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flicker of firelight

Posted originally on the Archive of Our Own at

Rating: Explicit
Archive Warning: No Archive Warnings Apply
Category: M/M, Other
Fandom: 僕のヒーローアカデミア | Boku no Hero Academia | My Hero
Relationship: Bakugou Katsuki/Midoriya Izuku, Ashido Mina/Kirishima Eijirou,
Todoroki Shouto/Utsushimi Camie/Yoarashi Inasa
Character: Midoriya Izuku, Bakugou Katsuki, Uraraka Ochako, Ashido Mina,
Todoroki Shouto, Sero Hanta, others - Character
Additional Tags: dekussy, Izuku with a pussy, AFAB Terms, Alpha/Beta/Omega
Dynamics, Non-Traditional Alpha/Beta/Omega Dynamics, no knotting,
Alternate Universe - Fantasy, Alternate Universe, Public Sex, Ritual
Public Sex, Exhibitionism, Voyeurism, Orgy, Pack Orgies, Possessive
Bakugou Katsuki, Rough Sex, Vaginal Sex, Cunnilingus, Traditions,
Alpha Bakugou Katsuki, Omega Midoriya Izuku, Plot What Plot/Porn
Without Plot, PWP, Smut, Shameless Smut, Consensual Sex, First
Time, Virginity Kink, Claiming, Claiming Bites, Mating, Mating Bites
Language: English
Collections: Hot and Bothered
Stats: Published: 2023-01-31 Words: 6666

flicker of firelight
by ContraryBee


First, Izuku would build the nest and prepare himself (he’s already prepared). Then, his
new potential mate (the great Lord Bakugou Katsuki, barbarian king of all the plains,
mountains, and hills) would approach with a gift for his pleasure and then inspect his nest.

Should both be accepted, Bakugou Katsuki would then claim him, here, in front of
everyone, and Izuku would hopefully catch with the first child of their new, combined

“Alpha.” Izuku bows his head, showing his neck.

“Katsuki.” The barbarian king answers. “Don’t call me that alpha shit unless I’m inside

good morning.

Izuku thinks about panicking, but he’s already weighed down with the ceremony robes, painted
with red and the tingling between his legs was rising to a feverish heat. There’s no room to panic.
Instead, determination and something close to anticipation flutters in his gut. The drums in the
communal tent were low enough to mix rather than drown the drone of people talking, as he steps
lightly on his bare feet over the dirt, his maidens around him.

Ochako sends him another surreptitious wink, probably the eighth since he started his virginal

Virginal. Hah.

Curse the aphrodisiac he’d drank earlier in a thick, crunchy herb concoction. It was putting him on
edge, sending his mind into paroxysms of want and lust and need with nothing to focus on. But

In the center of the lord’s camp stood a large tent, massive really, that beamed with firelight from
many openings. The summer air was gentle against Izuku’s skin, but as he drew closer to the tent
where his future awaits, the robes hang heavier and hotter around his body. He wants them off, he
wants to sweat and cool off, but he has to maintain the traditions of both their Peoples.

He hasn’t even seen his husband to be yet.

Many members of their tribes mingled, lingering around the tent openings to watch his approach.
With his gaze set forward, Izuku tried to ignore the way the jewels of his headdress swung in his
vision. If he could ignore those, he could ignore the leers and the wet lips and the arousal that sunk
in the air. It wasn’t like this was an alien tradition, he knew of it, it wasn’t anything different than
what his own people would expect. He never anticipated that it would be him undergoing it.

But. His omega demands in the pit of his soul he give up his paltry, logical thoughts. Now was the
time for instinct.

Izuku pauses at the entrance, finding the tent much changed than it had been earlier that week
during the alliance talks. Instead of the roaring fire in the center there was now a mound of bedding
and pillows, hot rocks wrapped in cloth to warm them in their nest that Izuku would build. Around
the tent were scattered fireplaces, raised things with many alphas, betas, and omegas gathered
around them drinking and eating and chatting together.

There’s a hush as Izuku makes his presence known and feeling all their eyes on him, Izuku reminds
his omegan body to calm the fuck down you have a job to do.

First, Izuku would build the nest and prepare himself (he’s already prepared). Then, his new
potential mate (the great Lord Bakugou Katsuki, barbarian king of all the plains, mountains, and
hills) would approach with a gift for his pleasure and then inspect his nest.

Should both be accepted, Bakugou Katsuki would then claim him, here, in front of everyone, and
Izuku would hopefully catch with the first child of their new, combined Peoples.
If only Izuku knew more about his intended than what his maidens had gossiped about. Three were
provided from Bakugou’s People and three from Izuku’s own.

