Starter Wordlist

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Starter wordlist: English to Russian

(UK) Definition
1987 (nineteen ˌnaɪnˈtiːn ˈeɪ.ti 1987 (тысяча девятьсот
eighty-seven) ˈsev.ən number восемьдесят седьмой год) the year 1987

20 years ago X jɪəz əˈgəʊ phrase 20 лет назад 20 years before now
2012 (twenty 2012 (две тысячи
twelve) ˈtwen.ti twelv number двенадцатый год) the year 2012
about (10.30) əˈbaʊt adverb примерно в (10.30) at approximately (10.30)
actor ˈæk.tər noun актер someone, especially a man, who performs in plays and films
actress ˈæk.trəs noun актриса a woman who performs in plays and films

after (10.30) ˈɑːf.tər preposition после (10.30) later than (10.30)

airport ˈeə.pɔːt noun аэропорт a place where planes take off and land
alphabet ˈæl.fə.bet noun алфавит a set of letters used for writing a language
always ˈɔːl.weɪz adverb всегда every time, or at all times
amazing əˈmeɪ.zɪŋ adjective удивительный very surprising
American əˈmer.ɪ.kən adjective американский from, belonging to or relating to the USA

angry ˈæŋ.gri adjective сердитый, сердиться feeling that you want to shout at someone or hurt them because they have done s
animals ˈæn.ɪ.məlz noun животные things that live and move but are not people, birds, fish, or insects

anniversary ˌæn.ɪˈvɜː.sər.i noun годовщина a day on which you remember or celebrate something that happened on that day i
apple ˈæp.l̩ noun яблоко a hard, round fruit with a green or red skin
apple pie and ˈæp.l̩ paɪ ænd яблочный пирог со
cream kriːm noun сливками a type of food made with apples which is covered in pastry and baked, served (=p
April ˈeɪ.prəl noun апрель the fourth month of the year
ɑːsk ænd
ask and answer the ˈɑːn.sər ðiː задавать вопросы и to work in pairs, saying questions which you want your partner to answer, and ans
questions ˈkwes.tʃənz phrase отвечать на них your partner asks you
в 10:30, в половине
at half past ten ət hɑːf pɑːst ten phrase одиннадцатого at 10.30
at midday ət ˌmɪdˈdeɪ phrase в полдень at 12.00 in the middle of the day

at midnight ət ˈmɪd.naɪt phrase в полночь at 12.00 in the middle of the night

at night ət naɪt phrase ночью during the time when it is dark and people usually sleep
at six o'clock ət sɪks əˈklɒk phrase в шесть часов at 6.00

at the weekend ət ðiː ˌwiːkˈend phrase в выходные on Saturday or Sunday

ATM ˌeɪ.tiːˈem noun банкомат a machine that you get money from using a plastic card

August ɔːˈgʌst noun август the eighth month of the year

Australia ɒsˈtreɪ.li.ə noun Австралия a country north-west of New Zealand
Australian ɒsˈtreɪ.li.ən adjective австралийский from, belonging to or relating to Australia
awful ˈɔː.fəl adjective ужасный very bad
baby ˈbeɪ.bi noun ребенок, малыш a very young child
bad bæd adjective плохой not good or pleasant
bag bæg noun сумка a container used for carrying things

band bænd noun группа a group of musicians who play modern music together
bank bæŋk noun банк an organization or place where you can save and borrow money

battery ˈbæt.ər.i noun батарейка, аккумулятор an object that provides electricity for things such as radios, toys, or cars
быть на Фейсбуке have an account on the website Facebook, where you can show information about
be on Facebook biː ɒn ˈfeɪs.bʊk phrase (Facebook) communicate with groups of friends

have an account on the website Twitter, where people or organizations can publish
be on Twitter biː ɒn ˈtwɪt.ər phrase быть в Твиттере (Twitter) public) short messages or pieces of information

очень красивый,
beautiful ˈbjuː.tɪ.fəl adjective прекрасный very attractive

before (10.30) bɪˈfɔːr preposition до (10.30) earlier than (10.30)

big bɪg adjective большой large in size or amount

bike baɪk noun велосипед bicycle

billion ˈbɪl.jən noun миллиард the number 1,000,000,000

открытка ко дню a folded piece of stiff paper with a picture on the front and a message inside that y
birthday card ˈbɜːθ.deɪ kɑːd noun рождения their birthday

biscuit ˈbɪs.kɪt noun печенье a thin, flat cake that is dry and usually sweet

black blæk adjective черный being the colour of the sky on a dark night
(black/white) (черный / с молоком)
coffee ˈkɒf.i noun кофе a hot drink made from dark beans which are made into a powder, or a cup of this d

blue bluː adjective синий; голубой being the same colour as the sky when there are no clouds
boat bəʊt noun лодка a vehicle for travelling on water
book bʊk noun книга a set of pages with writing on them fastened together in a cover

book a flight bʊk ə flaɪt phrase забронировать рейс to arrange to travel by aeroplane at a particular time in the future

book a holiday bʊk ə ˈhɒl.ɪ.deɪ phrase забронировать отдых to arrange to go on holiday at a particular time in the future

book a hotel bʊk ə həʊˈtel phrase забронировать отель to arrange to stay at a hotel at a particular time in the future
boot buːt noun ботинок; сапог a shoe that covers your foot and part of your leg

bored bɔːd adjective скучающий; скучно tired and unhappy because something is not interesting or because you are doing

