Building Connections Lesson Plan

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Bridget Scaglione



Objective: Students to familiarize themselves with each other, the co-instructor, and peer leader


I. Co-instructor introduction PowerPoint presentation (10 mins)

II. Peer leader introduction PowerPoint presentation (10 mins)
III. Intro Questions around the room (20 mins)
a. Name
b. Major
c. Where you’re from
d. Future career aspirations
e. One thing you’re excited about USC
IV. Add On Name Game (10 mins)
a. Students stand in circle facing one another
b. The first student starts by saying their name and adds a short movement that is now
associated w their name (jump, clap, snap, wave, thumbs up, etc.)
c. The next person says the first person’s name and does their movement, and then adds
their name and their own unique movement
d. Continue around the circle until the last person repeats everyone's name and
V. Two truths and a lie (10 mins)
a. Everyone thinks of two fun facts they want to share with the class, and make up a fake
fact about themselves
b. Everyone will say their two truths and a lie, and the class will guess which one is the lie
c. The person will reveal the lie
d. Continue until everyone has gone
VI. Wrap up Q&A (10 mins)
a. Classes?
b. Campus?
c. Restaurants?
d. Concerns?

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