He liked them, he did, but Camie did little else than giggle when he asked what the barbarian king
looked like, what he behaved like. All he’s got is a vague description and a few hushed ‘you’ll
know him when you see him’. It was maddening.

Izuku hadn’t even been allowed in the alliance talks, which smarted, but neither was Bakugou.
Ochako brought back the best news she could, though it was Shouto on the panel itself who told
him about the demands and compromises their Speakers had bandied back and forth. It was a long,
hard treaty.

Apparently, the Bakugou people were of hard, strong stock, unwilling to back down, unwilling to
accept weakness.

And Izuku is proud of his own People, those of the winds and waters, for not giving an inch.

“All yours now, Izuku.” Tsuyu says to him in her croaky voice. He licks his lips and lets his
omega free just a little bit more, heart pounding because it felt like his every move was judged.

Laughing gleefully, Mina, one of his new maidens, flew to her mate’s side, the second-in-
command with spiky red hair and sharp, sharp teeth. He catches her with a large, strong arm, and
kisses her even while his last drink of liquor trails down his chin.

Izuku is left abandoned by the lump of bedding that was to be his nest. It wasn’t quite enough, he
thinks absently, head swimming with the combination of the herb’s lustful effects and the smoke in
the tent.

He grunts and starts shifting things around. Honestly. They didn’t even try to make it nest shaped.
If you want a job done right, do it yourself.

With the milling of people around him, Izuku finds it’s rather easy to ignore them entirely. They
spoke, but they didn’t speak to him, many conversations happening all around, people moving and
drinking and laughing, but none approach his nest and bother him. Good. If someone had, it would
have polluted the space.

It doesn’t take long, but Izuku is still sweating when he sits up on his heels, the drag of his robes
nearly too much. He wishes they were off, but he’s not allowed to disrobe himself, as per the wise-
woman’s words. His alpha was to do that.

His alpha.

Chest trilling with an omegan need, Izuku chews his lips and glances around. There’s something

Something large, red, and furred sinks into his vision and he coos, snatching it. Perfect. It even
smells sweet, scented with something warm and thick and exactly what he needs. He spreads the
cloak over the nest and bunches the shoulder furs into a nice pillow. Then he stretches, laying over
it and turning his cheek into the soft fur, scenting it with his own dusky, herby smell.

Over his shoulder he discovers someone crouched next to the nest, the one who provided the
cloak. Blonde, red-eyed, large and scarred. His face is set into a frown, but Izuku senses it’s not an
unhappy one. A tattoo spreads over his shoulder like armor, and his face had a long, nasty looking
scar from under his eye down to his neck. Such a wound would have killed a lesser man.
This is Bakugou Katsuki.

Izuku drags his fingertips over the cloth of the cloak, the thing that his intended apparently wore
daily as a mark of his status. He chirrups a small noise, quiet enough nobody else would hear it.
Ducking his eyes as demurely as he can (he’s not known for being demure), Izuku takes in the
stretch of strong, muscled chest, the dragons teeth necklace that matches the ones speared into his
own ears. How he crouches there on his heels, perfectly balanced on powerful legs. The alpha’s
scent washes out over Izuku, and he realizes he’s been catching wind of it before, living for weeks
in this camp. Always on his heels, a delectable sweetness that he wants to coat himself in.

Under the weight of his ceremonial robes, Izuku feels naked with that gaze swinging from his head
to his bare feet and back.

“Hmm.” His alpha grunts. Izuku doesn’t quite know what that means, but it doesn’t sound
dismissive or forbidding.

Izuku wiggles his way up again to his knees, browbeating his omega into some semblance of the
expected appropriate behavior and kneels there in his new nest with his new potential mate just
outside it.

“Alpha.” Izuku bows his head, showing his neck.

“Katsuki.” The barbarian king answers. “Don’t call me that alpha shit unless I’m inside you.” He
doesn’t seem to care about Izuku’s immediate squeak of embarrassment. He eyes Izuku’s form,
reaching out and flicking one of the dangling jewels that make up his headpiece (a gorgeous lace of
shining glass beads that catch the light and brush over his cheeks). “And you’re Deku.”

Looks like said king doesn’t hold tightly to the old traditions.

This is good news for Izuku, who’s not quite the most traditional omega.

It’s bad news for being able to anticipate what’s supposed to happen next.

“I’m Izuku.” Izuku answers rather simply, narrowing his eyes at the way Katsuki raises an

“Sounds like deku to me.” The alpha snorts.

Deku, which Izuku generally understands as to mean ‘of no use’. Perhaps it’s the language barrier,
because Common never quite did the job for translation, but Izuku hums and tilts his head.