boring ˈbɔː.rɪŋ adjective скучный not interesting or exciting

both bəʊθ pronoun оба used to talk about two people or things
ˈbɒt.l̩ əv
bottle of mineral ˈmɪn.ər.əl бутылка минеральной
water ˈwɔː.tər noun воды a bottle of water which is taken from the ground and contains chemicals that are g
форма прошедшего
времени глагола to buy
bought bɔːt verb (купить) Past Simple of buy
bɒks əv коробка шоколадных
box of chocolates ˈtʃɒk.əl.əts noun конфет a box with small pieces of sweet food covered in chocolate in it
boy bɔɪ noun мальчик a male child or young man
Brazil brəˈzɪl noun Бразилия a country in South America
Brazilian brəˈzɪl.i.ən adjective бразильский from, belonging to or relating to Brazil
bread bred noun хлеб a basic food made by mixing and baking flour and water

bride braɪd noun невеста a woman who is getting married

British ˈbrɪt.ɪʃ adjective британский from, belonging to or relating to the UK
brother ˈbrʌð.ər noun брат a boy or man who has the same parents as you

brown braʊn adjective коричневый being the same colour as chocolate

building ˈbɪl.dɪŋ noun здание a structure with walls and a roof, such as a house or school
ˈbɜː.gər ænd гамбургер и картофель- a flat, round piece of food, usually made of meat, that is fried and served (=provide
burger and chips tʃɪps noun фри bread, served with chips
bus bʌs noun автобус a large vehicle that carries passengers by road, usually along a fixed route
bus station ˈbʌsˌsteɪ.ʃən noun автовокзал a building where a bus starts or ends its journey
bus stop ˈbʌsˌstɒp noun автобусная остановка a place where buses stop so that you can get on or off them
busy ˈbɪz.i adjective занят, быть занятым working hard, or giving your attention to a particular activity

buy baɪ verb купить to get something by giving money for it

покупать вещи в
buy things online baɪ θɪŋz ˈɒn.laɪn phrase Интернете buy things on the internet
by boat baɪ bəʊt phrase лодкой; пароходом in a vehicle for travelling on water

by car baɪ kɑːr phrase на машине in a vehicle with an engine, four wheels, and seats for a small number of passenge

café ˈkæf.eɪ noun кафе a small restaurant where you buy drinks and small meals

форма прошедшего
времени глагола to come
came keɪm verb (приходить, приезжать) Past Simple of come
camera ˈkæm.rə noun фотоаппарат a piece of equipment used to take photographs

camera ˈkæm.rə noun фотоаппарат a piece of equipment used to take photographs

capital (city) ˈkæp.ɪ.təl noun столица the most important city in a country or state

cappuccino ˌkæp.ʊˈtʃiː.nəʊ noun капучино coffee made with milk that has been heated with steam to produce a lot of small bu
car kɑːr noun автомобиль, машина a vehicle with an engine, four wheels, and seats for a few people
car kɑːr noun автомобиль, машина a vehicle with an engine, four wheels, and seats for a few people

cashpoint ˈkæʃ.pɔɪnt noun банкомат a machine in a wall that you get money from using a plastic card
cat kæt noun кошка, кот an animal with fur that is kept as a pet

cent sent noun цент a coin in some countries with a low value
chair tʃeər noun стул a seat for one person, with a back and usually four legs
chat to friends and tʃæt tuː frendz общаться с друзьями и
family ænd ˈfæm.əl.i phrase семьей to talk to friends and family, maybe online

cheap tʃiːp adjective дешевый not expensive, or costing less than usual

cheese tʃiːz noun сыр a yellow or white solid food made from milk
tʃiːz ænd
cheese and tomato təˈmɑː.təʊ бутерброд с сыром и
sandwich ˈsæn.wɪdʒ noun помидорами two pieces of bread with cheese and tomatoes between them
chemist's ˈkem.ɪst noun аптека a shop where you can buy drugs, soap, etc

chewing gum ˈtʃuː.ɪŋˌgʌm noun жевательная резинка a sweet that you chew but do not eat

chicken salad ˈtʃɪk.ɪn ˈsæl.əd noun салат с курицей a salad with chicken in it
child tʃaɪld noun ребенок a son or daughter, also when they are adults

children ˈtʃɪl.drən noun дети the plural of 'child'

China ˈtʃaɪ.nə noun Китай a country in Asia
Chinese tʃaɪˈniːz adjective китайский, китаец from, belonging to or relating to China

chocolate ˈtʃɒk.lət noun шоколад a sweet, brown food that is usually sold in a block
chocolate ice ˈtʃɒk.lət aɪs
cream kriːm noun шоколадное мороженое a sweet food with chocolate flavour made from frozen milk or cream and sugar

classical music ˈmjuː.zɪk noun классическая музыка serious music by people like Mozart and Stravinsky
closed kləʊzd adjective закрыто not open for business

coat kəʊt noun пальто a piece of clothing that you wear over your other clothes when you are outside

coffee ˈkɒf.i noun кофе a hot drink made from dark beans which are made into a powder, or a cup of this d

cold kəʊld adjective холодный, холодно having a low temperature

Colombia kəˈlʌə noun Колумбия a country in South America
Colombian kəˈlʌən adjective колумбийский, колумбиец from, belonging to or relating to Colombia
come kʌm verb приходить, приезжать to arrive somewhere
company ˈkʌm.pə.ni noun компания an organization which sells things or services
compare answers ˈɑːnt.səz phrase сравнить ответы to see if two answers are different or similar

