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The Apple International School, Dubai

Learning Outcomes for Year -3

(October 24th-October 28th)
Subject Topic and Learning Outcomes
Arabic-A (for Arabs) ‫ مراجعة‬: ‫اسم الدرس‬
‫أن يتذكر الطالب ما تعلمه في الدروس السابقة‬
‫أن يطبق الطالب على ما تعلمه من خالل حل األنشطة‬
Topic: Revision
Arabic B (for Non-Arabs) ‫مراجعة‬
Learning outcomes:
To analyze the paragraph
‫أن يحلل الطالب الفقرة‬
To distinguish connectives, preposition and pronouns
‫أن يميز الطالب أدوات الربط و حروف الجر و الضمائر‬
To describe the pictures
‫أن يعبر الطالب عن الصور‬
To write a paragraph
‫أن يكتُب الطالب فقرة‬
‫ مراجعة‬: ‫اسم الدرس‬
Islamic Education-A ‫األهداف‬
‫أن يبين المتعلم المعنى اإلجمالي للسورة‬
‫أن يبين المتعلم المعنى اإلجمالي للحديث‬
Topic: Revision- Mid Term
Islamic Education -B Learning Outcomes:
• Identify the correct meanings of the Quranic vocabulary.
• Explain the meaning of the verses.
• Explain the lesson learnt from the hadeeth.
Topics: Types of poems and their features, Using Nouns, Adjectives,
English and Verbs, The Prince and the Pauper – Chapter 3
Learning Outcomes:
• Identify the common features of poems and write a simple a
• Recollect the definition of a noun, a verb and an adjective and
identify the nouns, verbs and adjectives in the poem “Bug”.
• Make inference of the main events of chapter 2 of The Prince and
the Pauper by looking at the pictures and answer questions with
some reference from the text.
Topic: Addition- Subtraction/ Angles
Math Learning Outcomes:

• Subtract ones from a 3-digit number with/ without regrouping

• Find the missing numbers in a number sentence.
• Estimate, compare and classify angles, using geometric
vocabulary including acute, right and obtuse.
• Identify whether angles are greater than or less than a right angle.
Topic: Live processes
Science Learning Outcomes:
• To explain the process of breathing.
• To explain the process of excretion.
• To explain sensitivity as a life process.
Topic: Good morning, school!
MSC &Geography Learning Outcomes:
• Behave at school in a way that ensures that students learn
effectively, while realising their responsibilities, duties and how
they should adapt their behaviour to different situations (at school,
home etc.
Topic: Recording water
Learning Outcomes:
• Identify the different forms of water, where water is found and
where it goes
• Draw a diagram to show what happens to water when it reaches
the ground.
Topic: MS Excel
Computing Learning Outcomes:
• Identify parts of a spreadsheet.
• Explain cell reference and enter data using cell reference.
Guided reading Topic: Reading Fiction Book
Learning Outcomes:
• To make connections between a story and the wider world.
• To explore a culture through a story
French Topic: Révision
Learning outcomes:
• Révision de la phonétique et les salutations
• Révision du verbe s appeler avec je-tu –il-elle.
Urdu ‫ حروف تہجی‬:‫عنوان‬
‫شرارتی حروف‬
‫بھاری حروف‬
‫حروف کی اشکال‬
Topic: Vincent van Gogh- cool colors
Art& Design Learning Outcomes:
• Recreate irises by Vincent Van Gogh
Topic: Football Shooting skill
Physical Education Learning Outcomes:
• Describe the shooting skills in football.
• Use the shooting skills with power and accuracy in game
Music Topic: Pitch Song (Expo 2020 Song)
Learning Outcomes:
• Recognize the pitch of the song “This is Our Time”
• Perform the song “This is Our Time” with correct pitch and

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