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Ministry of Education
ELT Counsellor's Office
Specification For 6th Primary Examination
For Governmental, Distinguished and Private Language Schools
A. Language Functions (4 marks)
1. Supply the missing parts in the following dialogue:
Pupils are asked to complete a dialogue with FOUR (4) missing parts. Two stimuli
and Two responses. (1 mark each)
B. Vocabulary & Structure (7 marks)
2. Underline the correct word(s) in brackets. (8 X ½ = 4 marks)
Ten (10) sentences with FOUR (4) options each are provided.
5 vocabulary items and 5 structure ones
3. Rewrite the following sentences using the word(s) in brackets:
(5 marks)
FIVE (5) sentences dealing with the grammar items in the set books. (1 mark Each)
C. Reading Comprehension (3 marks)
4. Read the following passage and answer the questions below:
Pupils are asked to answer SIX questions: 3 open-ended (One mark each)
and 3 MCQ (Half a mark each). An unseen text of about 80-100 words testing
the following skills: * Extracting information.
* Skimming of the main idea. * Understanding reference.
V. The Link Reader (3 marks)
5. A. Answer the following questions: (3 marks)
Pupils are asked to answer THREE (3) questions based on a quotation or three
(3) open ended questions. (1 mark each)
B. Complete the following sentences: (3 marks)
Pupils are asked to complete TWO (2) sentences. (1 mark and half each)

IV. Writing (4 marks)

6. Write a paragraph of SIX sentences on .............
Pupils are asked to write SIX sentences forming a paragraph on a topic.
They should be provided with guiding words.
Or Write a letter to ............
Or Write a reply to the following letter:
Pupils are asked to write a letter or a reply to a letter. Three marks for the
layout (i.e. heading, greeting & conclusion) and Three marks for the purpose/
body of the letter.
7. Write questions.
Pupils are given THREE statements. They are asked to form a question for
the underlined words (sentence, phrase or word) of each statement. Different
Wh/ Yes/ No questions are a must. (1 mark each)
The Passive (future) (Present Perfect)
The Passive Voice is used when we don't know who or what did the action or
when the object of a sentence is more important than the subject.
.‫عندما ال نعرف من أو ماذا قام بالفعل أو عندما يكون مفعول الجملة أكثر أهمية من الفاعل‬
* Children will be given lunch on the school trip.
* Trains won't be used in the future.
* A bag has been found in the classroom. Is it yours?
The Tense The Active Formation noitamroF evissaP ehT
‫الزمن‬ ‫التكوين في المعلوم‬ ‫التكوين في المجهول‬
1. The Future
will/ shall + inf. will/ shall be + P.P.
has has
2. The Present
+ P.P. + been + P.P
have have
They will give a booklet to each student. (Active)
A booklet will be given to each student. (Passive)
The teacher has filmed the trip. (Active)
The trip has been filmed by the teacher. (Passive)
Revision on Unit 6
A. Language functions
1. Supply the missing parts in the following dialogue:
Emad : Hello, Ahmed. How did you spend your mid-year vacation?
Ahmed: Oh, ……………………………………………….…
Emad : ……………………………………………….……………?
Ahmed: Because I broke my leg and went to hospital.
Emad : ……………………….……………?
Ahmed: I fell off my bike.
Emad : ……………………………………………….…………..............………?
Ahmed: The doctor said I had to stay in bed for two weeks
B. Vocabulary & Structure
2. Underline the correct word in brackets.
1. When I travel, I can connect (for - to - too) my email in Internet cafés.
2. The money has been (spending - spends - spent).
3. "Don't (get - foreign - forget) that tomorrow is Science Day in the morning."
4. I didn't (expecting - expect - expects) a call from him.
5. The people have not been (watched - watching - watch) us.
6. It took ten hours to (change - charge - choke) the battery.
7. I'm (connecting - attaching - reaching) them to this email for you to look at.
8. The window has been (closed - closing - close).
9. The photo will be (takes - taking - taken).
10. In the afternoon, you'll be (shower - show - shown) a film about robots.
2. Underline the correct word in brackets.
1. Harry's house is (small - tiny - huge)! It's much bigger than ours.
2. The exhibition will (been - being - be) visited.
3. We'll (take - make - fake) everyone to the Science Museum.
4. The sign will not be (been - keen - seen).
5. There's a bug (at - in - of) my printer.
6. It is very (awful - useful - using) on a busy road, because it avoids traffic.
7. The teacher asked us to be (quit - quite - quiet) immediately.
8. The present will not be (find - finds - found).
9. We aren't famous or rich. We're just (order - ordinary - ordinal) people.
10. Every morning, my breakfast is (did - made - aid) for me.
3. Rewrite the following sentences using the words in brackets:
1. The internet has been disconnected. (will not)
2. He will do his homework. (His homework)
3. I have called them. (They)

Family & Friends 6 - Second Term
Revision (Unit 6)
4. I will use the computer to chat. (The computer)
5. The drinks have been poured. (drink)
3. Rewrite the following sentences using the words in brackets:
1. They have read the book. (The book)
2. Students will be sent to Mars in the future. (not)
3. No, cars won't be used in the future. (Will)
4. The door hasn't been opened. (doors)
5. A private plane will take you to Aswan. (by)

C. Reading comprehension
4. Read the following passage and then answer the questions:
People all over the world speak thousands of different languages.
Millions of people speak one language as a first language and later learn a
second or foreign language. There are three thousand different languages in
the world, and Chinese is one of the most important languages. Russian,
Spanish, Portuguese, French and Arabic are also very important world
languages. By learning foreign languages, people are able to read the world
newspapers and magazines. It is important to learn foreign languages
because they are ways of connection among people.
A. Answer the following questions:
1. How many different languages are there in the world?
2. What do millions of people later learn?
3. Where is French spoken?
B. Choose the correct answer.
4. Arab countries speak (Russian - Spanish - Arabic).
5. People in (China - Spain - Portugal) speak Chinese.
6. (Newspapers - Languages - Magazines) connect people together.
E. Writing
6. Write a paragraph of six sentences on
Your favourite room in the house
Using the guiding words:
big - tidy - well - comfortable - decorated - quiet - practice - watch

7. Write questions.
1. .............................................?
I've won a computer.
2. .......................................................................................................?
Yes, people will travel in flying cars in the future.
3. ............................................................................................?
The lost bag has been found in the classroom.

Test based on Unit 6

A. Language functions
1. Supply the missing parts in the following dialogue:
Seif : Hello, Reda, your watch is very nice. Is it new?
Reda: ………………………………....……………………
Seif : ……………………………………………….………?
Reda: I bought it when I was in Alexandria.
Seif : ………………………………………………………?
Reda: It's 250 pounds.
Seif : Oh! …………………………………………….....………
Reda: No, it isn't. It is the cheapest in the shop.
B. Vocabulary & Structure
2. Underline the correct word in brackets.
1. I want to (log - download - connect) some music from the Internet.
2. The thieves will be (arresting - arrested - arrest).
3. When I grow up, I want to be an (inventor - invention - invent).
4. A computer will not be (using - uses - used).
5. The air comes out of the balloon and the (back - bat - bike) pedals.
6. The match was (excited - excite - exciting).
7. The soup will (been - be - being) made.
8. The new president gave a (folk - talk - tick) to everybody in the company.
9. Now, mobile phone weighed (around - about - along) 130 grams!
10. The pens (has - having - have) been counted.
3. Rewrite the following sentences using the words in brackets:
1. The class will be taught to ride bikes. (not)
2. The mobile phone has been switched off. (on)
3. She has studied English. (English has)

Family & Friends 6 - Second Term
Revision (Unit 6)
4. He won't be given a chance. (will give)
5. Hassan plays chess. (played)

C. Reading comprehension
4. Read the following passage and then answer the questions:
A football game consists of two teams with eleven players each. Each
team has its own captain who the players must obey. The rules of the game
are very important. You are allowed to kick the ball, but you can't touch it
with your hands. When the game begins, the players arrange themselves in
three lines on each side. They are called the forward line, the half-back line
and the defense line.
Basketball is quite different. In basketball you are not allowed to kick
the ball, you are only allowed to throw it. The most important thing is to be
able to pass the ball to the other players of your own team. Basketball is
like football as both of them are team sports.
A. Answer the following questions:
1. How many teams does a football game consist of?
2. Who must the players obey?
3. What is the most important thing in basketball?
B. Choose the correct answer.
4. The (role - rules - rulers) of the game are very important.
5. Every player has to (arrange - observe - throw) the ball and pass it to the other
players in basketball.
6. Each team has its own (captain - cabin - rule).
D. The Link Reader (The Prisoner of Zenda)
5. A. Read the following quotation, then answer the questions:
"Well I'm not scared of his food."
1. Who is talking? To whom?
2. Whose food did the speaker mean?
3. Why did the speaker say so?
B. Complete the following sentences.
4. Raseendyll doesn't need to do anything because …………………………
5. Zenda was …………………………………….

E. Writing
6. Write a paragraph of six sentences on "Public gardens in Cairo"
Use the guiding words:
lots of cars - air - polluted - man - need - oxygen - trees - plant - make
- more - gardens - important
7. Write questions.
1. ..........................................................................................?
The World Wide Web was invented in 1990.
2. ............................................................................................?
The first computer weighed over 30,000 kilos.
3. ..................................................................?
Yes, I always use the Internet.

Family & Friends 6 - Second Term
The Relative Clauses (who, which, that)
* who (that) used for people (subject or object) .‫تحل محل فاعل أو مفعول عاقل‬
- There are too many climbers who (that) can successfully climb Mount
- Edison was the person who (that) invented the light bulb.
- Do you know the name of the first woman who (that) landed on the moon.

* which (that) used for people (things or animals) .‫تحل محل فاعل أو مفعول غير عاقل‬
- This is the house which (that) our grandfather built.
- A rucksack is a type of bag which (that) climbers carry.
- A lifeboat is a boat which (that) is used to rescue people at sea.
Revision on Unit 7
I. Vocabulary & Structure
1. Underline the correct word(s) in brackets.
1. The treasure is (damaged - hidden - happened - found) under the ground. No one
has found it yet.
2. (North - South - East - West) is the direction towards the top of the map.
3. He's a good (guitar - guitarist - art - headmistress).
4. Pasta is a type of food (who - where - that - when) is popular in Italy.
5. I met a man (which - where - who - when) had visited 50 countries.
6. The crocodile is an animal (which - who - that - whose) can swim.
7. The police are trying to find (doors - clues - locks - bags) about terrible crime.
8. The (Capitan - wreck - passenger - door) of the sunken ship was impossible to
9. (Hurricanes - Earthquakes - volcanoes - Floods) are very dangerous when they erupt.
10. We can't (follow - imagine - examine - afford) life without clean air to breathe.
1. Underline the correct word(s) in brackets.
1. We don't have a map of this (wreck - cut - storm - island), so we may get lost.
2. We should encourage and support the scientific (country – doors - happiness -
research) to invent and discover new things every now and then.
3. Underwater explorer could (bring - go - run - rush) back lots of items from the
sunken ships.
4. The titanic was called the (unbelievable - unsinkable - unemployed - unpleasant) ship.
No one believe it could sink.
5. The titanic sank on its first (flight - voyage - trip - picnic).
6. Pearls are jewels (who - which - what - why) from inside shells.
7. A guide is a person (who - which - whose - why) takes people.
8. We ate some fish (who - which - what - when) tasted very delicious.
9. The bus (that - when - who - where) goes to Cairo leaves in 30 minutes.
10. My dad is (novel - journal - proud - journalist).
2. Rewrite the following sentences using the words in brackets:
1. A scientist is a person. He works in a laboratory. (that)
2. Mount Everest is a mountain. It is in Nepal. (which)
3. Scuba divers are people. They explore underwater. (who)
4. This is the mobile I bought yesterday. (that)
5. The lion is an animal. It's strong and brave. (that)

Family & Friends 6 - Second Term
Revision (Unit 7)
2. Rewrite the following sentences using the words in brackets:
1. The teacher is a person. He works with children. (who)
2. The car is a vehicle. It carries people. (that)
3. Journalists are people. They write for newspapers and magazines. (who)
4. A nurse is a person. She helps sick people. (who)
5. This is the plate. I ate in it yesterday. (which)

B. Language functions
3. Supply the missing parts in the following dialogue:
Samir : Do you enjoy going to the cinema?
Maher: …………………………………………………………
Samir : …………………………………………………………?
Maher: I prefer watching a video film at home.
Samir : ……………………………………….............…………....…….?
Maher: I like watching it on holidays and on Fridays.
Samir : Would you like to go swimming in the club?
Maher: ……………………………………………….………………
3. Supply the missing parts in the following dialogue:
Teacher: Good afternoon, Omar.
Student: ………………………………………………………..……
Teacher: What are you doing here?
Student: ………………………………………………………..……
Teacher: ……………………………………………..………………?
Student: I come to the library three times a week.
Teacher: Why are you interested in reading English book?
Student: ……………………………………………………………..…………

C. Reading comprehension
4. Read the following letter and then answer the questions:
August 20
Dear Mary,
We're having an amazing holiday in Turkey. We spent yesterday sailing
on the Zamanti River. We went down the river in a big boat. The river is full
of really big rocks.
We were all day long. Luckily, the weather here is warm. Some of the water
falls are so big, they made me scream! Tomorrow we're going to Istanbul.
I'm looking forward to shopping there.
I've heard that you can buy all kinds of interesting and beautiful things at

Istanbul's grand bazaar! We'll be back in two weeks.
See you soon!
A. Answer the following questions:
1. Where did Clair spend the holiday?
2. How did they sail on the Zamanti River?
3. Where are they having their holiday?
B. Choose the correct answer.
4. Clair says that the weather in Turkey is (very hot - a little hot - windy - not storm).
5. (All - Very few - No - Not all) waterfalls in the Zamanti River are big.
6. They will be back in (fourteen - four - five - fifteen) days to dig the pond.

D. The Link Reader (The Prisoner of Zenda)

5. Answer the following questions:
1. What did Rudolf ask the girl in the hotel to do?
2. What did Sapt tell Rudolf about Bernenstein?
3. What will Rudolf do for Ruritania before he leaves it?
B. Complete the following sentences:
4. Rudolf will kill everone of the six. Ruritania will be ………………...
5. Rudolf, Sapt and Fritz left Strelsau to go to …………………...…….
E. Writing
6. Write a paragraph of six sentences on
"The job you would like to be in the future".
Use the guiding words:
- What is the job?
- Why do you choose it?
- What do you need to get it?
7. Write questions.
1. ...........................................................................?
An explorer finds out about new places.
2. .....................................................................?
We've been walking for two hours.
3. ....................................................................?
No, I don't want to a journalist.

Family & Friends 6 - Second Term
Revision (Unit 7)
Test based on Unit 7
A. Language functions
1. Supply the missing parts in the following dialogue:
Walid: ………………………………….……………?
Mona : Mona Omar Hamza.
Walid: ………………………………….……………?
Mona : I was born in Cairo.
Walid: Are you married or single.
Mona : I'm married.
Walid: ……………………………...….……………?
Mona : Two sons and one daughter.
Walid: ………………………………………………?
Mona : I'm an engineer.
B. Vocabulary & Structure
2. Underline the correct word(s) in brackets.
1. Divers searched (after - at - for - on) the treasure but they couldn't find it.
2. A life boat is a boat (that - who - whose - where) is used to rescue people at sea.
3. My friends are people (which - that - whose - where) I love very much.
4. Every day (firefighters - doctors - scientists - historians) invent and discover new
5. (Historians - Explorers - Scientists - Environmentalists) are people who study and
protect the environment.
6. Over a thousand (sailors - passengers - ships - boats) drowned when the Titanic sank.
7. Today there are many climbers (who - whose - which - when) successfully climb
Mount Everest.
8. Explorers are people (which - whose - that - when) travel around the world.
9. They climb a mountain there (when - where - who - which) is the highest
mountain in the world.
10. The zebra is an animal (what - who - which - whose) is stripy.
3. Rewrite the following sentences using the words in brackets:
1. The sand cat is a wild cat. It lives in the desert. (which)
2. A penguin is a bird. It can swim underwater. (which)
3. This is the mechanic. He repairs my car. (who)
4. These are the carrots. We bought. (that)
5. Marco Polo was a traveler. He went to China in the 13th century. (who)

C. The Link Reader (The Prisoner of Zenda)
5. A. Read the following quotation, then answer the questions:
"You can help me. Tell no one that the king is here."
Who said this? To whom?
Why did the speaker say this?
What did the speaker ask the girl to do after that?
B. Complete the following sentences:
1. Rudolf, Sapt and Fritz left Strelsau to go …………...………….
2. We had reached to Tarlenheim House when we saw ……….………………...
D. Reading comprehension
4. Read the following passage and then answer the questions:
Last week a hungry thief came to a house at night and went into the
kitchen to look for something to eat. He didn't see because it was very dark.
His hand touched a basket so he put his hand in it to take some food or
bread, but there was a dog sleeping in it. The dog caught the thief's hand
The thief tried to keep quiet and not to cry, but the little dog was
stronger and the thief had to cry loudly. The thief's cry awake the people in
the house. They called the police who came soon and took the thief to the
police car.
A. Answer the following questions:
1. Why was the thief had to cry?
2. Why did the thief put his hand in the basket?
3. What happened last week?
B. Choose the correct answer.
4. The underlined word "it" refers to the (the dog - the basket - the police - the house).
5. The thief ate (food - bread - fruit - nothing).
6. The (cat - lion - dog - police) caught the thief's hand strongly.
E. Writing
6.Write a paragraph of six sentences on "A school trip".
Guiding words:
Yesterday - go - bus station - teachers - tell - information - see - collect -
research - happy - return - late
7. Write questions.
1. …………………………………………………………………?
I was born in Cairo.
2. …………………………………………………………………?
I go to school by bus.
3. …………………………………………………………………?
No, It's three o'clock.