computer kəmˈpjuː.tər noun компьютер an electronic machine that can store and arrange large amounts of information
cook kʊk verb готовить (пищу) to make food ready to eat

credit card ˈkred.ɪtˌkɑːd noun кредитная карта a small plastic card that allows you to buy something and pay for it later

croissant ˈkwæs.ɒ̃ noun круассан a soft, curved piece of bread, eaten for breakfast
cup of coffee kʌp əv ˈkɒf.i noun чашка кофе a cup of a hot drink made from dark beans

customer ˈkʌs.tə.mər noun клиент a person or organization that buys things or services from a shop or business
dad dæd noun папа father

dancing ˈdɑːnt.sɪŋ noun танцы moving your feet and body to the rhythm (=regular, repeating pattern of sound) of

daughter ˈdɔː.tər noun дочь your female child

day deɪ noun день a period of 24 hours

December dɪˈsem.bər noun декабрь the twelfth month of the year

decide dɪˈsaɪd verb решать to choose something after thinking about the possibilities
diary ˈdaɪə.ri noun дневник a book in which you write things that you must remember to do
a book that contains a list of words in alphabetical order with their meanings expla
dictionary ˈdɪk.ʃən.ər.i noun словарь language

different ˈdɪf.ər.ənt adjective другой; разный not the same as someone or something else

difficult ˈdɪf.ɪ.kəlt adjective трудный not easy to do or understand

director daɪˈrek.tər noun директор someone who tells the actors in a film or play what to do

də ə
do a computer kəmˈpjuː.tər пройти компьютерный
course kɔːs phrase курс to do a series of lessons about computers
do an exam də ən ɪgˈzæm phrase сдавать экзамен to do an official test of how much you know about something, or how well you can
doctor ˈdɒk.tər noun врач a person whose job is to treat people who are ill or hurt
dog dɒg noun собака an animal with fur, four legs and a tail that is kept as a pet

dollar ˈdɒl.ər noun доллар the unit of money used in the US, Canada, and some other countries; $
don’t like dəʊnt laɪk verb не нравится to not enjoy something or think that someone or something is not nice
download apps ˌdaʊnˈləʊd æps phrase скачивать приложения download computer programs onto a mobile phone or small computer
download music ˈmjuː.zɪk phrase скачивать музыку download recordings of sound that is made by playing instruments or singing
download videos ˈvɪd.i.əʊz phrase скачивать видео download recordings of moving pictures and sound

dress dres noun платье a piece of clothing for women which covers the top of the body and hangs down ov

drink drɪŋk noun напиток a liquid or an amount of liquid that you drink

drink drɪŋk verb пить to put liquid into your mouth and swallow it
drive draɪv verb водить (машину) to make a car, bus, or train move, and control what it does

driving test ˈdraɪ.vɪŋ test noun экзамен по вождению an official test that allows you to drive a car

early ˈɜː.li adjective рано before the usual time or the time that was planned

earn ɜːn verb зарабатывать to get money for doing work

Earth ɜːθ noun Земля the planet that we live on

easy ˈiː.zi adjective легко not difficult

eat iːt verb есть to put food into your mouth and then swallow it
ходить в ресторан или
eat out iːt aʊt phrase кафе; питаться вне дома to eat in a restaurant
egg eg noun яйцо an oval object made by a female chicken, that you eat as food

egg sandwich eg ˈsæn.wɪdʒ noun сэндвич с яйцом two pieces of bread with egg between them
Egypt ˈiː.dʒɪpt noun Египет a country in Africa and Asia
Egyptian ɪˈdʒɪp.ʃən adjective египетский from, belonging to or relating to Egypt

eight eɪt number восемь the number 8

eighteen ˌeɪˈtiːn number восемнадцать the number 18
eighteenth ˌeɪˈtiːnθ number восемнадцатый 18th
eighth eɪtθ number восьмой 8th
eighty ˈeɪ.ti number восемьдесят the number 80

election ɪˈlek.ʃən noun выборы a time when people vote in order to choose someone for a political or official job
eleven ɪˈlev.ən number одиннадцать the number 11
eleventh ɪˈlev.ənθ number одиннадцатый 11th
email address ˈiː.meɪl əˈdres noun адрес электронной почты a series of letters, numbers, and symbols used to send and receive email

empty ˈemp.ti adjective пустой with nothing or no one inside

espresso esˈpres.əʊ noun эспрессо strong, black coffee

euro ˈjʊə.rəʊ noun евро a unit of money that is used in many European countries; €

Europe ˈjʊə.rəp noun Европа a continent

every evening ˈev.ri ˈiːv.nɪŋ phrase каждый вечер every day in the part of the day between the afternoon and the night
every week ˈev.ri wiːk phrase каждую неделю every seven days

every year ˈev.ri jɪər phrase каждый год every 12 months

радостно взволнованный,
excited ɪkˈsaɪ.tɪd adjective в восторге feeling very happy and interested

expensive ɪkˈspen.sɪv adjective дорогой costing a lot of money

famous ˈfeɪ.məs adjective знаменитый, известный known by many people

fantastic fænˈtæs.tɪk adjective фантастический very good

fantastic fænˈtæs.tɪk adjective фантастический very good
father ˈfɑː.ðər noun отец your male parent

