released a

statement about a new vision that is: "to become a leading technology business
group, continue to maintain the leading position in Vietnam in the field of
technology. telecommunications and high-tech industry, participating in the top
150 largest enterprises in the world by 2030 and at the same time being a
pioneer in creating a digital technology society.
1.3. Company's Core Value
As one of the No. 1 telecommunications groups in Vietnam, participating in the
top 15 of global telecommunications companies in terms of number of
subscribers, during more than 30 years of development, Viettel has always been
loyal to eight core values. :
Practice – Challenge – Adaptation – Creativity – System – East and West –
Soldier – Viettel Common House

These are the core values ​and corporate culture that have helped Viettel always
be in the top five enterprises with the best working environment in Vietnam and
promote the creativity and spirit of giving of the team. staff to bring the
company remarkable achievements in the post and telecommunications industry
in Vietnam. Thanks to persistently pursuing these core values, Viettel has
always kept its own unique identity, created many values ​for society and won
the trust of customers.
2. Environmental Analysis
2.1. External environment
Vietnam is one of the countries that is highly appreciated for the stability of the
political situation. Vietnam has a single, systematic political apparatus to ensure
that all the country's problems are resolved in a consistent manner. Regarding
foreign affairs, Vietnam always maintains a neutral status on disputed issues in
the world and does not participate in any conflicts.

In addition, Vietnam has always maintained and developed friendly and bilateral
relations with other countries to maintain the national security situation. The
stable political situation has helped the company to develop sustainably and feel
safe when investing in expanding the market.

Management Consultancy Report For Viettel Diêm Thị Hải Vân
ID: 2105002296

Besides the domestic situation, the fact that Vietnam is a member of prestigious
world organizations such as the World Economic Organization (WTO), the
United Nations, ... also creates a premise and opens the door for Viettel to
access to foreign markets.
2.1.2. Economics
Vietnam's constantly opening and integrating market economy has created many
opportunities for Viettel to expand its scale and rapidly develop.

Graph of GDP growth rate of Vietnam in the period 2011-2021 (Source: Viet
Times News & Analysis)

Based on the two graphs above, we can see that over the past decade, despite
many fluctuations, in general, Vietnam's economic situation still has stable
growth, except for a decline in economic growth. serious in 2020 due to the
impact of the Covid-19 epidemic. A stable economy is an opportunity as well as
a solid foundation for Viettel to constantly develop and expand its market share.

Not only the economy in general, but the telecommunications industry in

particular, has also experienced outstanding growth, which is reflected in
impressive numbers. According to the economic report of the first 6 months of
2022 of the Ministry of Planning and Investment, the revenue of
telecommunications activities in our country is 168.4 trillion VND, up 6.6%

Management Consultancy Report For Viettel Diêm Thị Hải Vân
ID: 2105002296

over the same period last year. Mobile subscribers and internet access
subscribers also grew strongly.

The positive signs of the Vietnamese economy in general and the

telecommunications industry in particular have opened up the potential and
promoted the development of Viettel.

However, the year 2022 is turbulent with the volatility of gasoline and oil prices
due to the impact of the conflict between Russia and Ukraine and the serious
instability of the stock and financial markets. There are many pressures and
challenges for companies in Vietnam in general and Viettel in particular.
2.1.3. Social - Culture
The business activities of an enterprise are not only affected and affected by the
target market but can be influenced by all factors related to society and the
general culture of the host country.

With a culture that has both unique national imprints and a spirit of international
integration like Vietnam, it is a fertile land for Viettel to exploit customers.
Currently, translating, exchanging and updating information through
telecommunications networks is gradually becoming one of the essential needs
of the people.

People of all ages, genders and occupations need a mobile network, especially
in the current era of information explosion and social networking. This
contributes significantly to stimulating demand for Viettel and helping the
company's services reach many new customers.

Besides, the Vietnamese people have an advantage that they grasp new trends
very quickly and are very sensitive to new things. This is also a factor that helps
the company to breathe energy to develop new services without having to worry
about the ability to access the market.