Family & Friends 6 - Second Term
Past Perfect Tense
Affirmative Statements had + P.P (Past Participle) ‫الجمل المثبتة‬
Negative Statements hadn't + P.P ‫الجمل المنفية‬
Questions Had + subject + P.P? ‫السؤال‬
* We had finished our work by the time he came to inspect.
* I was surprised when I saw them as I hadn't met them for years.
* Had you already eaten your lunch when they came back home?
Use ‫االستخدام‬
1. To describe an action that was completed before a specific time in the past:
. ‫للتعبير عن حدث قد اكتمل قبل وقت معين في الماضي‬
* By the time it struck three p.m. yesterday, I had prepared lunch.
* By ten o'clock last night, I had gone to bed.
2. To describe an action that was completed before another action in the past:
.‫للتعبير عن حدث قد اكتمل قبل وقوع حدث أخر في الماضي‬
* Mike had washed the car before father woke up.
* Milton had been an accountant before he started his new job as a secretary.
Key words
After/ As soon as/ Until/ Because/As Past Perfect, Past Simple
Past Simple after/ as soon as/ until/ because/as Past Perfect

Before/ By the time/ when/So Past Simple , Past Perfect

Past Perfect before/ by the time/ when/ so Past Simple
* After I had done my homework, I directly went to bed.
* Karim didn't leave until he had taken his money.
* She had studied for a long time by the time she took a rest.
* He had never seen a lion before he visited that zoo last year.
* I had just put the phone down when he asked to use it.
First the president made his speech, then they clapped. (After)
After the president had made his speech, they clapped. (before)
The president had made his speech before they clapped. (until)
They didn't clap until the president had made his speech
Revision on Unit 8
A. Vocabulary & Structure
1. Underline the correct word(s) in brackets.
1. When we have something that is (easy - busy - good - mysterious), we can't
explain it.
2. My parents always (advise - advisable - face - acceptable) me to sleep early.
3. After they (finish - have finished - had finished - finishing) the exam, they went
4. Had you (see - saw - seen - seeing) the film before you left last night?.
5. The sailor is the leader of the (plane - bike - ship - train).
6. A/An (actor - writer - novelist - archaeologist) is a person who studies ancient
tombs and monuments.
7. The kids had eaten the food when they (arriving - arrives - arrived - has arrived).
8. (Is - Was - Had - Have) she written the letter before she went to sleep?
9. (Disasters - Festivals - Exams - Funerals) are funny occasions.
10. He had seen a play (after - before - so - because) he went to bed.
2. Underline the correct word(s) in brackets.
1. The police have done a lot of (jokes - noise - invitations - investigations) to know the
2. Sherief (go - went - has gone - goes) out after he had had his lunch.
3. She had brushed her teeth (before - so - after - because) she went to bed.
4. The cave is a hole in a (street - fountain - door - mountain).
5. This chair is not (hard - difficult - easy - comfortable), I want another one.
6. The ancient Egyptian left us a lot of (jokes - money - equipment -
7. Be careful, this vase is (break - breakable- busy - noisy).
8. When he got home, he remembered that he (forgets - forget - has forgotten - had
forgotten) his bag there.
9. My teacher was angry (before - because - but - so) I hadn't done the homework.
10. Omar (had watched - watch - watched - watches) a movie before he started
3. Rewrite the following sentences using the words in brackets:
1. She had checked her bag before she went to school. (after)
2. She phoned her sister after she had arrived home. (Had ……..?)
3. Had he finished his homework before he slept? (No, ……….)
4. First, he read a story, then he phoned his friends. (After …………)
5. Before the teacher entered the class, I had finished eating. (When …….)

Family & Friends 6 - Second Term
Revision (Unit 8)
3. Rewrite the following sentences using the words in brackets:
1. He was late. He had missed the bus. (because)
2. No, she hadn't studied well before she took her exam. (Had)
3. The teacher finished the lesson, then the bell rang. (After)
4. The bus left then I arrived at the station. (When)
5. Had Khdiga washed her face before she went to school? (No, ………)

B. Language functions
4. Supply the missing parts in the following dialogue:
Hala : What's the matter?
Abeer: I have a ……………..………
Hala : Do you eat a lot of sweets?
Abeer: Yes, I do.
Hala : …………………………………………........………?
Abeer: No, I don't brush my teeth.
Hala : ………………………………………………………?
Abeer: Yes, I went to the dentist yesterday.
Hala : ………………………………………………………?
Abeer: He gave me some medicine.
4. Supply the missing parts in the following dialogue:
Rawan : …………………………………………………………..?
Khadiga: I visited Luxor and Aswan last month.
Rawan : …………………………………………………………?
Khadiga: I went with my family.
Rawan : How did you go there?
Khadiga: …………………………………….....
Rawan : Did you buy any souvenirs?
Khadiga: Yes, ……………………...…………

C. Reading comprehension
5. Read the following passage and then answer the questions:
Yesterday Hani and his family went to the market. They took their
shopping baskets. Father drove them in the car there. At the market,
mother bought some fruits and vegetables. Hani saw some birds that he
wanted to buy. They cost a lot of money. Mother told him they were too
expensive. Then they met some friends and they all went to a restaurant.
Hani and his mother went home. In the afternoon Hani did his homework
and wrote a letter to his pen-friend.

A. Answer the following questions:
1. Where did the family go yesterday?
2. How did they go there?
3. When did Hani and his family go to the market?
B. Choose the correct answer.
4. They went with their friends to the (car - market - restaurant - school).
5. Hani went home with his (father and mother - mother - friends - father).
6. Hani saw some (cats - kittens - birds - dogs) that he wanted to buy.
D. The Link Reader (The Prisoner of Zenda)
6. A. Read the following quotation, then answer the questions:
1. What did young Rupert of Hentzau have for Rudolf?
2. What did Rupert tell Rudolf about the prisoner?
3. What did Rupert of Hentzau do after hurting Rudolf?
B. Complete the following sentences:
4. Rupert held a …….................….. and was coming straight to my hearts.
5. In the second room there is ………………………………………..
E. Writing
6. Write a paragraph of six sentences on "Holidays".
Use the guiding words:
places - people - usually - go - beach - visiting - relatives - reading -
E. Writing a letter
Write a reply to this letter.
Dear Sameh;
I hope that you are well and enjoying yourself. May I remind you that a long
time has passed since you borrowed some books from me. Please send them
back to me. I need them to study my lessons. With my best wishes.

Family & Friends 6 - Second Term
Revision (Unit 8)
7. Write questions:
1. ..............................................................................?
Ahmed went to the club yesterday.
2. ..............................................................................?
Samy is playing football now.
3. …………………..…………………………………..?
I saw a kitten on the road last night.

Test based on Unit 8

A. Language functions
1. Supply the missing parts in the following dialogue:
Karim: What are you studying now?
Ashraf: ……………………………………...…
Karim: Is French easy for you?
Ashraf: Yes, ………………………………
Karim: ……………………………………………….……….....……?
Ashraf: Yes, we will have a French test tomorrow.
Karim: ………………………………....……………?
Ashraf: Mr. Soliman teaches us French.
B. Vocabulary & Structure
2. Underline the correct word(s) in brackets.
1. Most people like to know about the past, it's (awful - boring - fascinating - horrible).
2. This room is very dark. There is no (chair - rain - animals - light) in it.
3. Had the girls (has finished - finish - finishes - finished) cleaning the flat before they
4. My sister had taken her bag before she (leave - leaves - left - has left).
5. The police (discovered - explored - laughed - invented) the crime lately.
6. No one, till now, knows what happened to the crew. It's a (competition - game
show - mystery - puzzle).
7. She wake up late because she (goes - go going - had gone) to bed late.
8. They went out with their family after they (tell - have told - had told - told) their
9. (Engineers - Teachers - Historians - Vets) tell us about what happened in the past.
10. When she arrived home, she (leaves - leave - has left - had left) her purse at
3. Rewrite the following sentences using the words in brackets:
1. After Ali and Adel had gone to bed, someone knocked on the door. (When …)
2. Did you see the thief before running away? (Had ……)
3. I phoned my brother after I had had my dinner. (before)

4. First, she had her lunch, then she had a bath. (Before …..)
5. Had you closed the door before you went to bed yesterday? (No, …….)
C. Reading comprehension
4. Read the following passage and then answer the questions:
Hani will go on holiday with his family in January. They will go to
Scotland in the United Kingdom. His uncle lives there. The weather will be
cold and snowy. Hani will see snow for the first time. His mum will buy a
warm coat and some boots in Scotland. Hani will have lots of fun with his
family in Scotland. They will visit a museum and they will sail a boat on a
river. Hani will send post cards to his friends at home.
A. Answer the following questions:
1. Where will Hani and his family go on January?
2. What will Hani see for the first time?
3. What will his mum buy from Scotland?
B. Choose the correct answer.
4. The family will go on holiday in (January - June - July - March).
5. Hani's mother will buy new (clothes - bike - computer - gloves).
6. Hani will send (parents - post cards - letters - photos) to his friends at home.
D. The Link Reader (The Prisoner of Zenda)
5. A. Read the following quotation, then answer the questions:
1. What was there in the second room?
2. What will happen if Rudolf brings an army to the castle?
3. What were the difficulties that faced Rudolf to save the king?
B. Complete the following sentences:
4. Rupert answered Rudolf that the prisoner ……………....…….
5. Before Rudolf's men do anything, Rupert of Hentzau was on ………………….
E. Writing
6. Write a paragraph of six sentences about "Your free time"
Guiding words:
hobbies - such as - reading - sports - swimming - riding - cycling - history
7. Write questions:
1. ……………………………………………………?
Samy visited Ahmed last week.
2. ……………………………………………………?
I'm studying English now.
3. Yes, Adel is my friend.
Family & Friends 6 - Second Term
If (Third Conditional)
Formation ‫التكوين‬
The Past Perfect
‫زمن الماضي التام‬ would have + P.P

If The Past Perfect Continuous

, could have + P.P
‫زمن الماضي التام المستمر‬ might have + P.P
Usage ‫االستخدام‬
1. A past situation that's contrary to known facts. )‫حدث ماضي عكس الحقيقة (مستحيل‬
* If the weather had been good yesterday, we would have gone for a picnic.
2. Criticizing a past action ‫انتقاد حدث تم في الماضي‬
* If you had been more careful, you wouldn't have injured yourself.

We use (should/ shouldn't - ought to - ought not to + infinitive) to give advice.

.‫) في إعطاء النصيحة‬should/ shouldn't - ought to - ought not to + infinitive( ‫نستخدم‬
Asking for advice ‫طلب النصيحة‬ Giving advice ‫إعطاء النصيحة‬
What do you think I should do about ….? You should/ ought to + ‫مصدر‬.
What should I do about ……….. You'd better + ‫مصدر‬.
You should wear a big hat as the sun is very hot in the jungle.
I shouldn't stay up late on school days because I'll be tired.
You ought to switch off lights when you leave a room. It saves energy.

We use (must) to show necessity and obligation according to certain rules.

.‫) في للتعبير عن الضرورة واإللزام لقواعد وقوانين معينة‬must + infinitive( ‫نستخدم‬
You must switch off mobile phones at the cinema. This is rule.
We use (mustn't) to show prohibition.
.‫) في للتعبير عن المنع أو التحريم لقواعد وقوانين معينة‬mustn't + infinitive( ‫نستخدم‬
You mustn't pick up or touch any insects or animals.
We use (have/has to) to talk about something that is necessary.
.‫) في للتعبير عن الضرورة في المضارع‬have/has to + infinitive( ‫نستخدم‬
You have to bring a water bottle. Drinking water is very important.
We use (don't/ doesn't have to) to talk about something that is unnecessary.
.‫) في للتعبير عن عدم الحاجة أو عدم الضرورة في المضارع‬don't/ doesn't have to + infinitive( ‫نستخدم‬
Tarek doesn't have to get up early tomorrow morning. It's a Friday
Revision on Unit 9
A. Language functions
1. Supply the missing parts in the following dialogue:
Samah : …………………………………………………………?
Nadia : I went to Aswan yesterday.
Samah : …………………………………………………………?
Nadia : I went by plane.
Samah : Who did you go with?
Nadia : ……….……………………...…………………………
Samah : How long will you stay there?
Nadia : …………………………………………………………
1. Supply the missing parts in the following dialogue:
Omar : Would you like to go swimming tomorrow?
Ahmed: ……………………………………………………………………………………………
Omar : Why not?
Ahmed: ……………………………………………………………………………………………
Omar: Oh! I'm sorry ………………………………………………………………………?
Ahmed: My mother has been in the hospital for three days.
Omar : ……………………………………………………………………………………………?
Ahmed: The doctor said she had a fever.
B. Vocabulary & Structure
2. Underline the correct word(s) in brackets.
1. We use a (needle and thread - first aid box - fishing - bottle) to make or fix clothes.
2. The (banknote - coin - chest - thread) is a metal piece of money.
3. If he had studied hard, he'd (had - have had - have - having) passed the final exam.
4. He would have been happy if the machine (hadn't worked - didn't work - had worked -
5. There's a water (pot - pan - bottle - dish) in my bag if you want to drink.
6. If it rains, we (wouldn't - won't - would - did) be able to go out.
7. He mustn't (picked - pick - picks - picking) flowers at the park.
8. The things he got from the ship were (bad - useful - useless - careless). He used them
in his daily life.
9. He used (ropes - supplies - walls - pot) to tie the pieces of wood together.
10. You (ought to - shouldn't - don't have to - didn't) bring a camera because you will want
to take lots of photos.
2. Underline the correct word(s) in brackets.
1. You blow a (whistle - candle - match - box) to make a sound.
2. They become (unknown - unpopular - useless - famous) when their photo
was in the newspaper.
3. You (don't have to - mustn't - ought to - had) drive when the light is red, the police

Family & Friends 6 - Second Term
Revision (Unit 9)
man will take your car number.
4. If you hadn't been here, I (won't wear - wear - wouldn't wear - wouldn't have worn) the
5. If they (listened - had listened - listen - listening) to the teacher, they would have
understood the lesson.
6. You (must - have to - don't have to - would) bring any food. We will give you some.
7. They cut down trees to build wooden (pots- huts - caves - tents) for shelter.
8. You can be (killed - rescue - died - forgot) someone knows you are on the island.
9. If I hadn't (forget - forgot - forgotten - forgets) my mobile phone, I would have
called you.
10. When the boat sank, there was only one (shelter - survivor - raft - tent). Everyone
3. Rewrite the following sentences using the words in brackets:
1. Don't make a fire here. (mustn't)
2. She went to bed so late. She didn't get up early. (If)
3. Your friends leave rubbish in the street. (shouldn't)
4. Eat lots of fresh food to get enough vitamins. (If)
5. Don't make noise in the library. (ought not to)
3. Rewrite the following sentences using the words in brackets:
1. The science test was difficult, I didn't answer well. (If)
2. It's not necessary to wear sunglasses. It's not sunny. (don't have to)
3. Dad left home early. I didn't see him. (If)
4. Read the question carefully before answering it. (must)
5. I am not a doctor. I can't help you. (If)
C. Reading comprehension
4. Read the following passage and then answer the questions:
There was once a foolish man who had a bag of gold. He dug a hole in
the ground to put the bag in the hole. Then he covered it with a stone. He
used to visit the place nearly every day, take away the stone, put his fingers
into the hole to touch the gold and feel happy. One day he took the stone
away and put his fingers into the hole. How angry and sad he was when he
discovered that his treasure wasn't there! A servant who had watched his
master had stolen it.
A. Answer the following questions:
1. How did the man hide the treasure?
2. Who stole the gold?
3. Why was the man foolish?
B. Choose the correct answer.
4. "Treasure" means (cheap - valuable - hot - useless) things in the ground.
5. The man covered the hole with (straw - sand - a stone - wood).
6. The man put his fingers into the hole to touch (the money - the gold - the book -
the sand).

D. The Link Reader (The Prisoner of Zenda)

5. A. answer the following questions:
1. What did Rudolf see to make his heart nearly stop?
2. Where did Rupert of Hentzau go after hitting Rudolf's stick?
3. What did Rudolf ask Rupert of Hentzau to do?
B. Complete the following sentences:
5. Michael and Rudolf couldn't let the people know ……………………….
6. "Kill them!" cried a voice, …………………...