February ˈər.i noun февраль the second month of the year

festival ˈfes.tɪ.vəl noun фестиваль a series of special events or performances

fifteen ˌfɪfˈtiːn number пятнадцать the number 15
fifteenth ˌfɪfˈtiːnθ number пятнадцатый 15th
fifth fɪfθ number пятый 5th
fifty ˈfɪf.ti number пятьдесят the number 50
fill in the gaps fɪl ɪn ðiː ɡæps phrase заполнить пробелы to write the necessary information in the gaps

finish work ˈfɪn.ɪʃ wɜːk phrase закончить работу to stop doing what you do as a job to earn money, usually at the end of the day
first ˈfɜːst number первый 1st
first name ˈfɜːstˌneɪm noun имя the name that comes before your family name

fish fɪʃ noun рыба an animal that lives only in water, swims, and can be eaten as food
five faɪv number пять the number 5
flight flaɪt noun полет a journey in an aircraft

flying ˈflaɪ.ɪŋ noun путешествия самолетом travelling in an aeroplane

food fuːd noun еда something that people and animals eat to keep them alive
forty ˈfɔː.ti number сорок the number 40

four fɔːr number четыре the number 4

fourteen ˌfɔːˈtiːn number четырнадцать the number 14
fourteenth ˌfɔːˈtiːnθ number четырнадцатый 14th
fourth fɔːθ number четвертый 4th
France frɑːns noun Франция a country in Europe
free friː adjective бесплатный costing no money
French frentʃ adjective французский from, belonging to or relating to France
Friday ˈfraɪ.deɪ noun пятница the day of the week after Thursday and before Saturday

friendly ˈ adjective дружелюбный behaving in a pleasant, kind way towards someone

fruit fruːt noun фрукты things such as apples or oranges that grow on a tree or a bush, contain seeds, an
fruit salad ˌfruːt ˈsæləd noun фруктовый салат a mixture of pieces of different types of fruit that is usually a dessert

full fʊl adjective полный containing a lot of things or people

garlic ˈgɑː.lɪk noun чеснок a vegetable like a small onion with a very strong taste and smell

форма прошедшего
времени глагола to give
gave ɡeɪv verb (давать, дать) Past Simple of give
German ˈdʒɜː.mən adjective немецкий from, belonging to or relating to Germany
Germany ˈdʒɜː.mə.ni noun Германия a country in Europe

get get verb получать to receive something

получать электронные
get emails get ˈiː.meɪlz phrase сообщения receive messages electronically
get engaged get ɪnˈgeɪdʒd phrase обручиться If two people get engaged, they formally agreed to marry each other.

get home get həʊm phrase возвращаться домой to arrive at your house or flat

get married get ˈmæ phrase вступать в брак, жениться to begin a legal relationship with someone as their husband or wife
get up ˈɡet.ʌp phrase вставать to get out of bed after sleeping
girl gɜːl noun девочка a female child or young woman
girl gɜːl noun девочка a female child or young woman
give gɪv verb давать to provide someone with something
go gəʊ verb идти, ехать, добираться to move or travel somewhere

go for a walk gəʊ fɔːr ə wɔːk phrase идти гулять to go for a journey, often for enjoyment, moving forward by putting one foot in fron

go on holiday gəʊ ɒn ˈhɒl.ɪ.deɪ phrase ездить в отпуск to go on a long visit to a place away from where you live, for pleasure
gəʊ aʊt wɪð время вне дома с
go out with friends frendz phrase друзьями to meet friends in a place which is not your home, especially to do something for e
go running gəʊ ˈrʌn.ɪŋ phrase бегать to move on your feet at a speed faster than walking
отправляться за
go shopping gəʊ ˈʃɒp.ɪŋ phrase покупками to go to shops to buy things

go sightseeing gəʊ ˈsaɪtˌsiː.ɪŋ phrase достопримечательности to visit interesting places, especially on holiday

go swimming gəʊ ˈswɪm.ɪŋ phrase купаться to go to a swimming pool, the sea or a lake and move through the water by moving
go to a club gəʊ tuː ə klʌb phrase пойти в клуб to go to a place where you can dance at night

go to a party gəʊ tuː ə ˈpɑː.ti phrase пойти на вечеринку to go to an event where people enjoy themselves by talking, eating, drinking, and d
go to bed gəʊ tuː bed phrase ложиться спать to go to sleep in a bed
go to concerts gəʊ tuː kənˈsɜːts phrase ходить на концерты to go to performances of music and singing
go to the beach gəʊ tuː ðiː biːtʃ phrase ходить на пляж to go to an area of sand or rocks next to the sea
gəʊ tuː ðiː
go to the cinema ˈsɪn.ə.mə phrase ходить в кино to go to a building where you go to watch films

go to the gym gəʊ tuː ðiː dʒɪm phrase ходить в спортзал to go to a building with equipment for doing exercises
good gʊd adjective хороший of a high quality
Good afternoon ˌgʊd.ɑːf.təˈnuːn phrase Добрый день something you say to greet someone when you meet them in the afternoon
Good evening ˌgʊdˈiːv.nɪŋ phrase Добрый вечер something you say to greet someone in the evening
Good morning ɡʊdˈmɔː.nɪŋ phrase Доброе утро something you say to greet someone when you meet them in the morning
something you say when you leave someone or when they leave you in the evenin
Good night ˌɡʊdˈnaɪt phrase Спокойной ночи going to bed