Besides, the intellectual level in our country is increasingly improving, there are
many excellent and outstanding individuals that will help businesses save a
large amount of money when they do not need to hire many foreign experts. In
particular, compared with some countries in the region and the world, the

Management Consultancy Report For Viettel Diêm Thị Hải Vân
ID: 2105002296

standard of living and average income in Vietnam is not too high, which is also
an opportunity for Viettel to get a source of labor at a low cost.
2.1.4. Technology
Technological factors for the telecommunications industry can be considered as
a key factor leading to the success of an enterprise. In this industry, a company
with technological acumen will gain a competitive advantage because
technology will directly affect two factors in the business that are the quality
and the individual cost of products and services. service.

The era of technology boom with the strong development of wireless networks
such as 4G, 5G, .... has created not many opportunities for Viettel to constantly
improve, upgrade or create services. new service. However, the explosion and
diffusion of technology also brings many challenges as more and more
companies enter the industry and old competitors are constantly changing.
2..1.5. Environment
Natural and environmental factors including climate, weather, geographical
location, natural conditions also cause Viettel some obstacles in market
expansion because today there are still areas in Vietnam. Areas with
undeveloped infrastructure are difficult to access and build stores.
2..1.6. Legal
In terms of law, Vietnam's Economic Code also has many beneficial provisions,
to encourage businesses to develop, especially the telecommunications service
industry, an industry that helps the country integrate with the world. quick way.
2.2. Internal environment
2.2.1. Strengths
● Stable financial resources
Viettel is an economic - defense company
owned by the state, so 100% of the capital belongs to the state. Viettel's charter
capital is up to VND 50,000 billion, of which Viettel's total debt so far is only
about VND 6,000 billion due to delayed payment of equipment purchases. As
the leading large telecommunications group in Vietnam, Viettel's financial
resources have been accumulated over decades, plus the mechanism to support
businesses in using the science and technology development fund, so Viettel is
completely proactive in the field of communication. investment and
development of telecommunications and information technology networks.
Almost all Viettel's business or investment activities do not have to borrow
money from banks but come from self-financed capital.

Management Consultancy Report For Viettel Diêm Thị Hải Vân
ID: 2105002296

● Positive corporate culture

Corporate culture or the environment inside the company is one of the important
factors affecting the psychology and working attitude of employees. Viettel
from the early days of its establishment has determined the importance of this
factor and constantly innovates to adapt to the times, to the era of technology
and to create a younger, dynamic environment for employees. positive as the
general trend.

That change is most clearly shown through the development and change of the
core values ​that the company has established. Previously, Viettel's core values
​were only encapsulated in three words: caring, innovation, passionate, but up to
now, these values ​have been developed and expressed through 8 words which
are practice – Challenge – Adaptation - Creation - System - East - West -
Soldier - Viettel common house.

Thus, the old values ​have not been lost but have been improved, resonating with
the elements of the times to form a more dynamic, "trendy" Viettel. It is the
timeliness and efforts to change that culture that by 2021, Viettel has been
honored by Anphabe for the 5th time in a row as a company with the best
working environment is the best in the information technology -
telecommunications industry in Vietnam and is ranked 3rd in the list of
enterprises with the best working environment in Vietnam.

Not only is it recognized by domestic survey sites, but Viettel's healthy,

progressive and civilized business environment is also recognized by famous
human resources magazines in the continent. 2022 is the second year in a row
that Viettel has been awarded the HR Asia magazine - HR Asia.
● Product quality, leading service
Viettel's service quality is always proportional to the brand's reputation. It is not
natural that Viettel has a leading position in the Information Technology -
Telecommunications industry in Vietnam and is constantly expanding the
market to other countries. outside.

Since 2003, Viettel has repositioned its brand twice with different missions.
However, there is one thing that has always been maintained by the company
from the early days until now, which is the business philosophy.

