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415128, 10:26 PM XI Biology Class Test XI Biology Class Test XI Biology Class Test 1. Which of the following is true about hypertension? © It leads to cardiac diseases © It affects vital organs like brain and kidney © An individual is 140/90 or higher, it shows hypertensions all 2. In BP measurement 120 mmHgis the pressure and 80 mmHgis___pressure © Diastolic, systolic © systolic, diastolic © Pulse, diastolic © Pulse, systolic 3. A system which supplies blood to heart is: © Portal system © Pulmonary system © Coronary system All 4, A unique vascular connection exists between the digestive tract and liver is called: © Renal portal system © Hypothalamus—Hypo physical portal system © Hepatic portal system All 5. The mechanoreceptor which relay information of BP to autonomic nervous system: © Nocireceptor © S.ANode © Baroreceptors © No relay information htps:/testmoz.comy/12866872/adminkey?word=O&version=aBkoy=1 (1 point) (1 point) (1 point) (1 point) (1 point) v6 415128, 10:26 PM 6. Lymph is known as: © Tissue fluid © Interstitial fluid © Both of above © Plasma 7. A muscular wall is absent in: © Venule © Vein © Capillary © Arteriole 8. Largest lymphatic organ in the body © Liver © Kidney © Spleen © Pancreas 9. Which type of vessel enters into tissues? © Venole © Arteriole © Artery © Aorota 10. Arteries carry oxygenated blood except in: © Pulmonary © Cardiac © Hepatic © Systemic 11. Which one indicates hypertension? © 120/80 mmHg © 80/120 mmHg © 160/95 mmHg htps:/testmoz.comy/12866872/adminkey?word=O&version=aBkoy=1 XI Biology Class Test (1 point) (1 point) (1 point) (1 point) (1 point) (1 point) 26 415128, 10:26 PM XI Biology Class Test © 90/60 mmHg 12, Placing long thin tube (catheter) into a blood vessel to place a small balloon at the site of (1 point) narrowing called: © Angioplasty © Angiography © Angina pectoris © Coronary bypass 13, Pulmonary circulation is required for: (1 point) © Nutrient supply to lungs © Elimination of waste products from the lungs © Oxygenation of deoxygenated blood © Nutrient supply to heart 14, The thickening and loss of elasticity of arterial walll are called: (1 point) © Arthritis © Arterioselerosis 2 Aneurysm © Both b and ¢ 15. In an adult, normal blood pressure (1 point) © 80/120 mmHg © 100/80 mm Hg © 120/80 mmHg © 100/120 mmHg 16. Which of the following disease is not concerned with disorders of circulatory system? (1 point) © Heart failure © Angina © Coronary artery disease © Uremia (1 point) lich blood flows under low pressure htps:/testmoz.comy/12866872/adminkey?word=O&version=aBkoy=1 36 418729, 10:28 PM XI Biology Class Test © Thin-walled in which blood flows under high pressure © Thick-walled in which blood flows under high pressure © Thin-walled in which blood flows under low pressure 18, Pulmonary cireulation include (1 point) © Pulmonary artery © Pulmonary vein © Lungs All 19, The difference of blood pressure between systolic and diastolic phase i (1 point) © 10 mm Hg © 40 mm Hg © 120 mm Hg © 180 mm Hg 20, Which of the following is not the main function of lymph glands? (1 point) © Forming WBC © Forming RBC © Forming antibodies © Destroying bacteria 21. Renal circulation system starts from: (1 point) © Digestive system to liver © Heart to liver © Liver to heart © Heart to kidney 22, The function of lymph fluid as: (1 point) © Transports oxygen to brain © Transport CO2 to lungs © Returns interstitial fluid to blood © Returns RB ind WBCs to lymph nodes 23, The instrument by which BP of human beings are determined is called: (1 point) htps:/testmoz.comy/12866872/adminkey?word=O&version=aBkoy=1 46 415128, 10:26 PM XI Biology Class Test 24, 2s, 26. 21. 28. © Ultrasound © BP meter ° Stethoscope © sphygmomanometer The hydrostatic force of blood exert on the walll of vessels is called: O ECG © Heart beat © Blood pressure © Heart attack Which of the following blood vessels possess semilunar valves? © Vena cava and aorta © Aorta and pulmonary artery © Pulmonary artery and pulmonary vein © Pulmonary vein and vena cava Lymph differs from blood in: © Absence of RBC © Absence of WBC © Excess of water © Absence of protein Cells constituting the wall of capillaries are: © Parietal © Endothelial © Oxyntic © Haemocytes Maximum surface area of circulating system is seen in: © Heart © Capillaries © Arterioles © Veins htps:/testmoz.comy/12866872/adminkey?word=O&version=aBkoy=1 (1 point) (1 point) (1 point) (1 point) (1 point) 56 415128, 10:26 PM XI Biology Class Test 29, The instrument used to hear heartbeats is called: © Blectrocardiograph © Sphygmomanometer ® Stethoscope © Haemo meter 30, Contraction of right ventricle pumps blood into: © Dorsal aorta © Pulmonary vein © Coronary artery © Pulmonary artery htps:/testmoz.comy/12866872/adminkey?word=O&version=aBkoy=1 (1 point) (1 point) oe

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