got ɡɒt verb получил; добрался Past Simple of get

grandchild ˈgræn.tʃaɪld noun внук; внучка the child of your son or daughter
granddaughter ˈgræn.dɔː.tər noun внучка the daughter of your son or daughter
grandfather ˈgræn.fɑː.ðər noun дед the father of your mother or father
grandmother ˈgræn.mʌð.ər noun бабушка the mother of your mother or father
grandparent ˈgræn.peə.rənt noun бабушка или дедушка the parent of your mother or father
grandson ˈgræn.sʌn noun внук the son of your son or daughter

great greɪt adjective отличный very good

green griːn adjective зеленый being the same colour as grass

grey greɪ adjective серый being a colour that is a mixture of black and white

groom gruːm noun жених a man who is getting married

guide book ˈgaɪd.bʊk noun путеводитель-справочник a book that gives visitors information about a particular place

had hæd verb имел Past Simple of have

half past hɑːf pɑːst phrase половина (на часах) 30 minutes past one o'clock/two o'clock/three o'clock, etc

happy ˈhæp.i adjective счастливый, довольный pleased and in a good mood, especially because something good has happened

happy ˈhæp.i adjective счастливый, довольный pleased and in a good mood, especially because something good has happened
hate heɪt verb ненавидеть to dislike someone or something very much

have a car hæv ə kɑːr phrase иметь автомобиль to have a vehicle with an engine, four wheels, and seats for a small number of pas
have a good time hæv ə gʊd taɪm phrase хорошо провести время to enjoy yourself

have a party hæv ə ˈpɑː.ti phrase устроить вечеринку to have an event where people enjoy themselves by talking, eating, drinking, and d
have an idea hæv ən aɪˈdɪə phrase иметь идею to have a suggestion or plan

have breakfast hæv ˈbrek.fəst phrase завтракать eat the food you eat in the morning after you wake up

have coffee with hæv ˈkɒf.i wɪð

friends frendz phrase пить кофе с друзьями to drink coffee with friends

have dinner hæv ˈdɪn.ər phrase ужинать to eat the main meal of the day that people usually eat in the evening
have dinner with hæv ˈdɪn.ər wɪð
friends frendz phrase ужинать с друзьями to eat the evening meal with friends

have lunch hæv lʌntʃ phrase обедать to eat a meal that you eat in the middle of the day

hæv tuː
have two children ˈtʃɪl.drən phrase иметь двоих детей to have two sons, or two daughters, or one son and one daughter
home number həʊm ˈnʌm.bər noun домашний номер the telephone number at the house or apartment where you live

horror films ˈhɒr.ər fɪlmz noun фильмы ужасов films or stories that entertain people by shocking or frightening them
hot hɒt adjective горячий very warm

hot springs hɒt sprɪŋz noun горячие источники a place where hot water comes out of the ground

hotel həʊˈtel noun отель a place where you pay to stay when you are away from home

hour aʊər noun час a period of time equal to 60 minutes

house haʊs noun дом a building where people live, usually one family or group

How many haʊ ˈmen.i phrase Сколько used in questions to ask about the number of something

How much haʊ mʌtʃ phrase Сколько (стоит) used to ask about the price or cost of something
How old haʊ əʊld phrase Сколько лет used to ask about age

hundred ˈhʌn.drəd number сто the number 100

hundred ˈhʌn.drəd number сто, сотня the number 100

hungry ˈhʌŋ.gri adjective голодный wanting or needing food

husband ˈhʌz.bənd noun муж the man you are married to

ice cream ˌaɪsˈkriːm noun мороженое a sweet, cold food made from frozen milk
ID card ˌaɪˈdiːˌkɑːd noun Удостоверение личности an identity card
in ɪn preposition в inside a place or area
in 2004 ɪn X phrase в 2004 году in the year 2004

in 2025 ɪn X phrase в 2025 году in the year 2025

in December ɪn dɪˈsem.bər phrase в декабре in the last month of the year

ɪn ðiː днем (после обеда, после

in the afternoon ˌɑːf.təˈnuːn phrase полудня) between the middle of the day and the evening
in the centre of the ɪn ðiː ˈsen.tər əv
city ðiː ˈsɪt.i phrase в центре города in the middle of the city

in the evening ɪn ðiː ˈiːv.nɪŋ phrase вечером during the part of the day between the afternoon and the night
in the morning ɪn ðiː ˈmɔː.nɪŋ phrase утром during the early part of the day

in the week ɪn ðiː wiːk phrase на неделе (в рабочие дни) on one of the five days from Monday to Friday, when people usually go to work or
India ˈɪn.di.ə noun Индия a country in Asia
Indonesia ˌɪn.dəˈniː.ʒə noun Индонезия a country in Asia
interesting ˈɪn.trəs.tɪŋ adjective интересный keeping your attention
итальянский; итальянец,
Italian ɪˈtæl.jən adjective итальянка from, belonging to or relating to Italy