“I suppose it would to unpracticed ears, Kacchan.” The same as he would call a small child in his
own People.

Red eyes flick up to his, narrow and irritated and Izuku just stares, challenges him back.

“Shitty nest.” Katsuki hits him with, but he hasn’t stood up and left, and in fact, looked over said
nest with approval, interest. Izuku straightens his back, sniffing. He made it big enough that it
would fit the alpha comfortably, he thinks, and if the alpha was smart, he’d appreciate it more.

“I don’t see a gift, either.” Izuku smirks when the alpha tsks under his breath.

“See if I give it to you now.” But Katsuki shifts on his knee, turning to hold his hand out to
someone behind him. Unbidden, Izuku remembers that they’re in a public space and while
everyone witnessing their interaction hadn’t stopped talking, they were all avidly watching.
Next to Shouto, Ochako hits Izuku with two thumbs up and elbows the tall alpha to do the same.
Shouto’s own thumbs up was lackluster, but Izuku uses the familiar two faces to calm himself
down. This was going well, so far.

Katsuki turns again, tugging something forward on a lead. Izuku’s breath stutters.

A pure white lamb.

Green eyes rise to red, and Izuku can’t find words to speak.

There were so many meanings to a white lamb. If Katsuki meant it in the way of his people, of
Izuku’s, it meant purity and peace, gentility, and innocence. In the way of Katsuki’s horde, the
similarity ended at purity, because lambs were representative of the moment of fertility, new
spring, of bearing new life and gushing lifeblood into the dirt.

Izuku wonders what Katsuki means by it.

“He’s yours.” Katsuki says lowly. “Do with him as you please.”

The lamb bleats something, but Izuku’s scarred hands already found his perfect little head, petting
over white, cleaned wool. His robes fall back from his wrists, exposing his forearms.

Katsuki takes in Izuku’s scars with an unreadable look, but when they meet eyes again there’s no
disgust or judgement.

“I accept your gift, king and lord.” Izuku whispers between them. It’s tradition, and it makes
Katsuki’s eyes turn molten.

“I accept your nest, warrior.” Katsuki answers in turn and oh no, Izuku’s heart is fluttering.

Technically Izuku’s not supposed to be a warrior. He should be of nobility, untouched by warfare,

as pure as the lamb in his arms. But that’s not how their People survived the war with the invaders.
By all rights, Katsuki should treat him like the offering he is, the omega, the wife, the bearer of his
future pups.

“Fuckface,” Katsuki calls without moving his gaze from Izuku’s face, “take the thing back to my
tent. Make sure it’s fed.”

“His name is Ram-Might and I love him.” Izuku declares loud enough for whoever ‘Fuckface’ is to
hear. Most of the tent hears and break into chuckles.

A tall black-haired man approaches with a ducked head, being careful not to touch the nest.
Pressing a kiss to his new little friend’s head, Izuku lets him be taken out of his arms. The man
makes sure not to brush against Izuku at all, but he does lean over Katsuki with an exaggerated

“Are you gonna kiss him or not?” said man whispers to Katsuki in a teasing tone.

“Fuck off, Sero.” Katsuki hisses back.

It makes Izuku giggle, but he nearly swallows it when Katsuki looks him in the eye and stands up,
towering over his kneeling form.

“Drinks!” Katsuki calls to the gathered. “Meat! Feed and be welcome, as my tribe, as our People.”
He looks around at the gathered, mostly adults, no children for such an event. At his feet, Izuku is
breathless, staring up at this alpha king who was to be his, and with his chest tightening with every
word. “You have fought long, and hard, and lost many. They live on. We will birth a new age
where they may return, stronger, until the final goodbye.” With the traditions invoked, Katsuki
looks down at Izuku and raises his chin. We will birth.

That’s a challenge if he’d ever seen one.

The tent cheers, raucous and admiring. Only one look around, it’s clear Katsuki is well-regarded by
his own people and impressing Izuku’s own.

So, Izuku stands too and is thankful that he’s only a handful of inches shorter than Katsuki. He’s
slighter, particularly around the shoulders, but Izuku didn’t feel like he would lose a fight.

Traditions could be waived for now. There was no wise woman here. The only thing left was the
mating, and it would be public.

Katsuki had done him well, had liked his nest, spoke to him like he was a person (which is
something Izuku hadn’t been aware he was frightened of not getting), and brought him a beautiful
well-meaning gift. Clearly, he had looked into what Izuku would like, what he wouldn’t. That was
enough for him, and enough for his omega, who was practically screaming inside.

