Verb To Be 8° - Reading - Writing

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OA9 - Demostrar comprensión de ideas generales e información explícita en textos adaptados y

auténticos simples, en formato impreso o digital, acerca de temas variados (como experiencias personales, temas
de otras asignaturas, del contexto inmediato, de actualidad e interés global o de otras culturas) y que contienen las
funciones del año.

Reading about daily routines.

I. Read about Paul the policeman and answ er the questions. Write full
sentences please.

1. What’s his name? 9. Does he clean the police car in

2. What’s his wife’s name? the afternoon?
3. How many kids do they have? 10. Does he play football in the
4. Where does he work? afternoon?
5. Is he young? 11. What time does he go home?
6. Does he get up at seven 12. Has he got a dog?
o’clock? 13. Who does he play games with?
7. Does he have a gun? 14. When does he help with the
8. Does he drive a car to work? chores?
15. What time does he go to bed?
II. Read the text again and fill the chart in w ith the corresponding
information about the routines and the hour.

Time Actions

III. Fill the chart in w ith y our corresponding information about the routines
and the hour.

Time Actions

IV. Now , w rite a short text about y our daily routine. Use the text w e read as
an ex ample.

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