Italy ˈɪt.ə.li noun Италия a country in Europe

jacket ˈdʒæk.ɪt noun куртка a short coat

January ˈdʒæn.jʊ.ri noun январь the first month of the year
Japan dʒəˈpæn noun Япония a country in Asia
Japanese ˌdzæp.əˈniːz adjective японский; японец from, belonging to or relating to Japan

jeans dʒiːnz noun джинсы trousers made from denim (=a strong, usually blue, material)

journey ˈdʒɜː.ni noun путешествие when you travel from one place to another
July dʒʊˈlaɪ noun июль the seventh month of the year

jumper ˈdʒʌm.pər noun джемпер a warm piece of clothing which covers the top of your body and is pulled on over y
June dʒuːn noun июнь the sixth month of the year
key kiː noun ключ a piece of metal that you use for locking doors or for starting engines

kilo ˈkiː.ləʊ noun килограмм kilogram

laptop ˈlæp.tɒp noun портативный компьютер a small computer that you can carry around with you
last night lɑːst naɪt phrase вчера вечером yesterday evening

last week lɑːst wiːk phrase на прошлой неделе the week before this one

last year lɑːst jɪər phrase в прошлом году the year before this one

late leɪt adjective поздно; опаздывать after the usual time or the time that was arranged
leave liːv verb уходить; оставлять to go away from a place

leave home liːv həʊm phrase выходить из дома to go away from your house or flat

leave school liːv skuːl phrase закончить школу to stop going to school
leave university ˌjuː.nɪˈvɜː.sɪ.ti phrase закончить университет to stop going to university
leave your job liːv jɔːr dʒɒb phrase уйти с работы to give up your job
форма прошедшего
времени глагола to leave
left left verb (уезжать, оставлять) Past Simple of leave
Libya ˈlɪb.i.ə noun Ливия a country in Africa

like laɪk verb любить to enjoy something or think that someone or something is nice

like football laɪk ˈfʊt.bɔːl phrase любить футбол to like a game in which two teams of players kick a round ball and try to score goa

laɪk rɒk
like rock music ˈmjuː.zɪk phrase любить рок-музыку to like loud, modern music with a strong beat, often played with electric guitars and
listen ˈlɪs.ən verb слушать to give attention to someone or something in order to hear them
listen and check ˈlɪs.ən ænd tʃek phrase слушать и проверять to listen and make sure that the answers are correct
ˈlɪs.ən ænd
listen and practise ˈpræk.tɪs phrase слушать и повторять to listen to something and then say it in order to improve your ability

ˈlɪs.ən tuː
listen to music ˈmjuː.zɪk phrase слушать музыку to listen to sound that is made by playing instruments or singing
ˈlɪs.ən tuː ðiː
listen to the radio ˈreɪ.di.əʊ phrase слушать радио to listen to programmes broadcast (=sent out) on the radio

live in a flat lɪv ɪn ə flæt phrase жить в квартире to have a set of rooms to live in, with all the rooms on one level of a building

long lɒŋ adjective длинный continuing for a large amount of time

look at the photo lʊk ət ðiː phrase посмотреть на фото look at a picture produced with a camera

look for a flat lʊk fɔːr ə flæt phrase искать квартиру to search a flat to buy or rent

look for a house lʊk fɔːr ə haʊs phrase искать дом to search a house to buy or rent

lʊk fɔːr ə njuː

look for a new job dʒɒb phrase искать новую работу to search for a new job

love lʌv verb любить, обожать to like something very much

magazine ˌmæg.əˈziːn noun журнал a big, thin book that you can buy every week or month, that has pictures and writin

man mæn noun мужчина an adult male human

manager ˈmæn.ɪ.dʒər noun менеджер someone in control of an office, shop, team, etc

map mæp noun карта a picture that shows where countries, towns, roads, etc are

map mæp noun карта a picture that shows where countries, towns, roads, etc are
March mɑːtʃ noun март the third month of the year

market ˈmɑː.kɪt noun рынок a place where people go to buy or sell things, often outside
married ˈmæ adjective женатый; замужем A married man or woman has a wife or husband.
совпадать; подходить друг
match mætʃ verb к другу If two things match, they are the same colour or type.

match mætʃ noun матч a sports competition in which two people or teams compete against each other
May meɪ noun май the fifth month of the year

meat miːt noun мясо the soft parts of animals, used as food

meet miːt verb встречаться to come to the same place as someone else
форма прошедшего
времени глагола to meet
met met verb знакомиться) Past Simple of meet
Mexican ˈmek.sɪ.kən adjective мексиканский from, belonging to or relating to Mexico
Mexico ˈmek.sɪ.kəʊ noun Мексика a country in South America

midday ˌmɪdˈdeɪ noun полдень 12 o'clock in the middle of the day

midnight ˈmɪd.naɪt noun полночь 12 o'clock at night

mile maɪl noun миля a unit for measuring distance, equal to 1609 metres or 1760 yards

milk mɪlk noun молоко a white liquid that babies and baby animals drink that comes from their mothers' bo
million ˈmɪl.jən number миллион the number 1,000,000

mineral water ˈmɪn.ə.rəlˌwɔːt.ər noun минеральная вода water which is taken from the ground
minute ˈmɪn.ɪt noun минута a period of time equal to 60 seconds
Miss mɪs noun мисс a title for a girl or woman who is not married

mobile (phone) ˈməʊ.baɪl noun мобильный (телефон) a telephone that you can carry everywhere with you
ˈməʊ.baɪl номер мобильного
mobile number ˈnʌm.bər noun телефона the number for your mobile phone
Monday ˈmʌn.deɪ noun понедельник the day of the week after Sunday and before Tuesday
money ˈmʌn.i noun деньги the coins or pieces of paper that are used for buying things

month mʌnθ noun месяц one of the twelve periods of time that a year is divided into

moon muːn noun луна the round object that shines in the sky at night and moves around the Earth

