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Name: Terrence Lee

Date: 3/30/23
Per: 3rd

Rainforests, The Biggest Ecosystems

1. What are rainforests and why do we need them? (Use the text.)
Rainforests are tall areas, mostly evergreen trees and a high amount of rainfall.
Rainforests are important because they absorb carbon dioxide, a greenhouse gas,
and increase local humidity. Rainforests also stabilize the climate, house
incredible amounts of plants and wildlife, and produce nourishing rainfall all
around the planet. Thousands of species of animals and plants in the rainforest.
The rainforests contribute to the battle against climate change, Forests are of
great importance for water cycles, Forests provide clean air, We humans depend
on the forest for medicines.
2. What is the difference between a temperate rainforest and a
tropical rainforest? (3 details for both.)
The difference between temperate and tropical rainforests is Temperate
deciduous forests are found in areas with continental temperate climates and
temperate rainforests are found in areas with coastal temperate climates.

3. Name three things we can do to save rainforests.

Things we can do to save rainforests are Restore damaged ecosystems by planting
trees on land where forests have been cut down. Encourage people to live in a
way that doesn't hurt the environment. Establish parks to protect rainforests and
wildlife. Support companies that operate in ways that minimize damage to the

4. Name eight animals that might be found in a rainforest?

8 animals that might be for in rainforests are the golden lion tamarin monkey,
Jaguars, River dolphin, Amazonian manatee, Poison dart frog, Bullet Ant, Brazilian
Straying Crawler, Red Bellied Piranhas, Electric Eel.

5. What is the Costa Rica rainforest famous for? (Discussion/Notes)

Costa Rica is famous for its incredible natural wonders, rich biodiversity, aromatic
coffee, and progressive government. It is home to some of the most beautiful
rainforests, beaches, and mountains in the world. Costa Rica is also known for its
beautiful beaches, Pura vVda lifestyle as well as delicious food.

6. What is the main idea of the story “Rainforests: A Gift on Earth?”

The Main idea of the story Rainforests: A Gift on Earth is that we need to save
them and stop causing damages to them such as deforestation because it's killing
the animals that need this type of ecosystem and they are becoming endangered.

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