E. Writing
6. Write a paragraph of six sentences on "Our school library".
Use the guiding words:
library - 2nd floor - large - clean - tidy - history - science - language -
geography - math - shelves - librarian - help - choose - quiet
7. Write questions.
1. ……………………………………………………….?
Yes, he likes fish.
2. ……………………………………….………………?
She's eating meat now.
3. ……………………………………………………….?
Adel teaches English in his class.

Family & Friends 6 - Second Term
Test based on Unit 9 Revision (Unit 9)
A. Language functions
1. Supply the missing parts in the following dialogue:
Ayman: Welcome to Egypt. …………………………….……………?
Tourist : I'm from America.
Ayman: ……………………………………………...........................….……………?
Tourist: I like visiting Egypt because its weather is wonderful and the people
are friendly.
Ayman: How long will you stay in Egypt?
Tourist: ……………………………………………….
Ayman: What places will you visit?
Tourist: …………………….....…………………………………….
Ayman: I hope you will enjoy your stay in Egypt.
B. Vocabulary & Structure
2. Underline the correct word(s) in brackets.
1. We use a (pen knife - fishing line - whistle - needle and thread) to catch fish.
2. You need a (fishing line - pen knife - bottle - first aid box) if you hurt yourself.
3. She should (listen - listens - listening - listened) carefully to her teachers.
4. You have to (going - go - goes - went) to bed early to get up early.
5. You can use (wood - rock - thread - smoke) from your clothes to make fishing
6. You (don't have to - ought not to - should - would) wear strong boots. The ground
will be wet.
7. The (lake - sea - island - hill) is a piece of land surrounded by water.
8. You (ought to - mustn't - shouldn't' - don't have to) bring a camera because you will
want to take lots of photos.
9. He would have (come - coming - came - comes) early if the bus hadn't been late.
10. If he'd studied hard, he'd (had - have had- has - have) passed the final exam.
3. Rewrite the following sentences using the words in brackets:
1. She didn't take her umbrella. She got wet. (If)
2. I would give him a pen if he asked me. (had asked)
3. It's important to brush your teeth before going bed. (should)
4. It's not necessary to wear sunglasses. It's not sunny. (don't have to)
5. He missed the train. He didn't leave home early. (If)
C. Reading comprehension
4. Read the following passage and then answer the questions:
One summer evening I was sitting by the open window reading a new

story. After a while it became too dark to read easily. So I put the book
down and went up to switch on the lights. I was just about to draw the
curtains as well when I heard a loud cry of help! It seemed to come from
the trees at the end of the garden. I looked out but I saw nothing. I used
my torch to see my way back home. when I reached the window near the
door of the house in the garden, I saw a bird sitting on the top of the
window. It was a large green and red bird. It was a parrot. It was repeating
"help" but in a weak voice.
A. Answer the following questions:
1. What was the writer doing one summer evening?
2. Why did the writer go to the garden?
3. What did the writer use to see his way back home?
B. Choose the correct answer.
4. The writer went to switch on the (book - light - story - garden).
5. It was a (parrot - boy - police man - girl) that made the sound.
6. The bird was repeating "help" but in a (weak - noisy - strong - happy) voice.
D. The Link Reader (The Prisoner of Zenda)
5. A. Read the following quotation, then answer the questions:
"We must save him."
1. Who said this? To whom?
2. What did the speaker mean by him?
3. What made the speaker say so?
B. Complete the following sentences:
4. Rudolf saw Rupert of Hentzau ……………………………….
5. Sapt, Fritz and Rudolf with six more men, rode out towards ………….....……...
6. Writing
Write a paragraph of six sentences on 'Reading'.
Guiding words
reading - important - interesting - books - funny - adventure - stories -
library - librarian - helps - useful books - free time
7. Write questions.
1. ……………………………………………..……?
No, Crusoe didn't sail to America.
2. ……………………………………………….....…?
I used a torch to see when it is dark.
3. They will spend the next weekend in Alexandria.
Family & Friends 6 - Second Term
Reported Speech (Statements)
Reported (indirect) speech ‫الكالم الغٌر مباشر‬
1. Direct Speech ‫الكالم المباشر‬ . ‫أن تنقل الكالم بالضبط بٌن عالمات تنصٌص‬
* He said, "It's a busy day."
* My son said, "My book is really exciting."
2. Indirect Speech ‫الكالم الغٌر مباشر‬ .) ‫أن تنقل معنً ما قٌل (بدون عالمات تنصٌص‬
* He said it was a busy day.
* My son explained that his book was really exciting.
‫ بضمائرها ومكانها وزمانها‬,‫ سواء كانت جملة خبرٌة أو استفهامٌة أو أمرٌة‬, ‫تحتفظ الجملة بٌن عالمات التنصٌص فً الكالم المباشر‬
:‫دون أي تغٌٌر‬
* Mona says, "I had an appointment with the manager yesterday."
* Ola said, "I will have an operation tomorrow."
A. Reported statements ‫الجمل الخبرٌة الغٌر مباشرة‬
‫ فاعل‬+ ‫ فعل قول‬+ (‫ )مفعول‬+ (that) + ‫جملة‬
* I said to him, "It’s rather late and it's time for you to go to sleep."
* I complained that it was rather late and that it was time for him to go to bed.
Steps to change the statement from direct speech into indirect speech
‫خطوات تحوٌل الجملة الخبرٌة من الكالم المباشر إلً الكالم الغٌر مباشر‬
1. Changing the reporting verb ‫تحوٌل فعل القول‬
‫فعل قول فً المباشر‬ ‫فعل قول فً غٌر المباشر‬
say to tell
says to tells
said to told
Reflexive Pronouns are used to reflect a verb on the subject and show emphasis.
.‫ُتستخدم الضمائر المنعكسة لعكس الفعل على الفاعل لبٌان التوكٌد‬
Reflexives are "myself, yourself, yourselves, himself, herself, ourselves, themselves".
Subject Pronouns Reflexive Pronouns
I myself, by myself ‫ بنفسى‬- ‫نفسى‬
He himself, by himself ‫ بنفسه‬- ‫نفسه‬
She herself, by herself ‫ بنفسها‬- ‫نفسها‬
It itself ‫العاقل‬ ‫لغٌر‬ ) ‫بنفسها‬ ( ‫نفسها‬ - )‫نفسه (بنفسه‬
yourself (by yourself), yourselves (by yourselves) - )‫نفسك (بنفسك‬
You )‫أنفسكم (بأنفسكم‬
We ourselves, by yourselves ‫ بأنفسنا‬- ‫أنفسنا‬
They themselves, by themselves ‫ بأنفسهم‬- ‫أنفسهم‬
It was the police chief himself who caught the thief.
Revision on Unit 10
A. Vocabulary & Structure
1. Underline the correct word(s) in brackets.
1. He is (fluent - weak - beginner - start) in Arabic because he lives in Egypt for
twelve years.
2. The (accent - dialect - official language - mother tongue) of china is Mandarin, but
people also speak many other languages.
3. Some languages (appeared - disappeared - spread - remind). No one speaks them
4. Egypt has lots of famous (history - sights - characters - weather) for tourists to
5. You can go on special (training - courses - trips - tours) to see the most famous
places in the city.
6. Meg told her teacher she (does - had done - has done - done) a Spanish course.
7. Ali said he has broken his camera (yesterday - the day before - the next day -
tomorrow) around Africa.
8. (Salwa - Amr - The cat - We) looked at herself in the mirror.
9. Help (ourselves - yourself - yourselves - myself) to sandwiches, everyone.
10. Jack said, "I (will help - helped - would help - help) with the housework tomorrow.
2. Underline the correct word(s) in brackets.
1. Our English teacher is a (tourist - foreign - native - first) speaker. She's from
2. Luisa is from Russia, so her mother (speaker - tongue - mouth - talk) is Russian.
3. About 15% of the world (people - population - pollution - transportation) speak
4. The (shops - streets - people - inhabitations) of London come from many different
5. If you want to know their (history - culture - course - language) you will have to
know how they think, act, eat and speak.
6. Nada (asked - told said - says) him what he was doing.
7. He asked me when (the film had started - did the film start - has the film started - was the
film started).
8. Amal (said - told - tells - asked) us she had finished her homework before going
to bed.
9. They said they (are playing - will play - were playing - play) football.
10. They dried (themselves - yourself- itself - ourselves) after their swimming lessons.
3. Rewrite the following sentences using the words in brackets:
1. He said, "I am having a test tomorrow." (said that)
2. She said, "I am not hungry now." (said that)

Family & Friends 6 - Second Term
Revision (Unit 10)
3. Jane said, "I'm very sad." (Jane said that)
4. Mona said to me, "It's nice and sunny." (Mona told me that)
5. Ali said to Ahmed, "We will go to the club at the weekend." (Ali told Ahmed)
4. Rewrite the following sentences using the words in brackets:
1. The doctor said to the patient, "Come in, please." (The doctor told)
2. The officer said to the clerk, "Do it immediately." (The officer told)
3. The teacher said to the boys, "Don't make noise." (The teacher told)
4. She said to her mother, "She doesn't want to go to the cinema." (She told her mother)
5. Sara said to her friend, "The weather was sunny yesterday." (Sara told her friend)
B. Language functions
5. Supply the missing parts in the following dialogue.
Nora : ………………………………………………………………..…………?
Shaimaa: My favourite hobby is learning foreign languages.
Nora : What is your favourite language?
Shaimaa: ………………………………………………………………………….
Nora : …………………………………………………………………………………........…………?
Shaimaa: I like to learn English because it’s the dominant language in the
Nora : ……………………………………………………………………?
Shaimaa: I have been learning English for three years.
6. Supply the missing parts in the following dialogue.
Mohamed: ……………………………………………………………?
Adel : I usually read in my spare time.
Mohamed: What books do you like to read?
Adel : …………………………………..…….
Mohamed: Me too. ……………………………………………………………...………?
Adel : My favourite is "The Adventures of Sindbad the sailor."
Mohamed: ………………………………………………………...…………………………?
Adel : The best part is when Sindbad fights the sea monster.
C. Reading comprehension
7. Read the following passage and then answer the questions:
People in the 1800s didn't know what to think about a new invention
called the automobile. No one was sure it would catch on. In those days,
people often travelled in carriages pulled by horses. So when the first

automobiles appeared, people nicknamed them "horse carriages".
The first automobiles looked a lot like horse carriages. That was the
style people knew. But the automobile soon took on a look that was all its
own. The modern automobile has a hood and fenders. It has a roof, sides
and four wheels. It has seats where the driver and passengers sit. Modern
automobiles are commonly called cars or autos.
A. Answer the following questions:
1. How did people use to travel in the past?
2. What did people first nickname automobiles?
3. What did the first automobile look like?
B. Choose the correct answer.
4. Automobiles have (seats - hoods - fenders) where the driver and passengers sit.
5. People in the (1900s - 1800s - 2000s) didn't know automobiles.
6. Modern automobiles are commonly called (photos - Pluto - autos).
D. The Link Reader (The Prisoner of Zenda)
8. A. Read the following quotation, then answer the questions:
"Sapt, we must also go to Zenda and bring the king home at once."
1. Who is said this?
2. Why did the speaker say so?
3. About whom did the speaker worry?
B. Complete the following sentences:
4. One day Johann said that the king was ……………………………….
5. Rudolf will hide by the bridge in the moot and when they cross, Rudolf will
E. Writing
7. Write a paragraph of six sentences on
"The important of learning foreign languages"
Use the guiding words:
communicate - foreign people - understand - foreign cultures - find - good jobs
- read books - improve - yourself

Test based on Unit 10

A. Language functions
1. Supply the missing parts in the following dialogue:
Eman: ……………………………..…………?

Family & Friends 6 - Second Term
Revision (Unit 10)
Nahla: Yes, I can speak English.
Eman: Are you bilingual?
Nahla: …………………………. I speak English and French.
Eman: …………………………………………………........…………………?
Nahla: English and French are both official languages in Canada.
Eman: ……………………………………………?
Nahla: Yes, I like foreign languages.
B. Vocabulary & Structure
2. Underline the correct word(s) in brackets.
1. He went to the beach, but (unfortunately - luckily - happily - fortunately) the
weather was bad.
2. When I went snorkeling, I watched all the fish swim over the (plants - trees -
coral reefs - flowers).
3. Tom doesn't have a strong Spanish (accent - tongue - speaker - mother). Most
people think he is English.
4. Amira said to her mum, "I (had done - have done - am doing - did) my homework
5. He said he (was looking - is looking - look - looks) forward to the trip.
6. Their house is a very (busy - noisy - isolated - talented) place. It's at the far end
of the village.
7. The birds are washing (itself - yourselves - yourself - themselves) in the river.
8. Egypt has lots of famous (history - sights - characters - news) for tourists to visit.
9. Have (you - we - they - he) all enjoyed yourselves today?
1. Natalia said she (went - had gone - has gone - goes) to the cinema the day before.
3. Rewrite the following sentences using the words in brackets:
1. "I visited Luxor last year." (Nada told Ali)
2. "They are looking forward to their next trip." (Sara said)
3. The machines can switch themselves off. (The machine)
4. The dog is washing itself. (The dogs)
5. "I had lunch at Fatima's house yesterday." (Marwa told me)
C. Reading comprehension
4. Read the following passage and then answer the questions:
English is the most important language in the world nowadays. Most
people around the world speak it. It is the language of business, computer
and the internet. People use it to communicate with each other even if it
isn't their mother tongue. It's recognized as an official language in more
than 70 countries around the world. Most information on the internet is in
A. Answer the following questions:
1. What is the most important language in the world nowadays?
2. What does the underlined pronoun "it" refer to?
3. Why do people learn English?
B. Choose the correct answer.
4. Most people around the world speak (French - English - German - Indian).
5. English is recognized as an (unknown - useless - official - mother) language in
more than 70 countries.
6. Most information on the (table - internet - pen - plug) is in English.
D. The Link Reader (The Prisoner of Zenda)
5. Answer the following questions:
1. What was Rudolf's role ‫ دور‬in his plan?
2. What was Rudolf's offer to Johann?
3. What would Sapt get from the Duke?
B. Complete the following sentences:
4. Two of the six were now dead, ………………………………….
5. ………………. were looking after the king.
E. Writing a letter
6. Write a letter reply to the following letter:
Your name is Ali. You live in sheikh Zayed street. Ismailia.
Dear Ali,
I hope you are in a good health. I'd like to visit Egypt, so please tell me about
the best time and the kinds of clothes I should bring, and the places I can
With mu best wishes,
7. Write questions.
1. ……………………………………………………………?
I am doing my home work at the moment.
2. ……………………………………………………………?
He has learning English since last summer.
3. …………………………………?
My father is a doctor.
Family & Friends 6 - Second Term
Reported Speech (Interrogative)
B. Reported questions ‫الجمل االستفهامية الغير مباشرة‬
‫ فاعل‬+ ‫ فعل قول‬+ (‫ )مفعول‬+ ‫أداة استفهام‬/ if (whether) + ‫جملة‬
Direct I asked him, "What are you doing?"
Indirect I asked him what he was doing.
Steps to change the question from direct speech into indirect speech
‫خطوات تحويل السؤال من الكالم المباشر إلي الكالم الغير مباشر‬
1. Changing the reporting verb into the following:
: ‫تحويل فعل القول إلي ما يلي‬
ask + ‫مفعول مباشر‬ ‫يسأل‬
want to know + ‫بدون مفعول مباشر‬ ‫يريد أن يعرف‬
2. Changing the quotation marks ‫تحويل عالمات التنصيص‬
:‫نحذف الفاصلة وعالمات التنصيص ونضع ما يلي‬
if/ whether + ‫جملة خبرية‬
.‫ أداة استفهام إذا كان السؤال يبدأ بأداة استفهام‬.1
if/ whether + ‫ جملة خبرية‬+ or not
.‫) إذا كان السؤال يبدأ بفعل مساعد‬whether( ‫) أو‬if( .2
whether or not + ‫جملة خبرية‬
.)or/ or not( ‫) عند وجود‬whether( ‫* ُيفضل استخدام‬
Direct Ali said to me, "Are you going out?"
Indirect Ali asked me if/ whether I was going out.
3. Changing the pronouns, the tenses and the adverbs follows the same rules as the
:‫تغيير الضمائر و األزمنة و الظروف يتبع نفس قواعد الجملة الخبرية‬
Direct Ahmed says to me, "Which exams have you passed?"
Indirect Ahmed asks me which exams I have passed.
4. Changing the quotation marks ‫تحويل عالمات التنصيص‬
: ‫نحذف الفاصلة وعالمات التنصيص ونضع ما يلي‬
A: (to + ‫)مصدر‬ : For the affirmative orders ‫لألوامر المثبتة‬
B: (not to + ‫)مصدر‬: For the negative orders ‫لألوامر المنفية‬
Direct The doctor said to her, "Take the patient's temperature."
Indirect The doctor asked her to take the patient's temperature.
Direct Mona said to her son, "Don't eat too much jelly."
Indirect Mona advised her son not to eat too much jelly.
5. Changing the pronouns, the tenses and the adverbs follows the same rules as the
:‫تغيير الضمائر و األزمنة و الظروف يتبع نفس قواعد الجملة الخبرية‬
Direct Father said to me, "Don't forget to bring the papers tomorrow."
Father asked me not to forget to bring the papers the next
Revision on Unit 11
A. Vocabulary & Structure
1. Underline the correct word(s) in brackets.
1. We use (microscope - telescope - glasses - watches) to look at the stars and planets.
2. Astronauts travel into space in a (ship - shuttle - subway - submarine).
3. Don't put yourself (at - on - in -under) trouble.
4. Dad (told - said - asked - says) us not to make noise.
5. Scientists sent many (planets - stars - satellites - ships) into space last century.
6. He asked her (to - not to - that - if) help him.
7. We live on the earth which is a (star - plant - planet - plane).
8. When the rocket (launched - sank - pushed - lunched) we saw a lot of smoke and
9. I can't drive my car here because this road is (soft - nice - bumpy - paved).
10. Ali asked him where (does he live - he did live - lived he - he lived).
1. Underline the correct word(s) in brackets.
1. Hadeer asked me (why - when - to - where) close the window.
2. Ayman asked why (he was - was he - is he - he is) in space.
3. Don't come (for - too - long - close) to the fire, it's dangerous.
4. We should (float - breathe - sail - rid) fresh air to be healthy.
5. (At - In - Of - Off) the weekend, we go to the park together.
6. The (sun - moon - shooting star - rock) got near the Earth and burnt with light.
7. They asked her (when - what - to - why) her favourite sport was.
8. She asked me who else (is - are - was - were) at the space station.
9. Her mother asked him (if - to - that - too) clean the room.
10. People study stars at the (museum - station - home - observatory).
2. Rewrite the following sentences using the words in brackets:
1. "Wash your legs." (Mum told Heba)
2. "Be careful, Ahmed." (Omar told Ahmed)
3. "What are you doing now?" (He asked me)
4. "Don't shout." (Noha told me)
5. "How many girls are there in the class?" (I asked him)
2. Rewrite the following sentences using the words in brackets:
1. "Give me your pen, please." (I asked Rana)
2. "Don’t leave your bag here." (Dad told me)
3. "What do you do on Fridays?" (She asked him)

