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Analyze and relate the study of art to the following works/theories.

a. Imitationism – Polycritus Doryphorus (Spear Bearer) 450 BC

 Imitationism refers to art that focuses on depicting things realistically.

Imitationism is an art theory that judges a work of art by how real it looks.
 From an imitator's point of view, if a work of art doesn't look authentic or
believable, it's worthless. When studying ancient Greek art, we often
actually see copies of ancient Roman art, or at least ancient Greek
sculpture (or paintings, architecture, etc.).
 Basically, almost all Romans wanted ancient Greek art.
 To the Romans, Greek culture represented a desirable way of life,
including leisure, art, luxury, and learning. Greek art became fashionable
when Roman generals began conquering Greek cities (from 211 BC) and
triumphantly returned to Rome with works of art rather than the usual
gold and silver coins.
 To make matters worse, Roman marble sculptures have been buried for
centuries, and very often only fragments of the sculptures that need to be
reassembled are recovered. It is common to see sculptures in museums
that contain ancient sculptures, or that simply display ancient sculptures.
 The Dryphlos (Spearbearer) in the Naples Museum (pictured above) is a
Roman copy of a lost Greek original believed to have been found largely
intact in the Roman provincial city of Pompeii. 

b. Representationsm

 Representationism, also known as Representationalism, is a

philosophical theory of knowledge that holds that the mind perceives
only mental images (representations) of material objects outside the
mind, rather than the objects themselves.
 When members of the KKK tear up their cedulas (personal registration
tax certificates), they are signaling their break with the colonial
 On August 23, 1896, Andres Bonifacio and a number of Katipuneros
tore theircedulas, signifying their protest against Spanish colonial rule.
It's a piece of paper that represents the Spaniards' oppression, and
tearing it signifies the beginning of our fight for freedom and

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