Management Consultancy Report For Viettel Diêm Thị Hải Vân
ID: 2105002296

Viettel's business philosophy is "Put customers first - Put yourself later". The
company always listens, learns the needs and desires of customers to constantly
improve and upgrade its products.

The company has had many pioneering products in the industry, which have
been positively received by consumers and become a formidable competitor to
other companies. Viettel is the first company to provide 4G network services in
Vietnam and the first operator in the world to have 4G coverage nationwide
right after opening the service. And it is also Viettel that provides 5G network
services - the strongest type of network today for subscribers in Vietnam and
when roaming internationally.

To evaluate the quality of a company's products, the most objective tool is the
customer. On September 6, 2021, a global media and market research company
conducted a survey with 1000 people (of which 510 are using Viettel's
telecommunications services and 490 are using Viettel's telecommunications
services). services of other carriers) on service quality of carriers.

Network operators are evaluated based on 5 criteria: wave quality, connection

speed at peak times, service quality and rates, and data upload speed. The result
after the survey is that 85% of customers participating in the survey are willing
to recommend Viettel's services to their relatives. This result has confirmed
Viettel's leading position in terms of quality.
2.2.2. Weakness
Besides the outstanding strengths, Viettel also has some limitations that may
affect the development of the company
● Lack of in-depth management experience at senior level
Viettel is a company under the Ministry of National Defense, most of the key
players in the group started as soldiers and then turned to run businesses.
Because they are soldiers, they do not have in-depth training in business and
business operations, so they lack experience in management. In many stages,
the management of senior leaders is still quite rigid, not suitable for the current
● Limited business capital
Since most of the company's capital is self-financed, there are no loans or
investments from abroad, so the company cannot rotate capital quickly and

Management Consultancy Report For Viettel Diêm Thị Hải Vân
ID: 2105002296

Besides, Viettel Corporation is promoting to expand its market share abroad, so

it invests a lot of foreign currency (USD) in this category. This leads to the
situation that domestic subsidiaries do not have enough USD to pay for
equipment purchase contracts, leading to a bank debt of up to VND 6000
2.2.3. Opportunities
Technological development along with the promotion policies of the State has
created many potential opportunities for Viettel.
● State promotion policy
To encourage businesses to expand their market share abroad, the Government
has encouraged businesses with economic potential to expand their investment
beyond the country. Especially after Vietnam joined the WTO in 2007, it has
brought businesses in general and Viettel in particular a lot of international
business opportunities.

To create a stepping stone for Viettel to develop more strongly, the Government
has revised and supplemented the business registration regulations of the
telecommunications industry and restricted the establishment of mobile
telecommunications companies in the domestic market. water.
● The strong development of information technology
In this industry, in the 4.0 era, the demand for using the internet and
telecommunications network services is increasing, creating conditions for the
information technology industry to develop dramatically.

During the three years of the Covid-19 epidemic, most industries were stalled
due to lack of supply and interrupted stages, but the telecommunications and
information technology industries remained active. continuously thanks to the
great need to grasp information of the people. It can be said that in that difficult
period, this is the only industry that has not been interrupted and has become a
bright spot for the country's economy.
2.2.4. Threats
Despite being a large corporation and having a solid foundation, Viettel also
faces a few challenges from the environment.
● Competitors
Although always trying to maintain its position, Viettel always has to face fierce
competition from two other large corporations, namely Mobifone and

Management Consultancy Report For Viettel Diêm Thị Hải Vân
ID: 2105002296

Vinaphone.In addition, young startups with a lot of creativity can also be

potential threats to watch out for.