Family & Friends 6 - Second Term
Revision (Unit 11)
4. "Where do you live?" (Ahmed asked her)
5. "When do you start work?" (She asked them)
B. Language functions
5. Supply the missing parts in the following dialogue:
Omar: Would you like to travel into space in the future?
Ali : ……………………………………………………….…………………
Omar: Why not.
Ali : Because I'm afraid of travelling.
Omar: …………………………………….........…………………?
Ali : I'd like to be a teacher when I grow up.
Omar: Do you like teaching?
Ali : ………………………………………......…………
Omar: What subject do you want to teach?
Ali : ……………………………………………...………
6. Supply the missing parts in the following dialogue:
John: If I had the chance, I'd go into space. What would you do if you had
a lot of money?
Tom: ……………………………………………………...………
John: What kind of house do you want to have?
Tom: ………………………………………...……………………
John: Really, but who would you live with?
Tom: ………………………………………………………
John: I see, and what would you like to be?
Tom: ……………………..…………………………………
C. Reading comprehension
5. Read the following letter and then answer the questions:
Dear Shady,
I'm writing to you from Sharm El Sheikh. I'm staying with mum and dad.
My sister Soha and my cousin Rasha are here too. The beach is fantastic and
the sea is very beautiful. I really love the sea and the sunshine. It's sunny
and hot. We don't have to wear coats and jackets. We have to wear hats and
sunglasses. Soha, Rasha and I go swimming. We play with the ball on the
beach. In the evening we have a lot of fun. We are very happy. But we will be
back next Friday.
A. Answer the following questions:
1. Where are the family?
2. Why don't they have to wear coats?
3. When will the family be back?

B. Choose the correct answer.
4. How many people are there?
a. four b. five c. eight d. nine
5. They have to wear sunglasses because …………………….
a. it's beautiful b. it's sunny c. they're happy d. it's cloudy
6. The beach is ……………………
a. wonderful b. fantastic c. awful d. bad

E. The Link Reader (The Prisoner of Zenda)

5. A. Read the following quotation, then answer the questions:
"Help me Michael! Rupert of Hentzau!"
1. Who said this? To whom?
2. Where was the speaker?
3. Why was the speaker screaming?
B. Complete the following sentences:
4. The angry voice was of ………...………….
5. No one could enter or leave the old castle ………………………..

D. Writing
6. Write a paragraph of six sentences on "Travelling".
Use the guiding words:
around - the world - interesting - hobby - benefit - learn - language - culture -
sights - civilization - monuments
7. Writing a letter
Write a letter to your friend Amgad to:
Invite him to travel with you to Luxor in the summer holiday.
(You live at 10 El Nour street, Cairo. Your name is Nader)
F. Orthography
Supply the missing letters.
1. We shouldn't p_t w_ter on the dolph_n n_w.
2. The oth_rs w_ll c_me b_ck soon.
3. The pr_senter ask_d a d_lphin exp_rt.
4. It's in tr_uble, c_me o_t at _nce.

Family & Friends 6 - Second Term
Revision (Unit 11)
Test based on Unit 11
A. Language functions
1. Supply the missing parts in the following dialogue:
Kareem: ………………………………………?
Ahmed : I'm studying English now.
Kareem: ………………......………………………………………………?
Ahmed : Yes, we will have an English test tomorrow.
Kareem: …………………………..…………………?
Ahmed : Of course, I like it very much.
Kareem: ………………………………………………...……………?
Ahmed : Mr. Karim teaches us English this year.
B. Vocabulary & Structure
2. Underline the correct word(s) in brackets.
1. I want to be a/an (pilot - farmer - astronaut - doctor) to explore space.
2. This word is new, I've never come (in - around - across - at) it before.
3. Dad told me (to - that - if - at) close the window.
4. Sameh asked when (we are - were we - were - are we) eating breakfast.
5. Sherif left safe and (frightened - sung - nervous - lied) in his bed after tiring day.
6. (solar system - space shuttle - constellation - space) is a group of stars..
7. He (asked - said - told - says) him what he was doing.
8. We can use this (school bag - radio - telescope - glasses) to see stars and planets.
9. My brother told me (to - to not - not to - not) touch his computer.
10. The moon (walks - runs - spins - does) round the Earth.
3. Rewrite the following sentences using the words in brackets:
1. "Where did you go yesterday?" (Samy asked her)
2. "What is your favourite sport?" (We asked him)
3. "Don't make noise." (Ibrahim told me)
4. "Have you finished your work?" (The teacher asked him)
5. Mum told me not to shout. ("Don't …………..)
C. Reading comprehension
4. Read the following passage and then answer the questions:
Diamonds are a symbol of elegance all over the world. They're the most
expensive stones. Women like to wear them so much. They request from men
to bring them diamonds before marriage. We can find diamonds at the shop of
jewellery. Diamonds can be in different shapes.
A. Answer the following questions:
1. What are diamonds symbol of?

2. What are the most expensive stone?
3. Where can we find diamonds?
B. Choose the correct answer.
1. Women like to have (diamonds - food - clothes - stones) before their marriage.
2. We can buy diamonds at the (chemist's - grocer's - jeweler's - stores).
3. Diamonds are the most expensive (store - stone - wood - metal).
D. The Link Reader (The Prisoner of Zenda)
5. A. Answer the following questions:
1. What did the doctor do?
2. What did Antoinette do to Rupert?
3. What happened when Johann didn't come the door?
B. Complete the following sentences:
4. Detchard drove Rudolf back against the wall, …………………………
5. Rudolf heard the sound of running feet inside the new castle - …………..……..
E. Writing
6. Write a paragraph of six sentences on: "Life in the future"
Guiding words
future - life - different- people - space - robots- control by voice - rockets -
space station
7. Write questions.
1. ………………………………………………………………..…………?
Yesterday I went on a trip to the science museum.
2. …………………………………………....………?
I love finding out about the stars.
3. ……………………………………………………?
No, I don't have any money.

Family & Friends 6 - Second Term
Sentences with wish
.‫) عندما نريد أن نعكس الحقيقة‬if only(‫) و‬wish( ‫* نستخدم‬
1. In the Future ‫في المستقبل‬
I wish + I / we could + ‫مصدر‬
I wish + he/ she/ it/ you/ they would/ could + ‫مصدر‬

* I wish Egypt would take part in the next world cup.

* I wish I could be a famous scientist one day.
* I wish they could help us but they can't.
2. In the Present ‫في المضارع‬
If only/ wish + ‫ماضي بسيط‬/ could + ‫مصدر‬
* He wishes he was/ were taller, but he is short.
* I wish I knew where my keys were.
* I wish I could swim under water, but I can't.
* I wish I could play the piano.
Question Tags
* The tag question is attached to the end of a sentence. * The tag question
is used when we want someone to agree or disagree with
what we say: . ‫يستخدم السؤال المذيل عندما نريد شخص ما أن يتفق مع ما نقول أو يرفضه‬
‫ تكوين السؤال المذيل‬Forming question tags

‫ الفعل المساعد‬The helping verb ‫ ضمير الفاعل‬The Subject Pronoun ?

* did he?/ didn't he?
* can she?/ can't she?
The answer Yes, …………….
* Joseph likes swimming, doesn't he?
Yes, he does.
* Isabel will go with them, won't she?
Yes, she will. Affirmative Helping Verb
‫فعل مساعد مثبت‬
‫ضمير الفاعل‬
The answer No, …………….
* You can't swim well, can you?
No, I can't.
Revision on Unit 12
I. Vocabulary & Structure
1. Underline the correct word(s) in brackets.
1. Ali read my e-mail on his computer, (did not he - doesn't he - didn't he - he did).
2. In my (point - line - idea - opinion) we should encourage more tourists to visit
3. Tourism is very important, but it is also has some bad (corners - edges - sides -
4. You can know the (food - game - line - culture) of other people if you learn their
5. The weather in Egypt in winter is (colder - hotter - warmer - cooler) than the weather
in Europe.
6. I went to the (market - zoo - park - home) to buy some vegetables and fruits.
7. Chess is a (water - team - play - board game).
8. Koshari is a (foreign - traditional - modern - bad) food in Egypt.
9. I want my brother to (take - give - stop - continue) up smoking.
10. It's easy for you to have a (blog - black - dot - blug) of your own on the internet.
1. Underline the correct word(s) in brackets.
1. Don't (run - rush - rest - go). You should drive your car carefully.
2. (Packed - Readymade - Spicy - Salty) food is tasty and full of spices.
3. I didn't like the funfair ride. It was so (scary - exciting - interesting - wonderful).
4. We got dates from (mango - flower - palm - peach) trees.
5. They spent a (couple - bubble - double - pair) of days in pairs.
6. She read that book, (didn't - don't - doesn't - isn't) she?
7. You can swim, (can't - can - aren't - cannot) you?
8. We can't go on holiday this week. I wish we (could - would - can - were) go.
9. It's rather cold today. I wish it (was - could be - had been - had) warmer.
10. I'm not tall. I wish I (am - was - had been - have) taller.
2. Rewrite the following sentences using the words in brackets:
1. She is busy cooking. She can't watch the film. (she wishes she ……)
2. Omar doesn't have a mobile, does he? (doesn't he ?)
3. They liked fish, didn't they? (don't they?)
4. I hope to spend the summer holiday on an island. (I wish …..)
5. My flat isn't small. (I wish ……)
2. Rewrite the following sentences using the words in brackets:
1. There are lots of people here, aren't there? (were)

Family & Friends 6 - Second Term
Revision (Unit 12)
2. I have black eyes, don't I? (He)
3. Omar lives in Saudi Arabia, doesn't he? (didn't he?)
4. I hope to be a scientist. (could)
5. Alan eats so much and he doesn't like this. (He wishes he …….)
B. Language functions
3. Supply the missing parts in the following dialogue:
Doctor: Good morning, …………………………....……………………….?
Samia : Yes, I've ………………………………………………………………
Doctor: Let me see, ……………………………………….………………… do you eat?
Samia : I like rice and sweets very much.
Doctor: I think you should eat less rice and sweets. Eat more ………………………
This medicine may be good for you.
Samia : Ok. Thanks doctor.
Doctor: You're welcome. Miss Samia.
3. Supply the missing parts in the following dialogue:
Tourist: Excuse me, could you tell me where is the bus station?
Nader : …………………………………………………..............………………………
Tourist: ……………………………………?
Nader : You can take a taxi.
Tourist: ………………………………………...…………………………..………………?
Nader : Tell him to take you to the bus station in Tahrir square.
Tourist: How much does it cost to go there?
Nader : ……………………………………………………
C. Reading comprehension
5. Read the following passage and then answer the questions:
The Apollo program began during the 1960s. Apollo was an American
project to send people to the moon and back. there were three astronauts in
each Apollo crew. Two of them explored the moon while the third stayed
abroad the main spacecraft.
Neil Armstrong, Buzz Aldrin, and Michael Collins were the crew of Apollo
11. This was the first mission to land on the moon. Altogether, 12 astronauts
walked on the moon as part of Apollo program. They performed experiments
and brought back moon rocks to study. No one else has ever been to the
A. Answer the following questions:
1. What is Apollo?
2. Who was Neil Armstrong?
3. What did the 12 astronauts do on the moon?
B. Choose the correct answer.
4. There were (3 - 4 - 5 - 6) astronauts in each Apollo program.
5. The Apollo program was an (Indian - French - British - American) project.
6. Apollo was the first (part - game - play - mission) to land on the moon.
IV. Writing
6. Write a paragraph of six sentences on "Your wishes for the future".
Ideas for guidance:
personal wishes - wishes for your parents and family - wishes for your friends
Writing a letter.
Write a letter to your friend Ali to tell him about a visit to Europe in the
summer holiday. Tell him about places, restaurants, customs of European
people and the amazing way of life in Europe.
V. The Link Reader (The Prisoner of Zenda)
7. A. Read the following quotation, then answer the questions:
"The king is alive."
1. Who said this?
2. Who was the brave Englishman?
3. What does the speaker mean by these words?
B. Complete the following sentences:
4. ……………………. saved Rudolf from killing.
5. Before Rudolf returned to England, he ……………………...
VI. Orthography
8. Supply the missing letters.
1. The resc_e te_m helped to s_ve it's l_fe.
2. T_urists in the Caribbean isl_nds had s_me good and bad th_ngs.

Family & Friends 6 - Second Term
Revision (Unit 12)
Test based on Unit 12
A. Language functions
1. Supply the missing parts in the following dialogue:
Osama is talking to a tourist.
Osama: ……………………………………………………………?
Tourist: Thank you very much.
Osama: ……………………………………………….……...……?
Tourist: Yes, I have never been to Egypt before.
Osama: What do you like best in Egypt?
Tourist: …………………………………..…..…………………….
Osama: I hope ……………………..……………………………
Tourist: Of course I'm.
B. Vocabulary & Structure
2. Underline the correct word(s) in brackets.
1. Dolphins don't live on (land - seas - oceans - water).
2. Rescue team are (asleep - lazy - busy - available) 24 hours a day.
3. They are (professional - workers - volunteer - players). They don't get any money from
that job.
4. I'll phone you tonight, (will not- will - won't - don't) I?
5. It's raining now. I wish it (could stop - stopped - has stopped - will stop) raining.
6. She has a white dress, (doesn't - isn't - hasn't - don't) she?
7. Don't (run - rush - rest - go) while driving in busy roads.
8. When I went snorkeling, I watched all the fish swim over the (sea - plants - coral
reefs - trees).
9. This house is very (dull - cheap - funny - luxurious). Only rich people can live in
such houses.
10. Animals can't (survive - die - feed - bear) if we destroy their wildlife.
3. Rewrite the following sentences using the words in brackets:
1. He's Dr. Adam, isn't he? (You're)
2. She knows the right answer, doesn't she? (knew)
3. I don't have a car, do I? (don't I)
4. They were very tired, weren't they? (They were not)
5. He plays tennis, but she doesn't like this. (She wishes ……)
C. Reading comprehension
4. Read the following passage and then answer the questions:
We went to the wildlife park last Friday. We saw several wonderful birds
in the aviary ‫قفص‬. We had lunch at the picnic area. We then visited the
aquarium ‫ حوض السمك‬and saw many exciting fish. We saw wonderful penguins
swimming in the pool.
There were a lot of snakes and lizards at the reptile house. I bought some
postcards and presents from the gift shop. It was such a great day.
A. Answer the following questions:
1. Why did they go to the aquarium?
2. Where did they see the penguins?
3. Where did they go last Friday?
B. Choose the correct answer.
4. Lizards and snakes are (reptiles - pools - postcards - mammals).
5. The day they spent at the wildlife park was (sad - boring- bad - great).
6. There were a lot of (snakes and lizards - birds - fish - insects) at the reptile house.
D. The Link Reader (The Prisoner of Zenda)
5. A. Answer the following questions:
1. What did the doctor do?
2. What did Rudolf think about every year?
3. What did Sapt do?
B. Complete the following sentences:
4. No one ever found out for a short while ………………………..
5. All Sapt's plans …………………………
E. Writing
6. Write a letter to your sister Lamsa.
Your name is Gharam. You live at 9 El Higaz, street Cairo.
- Tell her about the book you have read.
- Tell her all the information in the book.
- Tell her if you liked the book or not.
7. Write questions.
1. ……………………………………………….....…………?
No, I don't have a laptop.
2. ……………………………………………………………?
The children were in the park yesterday.
3. ……………………………………………………?
My wish is to achieve all my goals.
Family & Friends 6 - Second Term
Final Revision

A. Language functions
1. Supply the missing parts in the dialogue.
Ayman : ……………………………………………..?
Adel : I'm friendly and polite.
Ayman : …………………………………………...………..?
Adel : I don't like meeting greedy people.
Ayman : …………………………………………......…………..?
Adel : My favourite school subject is English.
Ayman : ……………………………..?
Adel : I enjoy reading.
1. Supply the missing parts in the dialogue.
Emad : Hello, Ahmed. How did you spend your mid-year-vacation?
Ahmed: Oh, ……………………………………………….............…
Emad : ……………………………………………….…...........…………?
Ahmed: Because I broke my leg and went to hospital.
Emad : ……………………….……………?
Ahmed: I fell off my bike.
Emad : ……………………………………………….….............………..………?
Ahmed: The doctor said I had to stay in bed for two weeks.
1. Supply the missing parts in the dialogue.
Amir : ……………………………………….?
Abdullah: I'm from Aswan.
Amir : …………………………………….................….?
Abdullah: I'm interested in designing robots.
Amir : ……………………………………….?
Abdullah: For eight years.
Amir : ……………………………………........….?
Abdullah: I enjoy reading about physics.