Between his thighs, his forgotten cunt throbs, still burning with the drink he’d brewed earlier

Izuku reaches to his neck and undoes the clasp keeping his robes shut. Beneath, he is naked, and
the entire tent lets out a chorus of gasps and groans as he slips the robe off entirely. He has nothing
to be ashamed of.

He’s scarred, but strong. And he stands, stronger, nipples peaked and wiry dark hair hiding the
wetness of his cunt, wearing only the decorative beads of Katsuki’s people.

A snarl rumbles the ground.

Katsuki’s gritting his teeth, red eyes darkened to near black in the firelight.

“Come into my nest, Alpha,” the omega croons, stepping backwards and holding his hands out in

Katsuki steps forward, not taking his hands but reaching for his middle, rough fingers dragging
over scars and planes of muscle. His nose brushes over Izuku’s eyebrow, breathing in his wet,
omegan scent even as his hands curl tight to his hips, feeling the flex of bone underneath. He even
traces the scars he finds.

Letting out a sharp breath, Izuku brushes his lips over Katsuki’s chin, too cowardly to kiss him
directly. The raised scar tissue is familiar, yet new on his lips. At his abdomen pressed a large, hot
lump in Katsuki’s breeches, straining against the cloth.

Izuku starts at the shoulders, touching his new alpha from the corded neck muscles down over
massive biceps. The tattoo is raised under his touch, reacting as though it wanted to lift right off the
skin. Perhaps it bore magic within it, some spectral ancestral power to strengthen Katsuki’s arm.
He skips his hands to press, palm first, to an abdomen that felt like a brick wall, even as the
muscles tighten under his touch.

“Deku.” Katsuki grunts, low, hot breath rustling his hair.

“Kacchan.” Izuku answers back glibly, betrayed by the breathy way he says it. With his green eyes
on red, Izuku slithers back down to his knees, fingers curling into the top of Katsuki’s breeches.

People whistle, all around. Some groan, others laugh together and speak as if this was for them and,
in a way, it was. Their two leaders coming together in the most indisputable union. Izuku should
feel exposed, but the night was so warm, the fires so gorgeous on the tent walls and on people’s
varying skin colours, even he feels otherworldly.

Red eyes are on him, expectant but firm, challenging. Katsuki demands his best, demands his full,
total attention.

Izuku unties Katsuki’s breeches, tugging lightly, until he pulls them down enough that the alpha’s
cock falls free. It doesn’t spring, despite how hard he was. It was too large, too heavy, and merely
bumps into Izuku’s cheek where he sways in closer, involuntary and needy. He smells so good.
Katsuki boldly cups his head, knocking the glass beaded lacework aside to fall into the bedding,
sinking fingers into green hair and lets him sniff, doesn’t push or pull him, just holds. Izuku wants
to dive in, wants to show this alpha and his people that Izuku was the right choice, that their leaders
were stronger now together, that the omega could withstand the alpha and take him fully.

But he has a job to do.

He tugs Katsuki’s boot laces free, helps him step out one after another, and squirrels away his
breeches into the nest for scenting purposes.

Then Katsuki is boldly stepping into his space and Izuku looks up at Katsuki from beneath his
cock. The omega smiles, teeth seeming sharper in the murky light.

Katsuki’s gut tightens as he looks down at his vicious little omega mate. Izuku might not have ever
seen him, but Katsuki’s seen lots of Izuku.

He saw him on the battlefield, unstoppable, immovable object. His roars were savage, as was his
sword arm. He turned the tide, when it seemed Katsuki and his own were going to perish against
the flood. And yet the same force of destruction could turn on a dime and kneel in the mud with
the brats, chuckling and sweet and offering gifts and blessings off his own person like he didn’t
fight tooth and nail for every single one.

That lamb was pure right now, a kind, gentle soul, but it would grow to be a mighty battle Ram,
likely large enough for his little omega to ride.

But, Katsuki muses lowly, his People all around him and watching this worship just as he did, first
he would claim this little shit for his own.

A hot tongue swipes from root to tip, he hisses. Then that mouth ducks back down, nudging his
shaft out of the way to lick and prod at his balls. Katsuki groans through his teeth, unwilling to let
his head fall back at the sensation because he wants to watch. And he needs to stay on his fucking

Izuku huffs a noise through his nose, a little whine that sinks right into his alpha’s every nerve.

“Good.” He rumbles down to the warrior on his knees. With his hand on Izuku’s skull, Katsuki
guides him to his cock and lets him feed himself with it, slow in and out that gathers and smears
saliva all along the length.