Currently, Viettel has joined 7 other countries in the world. As a "rookie",

Viettel will certainly be under a lot of pressure from big companies in the host
● Researching customers' desires and preferences
In Vietnam, Viettel is meeting the needs of customers very well, constantly
providing new services to keep up with the trend. However, in each country, the
demographic and cultural characteristics, the preferences of the people are
different. This also partly creates certain barriers for Viettel in the international
3. Company Strategy
3.1 Competitiveness Strategy
To maintain its position as well as prevail over competitors. Viettel has come up
with smart competitive strategies to "retain" its customers.
a. Price leadership strategy
Since its establishment, Viettel has chosen to do business in the cheap direction
so that all objects can access and use it. Because the target customer group is
students, workers and middle-income people, all the company's products have
attractive prices with a lot of promotions. consumer psychology and conditions.

2007 marked the milestone when Viettel officially entered the

telecommunications service industry when announcing the Tomato package.
The purpose of Viettel at that time was to democratize mobile communication
services. With the price to maintain the service of 0 VND, Viettel Mobile has
successfully brought its name and service to cover up to 80% of domestic areas.

In 2008, Viettel launched an unprecedented promotion program that is a

promotion for listeners. Listeners for every 1 minute of calling will be added
100 VND to the promotional account. Thanks to this promotion, the number of
subscribers and users of Viettel's listening and calling services increased
dramatically, helping Viettel to stay ahead of two rivals, Vinaphone and Viettel.

Up to now, Viettel has remained loyal to its low-cost service orientation and has
constantly upgraded promotions. Still the same discounting and discounting
policies, but they are modified in many different forms such as discount

Management Consultancy Report For Viettel Diêm Thị Hải Vân
ID: 2105002296

programs, discounts and accumulating bonus points when paying through

affiliated banks or via e-wallets. from Viettel Money.

The price leadership policy has brought Viettel huge profits and outperformed
its competitors.

Chart of business results in the first half of 2022 of 3 operators Viettel,

Mobifone and VNPT (the parent company of Vinaphone) (Source: Vietnambiz)
b. Product differentiation strategy
Right from the moment it entered the market, Viettel has shown itself to be a
completely "different" guy. In the period of mobile communication services,
with the presence in Vietnam, most companies are blind to profit by offering
expensive packages. Going against the majority, Viettel offers the yard a series
of cheap packages and programs
Unprecedented promotions. And because of that, even though it has just entered
the market, Viettel's name has quickly left an impression on consumers and
gradually dominated the industry market share.

More and more, Viettel shows more and more timeliness and superiority
compared to its competitors. While Mobifone and VNPT still only focus on
telecommunications network services, Viettel has continuously expanded its
business segments, encroaching on both IT solutions and digital services,

Management Consultancy Report For Viettel Diêm Thị Hải Vân
ID: 2105002296

e-commerce and Logistics. The special thing is that all these businesses are
linked together and customers can easily use all the company's services.
3.2. Operations Strategy
In order to make the company become a leading corporation in the industry,
Viettel has implemented many strategies as well as restructured internal
management activities.
● Viettel's business philosophy
Viettel has declared its business philosophy as "Each customer is a person - a
separate individual who needs to be respected, cared for and listened to,
understood and served separately. Constantly changing. new, together with
customers to create more and more perfect products and services".

With this philosophy, Viettel always strives to be a breakthrough pioneer in the

field of applying modern and innovative technology, thereby offering solutions
to create new high-quality products and services along with reasonable price to
meet the needs and choice of customers. The company always shows listening
and caring to customers' wishes to create quality products together with
● Research and development activities
Since entering the telecommunications service provider market in 2000, Viettel
has realized the importance of the research and development process as well as
determined that this is the key stage to help the company innovate. continuously
and "changing flesh" day by day.

In order to achieve the goal of mastering technology, research and production

activities, Viettel has chosen to carry out most of the research stages by itself
instead of hiring foreign experts to produce the most suitable products for
customers. Vietnamese consumers.
● Technology
Technical and technological perspectives in Viettel's operation strategy are
always associated with the "latest" requirements. This is both an operating
motto and a priority requirement in Viettel's operation strategy.

Although joining the telecommunications field quite late compared to other

large telecommunications companies, Viettel always knows how to catch up
with technology trends and always focuses on applying advanced information
technology in production and product development. Products.