B. Vocabulary & Structure

2. Underline the correct word(s) in brackets.
1. Harry's house is (small - mall - tiny - huge)! It's much bigger than ours.
2. The exhibition will (been - is - being - be) visited.
3. We'll (take - make - fate - fake) everyone to the Science Museum.
4. The sign will not be (been - keen - lean - seen).
5. There's a bug (at - in - of - off) my printer.
6. It is very (awful - useful - useless - using) on a busy road, because it avoids traffic.
7. The teacher asked us to be (quit - white - quite - quiet) immediately.
8. The present will not be (find - finds - finding - found).
9. We aren't famous or rich. We're just (order - border - ordinary - ordinal) people.
10. Every morning, my breakfast is (did - made - said - aid) for me.
2. Underline the correct word(s) in brackets.
1. When I travel, I can connect (for - two - to - too) my email in Internet cafés.
2. The money has been (spending - spend - spends - spent).
3. "Don't (forget-forgets-forgot- forgetting) that tomorrow is Science Day and in the morning."
4. I didn't (expecting - expect - expects - expected) a call from him.
5. The people have not been (watched - watching - watch - watches) us.
6. It took ten hours to (change - charge - chalk - choke) the battery.
7. I'm (connecting - attaching - reaching - switching) them to this email for you to look at.
8. The window has been (closed - closing - close - closes).
9. The photo will be (takes - takes - taking - taken).
10. In the afternoon, you'll be (shower - showed - show - shown) a film about robots.
2. Underline the correct word(s) in brackets.
1. They stay in the cave (since - far - for - yet) two days.
2. We asked her how much fruit she (had bought - will buy - buys - buying) two days before.
3. Billy (sent - bent - lent - went) to the park.
4. He ought to (sleep - sleeping - slept - sleeping) early.
5. It isn't a shark. It's a dolphin! It's in (trouble - terrible - trend - tribe).
6. This room (is - does - did - has) not been booked.
7. It is a long and difficult (voyage - vet - bet - invent).
8. I didn't have enough money to go inside the castle as it was very (expensive -
cheap - leapt - stimulating).
9. I wish we (did - had - bed - hid) rickshaws at home.
10. She said that she (order - orders - ordering - ordered) a new refrigerator
3. Rewrite the following sentences using the words in brackets:
1. The internet will be disconnected. (not)
2. He will do his homework. (His homework)
3. I have called them. (They)
4. I will use the computer to chat. (The computer)
5. The drinks have been poured. (drink)

Family & Friends 6 - Second Term
Final Revision
3. Rewrite the following sentences using the words in brackets:
1. They have read the book. (The book)
2. Students will be sent to Mars in the future. (not)
3. No, cars won't be used in the future. (Will)
4. The door hasn't been opened. (doors)
5. A private plane will take you to Aswan. (by)
3. Rewrite the following sentences using the words in brackets:
1. You are called Mary, aren`t you? (She's)
2. "They are working in the garden," he said. (He told me)
3. She is going to study alone. (herself)
4. You should bring a pen every day. (ought to)
5. The film had started before we arrived. (After)
C. Reading comprehension
4. Read the following passage and then answer the questions:
The Sahara in Africa is the world's largest desert. It is a huge, sandy area
and there are hardly any trees and plants. There are a few green areas along
the Nile River and in the oases. The climate is very hot and dry and it hardly
ever rain. Most of the people are nomads who move from palace to place by
camels. Because it is so dry, there are not many animals. There are some
gazelles and antelopes as well as snakes, lizards, gerbils and small foxes.
A. Answer the following questions:
1. How does the Sahara look like?
2. Who lives in the Sahara?
3. What kinds of animals are there in the Sahara?
B. Choose the correct answer.
4. The Sahara is in (Africa - Europe - Australia).
5. The climate in the Sahara is very (hot - cold - windy).
6. There are (a few - few - many) green areas along the Nile River and in the

4. Read the following passage and then answer the questions:
Millions of years ago, the horse was very small, not much bigger than a
goat. That was called the Dawn Horse, and it had four toes. Today it has one
large toe, called a hoof. Horses were trained and used by people about 5000
years ago and now there are very few really wild horses left.
Arab horses have existed for many thousands of years. They are very
strong and can take a rider for long distances up to 160 kilometers. Their legs
and hooves are very strong and they do not often get sick. They have small
ears, large eyes and a large chest. They are usually brown or grey, sometimes
black, valuable, expensive horses. Many people use horses to help them in
their work. The police use horses, so do some farmers, so does the army.
A. Answer the following questions.
1. What is the horse's toe called today?
2. Why are Arab horses so valuable?
3. Which people use horses for work?
B. Choose the correct answer.
4. Millions of years ago, the horse had (four - two - one) toes.
5. Now there are (a lot - very few - little) wild horses left.
6. Arab horses are very strong and can run up to (5000 - 160 - 60) kilometers
4. Read the following passage and then answer the questions:
Well, I do work at a lot of fun events, like parties, graduation ceremonies,
and formal dances. The hard part is that I don't work regular hours, from 9-5,
and I work almost every weekend. Last week I got hired for an anniversary
party Friday evening, a birthday Saturday morning, and a wedding Sunday
June is my busiest month because lots of people get married in June, and
its graduation time. I never see my own family on weekends in June. But to
answer your question, being a photographer is fun. I love to take pictures of
happy people.
A. Answer the following questions:
1. What happened to the writer last week?
2. Why do you think the writer's job is interesting?
3. Why is June his busiest month?
B. Choose the correct answer.
4. The writer is a (photographer - vet - teacher).
5. (June - July - April) is the writer's busiest month.

Family & Friends 6 - Second Term
Final Revision
6. The writes (loves - hates - wants) to take pictures of happy people.
E. Writing
6. Write a paragraph of six sentences on "Saving water"
Using the guiding words:
Important - vital - reduce - bath - shower - close - taps - no life - save -
waste - sake
E. Writing
6. Write a paragraph of six sentences on "your home"
Using the guiding words:
its location - type of home - what it consists of - local facilities; transport,
shop, parks
E. Writing
6. Write a paragraph of six sentences on "A voyage to Greece"
Using the guiding words:
last holiday - to Greece - by ship - it took - visited - stayed- people -
streets - clean - nice - friendly - enjoyed - food
E. Writing
6. Write a paragraph of six sentences on "Your cousin's wedding party"
Using the guiding words:
last Friday - wedding - went - family - friends - dance - eat - like - happy -
wear - enjoy - pictures - balloons - sing