It’s insane how Katsuki can feel every little slide of his veins and glands under those soft lips, the
hot tongue. Izuku doesn’t mouth fuck himself, no, he was a tease and a monster. Instead, he
explored his new alpha’s cock, licking around the head, using both hands to hold him, and pump,
getting his fingers and cheeks sticky with his own saliva and Katsuki’s constantly leaking pre.

He even dives down to smear himself in the crease between Katsuki’s thigh and his balls, inhaling
his scent from the source and Katsuki has the ultimate pleasure to watch his omega’s eyes blot out
with lust.

“That’s it,” Katsuki urges him, cupping his chin to feel the way his jaw moves, up and down his
length, he’s too large for Izuku to swallow entirely, but the way his wet lips are split wide and his
breathing stutters when he gets too deep is gorgeous, “Get me ready for you.” That turns a
dangerous light on in Izuku’s eyes and Katsuki’s not prepared for it.

Because Izuku’s got his own hand between his thighs, and the gorgeous scent of his slick reaches
Katsuki’s nose just as he hears the slide and drag of Izuku fingers around his chubby lips. Izuku
moans a little around his cock.

“Fuck,” Katsuki swears in his own language, hearing several of his tribespeople groan just like
him. His hips flex, holding himself back from fucking forward into his throat.

And then Izuku is bringing that slick-wet hand up, popping his mouth off of Katsuki and then
using his slick to pump him.

“Fuck, fuck omega, you gods-be-damned—” Katsuki slurs, his alpha surging so hard in his skull
that he has to force himself not to attack.

“I’ve smelled you for days, alpha,” Izuku hums against his slick-sticky shaft. “Wanted you. Wet
for you.” He purrs, and before Katsuki can shatter into nothing but cock and balls, Izuku’s letting
him go entirely and crawling himself backwards, spreading his legs and putting his fluffy,
gorgeous head in the fur of Katsuki’s cloak.

His thighs are wet, his cunt swollen hot with arousal and need, his little clit even stiff and large.
Katsuki’s mouth waters.

“Eat him!” someone shouts, and many of their witnesses break into feverish, aroused laughter.

“Come on, king!” Someone else calls.

“He wants it! Give it to him!” Many people were coupling up around them, some with hands down
between their partner’s legs. Others spread around hips and smacking together, already fucking. To
their left sat Kirishima with his wife in his lap, one of her tits in his mouth and his fingers in her
skirts as their eyes pinned themselves to their king and lord standing so tall and strong over his new

At his feet, Izuku puts his own hands at his thighs and pulls them slightly open, pink-cheeked and
hot eyed, simultaneously aroused and embarrassed by the calls of their People.

Katsuki smirks, kicking Izuku’s legs wider and making room for himself so when he kneels he has
Izuku’s legs spread over his thighs like a snack. Instead of ducking down to lay flat, Katsuki hauls
Izuku closer, tipping him upwards and practically upside down over his thighs so that cunt is raised
and accessible.

Izuku squeaks with the movement, shoved further into their warmed bedding and wide eyed
because he’s on display. But then, he groans with the position as Katsuki licks him with a flat
tongue. Pointing his tongue between the folds, Katsuki lines one side, then the other, growling at
the surge of omega-taste, the pussy hot and twitching against him.
He can already tell it’s tight.

“You been fucked before, omega?” Katsuki asks into the green mound, nudging his lips to the side
then the other to bury between and find that clit, sealing around it. He doesn’t lick it directly, not
with the way Izuku’s strong ass legs were shuddering around his shoulders and head. Instead, he
massages with the flat of his tongue, digging closer and tighter, cock throbbing where it hung
ignored between his legs.

“Not by a cock,” Izuku tells him between gasps, hands scrambling to hold tight to his forearms
where he hugs the Omega’s middle, keeping him upside down and spread for him.

Katsuki shudders, breathless with this new information. His eyes are bright and feverish as they pin
to green, his mouth smeared with slick. His omega. Only his. Only known his cock, only his,
drowning in his come, in Katsuki.

“My cock’s gonna split you apart.”

Izuku whimpers, chewing his lips and then giving up, sticking his fingers into his own mouth and
slurring around them. “First and only.”

Katsuki would answer, but he’s licking up and down Izuku’s cunt, flicking into the hole and then
over the clit, working him over, finding the best rhythm that makes Izuku’s eyes crows and grow
hazy, that following him back and forth as he squirms in his hold. First and only. First and only.

The fact this was for their People, this was supposed to be a sacrifice, a show of power flees
Katsuki’s head. It didn’t matter anymore, tradition, it only heightened the need. This was his
omega. They spent all their lives fighting for a place in the world and this was their final reward.
This was what they were looking for, all along.