Management Consultancy Report For Viettel Diêm Thị Hải Vân
ID: 2105002296

Human resources management

For human resource management activities, the company always has policies to
promote as well as promote the full capacity of the leadership team and
employees in the enterprise. At Viettel, qualifications are not everything, but
skills are the top priority.

Management believes that without skills, it will be difficult to adapt to changes

and advancements and to be highly effective at work. Therefore, at Viettel,
qualifications are only used to arrange positions when that employee has no

At Viettel, employee screening takes place very often with the aim of both
eliminating those who do not fit the company's culture and letting employees
see their weaknesses in order to progress and be more creative. Besides
screening low-level employees, staff rotation is also common here. This is how
Viettel seeks and trains the company's key staff as well as finds suitable
personnel for important positions in the management and above all helps them
to develop their full potential. .
4. Productivity Improvement
Looking at Viettel's development and growth, it can be seen that labor efficiency
has been improved over time by correctly identifying the direction for the
company and effectively applying it. modern technologies.
In order to save costs, Viettel has chosen not to outsource but master the core
technology itself. Viettel always actively approaches high technology, new
technology and has built close relationships with many foreign partners, so it is
always ready to carry out technology transfer to serve the research and
development of products. Products.

With the proper and appropriate application of advanced technologies, the

company's work performance is always improved day by day, helping Viettel to
grow steadily even during the two years of complicated epidemic developments.
At Viettel Post, Viettel has deployed an automatic robot that saves 91% of labor,
reducing the whole process of connecting parcels up to 6 hours.

In addition, in the telecommunications segment, Viettel also promotes the

application of the automation process, applying automatic control technology,

Management Consultancy Report For Viettel Diêm Thị Hải Vân
ID: 2105002296

self-optimizing the quality of each call, analyzing the cause of errors, and
providing solutions. for 70% of bad calls/sessions with 85-90% accuracy to
increase the quality of calls and reduce the number of dropped calls and bad
calls by 10 times. Technology applications also help 95% of customers to take
care and manage their calls without the need for staff support or going directly
to transaction points.
5. Forecasting services demand
To forecast customers' demand for services, Viettel has used both quantitative
forecasting methods based on data obtained through market research activities
and qualitative methods based on predictions about trends. the general
development of the domestic and international technology industry.

Viettel has seen the reality that the means of communication such as SMS and
voice are gradually declining and being replaced by OTT communication
applications released by digital technology companies such as Zalo, Facebook,
Twitter, ... Since then, the company's management has made predictions about
the trend of using new services of customers, which is the need to use
high-speed data on smartphones.

From this prediction, Viettel has quickly entered the rebirth, repositioning the
brand to match the 4.0 era, and at the same time offering appropriate services to
satisfy customers such as the ST package (abbreviated of the word "sieu toc"
means very fast in Vietnamese) with data capacity 30 times higher than previous

Not only changes in internet services, other transaction activities were also
quickly put into digital transformation when Viettel realized that customer
behavior was aimed at speed, convenience and time saving. My Viettel and
Viettel Money applications allow users to make most of the necessary
transactions in life, from paying phone bills to shopping, eating,....
6. Resource Utilization
Knowing how to utilize resources and optimize resources is one of the
important keys to success. Viettel has made smart investments as well as put its
resources in the right places to bring breakthrough developments to businesses.
Below is an analysis of how Viettel has utilized its financial resources,
infrastructure and human resources in its business.

Management Consultancy Report For Viettel Diêm Thị Hải Vân
ID: 2105002296

a. Take advantage of financial resources

Viettel is one of the groups with strong financial potential when the company's
charter capital by 2021 is VND 160,000 billion and is applying for funding to
complete the target of VND 300,000 billion. Besides, Viettel's growth rate is
also admirable. According to Viettel's financial report for the first 6 months of
2022, Viettel's consolidated revenue reached 79.9 trillion, up 6.6% over the
same period in 2021; the company's pre-tax profit reached 26.6 trillion, up
21.7% over the same period in 2021.