mosque mɒsk noun мечеть a building where Muslims say their prayers
mother ˈmʌð.ər noun мать your female parent

motorbike ˈməʊ.tə.baɪk noun мотоцикл a vehicle with two wheels and an engine
move house muːv haʊs phrase переехать в другой дом to leave your home in order to live in a new one

move to another muːv tuː

city əˈnʌð.ər ˈsɪt.i phrase переехать в другой город If a person moves to another city, they go to a different city to live.
move to another muːv tuː
country əˈnʌð.ər ˈkʌn.tri phrase переехать в другую страну If a person moves to another country, they go to a different country to live.
Mr ˈmɪs.tər noun г-н (господин, мистер) a title for a man, used before his family name or full name
Mrs ˈmɪs.ɪz noun г-жа (госпожа, миссис) a title for a married woman, used before her family name or full name
Ms ˌemˈes noun г-жа (госпожа) a title for a woman, used before her family name or full name
mum mʌm noun мама mother

museum mjuːˈziː.əm noun музей a building where you can look at important objects connected with art, history, or s

museum mjuːˈziː.əm noun музей a building where you can look at important objects connected with art, history, or s
mushroom pizza ˈpiːt.sə noun пицца с грибами a food made from a flat, round piece of bread covered with mushrooms, etc and co

musician mjuːˈzɪʃ.ən noun музыкант someone who plays a musical instrument, often as a job

nationality ˌnæʃ.ənˈæl.ə.ti noun гражданство If you have American/British/Swiss, etc nationality, you are legally a member of tha
near nɪər preposition около not far away in distance

never ˈnev.ər adverb никогда not ever, not one time

new njuː adjective новый recently made

New Year's Eve njuː jɪər iːv

fireworks ˈfaɪə.wɜːks noun новогодний фейерверк fireworks (=objects that make a loud noise and bright colours in the sky at night) o

newspaper ˈnjuːzˌpeɪ.pər noun газета large, folded sheets of paper which are printed with the news and sold every day o

next month nekst mʌnθ phrase в следующем месяце the month after this one
next to nekst tuː phrase рядом с very close to something, with nothing in between

next week nekst wiːk phrase на следующей неделе the week after this one

next year nekst jɪər phrase в следующем году in the year after this one

nice naɪs adjective хороший, славный pleasant

nine naɪn number девять the number 9

nineteen ˌnaɪnˈtiːn number девятнадцать the number 19
nineteenth ˌnaɪnˈtiːnθ number девятнадцатый 19th

ninety ˈnaɪn.ti number девяносто the number 90

ninth naɪnθ number девятый 9th

noise nɔɪz noun шум a sound, often a loud, bad sound

not usually nɒt ˈjuː.ʒu.ə.li phrase необычно, обычно не not in the way that most often happens
notebook ˈnəʊt.bʊk noun записная книжка a book with empty pages that you can write in
November nəʊˈvem.bər noun ноябрь the eleventh month of the year
часов (при сообщении
o’clock əˈklɒk adverb времени) used after the numbers one to twelve to mean exactly that hour when you tell the t
October ɒkˈtəʊ.bər noun октябрь the tenth month of the year
old əʊld adjective старый having lived or existed for a long time
ɒn ˈfraɪ.deɪ
on Friday evening ˈiːv.nɪŋ phrase в пятницу вечером during the part of the day between the afternoon and the night on Friday
on Monday ɒn ˈmʌn.deɪ phrase в понедельник on the day of the week after Sunday
on Saturday ɒn ˈsæt.ə.deɪ
afternoon ˌɑːf.təˈnuːn phrase в субботу днем between the middle of the day and the evening, on Saturday

on Sunday ɒn ˈsʌn.deɪ phrase в воскресенье on the day of the week after Saturday

on the left ɒn ðiː left phrase слева on or towards the side of your body that is to the west when you are facing north

on the right ɒn ðiː raɪt phrase справа on or towards the side of your body that is to the east when you are facing north
on Tuesday ɒn ˈtjuːz.deɪ
morning ˈmɔː.nɪŋ phrase во вторник утром during the early part of Tuesday

one wʌn number один the number 1

open ˈəʊ.pən adjective открытый; открыто A shop or business is open during the time it can do business.
opposite ˈɒp.ə.zɪt preposition напротив in a position facing something or someone but on the other side

orange juice ˈɒr.ɪndʒ dʒuːs noun апельсиновый сок the liquid that comes from oranges
p piː noun п. = пенни, пенс abbreviation for penny or pence

palace ˈpæl.ɪs noun дворец a large house where a king or queen lives

parent ˈpeə.rənt noun родитель your mother or father

park pɑːk noun парк a large area of grass, often in a town, where people can walk and enjoy themselve

party ˈpɑː.ti noun вечеринка when people come together to enjoy themselves by talking, eating, drinking, and d
passport ˈpɑːs.pɔːt noun паспорт a small book with your photograph in that you need to enter a country