He’s going to make this omega come, squirt all over his face, then he’s going to sink his cock in a
shuddering, squirting pussy.

With one of his arms around Izuku’s middle, he can’t quite get the right angle with the other to
fuck his fingers in, but he does put one, then two in, working them to open that hole and make
Izuku whine with a new need. Testing the give.

“Fuck me, I want it, I want you to fuck me, please, please, Kacchan,” Izuku groans, breaking into
pleading that gets right under Katsuki’s skin, makes his alpha howl.

But he has a job to do.

He flattens his tongue then flickers it, using his entire head to shake it and Izuku’s shout of surprise
is echoed by several others, he comes, flailing in Katsuki’s grip and making him snarl into a cunt
that trembles against his face.

Good, fucking good—

“Good omega,” Katsuki praises, loud and proud, Izuku gasping underneath him. He lets the man
sink down to the bedding, lets him recover.

Katsuki grins, sitting back and wiping off his face, accidentally making eye contact with one of
Izuku’s best fighters, that half and half bastard. He’s wide-eyed and flushed, but that could be the
sight his eyes are pinned on, Katsuki’s omega, or it could be the way both Camie and Inasa were
leaning against him on either side, one’s hands over his bugle, the other whispering something
dirty in his ear.
Many people had their eyes on Izuku, on Katsuki, many of them crying out for Katsuki to fuck
him, to take him even as their secretive inner selves want to be the ones to be fucked, to be taken
(or to take, to fuck).

Normally, such disgusting lust directed at his omega would send Katsuki into a jealous rage. He’s a
petty man, and a greedy one. Right now, though, with the sanctity of tradition keeping them all
strictly in line, he feels so fucking smug.

“Kacchan.” Izuku takes his attention, and he swears at himself for looking away even a single

“Deku.” He answers, and gains a small, bright grin. In that grin, Katsuki can see their futures laid
out in cheer and challenge and he shows his teeth back.

But Izuku has a hand down at his cunt, fingering himself lightly, working slowly, gently around his
abused clit.

“Show them who I belong to.” Izuku whispers to him, and Katsuki’s alpha finally snaps the
muzzle he’s been keeping on it.

His snarl is loud, shocking, silencing. Several omegas quiver, gasping, many alphas immediately
duck their heads, necks.

Izuku just licks his lips, raising his legs to part them, and reaching for Katsuki and his dripping

Katsuki crawls over him, nose filled with omega slick, mouth watery for its taste again. Izuku
gasps when Katsuki shoves their foreheads together so hard, he’s pinned to the bedding, their eyes
close, their breaths mixing between them.

“Put me in.” Katsuki orders, and Izuku’s legs flutter at his sides.

Izuku obeys, reaching in and finding Katsuki’s cock. The first touch of the head to his cunt makes
them both breath in, and then Izuku is rubbing the head up and down his slit like a demon,
gathering wetness, turning them both on more and more.

With a low rumble that shakes through them both, Katsuki lets his weight press forward and trusts
Izuku to hold him steady, and he sinks inside his omega with slow determination.

Izuku snatches his hands away from between them when Katsuki gets close, and with his legs he
knocks his ankles behind Katsuki’s ass and pulls, yanking him further in. Nails bite into his
shoulders. Izuku’s groan is seeded with pain, so Katsuki closes his eyes and focuses on holding his
alpha back. To fuck him now the way he wants to would be harmful, Katsuki’s going to need to
stretch Izuku to fit him.

“Make a mess out of me!” Izuku orders him, half begging for it.

But it’s so hard to hold back when his omega shows how much he wants him.

He pumps, slowly, pushing with his hips and making Izuku breathe this little hurt, aroused noise.
He does it again. Everything inside Izuku was hot, and clutching. The glide was wet.

“I feel you, right, here,” Izuku groans, one of his hands clutching to Katsuki’s shoulder, the other at
his belly to show Katsuki. “Right at the end of me.”
Katsuki huffs out a frustrated moan, settling his knees better in the bedding, leaning down onto one

“Watch yourself, omega, or I’ll fuck you unconscious.” Katsuki threatens, eyes lidded and looking
down at Izuku. He’s sweating, with his hair damp at his forehead, his cheeks red with exertion,
mixing with his freckles, his eyes half-focused. He’s pulsing his hips, pulling gently out then
pushing back in, watching the spellbinding motion overtake Izuku with each push, the way his eyes
haze out, the way he whimpers in his throat. It’s delicious. It’s beautiful and carnal.