With the advantage of capital, Viettel has constantly invested in technology and
modern machinery to research and develop products, upgrade infrastructure and
invest in expanding its network in foreign markets. Every year, Viettel spends
about 4,500 billion VND on research and development of products and services.
Thanks to this "strong" investment, only in the first half of 2022, Viettel has
launched 36 new technology products for the digital transformation of

In addition, in 2022, Viettel also surpassed many initial targets such as: building
more than 7000 new broadcasting towers (1000 more than compared to the
previous year).

target), completed more than 12 thousand km of fiber optic cable (nearly 1000
km more than the target),....
b. Utilize human resources
Viettel is one of the companies that knows how to promote and fully exploit its
human strengths. Thanks to a progressive and civilized corporate culture and a
young and dynamic working environment, Viettel attracts a lot of young talents.
According to reports and statistics, currently 40% of employees, leaders and
managers at Viettel are under the age of 35. This is one of the strengths and
resources to help Viettel continuously develop and keep up with the trend of the

Management Consultancy Report For Viettel Diêm Thị Hải Vân
ID: 2105002296

In order to promote the full potential of employees, Viettel has boldly delegated
authority and appointed young people to senior management positions to seek
new directions in management, change the management environment, and
change the management environment. promote innovation and creativity within
the company.

In particular, according to Mr. Le Dang Dung (Acting Chairman and General

Director of Viettel Military Industry-Telecommunications Group), assigning
difficult jobs is the method that the board of directors implements to maximize
their ability. employee's ability and creativity.
7. Service Design
7.1. Design Theory
Product design or product redesign is the process by which a company comes up
with an idea for a new product or upgrades existing products into improved
versions to keep up with market trends and respond to increasing demand of

The process of designing or redesigning a service is a lengthy research process

and many factors must be considered in order to come up with a viable design.
To form design ideas, designers together with researchers need to carry out the
steps of surveying and evaluating the market.

Designers need to understand the demand for the service, determine the
capabilities of the business, estimate the quality of the product, and evaluate the
economic impact of changing product design.

There are many factors that can affect service design such as: human factor,
legal and ethical consideration, cultural factor, environmental factor, etc. One of
the most important factors when designing a product is the life cycle of the

Management Consultancy Report For Viettel Diêm Thị Hải Vân
ID: 2105002296

The chart of the product life cycle (Source: Tomorrow Marketers)

The lifecycle of a service is closely tied to the lifecycle of related products and
human needs. For telecommunications or technology services, it will depend on
technology products such as smartphones, tablets, computers, etc. As
technological devices are increasingly improved, Software and technology must
also be redesigned to meet its performance.

Normally, the life cycle of a product or a service will include 4 stages:

introduction, development, peak and decline. Designers will rely on these stages
to make decisions about how to design the product, whether to continue to
change the product design, or to abandon the market.
7.2. Changes in service design through many years
At Viettel, the service change is always associated with the needs of the market
and the company's business strategy. 20 years ago, when the demand for
communication by phone became rampant, Viettel designed a lot of
telecommunications services to hit the communications segment when it
launched a series of packages and communication services. cheap internet like
"178- your savings code", 2G network internet connection service.

Management Consultancy Report For Viettel Diêm Thị Hải Vân
ID: 2105002296

In the period 2000 - 2009, Viettel continuously redesigned its communication

services by phone by launching attractive packages such as Tomato, Happy
Zone,... and upgrading network transmission lines, putting it into operation. 3G
network to capture market trends.

However, from 2010 to 2018, Viettel changed its product design strategy to
match the company's new business orientation and integrate into the information
technology era. On September 8, 2011, Viettel opened the Natcom network to
provide telecommunications services in Haiti. After that, Viettel has provided a
series of high-tech services such as express delivery service, money transfer
service at home, ...

