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DeepThought Scholarships

Leaders for the society, for the economy

Thought Leaders, CEOs connect
with the Leaders for the society, for the economy
DeepThought EduTech

Tarun, TEDx speaker, IISER Pune alumnus,

started as Sciensation, in 2011, to find the
scope for Ph.D. level rigor at the school level.
Extensive teacher training, parenting, inter-
school competition research was done.

DeepThought EduTech was incorporated in

2020 and funded by 25 CEOs and Thought
Leaders, to take this revolution global!
Global Socratic Dialogues
• World’s best Philosophers, Thought
Leaders, CEOs have appreciated the
cause of Thought Leadership.
• The jury was amazed to see the
depth of thinking shown by school
• Very technical concepts like Lean
Development, Brand Positioning
were handled with expert rigor by
school students, in these dialogues.
Research Revolution

• 250 Schools all over the world

• 10 students/school
• 3 months, 40 sessions
• 6 Socratic Dialogues
• Complete Scholarship for these
2500 meritorious students
Our Proposal

• Students would learn curricular as

well as extracurricular concepts
• Students would learn inter-
disciplinary, cross-functional real-
life problem solving
• These students would be the role
models, to show the future of
education to the society
Foreseen Impact
• After the programme, the students
can see the real purpose of
learning, inspire their peer to learn
for the sake of learning.
• Students develop policy/strategy/
systems level of thinking and think
of socio-economic development.
• Schools, parents get to understand
what is research focused, rigorous
learning in it’s truest sense.
Young Leaders: Modules
1- Mathematical Thinking- Ability to see the logical poetry of ideas
2- Linguistic Faculties- Ability to put deep ideas in words
3- Emotional Intelligence- Regulating emotions, better decision making

Mathematics and Philosophy! Analyzing the intent of content! Reflecting on how we decide!
Selection Process

Schools submit a writeup describing their

vision of education.

School makes a pledge to inspire these 10

students to inspire the other students.

Coordinating Teachers submit their plan to

scale the impact of the programme, within
their school.
Jury Speak: Ravi, Tech Mentor
“Socratic Dialogue is a very streamlined space for you to
practice the dialogue at DeepThought, outside you get
googlies, people who don’t speak logic and sir won’t be
there to stop them from talking something totally
irrelevant. People might listen to them because they are
loud or they are using cliches which are very popular.

Socratic Dialogue here is like a practice session for you to

be able to be in the real world outside which a lot more
irrelevant and lot more illogical in terms of conversation
topics which may come up.

- Mr. Ravi Devulapalli, during CTO Dialogue

Jury Speak: Raghu, CEO

“The best thing I like about Socratic

Dialogue is that children have been really
thinking and the way they have been able
to explain things without jargon, by
sticking to fundamentals and thinking
through is amazing. These is no right or
wrong answer! Keep the curiosity going!”!
- Mr. Raghu Kanchustambham, during CTO Dialogue
Jury Speak: Tej, CTO
“It is great that you all are talking about
Minimum Viable Product at this age! The
world is certainly growing and I can
experience the generation gap and all of
us have been really actively thinking and
that is the best thing, I felt it would have
been better to be a participant than a
- Mr. Tej Pydipalli, during CTO Dialogue
Sciensation Student Reflection

“We can listen to others’ opinion and

we can then incorporate it into our
answer and then collaborate. By
collaborating with others we can make
our answers more expert like”

- Sanvitti Bhardwaj, DAV Gurugram

“Did you learn to learn, during the Socratic Dialogue”

Teachers’ Impact Assessment
“Thank you DeepThought for this completely thought
provoking program which really energizes students and
its really commendable for us to know their thought
processes around system analysis and how the systems
are designed. Especially how it is Important to know the
various opinions and significance, How the role of
technology in the product industry”
Swetha Vaze,
The Shriram Universal School,
Hyderabad, India

Role of student opinion in constructivist learning philosophy

Teachers’ Impact Assessment
“In the Socratic Dialogue, students were forced to think
in a very short time for a very optimized answer. The
Socratic Dialogue helps them to attain the skill of
troubleshooting. They realize the intent of the question
and answer relevantly.

The moderation makes it easy for students as well as for

the teachers because students find it convenient as the
relevant questions are picked and curated for them”
Hassan Siddiqui, Teacher,
The City School Gulshan Campus A Boys,
Karachi, Pakistan

How moderation can catalyze peer to peer learning

Children better be Children!

May children master the art of


May children master the art of

drawing lateral connections

They’re already vested with this!

May Children lead us,
May Children lead the world!

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