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- 1987 constitution

- according to plato reality is ?

- aesthetics can be used to explain matters regarding culture and arts.
- also philo is a good way to ?
- another branch of philosophy deals with the evaluation of human actions and the nature of moral virtue.
- aristotle was the first philosopher who employed logical method.
- by using the aforementioned philosophical concepts will enable one’s argumentation more ?, ? and ?
- came from two greek words “philo” which means “to love” and “sophia” which means “wisdom”, respectively
- can help improve critical thinking skills
- contrasting reality and appearance
- conversely, nothing exists without any reason at all.
- ethics is the idea or ? and ?
- excluded-middle principle states that everything must be ? or ?or either ? or either ?
- from these contentions arise the idea of right versus wrong and evil versus good.
- he claimed that truth exists when there is agreement between knowledge and reality.
- he stated that our experience with the real world is not real.
- i am happy
- if an example of animal is cat, than cat is an animal
- in excluded middle there is no ?
- is a good way to know certain things
- it only serves as tool to guide one’s arguments or discourses so as to keep them valid and true.
- knowing only the meaning of philosophy and some of its characteristics are not enough if we are in search for ?
- logos, science of correct thinking
- non-contradiction principle states that it is an ? for a particular thing to ? and ? at the same time
- philo
- philo can help improve?
- philo means the ?hindi love of wisdom
- philosophical perspective concerns itself with the nature, sources, limitations and validity of knowledge.
- philosophical perspective concerns itself with the notion of beauty.
- plato
- primary goal ng philo
- principle of identity means?
- reality according to him is how we perceive the world.
- simply put, philosophy means the love of reasoning making wisdom as its primary goal
- sophia
- sufficient reason states that there is ? for the being and existence of everything
- the well-known philosopher, plato, enlightened the field of ? by contrasting reality and appearance.
- there is a sufficient reason for the ? of everything
- there is no middle ground thus the term “excluded middle”.
- this principle explains that everything must be “either be or not be” or “either is or is not”.
- this principle means “everything is what it is”.
- this principle states that it is an impossibility for a particular thing to be and not to be at the same time at the same
- this principle states that there is sufficient reason for the being and existence of everything.
- thus, doing philosophy becomes more ? and ?
- to love
- we are married. we are husband and wife
- what is not is not and what is is.
- wisdom

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