Answer Guide

Revision on Unit 6 B. Vocabulary & Structure
A. language functions 2. Underline the correct words in brackets.
1. supply the missing parts in the dialogue. 2.arrested 3.inventor 4.used
1. I didn't do anything interesting. 2. Why 5.back 6.exciting 9.about
do you say that. 3. How did you break 10.have
your leg? 4. What did the doctor say? 3. Rewrite the sentences using the words.
B. Vocabulary & Structure 1. The class will not be taught to ride
2. Underline the correct words in brackets. bikes. 2. The mobile phone hasn't been 2.spending 3.forget 4.expect switched on. 3. English has been studied.
5.watching 6.charge 7.attaching 8.closed 4. Nobody will give him achance.5. chess
9.tacking 10.shown is played.
2. Underline the correct words in brackets. C. Reading comprehension
1.huge 3.take 4.seen 6.useful A. Answer the following questions.
7.quiet 8.found 9.ordinary 10.made 1. A football team consists of two teams
3. Rewrite the sentences using the words. with eleven players. 2. The players must
1. The internet will not be disconnected. 2. obey its own captain. 3. The most
His homework will be done. 3. They have important thing in the basketball is to be
been called. 4. The computer will be used able to pass the ball to the other players of
to chat. 5. The drink has been poured. your own team.
3. Rewrite the sentences using the words. B. Choose the correct answer.
1. The book has been read. 2. Students will 4.rules 5.throw 6.captain
not be sent to Mars in the future. 3. Will E. Writing composition
cars be used in the future? 4. The doors Public gardens in Cairo
hasn't been opened. 5. You will be taken to Cairo is the most over crowded city in
Aswan by a private plane. Egypt. This because there are lots of cars
C. Reading comprehension. in it. The air is polluted for many reasons.
A. Answer the following questions. Man need fresh air to breathe. So we must
1. There are three thousand different plant more trees to have oxygen. Gardens
languages in the world. 2. Millions of are very beautiful with its trees. Gardens
people later learn a second or foreign are important to decorate our cities and to
language. 3. French is spoken in France. get clean and fresh air too.
B. Choose the correct answer. 7. Write question
4. Arabic 5. China 6. Languages 1. When was the World Wide Web
E. Writing composition invented? 2. What weight was the first
Your favourite room in the house computer? 3. Do you always use the
I live in a big house in Cairo. Our house internet?
consists of two floors. My room is in the Revision on Unit 7
second floor, it's my favourite. It's very big
Vocabulary & Structure
1. Underline the correct words in brackets.
and tidy. It's very comfortable and also it's
1. hidden 2.North 3.guitarist 4.that 5.who
well decorated. It's the quietest room in 6.which 7.clues 8.wreck 9.Volcanoes
our house. I can practice my sport in it. In 10.afford
my free time I watch TV in it because I 1. Underline the correct words in brackets.
have my own one. 1.island 2.research 3.bring 4.unsinkable
7. Write question. 6.which 7.who 8.which 9.that
1. What have you won? 2. Will people 10.novelist
2. Rewrite the sentences using the words.
travel in flying cars in the future? 3. Where
1. A scientist is a person that works in a
has the lost bag been found? library. 2. Mount Everest which is in Nepal
Test based on Unit 6 is a mountain. 3. Scuba divers are people
A. Language functions who explore underwater. 5. The lion which
1. supply the missing parts in the dialogue. is strong and brave is an animal.
1. Yes, it's new. 2. Where did you buy it? 2. Rewrite the sentences using the words.
3. How much does it cost? 4. It's very 1. The teacher is a person who works with
expensive. children. 2. The car is a vehicle that carries
Family & Friends 6 - Second Term (Revision - Answers)
Answer Guide
people. 3. Journalists are people who write Underwater is a bird. 3. This is the
for newspapers and magazines. mechanic who repairs my car. 4. These
4. A nurse is a person who helps sick are the carrots that we bought. 5. Marco
people. 5. This is the plate which I ate in Polo who went to china in the 13th century
yesterday. was a traveler.
A. Language functions C. Reading comprehension.
3. supply the missing parts in the dialogue. A. Answer the following questions.
1. Because the dog in the basket caught
1. No, I don't. 2. Why don't you enjoy
the thief's hand strongly. 2. To take some
going to the cinema? 3. When do you
food or bread. 3. A hungry thief came to a
enjoy watching a video film? 4. Yes, it's a
house at night and went to the kitchen to
good idea.
3. supply the missing parts in the dialogue. look for something to eat.
B. Choose the correct answer.
1. Good afternoon, teacher. 2. I'm reading
4.the basket. 5.nothing
an English book. 3. How often do you E. Writing composition
come to the library? 4. Because English is A school trip
the most important language all over the Yesterday we had a trip to Qaitbay Citadel
world. in Alexandria. We went there by bus. Our
C. Reading comprehension. teachers told us many interesting
A. Answer the following questions. information about the citadel. We saw the
1. Clair spent the holiday in Turkey. amazing sight of the sea from the citadel.
2. They sailed on the Zamanti River in a At the end our teachers asked us to collect
big boat. 3. They are having their holiday some information and write a research
in Istanbul. about the citadel. We returned home late
B. Choose the correct answer. in the evening but very happy.
4.a little hot. 5.not all 6.fourteen 7. Write question
E. Writing composition 1. Where were you born? 2. How do you
The job you would like to be in the future go to school? 3. It is two o'clock.
When I grow up I want to be a tour guide.
Revision on Unit 8
I like this job because it is very
Vocabulary & Structure
interesting. To be a tour guide you have to 1. Underline the correct words in brackets.
talk many foreign languages to
1. mysterious 2.advise 3.had finished
communicate with many tourists. In Egypt
4.seen 5.ship 6.archeologist 7.arrived
there are many places to show to the
8.Had 9.Festivals 10.before
tourists. So, it will be fun to go round
1. Underline the correct words in brackets.
Egypt with tourists. I will be able to see all
1. investigation 2.went 3.before
the sights in Egypt with many tourists. 4.mountain 5.comfortable 6.artefacts
7. Write question.
7.breakable 8.had forgotten 9.because
1. What does the explorer do? 2. How long
10.had watched
have you been walking? 3. Do you want to B. Rewrite the sentences using the words.
be a journalist? 1. She went to school after she had
Test based on Unit 7 checked her bag. 2. Had she arrived home
A. Language functions before she phoned her sister? 3. No, he
1. supply the missing parts in the dialogue. hadn't. 4. After he had read a story, he
1. What is your name? 2. Where were you phoned his friends. 5. When I had finished
born? 3. How many children have you got? eating, the teacher entered the class.
4. What is your job? B. Rewrite the sentences using the words.
Vocabulary & Structure 1. He was late because he had missed the
1. Underline the correct words in brackets. bus. 2. Had she studied well before she
1.for 2.that 3.that 4.scientists took her exam? 3. After the teacher had
5.Environmentalists 6.passengers 7.who finished the lesson, the bell rang.
8.that 9.which 10.which 4. When the bus had left, I arrived the
B. Rewrite the sentences using the words. station. 5. No, she hadn't.
1. The sand cat which lives in the desert is A. Language functions
a wild cat. 2. The penguin which can swim 1. supply the missing parts in the dialogue.
1. bad toothache. 2. Do you brush your seen the thief before running away?
teeth every day? 3. Did you go to the 3. I had had my dinner before I phoned
dentist? 4. What did he do with you? my brother. 4. Before she had a bath,
3. Supply the missing parts in the dialogue. she had had her lunch. 5. I hadn't.
1. What did you do in your holiday? C. Reading comprehension.
2. Who did you go with? 3. We went there A. Answer the following questions.
by train. 4. I bought many souvenirs. 1. They will go to Scotland in the United
C. Reading comprehension. kingdom. 2. He will see snow for the first
A. Answer the following questions: time. 3. His mother will buy a warm coat
1. The family went to the market and some boots from Scotland.
yesterday. 2. They went there by car. 3. B. Choose the correct answer.
They went to the market yesterday. 4. January 5.ciothes 6. Postcards
B. Choose the correct answer. E. Writing composition 5.mother 6.birds My free time
E. Writing composition I have many hobbies to do in my free
Holidays time. I always enjoy reading different
Holidays is the most interesting days in kinds of books in my free time. I usually
one's life. In our holidays we can go many go to the club to play sports at weekends.
places to have fun and enjoy. Most people When it is hot, I often go swimming in the
usually go to the beach in their holidays. swimming pool. I sometimes ride my bike
Some people enjoy visiting their relatives and go cycling.
in their holidays. Many people spend their 7. Write question
holidays reading books and magazines. 1. Who did Samy visit last week? 2. What
Other people have their holidays are you studying now? 3. Is Adel your
swimming in seas or swimming pools to friend?
enjoy. Revision on Unit 9
E. Writing letters A. Language functions
Dear Hady, 1. supply the missing parts in the dialogue.
How are things with you? I hope you are in 1. Where did you go yesterday? 2. How
a good heath. I have to apologize to you did you go? 3. I went with my family.
as I delayed your books. Really I forgot to
4. We will stay about a week there.
send them back to you. But I promise I
1. supply the missing parts in the dialogue.
will send them back to you as soon as I
can. With my best wishes to your. 1. No, I am sorry I can't 2. Because my
Yours, mother is in the hospital. 3. How long has
Sameh your mother been in the hospital? 4. What
6. Write question
did the doctor say?
1. Where did Ahmed go yesterday? 2. Who
is playing football now? 3. What did you B. Vocabulary & Structure
1. Underline the correct words in brackets.
see in the road last night?
1.needle and thread 2.coin 3.have
Test based on Unit 8
4.hadn't worked 5.bottle 6.won't 7.pick
A. Language functions 8.useful 9.ropes 10.ought to
1. Supply the missing parts in the dialogue.
1. Underline the correct words in brackets.
1. I am studying French. 2. It is very easy 1.whistle 2.famous 3.mustn't 4.wouldn't
for me. 3. Will you have a French test? 4. have worn 5.had listened 6.don't have to
Who teaches you French? 7.huts 8. 9.forgotten 10.survive
B. Vocabulary & Structure B. Rewrite the sentences using the words.
2. Underline the correct words in brackets. 1. You mustn't make a fire here. 2. If she
1.fascinating 2.light 3.finished 4.left hadn't gone to bed so late, she would have
5.discovered 6.mystry 7.had gone 8.had got up early. 3. Your friends shouldn't
told 9.Historians 10.had left leave rubbish in the street. 4. If you
B. Rewrite the sentences using the words. don't eat lots of fresh food, you won't get
1. When Ali and Adel had gone to bed, enough vitamins. 5. You ought not to
Someone knocked on the door. 2. Had you make noise in the library.
Family & Friends 6 - Second Term (Revision - Answers)
Answer Guide
C. Reading comprehension E. Writing composition
A. Answer the following questions. Reading
1. The man dug a hole in the ground then Reading plays a vital role in our life.
he covered it with a stone to hide the Reading is very important to both children
treasure. 2. His servant who had watched and old people. Reading is very interesting
his stole the gold. 3. Because he didn't and exciting hobby. There are many kinds
notice that his servant was watching him of books such as funny, adventure and
each time. stories. We can borrow books from the
B. Choose the correct answer. library. The librarian can help people to
4.valuable. 5.a stone 6.the gold choose useful books in their free times.
E. Writing composition 7. Write question
Our school library 1. Did Crusoe sail to America? 2. Why did
I go to my school library once a week. It is you use a torch? 3. Where will they spend
in the 2nd floor. It is very large, clean and the next weekend?
tidy library. It has many shelves with Revision on Unit 10
many books on it. There are different Vocabulary & Structure
kinds of books such as history, science, 1. Underline the correct words in brackets.
language, geography and maths books. 1.fluent 2.official language 3.disappeared
There is a librarian in it who helps us to 4.sights 6. Had gone 7.the day
choose books and be quiet. before 8.Salwa 9.yourselves 10.would
7. Write question help
1. Does he like fish? 2. What is she eating 1. Underline the correct words in brackets.
now? 3. Who teaches English in his class? 1.native 2.tongue 3.population
4.inhabitation 5.culture 6.asked 7.the film
Test based on Unit 9 had started 8.told 9.were playing
A. Language functions 10.themselves
1. Supply the missing parts in the dialogue. B. Rewrite the sentences using the words.
1. Where are you from? 2. Why do you 1. He said that he was having a test the
like visiting Egypt? 3. I will stay for a following day. 2. She said that she was not
month in Egypt. 4. I will visit Luxor and hungry then. 3. Jane said that she was
Aswan. very sad. 4. Mona told me that it was
B. Vocabulary & Structure nice and sunny. 5. Ali told Ahmed that
2. Underline the correct words in brackets. they would go the club at the weekend.
1. fishing line 2.first aid box 3.listen B. Rewrite the sentences using the words.
4.go 5.thread 6.don't have to 7.island 1. The doctor told the patient to come in.
8.ought to 9.come 10.have had 2. the officer told the clerk to do it
B. Rewrite the sentences using the words.
immediately. 3. The teacher told the
1. If she had taken her umbrella, she
boys not to make noise. 4. She told her
wouldn't have got wet. 2. I would have
given him a pen if he had asked me. 3. mother that she didn't want to go to the
You should brush your teeth before going cinema. 5. Sara told her friend that the
bed 4. You don't have to wear sunglasses. weather had been sunny the day before.
It's not sunny. 5. If he had left home A. Language functions
early, he wouldn't have missed the train. 1. Supply the missing parts in the dialogue.
C. Reading comprehension 1. What is your favourite hobby?
A. Answer the following questions. 2. My favourite language is English. 3.
1. He was sitting by the open window Why do you like to learn English. 4. How
reading a new story. 2. Because he heard long have you been learning English?
a loud cry of help and wanted to know 1. Supply the missing parts in the dialogue.
where it comes from. 3. He used his 1. What do you do in your spare time?
torch to see his way back home. 2. I like to read adventure books. 3. What
B. Choose the correct answer. is your favourite book? 4. What is the best
4.light 5.parrot 6.weak part in the book?
C. Reading comprehension It gives me much pleasure to write this
A. Answer the following questions. letter to you. You're welcome in Egypt at
1. People used to travel in carriages pulled any time. I advise you to visit the
by horses. 2. "horseless carriages." 3. It Pyramids, Luxor and Aswan, Sharm El
looked a lot like horse carriages. Sheikh and the amazing city Alexandria. As
B. Choose the correct answer. we are in May you don't have to wear
4.seats. 5.1800s heavy clothes. It is the best time to visit
E. Writing composition Egypt. See you soon.
The importance of learning foreign languages Yours,
It's very important to learn different Ali
foreign languages to communicate with 7. Write question
foreign people who visit our countries. 1. What are you doing at the moment. 2.
Learning foreign languages helps us How long has he learning English? 3. What
understand foreign cultures. On the other does your father do? Or what's your
hand, learning foreign languages helps man father's job?
to find many jobs. It may help anyone in Revision on Unit 11
reading books. Finally, if you want to A. Vocabulary & Structure
improve yourself, learn foreign languages. 1. Underline the correct words in brackets.
Test based on Unit 10 1. telescope 2.shuttle 4.told 5.satellite
A. Language functions 7.planet 8.launched 9.bumpy 10.he
1. Supply the missing parts in the dialogue. lived
1. Underline the correct words in brackets.
1. Can you speak English? 2. Yes, I'm 2.was he 3.close 4.breathe 5.At
bilingual. 3. What are the official languages 6.shooting star 7.what 8.was
in Canada? Do you like foreign languages? 10.observatory
B. Vocabulary & Structure 2. Rewrite the sentences using the words.
2. Underline the correct words in brackets. 1. Mum told Heba to wash her hands.
1.unfortunately 2.coral reefs 3.accent 2.Omar told Ahmed to be careful. 3. He
doing 5.was looking 6.isolated asked me what I was doing then. 4. Noha
7.themselves 8.sights 10.had gone told me not to shout. 5. I asked him how
B. Rewrite the sentences using the words.
many girls were there in the class.
1. Nada told Ali that she had visited Luxor
2. Rewrite the sentences using the words.
the year before. 2. Sara said that they
1. I asked Rana to give me her pen.
were looking forward to their following trip.
3. The machine can switch itself off. 4. The 2. Dad told me not to leave my bag there.
dogs are washing themselves. 5. Marwa 3. She asked him what he did on Fridays.
told me that she had had lunch at Fatma's 4. Ahmed asked her where she lived. 5.
house the day before. She asked them when they started work.
C. Reading comprehension. A. Language functions
A. Answer the following questions. 1. Supply the missing parts in the dialogue.
1. English is the most important language
1. No, I wouldn't. 2. What would you like to
in the world nowadays. 2. It refers to
be when you grow up? 3. Yes, I like it
English. 3. People use it to communicate
very much. 4. I want to teach French.
with each other even if it isn't their mother 1. Supply the missing parts in the dialogue.
tongue. 1. If I had a lot of money, I would buy a
B. Choose the correct answer. new house. 2. I want to have a villa. 3. I
4.English 5.official 6.internet would live with my family. 4. I would like
E. Writing a letter to be an engineer.
Sheikh Zayed St., C. Reading comprehension.
Ismaillia, A. Answer the following questions.
12 , May, 2016 1. The family is in sharm el sheikh. 2. They
don't have to wear coats as it is sunny and
Dear John,
hot. 3. The family will be back next Friday.
Family & Friends 6 - Second Term (Revision - Answers)
B. Choose the correct answer. over the world.
Answer Guide
4.five's sunny 6.fantastic 3. We can find diamonds at
C. Reading comprehension the shop of jewellery.
E. Writing composition B. Choose the correct answer.
Travelling 5.jeweler's 6.stone
Travelling around the world is one of the E. Writing composition
most interesting hobbies. As been said Life in the future
travelling has seven benefits. You can I think life in the future will be different.
travel to several countries around the People will be able to travel into space very
world and learn their languages. If you easily. We will be able to use robots in our
travel to any country, you can learn a lot daily life. We can control them by voice.
about its culture. You can visit many sights We will be able to use rockets to travel to
in any country you go to. You can learn space as well as many vehicles. People will
about countries civilizations and visit many be able to build many space stations.
monuments. 7. Write question
E. Writing a letter 1. When did you go on a trip to the science
10 El Nour St., museum? 2. What do you love finding
Cairo, out? 3. Do you have any money?
24 , June, 2016 Revision on Unit 12
Dear Ahmed, A. Vocabulary & Structure
It gives me much pleasure to write this 1. Underline the correct words in brackets.
letter to you. I would like to invite you to 1.didn't he? 2.opinion 3.sides 4.culture
visit Luxor in the summer holiday. You can 5.warmer 7.broad game
see many sights in it. Also, you can visit 8.traditional 9.give 10. blog
many temples. I'm sure you will enjoy your 1. Underline the correct words in brackets.
visit. Write soon to me. 1.rush 2.spicy 3.scary 4.palm 5.couple
Yours, 6.didn't 7.can't 8.could 9.could be 10.was
Nader 2. Rewrite the sentences using the words.
F. Orthography 1. She wishes she wasn't busy cooking.
Supply the missing letters. 2. Omar has a mobile phone, doesn't he?
1. We shouldn't put water on the dolphin 3. They like fish, don't they? 4. I wish I
now. 2. The others will come back soon. could spend the summer holiday on an
3. The presenter asked a dolphin expert. island. 5. I wish my flat wasn't small
4. It's in trouble, come out at once. 2. Rewrite the sentences using the words.
Test based on Unit 11 1. There were lots of people here, weren't
A. Language functions there? 2. He has black eyes, doesn't he?
1. Supply the missing parts in the dialogue. 3. Omar lived in Saudi Arabia, didn't he?
1. What are you doing now? 2. Will you 4. I wish I could be a scientist.
have any exams? 3. Do you like English? 5. He wishes he wasn't eat so much.
4. Who teaches you English this year? A. Language functions
B. Vocabulary & Structure 3. Supply the missing parts in the dialogue.
2. Underline the correct words in brackets. 1. Do you have any problems? 2. Put on
1.astrouanat 2.across 4.were we weight very much. 3. What kinds of food
5.sung 6.constellation 7.asked 8.telescope 4. Vegetables and fruits
9.not to 10.spins 3. Supply the missing parts in the dialogue.
B. Rewrite the sentences using the words. 1. Yes, you can go straight on this road
1. Samy asked her where she had gone and turn right it will be on your left hand.
the day before. 2. We asked him what
2. What should I do to get there? 3. What
his favourite sport was. 3. Ibrahim told
me not to make noise. 4. The teacher should I tell the taxi driver? 4. I think 5
asked him if he had finished his work. pounds only.
5. "Don't shout." Mum said to me. C. Reading comprehension
C. Reading comprehension A. Answer the following questions.
A. Answer the following questions. 1. Apollo was an American project to send
1. Diamonds are a symbol of elegance all people to the moon and come back.
C. Reading comprehension
A. Answer the following questions:
2. Neil Armstrong was one of the crew of 1. To see many exciting fish. 2. They saw
Apollo 11. 3. The 12 astronauts altogether the penguins in the swimming pool. 3.
walked on the moon as part of Apollo They went to the wildlife park.
program. B. Choose the correct answer.
B. Choose the correct answer. 4.reptiles 5.great 6.snakes and lizards
4.3 5.American 6.mission E. Writing a letter
E. Writing composition 9 El Higaz St.,
Your wishes for the future Cairo,
In the future I wish I could be a successful
16 , January, 2016
person and have my own company. I wish Dear Lamsa,
it will the biggest company in Egypt. I wish It gives me much pleasure to write this
my parents could be healthy forever. I letter to you. I have read a book about the
wish they could visit Makah. I wish my modern inventions. The book talked about
friends could achieve all their hopes. I wish them and how they made our life easy and
we could be friends forever. comfortable. Computers, mobile phones
E. Writing a letter and the internet are the most common
15 El Nozha St., inventions in our life. Write soon to me.
Cairo, Yours,
30 , March, 2016 Gharam
Dear Ali, 7. Write question
It gives me much pleasure to write this 1. Do you have a laptop? 2. Where were
letter to you. Soon I will travel to Europe in the children yesterday? 3. What is your
the summer holiday. I will visit many wish?
countries there and will visit many places Final Revision based on the 2nd term
in France and Italy, and will eat in many A. Language functions
famous restaurants. In Europe costumes of 1. Supply the missing parts in the dialogue.
people and their ways of life are different 1. What kind of people are you? 2. What
from ours but amazing. Write soon to me. don't you like? 3. What is your favourite
Yours, school subject? 4. What do you enjoy?
Lamsa 1. Supply the missing parts in the dialogue.
F. Orthography 1. I didn't go anywhere. 2. Why? 3. How
Supply the missing letters. did you break your leg? 4. What did the
1. The rescue team helped to save it's life. doctor say?
2. Tourists in the Caribbean islands had 1. Supply the missing parts in the dialogue.
some good and bad things. 1. Where are you from? 2. What are you
interested in? 3. How long have you been
Test based on Unit 12 designing robots? 4. What do you enjoy
A. Language functions
reading about?
1. Supply the missing parts in the dialogue.
B. Vocabulary & Structure
1. Do you need any help? 2. Have you
2. Underline the correct words in brackets.
ever been to Egypt before? 3. I like its 1.huge 3.take 4.seen 6.useful
fine weather, its monuments and friendly 7.quiet 8.found 9.ordinary 10.made
people. 4. You enjoy your stay in Egypt. 2. Underline the correct words in brackets.
B. Vocabulary & Structure 2.spent 3.forget 4.expect 5.watching
2. Underline the correct words in brackets. 6.charge 7.attaching 8.closed 9.taken 2.available 3.volunteer 4.won't 10.shown
5.could stop 6.doesn't 7.rush 8.coral reefs. 2. Underline the correct words in brackets.
9.luxurious 10.survive 1.far 2.had bought 3.went 4.sleep
3. Rewrite the sentences using the words. 5.trouble 6.has 8.expensive
1. You're Dr. Adam, aren't you? 9.had 10.ordered
2. She knew the right answer, didn't she? 3. Rewrite the sentences using the words.
1. The internet won't be disconnected. 2.
3. I have a car, don't I? 4. They were not
His homework will be done. 3. They have
very tired, were they? 5. She wishes he been called. 4. The computer will be used
weren't play tennis. to chat. 5. The drink has been poured.
Family & Friends 6 - Second Term (Revision - Answers)
3. Rewrite the sentences using the words.
Answer Guide
E. Writing composition
1. The book has been read. 2. Students
Your home
will not be sent to Mars in the future. 3. I live in an amazing house near the
Will cars be used in the future? 4. Doors sea. It consists of two floors. There is a
haven't been opened. 5. You will be taken living room, dining room, a big kitchen and
to Aswan by a private plane. a bath room in the first floor, there are
3. Rewrite the sentences using the words. three bed rooms, a living room, a small
1. She is called Mary, isn't she? kitchen and a big bath room in the second
2. He told me that they were working in floor. We have a beautiful garden and a car
the garden. pole in our house. Near our home there are
3. She is going to study by herself. many shops, many parks and there is a
4. You ought to bring a pen every day. bus station to go anywhere we need.
5. After the film had started, we arrived. E. Writing composition
A voyage to Greece
C. Reading comprehension
4. Read the passage and answer the questions. Last holiday I went to Greece. I went
A. Answer the following questions: with my family. We went there by ship,
1. It is huge, sandy area and there are and we took two days to reach there. We
hardly any trees or plants. 2. Nomads visited many places and stayed there in a
who move from place to place by camels.
hotel, it was amazing. People there are
3. Some gazelles and antelopes as well as
snakes, lizards, gerbils and small foxes. very friendly and nice. The streets are very
B. Choose the correct answer. clean and well decorated. We enjoyed our
4.Africa 6.a few stay very much.
4. Read the passage and answer the questions. E. Writing composition
A. Answer the following questions. Your cousin's wedding party
1. The horse's toe called hoof today. Last Friday was my cousin's wedding
2. Because they are very strong and can
party. I went with my family to the party.
take a rider for long distances up to 160
kilometers. Their legs and hoofs are very We were wearing beautiful clothes. I saw
strong and they don't often get sick. all my friends there. We all danced on the
3. The police, some farmers and the army beautiful songs. We ate many kinds of
use horses for work. delicious food. We took pictures with each
B. Choose the correct answer.
4.four 5.very few 6.160 other and with all our friends. We enjoyed
4. Read the passage and answer the questions. our time very much.
A. Answer the following questions.
1. He got hired for an anniversary party
Friday evening, a birthday Saturday
morning and a wedding Sunday afternoon.
2. Because he likes to take pictures of
happy people. 3. Because lots of people
get married in June and it's graduation
B. Choose the correct answer.
4.photographer 5.June 6.loves
E. Writing composition
Saving water
Water plays an important role in
man's life. Without water there wasn't any
life on the Earth. We must save using
water in our life because of its vital role.
We should reduce taking baths and
showers. We should always close taps
carefully after using. We must save water
and we mustn't waste it for the sake of life.
Family & Friends 6 - Second Term (Exams)
School Exams