One of the biggest changes in Viettel's service design is customer service. From
focusing on direct communication under the slogan "Speak your way", Viettel
has changed to remote customer care activities through digital platforms and
changed the slogan to "Your way. ".
8. Quality Management
According to ISO 9001, quality management is defined as the activities of the
management function that define the quality policy and objectives and
implement them by means such as planning, quality control, quality control and
quality improvement in the quality management system.

For a service company like Viettel, the assessment of service quality will largely
depend on the customer. Therefore, the company's service quality management
process is closely linked with the task of improving products to meet the needs
as well as satisfy customers.

When launching any service, Viettel will also have test programs to probe
customer reactions. During the testing program, the company will monitor the
behavior of service users, record comments, evaluate through the use process to
fix and improve the service immediately.

However, before putting the services to the test, Viettel services have also been
tested internally to check whether the service has met the initially set quality

Management Consultancy Report For Viettel Diêm Thị Hải Vân
ID: 2105002296

9. Customers service management

Viettel's customer care management process takes place in a systematic and
relatively effective manner.
9.1. Customer classification
In order to take care of customers most thoughtfully, Viettel has pioneered to
classify customers into many different objects. Currently, the main customers
that Viettel is targeting are agents, businesses and individuals:
● Customers who are agents and businesses in Viettel are mostly in the
name of companies and businesses, have a need to use large-scale,
wide-ranging services that need to be supported in terms of costs and
handling. complaint problem.
● Individual customers are often retail customers, households who have a
need to use the service in a small quantity and narrower scope.
9.2. Interacting with customers
Today, customer care is a long-term process, not just stopping after the customer
has paid. Customer care includes the process of taking care of customers, taking
care of customers, during and after purchasing the product. Once the customers
have been identified, Viettel has designed different care programs suitable for
each customer. each group of guests.
a. Taking care of customers before selling
Viettel has built a detailed customer information system to build target
programs, sales programs and approach and market products for each customer

In addition, the company also regularly organizes promotional campaigns in the

form of points, sales booths associated with universities, fairs or trade centers to
introduce and promote the products. my product.
b. Taking care of customers while selling
Accuracy and timeliness are the two prerequisites in customer care during sales
that Viettel proposes. Salespeople need to quickly grasp the needs, goals and
desires of customers when they come to buy goods to offer appropriate
solutions, both satisfying customers and bringing profits to the company.

For customers who are businesses and agents, discounts or policies, professional
software support are always recommended. In addition, this group of customers
was also created by Viettel to create a separate information channel to exchange
and resolve complaints as quickly as possible.

Management Consultancy Report For Viettel Diêm Thị Hải Vân
ID: 2105002296

For individual customers, remote support and advice is always the most
effective solution because when buying in small quantities, customers will be
very afraid to move to buy goods directly at the store. Therefore, Viettel has
built a website system and online sales channels as easy and fast as possible
with an online customer care team that is always ready to work 24/7.
c. After-sales customer care
After-sales customer care is always closely associated with customer care
during sales. The important information of customers and purchased products
will be noted in the most detail possible in the system so that when there are
complaints and questions, customers will receive immediate support.

In addition, Viettel also regularly organizes gift programs, customer gratitude

conferences and community activities to retain customers, create loyal
customers, long-term partners and build a have a beautiful image in the eyes of
9.3 Applying technology in customer management
Currently, Viettel is using Online CRM's CloudPro CRM software to manage
customer care services. This is a software that helps businesses businesses solve
the problem of input information sources and information storage, helping
businesses achieve the goal of "Multi-channel input - one place to store"

CloudPro CRM's application will help Viettel synchronize customer transaction

data such as: full name, address, occupation, gender, behavior, transaction
history, purchased products,... different sales platforms to help the company
identify customer groups and provide appropriate care.

10. Project Management

Project management is a series of activities that control the stages of project
implementation from planning to completion to ensure that the stages are
happening according to plan and achieving the set goals.

