Romero Lara 2020 19 USHistory

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Dear John,

My name is Elizabeth. I'm 15 years old. I live in Long Island, New York.
My dad was an important investor, everything was going great, until October 24th,
1929. We had an enormous delightful house, the most restored cars, every dress I
wanted... It's fascinating how much can change in just a few hours. Mum and dad
are devastated, but I can't blame them, we lost everything we possessed.

The cumulus of factors that provoked this situation was the stock market crash, the
gold standard and the banking panic. I first noticed things had changed when one
day when I had come from school, mum told us to go wait on the free soup line.I was
shocked. After that, dad started handling the cars, mum the jewelry and lastly we
sold our house. We moved into a dusty apartment in New Jersey. My parents made
everything that was in their hands, so we could continue with our education. I
completed my studies and went to a nursery school.

I was capable of receiving a decent education because of the New deal. It was
march 4th of 1933, and Roosevelt was elected president, the words he pronounced
that day produced a true impact on the whole country. “First of all,” he said, “let me
assert my firm belief that the only thing we have to fear is fear itself.”
In my experience, the new deal indeed restored my family. It gave my dad’s
company grants, so he could carry out our family.Without these we couldn’t have
survived, it helped millions of persons like me, but also the great depression made
an irreparable damage to other people.


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