A. Language functions
1. Supply the missing parts in the following dialogue:
Salma : You look very happy today, …………………………………?
Faten : Dad has just bought me a new computer.
Salma : It's fantastic, ……………………………......................……?
Faten : Yes, I've learned a lot about using computers.
Salma : Can you tell me how to use the internet?
Faten : ……………………………………………………….…
Salma : ……………………………………………………….….
Faten : That' so kind of you.
B. Vocabulary & Structure
2. Underline the correct word(s) in brackets.
1. We live now in the twenty-first (age - decade - century - year).
2. A bag has (be - been - being - is) found in the classroom. Is it yours?
3. I ate some chocolate (when - who - which - where) tasted very good.
4. My little sister goes to the (bravery - university - nurse - nursery).
5. "(When - why - who - Where) else works with you?"
6. The (moon - sun - stars - rivers) rotates around the earth.
7. The cables (bake - break - brake - baked) quite often, but the internet doesn't
stop working.
8. My favourite ice cream (flavours- lines- colours- shapes) are chocolate and vanilla.
9. She had never (seen - saw - see - sees) a bear before she moved to Alaska.
10. You didn't go to the coast yesterday, (do - does - didn't - did) you?
3. Rewrite the following sentences using the words in brackets.
1. You don't like pizza, do you? (don't you)
2. It is very hot today. (I wish)
3. I had turned the light off before I went to bed. (After)
4. "I'm going to travel to Tanta in June." (Nagy told Ayman )
5. No, I have never been to South America. (ever)
C. Reading comprehension
4. Read the following passage and then answer the questions:
Amelia Earhant was born in July 1889 in 1932, she became the first
woman to fly a plane from America to Europe. After that, she decided to
fly around the world. In May 1973, Amelia set off from California across to
the east of America. She flew to south America and then continued across
the Atlantic to Africa and India.
When Amelia was flying across the Pacific Ocean, her plane
disappeared. She might have crashed because of bad weather or because
she was tired, or her engine might have stopped working, but she must
have had an accident, and she can't have crossed the Ocean because no
one ever saw her again.
A. Answer the following questions:
1. Why was Amelia Earhant famous?
2. How old was she when she first made that flight?
3. When was Amelia Earhant born?
B. Choose the correct answer.
4. Amelia Earhant started the journey around the world from (Africa - South
America - India - California).
5. Amelia's plane must have crashed in (the Atlantic- Africa- the Pacific - Australia).
6. When Amelia died, she must have been (thirty-six - thirty-seven - thirty-eight -
D. The Link Reader (The Prisoner of Zenda)
5. Answer the following questions:
1. How was Bernenstein been shot?
2. Where did Rudolf and Fritz go after dinner?
3. What was Rudolf sent every day?
B. Complete the following sentences:
4. Rudolf learned that Duke Michael and the three men left Strelsau. They had
gone ………
5. Rudolf asked the girl to ask …………… to come to the hotel ………………………
E. Writing
6. Write a paragraph of six sentences on "Carpenter".
Guiding words
work - workshop - use - tools - cut - wood - make - beds - chairs - tables
7. Write questions.
1. ...............................................................?
I studied English in England.
2. ...............................................................?
I'm doing my homework.
3. ...................................................................?
Yes, I can lend you my camera.
Family & Friends 6 - Second Term (Exams)
School Exams

A. Language functions
1. Supply the missing parts in the following dialogue:
Mohamed : ………………………………………………?
Omar : Omar Hany.
Mohamed : : ……………………………………………?
Omar : I was born in Desouk.
Mohamed : Are you married?
Omar : ……………………………………………….…
Mohamed : How many children have you got?
Omar : ………………………………………………….
B. Vocabulary & Structure
2. Underline the correct word(s) in brackets.
1. I wish I had enough money but I really (am not - don't - didn't - hadn't).
2. My uncle was very ill, but he made a quick (bravery - recovery - recover - delivery).
3. As soon as I had (finishing - finish - finished - finishes) my homework, my uncle
and aunt arrived.
4. There are a few things which can (waive - hive - wife - survive) in cold environments.
5. "What are you (studying - studied - studies - study) at the moment."
6. Cairo is full of famous (fights - sights - lights - lies).
7. Did (you - we - they - she) make yourself a sandwich?
8. I'd like to be a/an (explorer - inventor - painter - journalist) and travel around the world.
9. A dolphin is an animal (which - where - when - who) lives in the sea.
10. (Comets - Stars - satellite - Sites) are unreal moons sent into space.
3. Rewrite the following sentences using the words in brackets.
1. "Why are you late, Ashraf?" (Mohanad asked Ashraf)
2. The cat can't feed itself. (the cats)
3. My father gave me a present after he had come back home. (not)
4. Nada is a good nurse, she helps the doctors in the hospital. (who )
5. My brother is weak. (He wishes)
C. Reading comprehension
4. Read the following letter and then answer the questions:
Dear Hoyam,
My name is Sulaiman, and I would like to study abroad at your school
next year. I go to Taha Hussien preparatory school and I am in my third
year. I am a good student. However, I know that I should improve my
marks in history and geography. My favourite subject is English and I

have been studying it since my first year at primary school. Although
science is very difficult, I also enjoy studying it. I would like to study
abroad because I want to improve my English. Although I'm good at
reading and writing English, I am not very good at speaking it. If I am
able to study abroad, I will become very good at speaking English. I am
looking forward to hearing from you.
Yours sincerely,
A. Answer the following questions:
1. How many years has Sulaiman been studying English?
2. What does the underlined word "it" refer to?
3. Why does Sulaiman want to study abroad?
B. Choose the correct answer.
4. Sulaiman needs better marks in (English and Arabic - Arabic and geography -
history and geography - English and history).
5. Sulaiman enjoys studying (English - Arabic - history - geography) the most.
6. Sulaiman isn't very good at (reading - writing - speaking - listening) English.
D. The Link Reader (The Prisoner of Zenda)
A. Read the following quotation, then answer the questions:
"Help me Michael! Rupert of Hentzau!"
1. Who said this?
2. Why did the speaker ask help from Michael?
3. Why did Rupert want to punish the speaker?
B. Complete the following sentences:
4. …………….....… saved Rudolf from killing.
5. The real king thanked Rudolf and ..................................
E. Writing
6. Write a paragraph of six sentences on "The school library".
Guiding words
go - library - twice - a month - floor - dictionaries - stories - librarian
7. Write questions.
1. ................................................................................?
The plane arrives at 1:00 p.m.
2. ................................................................................?
I went to the airport to meet my dad.
3. ................................................................................?
Yes, he is making a cake.
Family & Friends 6 - Second Term (Exams)
School Exams

A. Language functions
1. Supply the missing parts in the following dialogue:
Lamsa : …………………………………………………………?
Gharam : My favourite school subject is English.
Lamsa : ……………………………………………….………?
Gharam : My favourite hobby is playing chess.
Lamsa : How long have you been playing it?
Gharam : ……………………………..……….............….…
Lamsa : Can you teach me how to play?
Gharam : ………………………………………….….
B. Vocabulary & Structure
2. Underline the correct word(s) in brackets.
1. The teacher told the pupils (not - not to - to not - doesn't) make noise.
2. Nabila eats fish, (don't - didn't - won't - doesn't) she?
3. There is water coming (through - although - throw - throe) the back of the cave.
4. Nader took his (coats - books - surfboard - glasses) to go surfing.
5. Had you (study - studied - studying - studies) English before you moved to new York?
6. A (park - museum - club - Robot camp) is a place where robots control everything.
7. Luis doesn't have a strong English (accent - dialect - official - formal). Most of
people think he is Spanish.
8. Someone has (disconnect - disconnects - disconnected - disconnecting) the internet.
9. The island is famous (at - on - for - with) its mysterious stone figures.
10. A rucksack is a type of bag (what - which - who - when) climbers carry.
3. Rewrite the following sentences using the words in brackets.
1. "The trip will take about two hours." (She told me)
2. This is Miss Noha. She works in a school. (who)
3. I had bought the groceries before I went home. (not)
4. It is the last day of our holiday. (I wish)
5. She had breakfast, didn't she? (did she)
C. Reading comprehension
4. Read the following letter and then answer the questions:
Ahmed has a new computer. His favourite hobby is surfing the
internet. He uses the internet for making friends in order to have the most
number of friends from other countries. Martin who lives in England is one
of Ahmed's internet friends. A month ago, Ahmed sent an e-mail to
martin. He invited her to spend a week in Luxor. Immediately Martin
prepared for her flight to Luxor. She arrived at Luxor airport at 10 a.m.
half an hour later, Ahmed arrived at Luxor airport and met Martin there.
Ahmed took Martin to Isis Hotel in his own car. Ahmed and Martin visited
the Temple of Karnk, the Temple of Luxor and the Valley of the Kings and
Queens. Martin was very happy and thanked Ahmed for his warm
A. Answer the following questions:
1. What does Ahmed use the internet for?
2. Why did Ahmed send an e-mail to Martin?
3. What is Ahmed's favourite hobby?
B. Choose the correct answer.
4. Martin's nationality is (Egyptian - Italian - French - English).
5. The underlined word "there" refers to (Cairo - Luxor - Aswan - Alexandria) airport.
6. Ahmed invited martin to spend a week in (Aswan - Luxor - Cairo - Giza)
D. The Link Reader (The Prisoner of Zenda)
A. Read the following quotation, then answer the questions:
"He wants you to leave. He will take you safely out of the country."
1. Who said this? To whom?
2. What was the addressed reply?
3. What did the word "he" refer to?
B. Complete the following sentences:
4. Rudolf was sitting in the garden in the sun when suddenly saw …………………..
5. The dagger went deep into ………………………….
E. Writing
6. Write a paragraph of six sentences on "Diving".
Guiding words
wear - diving suit - goggles - scuba diving - take - torch - the bottom - see -
different kinds of fish - the sea - find - boxes - gold plates

7. Write questions.
1. ...............................................................................?
I go to school by bus.
2. ...............................................................................?
The weather is fine.
3. ...............................................................................?
Yes, she is my sister.

Family & Friends 6 - Second Term (Exams)
School Exams

A. Language functions
1. Supply the missing parts in the following dialogue:
Retaj : ……………………………………………?
Aysel : I went shopping yesterday.
Retaj : Who did you go with?
Aysel : ………………………………….…
Retaj : …………………...…………….…?
Aysel : We went by bus.
Retaj : What did you buy?
Aysel : ……………………………….….
B. Vocabulary & Structure
2. Underline the correct word(s) in brackets.
1. They didn't take any money, they were (engineers - doctors - amateurs - volunteers)
2. She's a lovely person (which - where - who - when) is nice to everyone.
3. The light of the village (land - fly - glow - blow) outside.
4. Charlotte said her parents (was - were - is - be) travel writers.
5. Leo and I hurt (themselves - myself - herself - ourselves) when we fall out of the tree.
6. When I went snorkeling, I watched all the fish swim over the (elephant - coral
reef - trees - palm trees).
7. It's rather cold today, I wish it (was - could be - can't - had been) warmer.
8. It was a beautiful (photo - medal - sculpture - painting) of an elephant. It was made
of sand.
9. The (reporter - scientist - teacher - inventor) asked the famous actor some questions
about their films.
10. After the teacher (corrects - is correcting - correct - had corrected) our homework,
he explained the lesson.
3. Rewrite the following sentences using the words in brackets.
1. Cairo is a big city. It is in Egypt. (which)
2. First, I watched a play. Then, I phoned my friends. (After)
3. She didn't play well. She lost the match. (If)
4. They could do the homework by themselves. (He)
5. "Where is the book, Ali?" (Noha asked Ali)
C. Reading comprehension
4. Read the following passage and then answer the questions:
I always used to drive to work alone. They journey never took more
than 30 minutes. One morning last month, I couldn't start my car and I
had to use public transport. I waited at the bus stop. I couldn't get on the
first bus because it was full, so I started walking. Ahmed, a friend from
work, saw me and stopped his car, "What happened to your car?" he
asked. "It wouldn't start." I said. "I'll take you." Ahmed said. "Thanks.
That's very kind of you." I said. Ahmed drove me to work and back every
day that week. I wanted to pay him for the petrol, but Ahmed refused to
take any money. "You can drive me to work next week.", he said. Now
Ahmed and I always travel together. We take turns to drive. I enjoy
travelling with a friend.
Answer the following questions:
1. Why didn't the writer travel to work by bus?
2. Who is Ahmed?
3. Why didn't Ahmed take any money from the writer?
B. Choose the correct answer.
4. The writer used to go to work by (bus - taxi - car - Ahmed's car).
5. The journey never took more than (an hour - half an hour - two hours - an hour and
half) airport.
6. The writer wanted to pay Ahmed for (breakfast - lunch - the petrol - the journey).
D. The Link Reader (The Prisoner of Zenda)
5. Answer the following questions:
1. What did Johann tell Rudolf about the second room?
2. How did Rudolf meet Johann?
3. Who did Rudolf ask Rupert about?
B. Complete the following sentences:
4. …………………… sent a message to Rudolf with Rupert of Hentzau.
5. Duke of Strelsau will give Rudolf …………………………………….
E. Writing
6. Write a letter to your friend Hassan
- Tell him about a school trip you went to.
- Tell him when and where you went and what you did there.
- Your name is Ahmed and you live at 18 Ahmed Oraby St, Cairo.
7. Write questions.
1. ...............................................................................?
I have two mobiles.
2. ............................................................................................?
Lamsa uses the internet for getting information.
3. ...............................................................................?
Yes, I watched TV yesterday.
Family & Friends 6 - Second Term (Exams)
School Exams

A. Language functions
1. Supply the missing parts in the following dialogue:
Shady : …………………………………….…………?
Samer : I went to Alexandria library.
Shady : …………………………………………….…?
Samer : I wanted to read some books.
Shady : Do you like reading?
Samer : ……………………………………….….
Shady : What kind of books do you prefer to read?
Samer : …………………………………………………......…….….
B. Vocabulary & Structure
2. Underline the correct word(s) in brackets.
1. They could (clean - clear - creep - clay) away the figures around the world.
2. When they got to the cinema, the film had already (start - starts - started - starting).
3. Fin's mum (says - say - said - told) him to turn on the TV.
4. Nada is (on - above - at - under) university today.
5. Historians (discover - discovery - deliver - speak) things about the past.
6. He wishes he (knows - knew - know - known) more about the space.
7. You don't like peas, (do - did - didn't - doesn't) you?
8. The (claim - clime - crime - climate) is warm.
9. Ibn Battut was a great (inventor - traveler - astronaut - journalist) who travelled
around the world.
10. I wish I (would be - could be - had been - was been) an engineer. That's my dream.
3. Rewrite the following sentences using the words in brackets.
1. Samy was late. He didn't catch the school bus. (If)
2. "She's cooked the food." (Mum said)
3. I hope to be a famous actor. (I wish)
4. Maha didn't write the letter, did she? (didn't she)
5. A mechanic is a person. He works in a garage. (that)
C. Reading comprehension
4. Read the following passage and then answer the questions:
Taha Hussein was famous throughout the countries of the Arab world.
He was one of the best writers in Egypt. Although he was blind from an
early age, he wrote forty books of stories, history and philosophy during
his life.
Because he couldn't see, Taha Hussein didn't go to school when he
was young. However, he was good at asking questions and listening to
other people. Eventually, he studied at Al-Azhar university. While he was
there, he never had much because his family was too poor. He always
slept on the floor of his brother's room. Taha Hussein went to France and
studied at Sorbonne University. He had many problems at first because he
didn't know French. The French woman who helped him in learning the
language became his wife.
One of the biggest success was when he became the Minister of
Education. He was born in 1889 and died in 1973.
Answer the following questions:
1. How many books did Taha Hussein write?
2. What nationality was his wife?
3. What universities did Taha Hussein go to?
B. Choose the correct answer.
4. Taha Hussein was the Minister of (Culture - Education - Health - Defense).
5. Taha Hussein didn't go to school when he was (child - young - old - happy).
6. In France he didn't know (German - British - Arabic - French).
D. The Link Reader (The Prisoner of Zenda)
A. Read the following quotation, then answer the questions:
"The king will be dead before we can get to him."
1. Who said this? To whom?
2. Why did he say so?
3. Who will kill the king?
B. Complete the following sentences:
5. Rupert put out his right hand to shake hands, but I …….……………
6. The plan to catch Johann ………………………………..
E. Writing
6. Write a reply to the following letter
Ahmed Esmat St.,
Gesr ElSues,
20th, December, 2016
Dear Johan,
How are you? It's nice to write to you. The summer holiday is about to start.
Tell me about your plans in the summer holiday. I'll be pleased if you visit me in
Alexandria. We can go to the beach in the morning and go to any club in the
evening. It will be a good chance to meet our friends. I'm sure you will spend a
very nice time. Please write soon to me.
Write questions.
1. ....................................................................................?
I study hard because I have an exam tomorrow.
2. .............................................................................?
The dress costs 300 pounds.
3. .............................................................................?
No, they are my friends.