At Viettel, the project management process is also carried out sequentially

according to the steps from project preparation to project completion.
● Preparation phase

Management Consultancy Report For Viettel Diêm Thị Hải Vân
ID: 2105002296

At this stage, after the project's plan is approved, the management takes it into
the project appraisal phase. At the appraisal stage, management levels will
consider the feasibility of the project, estimate and propose financial,
technological and technical solutions to ensure the effectiveness of the

At the present time, Viettel is focusing on network expansion projects, 5G

mobile networks and especially projects on digital transformation solutions for
● Project implementation stage
At this stage, Viettel's experts will begin to enter the research process to apply
technologies and techniques to realize the project. After that, the company will
conduct bidding sessions to select contractors and sign cooperation contracts
An important stage in the project implementation phase that is always
interesting to Viettel is supervision.

All Viettel projects are closely monitored and monitored by the company's
technicians, relevant management boards with the participation of industry
experts to promptly recognize errors. , quickly adjust so that the project can be
conducted in the most convenient way.

In the period 2016 - 2020, Viettel has implemented about 200 projects in the
country, of which about fifty projects were implemented from the previous
phase. With an annual investment volume of tens of thousands of billion dong,
in most of which is organizing bidding in the form of open bidding. The bidding
process complies with the current regulations of the State.
● Project end stage
Quality inspection is the final stage of Viettel's project management process.
Once the implementation phase is completed, the project implementers will
bring it to the test phase. Before officially launching, Viettel's projects have
gone through two testing phases: internal testing and public testing.

Internal testing is the process by which experts, who implement the project,
self-check, evaluate and fix errors after testing the product. After passing this
small-scale test, the project will be put to large-scale testing. The company will
test run the project in a small area. At this stage, the customer will be the one to
evaluate the quality of the project and report the inadequacies so that the

Management Consultancy Report For Viettel Diêm Thị Hải Vân
ID: 2105002296

company can promptly overcome them. After this trial period, the project will
be officially publicized and put into operation.

Part 2: Comment On The Management Of Viettel And Offer Solutions

1. Comments on management and operation of Viettel
The bright spot in Viettel's management is that it has built a unified and highly
systematic layout. In operation, the important issues as well as the main
directions of the company will be decided by 5% of the company's human
resources (leadership). The remaining 95% of personnel will be responsible for
implementation and implementation.

However, such an overly systematic and cumbersome apparatus will also have
certain limitations:
● When the leadership "secrets ideas"
What happens when the leadership is "out of ideas"? The board of directors is
like the brains of the corporation because these are the people who make the
most important decisions. However, it is also because of this that when this
department has problems, the entire remaining 95% can fall into a state of crisis,
confusion and disorientation.
● Adapt to change
The business market is constantly changing and new trends will emerge every
day. However, Viettel's top leaders come from soldiers, the management board
has to be busy handling the work of 100% of employees and is too far from the
market, so it is difficult to grasp the changes. move as quickly as possible. The
delay in the OTT market is a typical example when Viettel failed to respond to
changes in the external business environment.
2. Solutions to improve the management status of Viettel
● Decentralization of management strategy
To reduce pressure on the leadership, Viettel should divide the organization into
smaller SBUs (Strategic Business Units). In each SBU, there will be people who
decide the operation of the SUB. This will help the board to share the
management burden. Moreover, the managers at these SBUs will be the ones
who know their department best, so they can come up with ideas and
suggestions to contribute to the overall development.
● Transforming management to a flat model
The top 5 % will change to a flat 5 % at the center of the circle. Employees will
interact equally with the 5% at heart and with each other. Interaction,

Management Consultancy Report For Viettel Diêm Thị Hải Vân
ID: 2105002296

peer-to-peer and openness are the elements that are determined to sustain
creativity and innovation. This new company will be in charge of developing
new business segments of Viettel.

Reference List

Management Consultancy Report For Viettel Diêm Thị Hải Vân
ID: 2105002296

7. William J. Stevevenson, Operations Management. Thirteenth edition,
McGraw-Hill Education, 2018


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