“Like you could.” Izuku huffs, smirking when a warning growls in Katsuki’s chest. Katsuki draws
himself up, balancing higher over Izuku, using all the omega’s flexibility to throw his legs over his
elbows and lean down over him like a long plane of muscled god. He speeds up, he takes over, he
takes him. Shows him who he belongs to now. Shows everyone. Who’s going to be in his bed
forever after, who’s going to feed him so he can feed his young, who’s going to fuck him whenever
he fucking feels like, in the dirt of the marketplace, over the rough-hewn thrones. Him.

Katsuki sets his mind, his alpha, to fucking.

And Izuku is going to go insane.

It’s not even just the pleasure of it, the push in and out, the way Katsuki was using his cock and his
hold and his teeth to put him into place and make him take it. It does feel so damn good. But it’s
also the chorus of moans and groans, the conversations happening around them, the eyes he feels
on them like physical touches. The buzz of aroused activity around them served to sharpen his
own. He lets his head fall back and licks his lips, realizing too late that his gaze is staring straight
towards a group of young men leaning on each other with their cocks in their hands.

Two of them come, grunting and swearing.

Beside them, Izuku takes in the vague positions of Katsuki’s second and Mina, coupling with her
legs thrown high over his head just like Izuku’s were wrapped around Katsuki’s middle. And on
the other side, Izuku even sees Ochako and Iida, his two more prudish maidenguard and man,
clutching onto one another, one tit cupped and the bulge in his breeches being massaged. Even
Shouto had his head thrown back, messily kissing a tall, beefy man while Camie was on her knees
before him.

Izuku never anticipated this. Feeling like this, going insane like this, right here in the midst of their
People getting fucked like it was Katsuki’s main goal in life to drive himself into Izuku’s body. His
cunt tightening, Izuku whines with the new position, the new drag. His thoughts swim, losing

“You like looking at them?” Katsuki huffs into his face, shifting his legs upwards with hands
behind his knees so when he fucks in, he fucks in deep, clapping their skin together. “Like seeing
them come for you?”

Izuku grunts, crying out with it, slipping one of his own hands down to his clit.

Looking up at Katsuki, Izuku licks his lips and fights to find his best defiance. Katsuki speaks
while he fucks, dirty talks with the best of them, but Izuku knows his secret. He likes it when Izuku
pushes back, teases him back. When Izuku proves he won’t quail before him.

Blonde, sweaty hair brushes his forehead and Izuku strains his neck upwards, beckoning with a
wet, open mouth for a kiss.
When Katsuki grunts, leaning down to give it, Izuku bites his lip instead, quick and mean, sucking
off a layer of blood. The cock in him pulses, and Katsuki fucks hard. Crying out in pain and
pleasure, Izuku throws his head back when the cock hits his cervix at the wrong angle.

“Too deep!” Izuku cries, finding their People crying out back to him, moaning with him. Wildly, he
realizes the pain wasn’t impeding his pleasure, it was making him burn hotter, accept more. His
omega shrieks within him, demanding he submit.

“Not deep enough,” Katsuki snarls and pulls out entirely.

“Wa-wai—” Izuku pants, reaching for him because he wants more. He wants more of that in and
out, the drive of it. That wasn’t enough, he wasn’t done. Wants more Katsuki, wants him to not
stop touching him.

Katsuki throws his legs sideways and from momentum, Izuku half rolls before his omega surges
and takes him over entirely.

He puts his face into his nest where his alpha’s scent clogged his throat and his nose and balances
up onto his knees. With his hips turned tightly out, he presents his cunt back to his alpha, expecting
to be mounted, expecting Katsuki to finally fuck him into the nest and breed him but—

“What a beautiful sight.” Katsuki says to their audience, ignoring, perhaps savoring, Izuku’s
sudden hushed whine into the bedding. “That’s the perfect omega.”

Izuku is pleased, flushing with the praise.

“Should I fuck him?” Katsuki shouts at them all, putting his hands to Izuku’s ass cheeks and laying
his cock hot and heavy between them, over his asshole. It’s claiming. Possessive. All parts of Izuku
were now Katsuki’s.

“Yes!” the crowd shouts back. Izuku shudders.

“Should I fill him?!”


Katsuki’s cock takes his pussy again from behind, slamming straight in at this new angle that truly
puts meaning into the words conquer and own. Izuku’s eyes roll into the back of his head, and he
realizes his mouth is open and drooling over the cloak gathered in his hands.

With his hands on Izuku’s hips, Katsuki fucks him in hard, deep slaps, yanking him back into
every thrust. It’s only through the tightness of his core that Izuku can angle him perfectly, make
him drag int and onto all the best parts inside so he’s distantly worried about pissing himself. It
also doesn’t matter, because pleasure smothered him.