Family & Friends 6 - Second Term (Exams)
School Exams

A. Language functions
1. Supply the missing parts in the following dialogue:
Shady : you look very tired, ………………………?
Samer : I was in the hospital.
Shady : …………………………………….…?
Samer : Because I had an accident.
Shady : How did you have the accident?
Samer : …………………………………………...….
Shady : How are you feeling now?
Samer : …………………………...…….….
B. Vocabulary & Structure
2. Underline the correct word(s) in brackets.
1. You can use (keys - pliers - binoculars - flags) to see things that are far away.
2. Before he went out, he (does - has done - do - had done) his homework.
3. (Japanese - Chinese - English - Arabic) is the official language of America.
4. To (flow - discover - pour - sign) is to find something hidden or unknown before.
5. They've got a (compass - flag - tank - pliers) to know the directions.
6. We often (use - using - used - uses) the computer every day.
7. The doctor said to me, "You (would have been - will be - was - were being) all right."
8. The Pyramids of Giza are the most famous tourist (attentions - attractions -
traditions - tractions) in Egypt.
9. They looked (up - out - for - of) the treasures for years, but they didn't find it.
10. I've been (give - gives - gave - given) a new laptop.
3. Rewrite the following sentences using the words in brackets.
1. He can't fly. (He wishes)
2. There are lots of robots, aren't there? (are there)
3. Don't smoke in the playground. (mustn't)
4. Mrs. Fatma said to me, "Turn off your mobile phone." (Mrs. Fatma told me)
5. We found the bag of money by ourselves. (I)
C. Reading comprehension
4. Read the following passage and then answer the questions:
It was a very cold night. It was raining heavily outside. Samy was
alone at home. He turned off the light at eleven o'clock and went to bed.
He couldn't sleep because he was afraid. Suddenly, he sat up in bed and
decided to turn the light on. Just before he could do so, he heard someone
opening the front door of his house.
He ran and jumped back in bed. He couldn't speak around. Then, he heard

something moving in the living room. Suddenly, the lights were turned on
and a loud noise was heard. He came down the stairs very slowly. He saw
two policemen holding the man who broke the door. He thanked them and
went to bed.
Answer the following questions:
1. Why couldn't Samy sleep?
2. What seasons of the year was it?
3. What does the underlined word "them" refer to?
B. Choose the correct answer.
4. Samy heard (a friend - his neighbor - a thief - the butcher) opening the front door
of his house..
5. Samy lived (with his family - with the man - with the policeman - alone).
6. The story happened (at noon - at night - in the morning - in the afternoon).
D. The Link Reader (The Prisoner of Zenda)
5. Answer the following questions:
1. What did Rudolf want Duke Michael to think?
2. Where had Rudolf and Sapt sent Johann?
3. What did Sapt and Rudolf decide to do?
B. Complete the following sentences:
4. Rudolf heard Detchard's voice, ………………………..……………
5. No one could hear Rudolf because …………………………………
E. Writing
6. Write a paragraph of six sentences on "Uncle's farm".
Guiding words
last week - visit - uncle's farm - family - fields - see - farmers - work - sheep -
cows - collect - eggs - have - lunch - enjoy - happy
7. Write questions.
1. ................................................................................?
My friend invited me to the party.
2. ................................................................................?
I felt happy and proud.
3. ................................................................................?
No, I will go with my family.
Family & Friends 6 - Second Term (Exams)
School Exams

A. Language functions
1. Supply the missing parts in the following dialogue:
Ahmed visits his friend Samy at home. They are going to watch a football match.
Samy : Hello! Ahmed.
Ahmed : Hi! Samy. How are you?
Samy : ………………………..……….…
Ahmed : Does the match start?
Samy : Not yet. ………...…….…. orange juice or tea?
Ahmed : ………………………………………………………......….
Samy : ……………………………………………………....….….?
Ahmed : Yes, I think our team will win the match.
B. Vocabulary & Structure
2. Underline the correct word(s) in brackets.
1. Adel went swimming (as soon as - by the time - before - now) he had done his
2. A (park - museum - club - pitch) is a place where people can see very old things.
3. A guide is a person (what - who - where - whose) takes people on trips.
4. Information will be (downloaded - uploaded - logged on - logged out) from the super
web in micro seconds.
5. Some people were worried (for - at - about - with) the earthquake.
6. Olivia wishes (she - he - I - her) didn't have short hair.
7. I didn't have any money I wish I (have had - had had - could have - have) some.
8. I passed a comet on the way as I headed (on - at - of - off).
9. The (streets - shapes - inhabitants - lands) of London come from many different
10. After he had eaten breakfast, he (leave - leaves - left - had left) for school.
3. Rewrite the following sentences using the words in brackets.
1. It's necessary for him to bring a water bottle. (He wishes)
2. Yes, he had phoned me before he visited me. (Had)
3. "I want to visit lots of countries." (Nadia told me)
4. She can see herself in the mirror. (They)
5. Osama is a vet. He looks after animals. (who)
C. Reading comprehension
4. Read the following passage and then answer the questions:
We learn different subjects at school. Everything we study has some
uses in our life. We learn our language, Arabic to be able to tell others
what we want and understand what others tell us. We learn biology so as
to know about living things. Foreign languages enables us to communicate
with other people and to know how other people think and talk.
Mathematics helps us to think. Computers are also very important
because they can do sums quickly and store information. They can also
work with words and numbers. History tells us about our country and the
people of the world around us. Physical Education and exercises help us
grow strong and keep us fit.
Answer the following questions:
1. What foreign languages do you learn at school?
2. Why are Physical Education and exercises important?
3. What does the underlined word "they" refer to?
B. Choose the correct answer.
4. Maths helps us to (play - eat - think - drink).
5. We learn many (books - subjects - games - countries) at school.
6. (History - Computers - Mathematics - Biology) tells us about living things.
D. The Link Reader (The Prisoner of Zenda)
A. Read the following quotation, then answer the questions:
"You fought bravely the other night."
1. Who said this? To whom?
2. Why did the speaker say so?
3. What did he mean by the other night?
A. Complete the following sentences:
4. "Kill them!" cried a voice, ………………….
5. If the king and the Duke were both dead, ………………………..
E. Writing
6. Write a paragraph of six sentences on "Fishing".
Guiding words
weekend - sunny - go - fishing - early - fishing line - hook - sea - food - drinks -
bag - wait - fish - happy - return
7. Write questions.
1. .............................................................................................................?
I am going to spend the summer holiday in Alexandria.
2. ................................................................................?
This mobile is mine.
3. ................................................................................?
Yes, I met him at ten o'clock.
Family & Friends 6 - Second Term (Exams)
School Exams

A. Language functions
1. Supply the missing parts in the following dialogue:
Marwa : …………………………………………….….?
Fatma : I was at the doctor's yesterday.
Marwa : …………………………………………….…?
Fatma : I was ill.
Marwa : Who did you go with?
Fatma : ………………………………………..…………….….
Marwa : Did the doctor give you any medicine?
Fatma : Yes, ………………………………………………….
B. Vocabulary & Structure
2. Underline the correct word(s) in brackets.
1. A (journalist - novelist - tourist - artist) is a person who writes books.
2. He asked them to (leaves - leave - leaving - left) quietly.
3. Languages (appear - disappear - exist - spread) when people stop speaking them.
4. Had your mum (cook - cooks - cooked - cooking) lunch when you arrived home?
5. I wish it (was - are - is - wasn't) so windy.
6. A/An (hurricane - volcano - earthquake - rain) is a sudden shaking of the earth's
surface that often causes a lot of damages.
7. Pasta is a type of food (which - who - where - whose) is very popular in Italy.
8. Asia is the world's biggest (country - city - century - continent).
9. My fish were hungry because I (forget - forgets - have forgotten - had forgotten) to
feed them.
10. Millions of people travel around the world to know about (schools - hospitals -
buildings - cultures) of others.
3. Rewrite the following sentences using the words in brackets.
1. The teacher said to me, "Where is your homework." (The teacher asked me)
2. After he had written his report, he watched TV. (Before)
3. It is not necessary to bring food with you. We have a lot. (don't have to)
4. Aya is a teacher. She teaches us English. (who)
5. No one helped Ahmed with his homework. (himelf)
C. Reading comprehension
4. Read the following passage and then answer the questions:
Last Friday, mother was cooking two chickens for lunch. While she
was standing in the kitchen, she heard a knock at the door. She went to
open the door. She saw her neighbour, Mrs. Suzan, there. Mrs. Suzan was
a cheerful woman. She had three daughters and a son but she was
interested in keeping cats at home. She got six of them. Mrs. Suzan spoke
with my mother for fifteen minutes about her favourite hobby, then she
told mother to help her. Mother forgot the food she was cooking. The
chicken burnt and the kitchen was filled with smoke.
Answer the following questions:
1. What was mother doing when Mrs. Suzan visited her?
2. What was Mrs. Suzan interested in?
3. Why was the kitchen filled with smoke?
B. Choose the correct answer.
4. Mrs. Suzan was (cheerful - greedy - energetic - polite) woman.
5. Mrs. Suzan spoke with mother for (sixty minutes - an hour - half an hour - a quarter of
an hour).
6. The underlined word "them" refers to (chickens - cats - children - neighbours).
D. The Link Reader (The Prisoner of Zenda)
5. Answer the following questions:
1. Who were looking after the king?
2. What did the Duke do at night?
3. What was Rudolf's plan concerning to Sapt?
B. Complete the following sentences:
4. Johann slept ……………………..
5. When Johann opens the front door, …………………………………
E. Writing
. Write a letter to your friend Enas
-Ask her about her plans for the summer holiday.
-Invite her to spend the summer holiday with you.
-Tell her about the places she can visit.
Your name is Gharam and you live at Ahmed Shawki St, Smouha, Alexandria.
7. Write questions.
1. ...............................................................................?
We will stay for two months.
2. ................................................................................?
Tennis is my favourite sport.
3. ................................................................................?
No, we went to Aswan by plane.

Family & Friends 6 - Second Term (Exams)
School Exams

A. Language functions
1. Supply the missing parts in the following dialogue:
Mona asks Sahar about what she is going to do in the evening.
Mona : ………………………………………………...…….….?
Sahar : I am going to the airport this evening
Mona : …………………………………………..……………...............…?
Sahar : To meet my father. He's coming from Kuwait.
Mona : What time does his plane arrive?
Sahar : …………………………………………….....
Mona : I hope he will arrive at 10 p.m.
Sahar : ……………………………………………...
B. Vocabulary & Structure
2. Underline the correct word(s) in brackets.
1. "What (is - was - were - will) your name?" Ali asked.
2. Those people are a part of a (tribe - file - line - company) that lives in the Amazon
3. The bird is feeding (themselves - itself - herself - himself).
4. Every cable has seven layers of plastic (for - at - to - with) protect it.
5. Scuba divers are people (who - which - where - when) explore underwater.
6. People who can't hear, use (sign- body - spoken - audio) language to communicate.
7. Jin's mum (told - asked - said - spoke) him to buy some milk.
8. A (historian - scientist - voyager - pilot) is someone who studies or writes about
9. A/An (hurricane - island - voyage - flight) is a long trip that is made by sea.
10. I can't swim. I wish I (would - could - were - was) swim.
3. Rewrite the following sentences using the words in brackets:
1. He is the man. He lives next door. (who)
2. I'm short. I can't play basketball. (I wish)
3. You're my best friend, aren't you? (She's)
4. "Don't sleep in the class." (Teacher told me)
5. If the machine had worked, he would have been happy. (not)
C. Reading comprehension
4. Read the following passage and then answer the questions:
We can't live without water because water is very important in our
life. We need water for drinking, washing, cooking, watering the fields and
getting electricity. Everyone should feel sorry for every drop that falls
carelessly. Many careless people use water in a very bad way. They use too

much water to wash their cars, others leave the taps opened day and
night. Children must be taught how and when to use water carefully. Their
parents and teachers must tell them that water can help us to turn the
desert into green land to grow more crops.
Answer the following questions:
1. What do we use water for?
2. Who must tell the children how to use water carefully?
3. When should we feel sorry?
B. Choose the correct answer.
4. Using water carefully gives us more (deserts - cars - crops - children).
5. We get water at home from (taps - fields - drops - children).
6. The underlined word "they" refers to (careful people - parents and teachers - children
- careless people).
D. The Link Reader (The Prisoner of Zenda)
5. A. Read the following quotation, then answer the questions:
"Thank goodness I've found you!"
1. Who said this? To whom?
2. What happened to the addressed person?
3. How was the addressed person?
B. Complete the following sentences:
4. The king picked up a chair and …………………………………..
5. The king must wait for help while…………………………………..
E. Writing
6. Write a paragraph of six sentences on "Football".
Guiding words
favourite - sport - most popular - Egypt - two teams - kicking - the ball - score -
goal - watch - matches - stadium
7. Write questions.
1. ................................................................................?
Lamsa is going to travel to England.
2. ................................................................................?
Yes, it is mine.
3. ................................................................................?
No, Gharam doesn't mind chocolate.

Family & Friends 6 - Second Term (Exams)
School Exams

A. Language functions
1. Supply the missing parts in the following dialogue:
Mohamed: Do you enjoy playing sport?
Hassan : …………………………………….….
Mohamed: What sport do you play?
Hassan : ……………………………...……….….
Mohamed: ……………………………………….….?
Hassan : I play it in the club.
Mohamed: …………………………………….….?
Hassan : I play it twice a week.
B. Vocabulary & Structure
2. Underline the correct word(s) in brackets.
1. My sister is a (novelist - playist - typist - playwright). She wrote many novels.
2. Let's (tries - try - trie - trying) and find this flag first.
3. He speaks three languages. He is a (bilingual - multilingual - triangle - official).
4. Sally said she (has been - had been - go - gone) to Spain the year before.
5. If you are hungry, buy (herself - myself - yourself - ourselves) a sandwich.
6. We asked her when she (starting - start - starts - started) work.
7. Nepal is a country (who - which - when - whose) has many mountains.
8. A/An (astronaut - pilot- sailor - farmer) is a person who travels to and explores space.
9. English is important as a/an (national - local - international - useless) language.
10. Ali wishes he (knows - know - knew - known) more about space.
3. Rewrite the following sentences using the words in brackets.
1.The giraffe is an animal. It has a long neck. (which)
2. She can't speak English fluently. (She wishes)
3. The machine turns itself off. (The machines)
4. They had invented trucks and trains before they built the Pyramids.
(Teacher told me)
5. I didn't go to the party. I didn't meet Mostafa. (If)
C. Reading comprehension
4. Read the following passage and then answer the questions:
Omar's pen friend Charles, was on holiday in Egypt with his family.
They stayed in Egypt for fourteen days. They spent for days in Cairo and
ten days in Ismailia. In Cairo they visited the Pyramids and the sphinx.
They visited the Egyptian Museum and the Agricultural Museum, too. They
went to the zoo and enjoyed watching the animals. In Ismailia, they spend
a day at the gardens. Omar took them in a voyage on Temsah Lake and
Suez Canal by boat. Charles and his family admired the five stars hotels in
both Cairo and Ismailia, they, also admired the Egyptian food they tried.
They said that the Egyptians are friendly and "this" is really the country of
safety and peace.
Answer the following questions:
1. Which places did Charles and his family visit in Cairo?
2. Did they go to Luxor and Aswan??
3. What does the underlined word "this" refers to?
B. Choose the correct answer.
4. Charles and his family spent (one - two - three - four) weeks in cairo.
5. They went on a (voyage - journey - trip - picnic) on Suez Canal.
6. Charles and his family liked the (Suez Canal only- peace- war- the hotels and the food).
D. The Link Reader (The Prisoner of Zenda)
5. A. Read the following quotation, then answer the questions:
"Because of a very brave English man, the king is alive!"
1. Who said this? To whom?
2. Why did she say so?
3. Who was the brave English man?
B. Complete the following sentences:
4. No one ever found out for a short while ………………………..
5. Fritz gave Rudolf news of ……………………………
E. Writing
6. Write a paragraph of six sentences on "A trip to Luxor by air".
Guiding words
went - airport - travel - plane - comfortable - flight - an hour - air hostess -
drinks - pilot - flight attendant - helpful -

7. Write questions.
1. ...........................................................................................?
The Nile River is the longest river in the world.
2. ..............................................................................?
You can ride a horse only for an hour.
3. ...................................................................?
No, I haven't got much time.
Family & Friends 6 - Second Term (Exams)

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