Izuku shoves an arm down between his legs to flick over his clit, half squealing at the feeling.
Every now and then he swoops his fingers to catch the heavy balls that swing into him. Half
contorted, Izuku groans darkly, humping backwards so Katsuki nearly destabilizes, shoving into
him harder and widening their stance for a moment. The break in rhythm is unintended, judging by
Katsuki’s half bitten noise, but all the better for it. The touch of Katsuki’s balls hitting his clit is
electric, and he’s smug about it, his alpha’s cock all inside.

“Uhn-fuck, Izuku,” Katsuki groans at the feeling, stumbling for a half a second before
strengthening his thrusts again, going faster. He slaps Izuku’s cheek with a loud noise, practically
painless only for show. But it makes Izuku gasp, and it makes half the tent whine. The grip he’s
putting on Izuku’s hips, is almost too much for him, but wildly he hopes these fingerprints would

“Mark me,” Izuku gasps into red cloth, he scrambles to push back into each thrust, one arm busy at
his clit ramping up the climb to his orgasm, the other trying to both keep himself from smothering
and give Katsuki leverage. “Mark me, mark me, Katsuki.”

Shoved flat to the bedding, Izuku’s spine protests but he’s swiveling over his clit, Katsuki’s got his
teeth in his shoulder and he’s coming exactly then around the large cock shaping him to fit and a
fast flick of his own fingers.

The bite is savage, deep, and Izuku realizes he’s screamed with the combined flash of his omega
being claimed, the bite, and his body shattering into a million pieces in climax. Breathing doesn’t
seem important, no, only the shudder of his cunt around that cock, the weight of Katsuki above
him groaning around a mouthful of flesh and blood, fucking his hips at just the right tempo to urge
Izuku’s orgasm higher. His thighs feel wet.

The screams of their witnesses are at a fever pitch, half the room falling into orgasm as well at the
sight of the lord’s omega shrieking, eyes rolling and spraying slick between them. The wetness at
their thighs shines in the firelight, catching the flames and painting them with the glitter of
desperate carnality.

Katsuki removes his teeth and groans, low, dark, and deeply possessive. The cock pulses,
throbbing larger and then he’s slammed in, fucking as deep as he can. He’s coming, inside- inside

“Filling you up, omega,” Katsuki growls with so much alpha in his voice, Izuku thinks his eyes
must be totally black.

Izuku whimpers in response, drawing it out, clenching down to urge more into himself. He wishes
they were still the ancestral beings they had evolved from. Wishes Katsuki had a knot, and Izuku
could clutch back, tying them tog tether for hours and hours of fucking and coming and coming to
ensure he pupped.

But instead, it was wet, and hot, and earthy with their scents combining.

“Came all over me,” Katsuki croons into his ear, leveraging a bit of his weight off Izuku so he can,
finally, breathe again. His hands press to the bedding on either side of Izuku’s head, and tiredly,
half rolling in pleasure both mindless and mindful, he inches his head over to lay kisses on the
strong wrist. “That’s good, omega. You did so good.”

“Alpha’s good, too,” Izuku sighs back, thighs shaking and his cunt already missing the hardness of
that cock. He’s softening inside, his alpha is, and while Izuku will miss it until it comes back, this
is quite nice too. His alpha, warm inside him. He hums in pleasure. “Fucked me so good,

“Heh.” Katsuki snorts, leaning down to lay kisses on the mangled part of Izuku’s neck where his
mating claim would be presented for all and sundry to see. “Fucking Deku. ‘Course I did.” And he
leans in further, soft cock shifting in a mess of slick and seed, and kisses Izuku for the first time.
Their lips are soft, licked red and round, and they taste like each other.

Izuku’s eyes flutter shut, his alpha strong and large and protective over his back. Katsuki touches
him carefully, somewhat awed that this creature was now his, and his entirely. The bite mark
ached, it bled when they turned over to lounge, and someone brings a wet, clean cloth for him.
Around them, the rampant orgy soothed itself into a new, comfortable, intimate sense of closeness.
With the king and lord in his newly built nest with the worthiest warrior omega, they were finally
one People.

There would be sex for the rest of the night, sex and feasting and drinking until everyone woke up
sore. In the center, alpha and omega would complete each other twice more. Some nine months
down the road, a plethora of new life, a new generation to take the world in their own hands. But
for now, the slow understanding that they were, all together, safe.

And in between savage rounds of fucking, of making sure his omega was stuffed full to the brim
and catching with his seed, alpha would kiss gently and carefully around his face, finding each
freckle and laying claim to them too.

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