паста, макаронные
pasta ˈpæs.tə noun изделия a food that is made from flour and water and is made in many different shapes
pen pen noun ручка a long, thin object that you use to write or draw in ink

pence pents noun пенсы plural of British penny; p

pencil ˈpen.səl noun карандаш a long, thin wooden object with a black or coloured point that you write or draw wit
Peru pəˈruː noun Перу a country in South America
phone number ˈfəʊn ˌnʌmbər noun номер телефона the number of a particular telephone

pink pɪŋk adjective розовый being a pale red colour

plane pleɪn noun самолёт a vehicle that flies and has an engine and wings
platform ˈplæt.fɔːm noun платформа, перрон the area in a railway station where you get on and off the train
play basketball ˈbɑː.skɪt.bɔːl phrase играть в баскетбол play a game in which two teams try to win points by throwing a ball through a high

play computer pleɪ kəmˈpjuː.tər играть в компьютерные to play games that are on a computer, in which the pictures on the screen are con
games ɡeɪmz phrase игры joystick (=vertical handle you move to control a computer game)
play tennis pleɪ ˈten.ɪs phrase играть в теннис to play a sport in which people hit a small ball to each other over a net
play a musical instrument with strings that you play by pulling the strings with your
play the guitar pleɪ ðiː gɪˈtɑːr phrase играть на гитаре plastic
play a large wooden musical instrument with strings inside and black and white ba
play the piano pleɪ ðiː piˈæn.əʊ phrase играть на пианино when you press them
Poland ˈpəʊ.lənd noun Польша a country in Europe
police officer pəˈliːsˌɒf.ɪ.sər noun полицейский someone who is a member of the police
post office ˈpəʊstˌɒf.ɪs noun почта a place where you can buy stamps and send letters and parcels
postcard ˈpəʊst.kɑːd noun открытка a card with a picture on one side that you send without an envelope

pound paʊnd noun фунт (стерлингов) the unit of money used in the UK and Ireland; £
present ˈprez.ənt noun подарок something that you give to someone, usually on a special day
President ˈprez.ɪ.dənt noun Президент the highest political position in some countries, usually the leader of the governme
purse pɜːs noun кошелек a small container for money, usually used by a woman
четверть, пятнадцать
quarter past ˈkwɔː.tər pɑːst phrase минут 15 minutes past one o'clock/two o'clock/three o'clock, etc
без четверти, без
quarter to ˈkwɔː.tər tuː phrase пятнадцати минут 15 minutes before one o'clock/two o'clock/three o'clock, etc
raise money for reɪz ˈmʌn.i fɔːr собирать деньги на to collect money from other people and give it to an official organization that gives
charity ˈtʃær.ɪ.ti phrase благотворительность people who need it

rap ræp noun рэп a type of music in which the words are spoken and there is a strong beat
read riːd verb читать to look at words and understand what they mean

read blogs riːd blɒɡz phrase читать блоги read a record of someone's thoughts that they put on the Internet for other people

получать электронные
receive emails rɪˈsiːv ˈiː.meɪlz phrase сообщения receive messages electronically

red red adjective красный being the same colour as blood

брать автомобиль
rent a car rent ə kɑːr phrase напрокат to pay money to use a car for a short time
restaurant ˈres.trɒnt noun ресторан a place where you can buy and eat a meal
return rɪˈtɜːn noun туда и обратно a ticket that lets you travel to a place and back again

rice raɪs noun рис small grains from a plant that are cooked and eaten
ride a bike raɪd ə baɪk phrase ездить на велосипеде to travel by bicycle
right raɪt adjective правильный correct or true
river ˈrɪv.ər noun река a long, natural area of water that flows across the land

road rəʊd noun дорога a long, hard surface built for cars to drive on

room ruːm noun комната a part of the inside of a building, which is separated from other parts by walls, floor
Russia ˈrʌ.ʃə noun Россия the largest country in the world,
Russian ˈrʌʃ.ən adjective русский from, belonging to or relating to Russia

sad sæd adjective грустный unhappy

sales assistant seɪlz əˈsɪs.tənt noun продавец someone who serves customers in a shop

samba ˈsæm.bə noun самба an dance originally from Brazil

same seɪm adjective тот же, такой же exactly alike someone or something else
sandwich ˈsæn.wɪdʒ noun бутерброд, сэндвич two slices of bread with meat, cheese, etc between them

Saturday ˈsæt.ə.deɪ noun суббота the day of the week after Friday and before Sunday

scared skeəd adjective испуганный frightened or worried

scenery ˈsiː.nər.i noun вид, пейзаж the attractive, natural things that you see in the countryside
sea siː noun море a large area of salt water

search for sɜːtʃ fɔːr

information ˌɪn.fəˈmeɪ.ʃən phrase искать информацию to try to find some information

seat siːt noun сиденье, место something that you sit on

second ˈsek.ənd noun секунда one of the 60 parts a minute is divided into
second ˈsek.ənd number второй 2nd
продавать вещи в
sell things online sel θɪŋz ˈɒn.laɪn phrase Интернете sell things on the internet
отправлять электронные
send emails send ˈiː.meɪlz phrase сообщения send messages electronically
September sepˈtem.bər noun сентябрь the ninth month of the year

seven ˈsev.ən number семь the number 7

seventeen ˌsev.ənˈtiːn number семнадцать the number 17
seventeenth ˌsev.ənˈtiːnθ number семнадцатый 17th
seventh ˈsev.ənθ number седьмой 7th
seventy ˈsev.ən.ti number семьдесят the number 70

shirt ʃɜːt noun рубашка a piece of clothing worn on the top part of the body, fastened with buttons down th

shoe ʃuː noun туфля, полуботинок a strong covering for the foot, often made of leather

shopping centre ˈʃɒpɪŋ ˌsentər noun торговый центр a place where a lot of shops have been built close together
shopping for ˈʃɒp.ɪŋ fɔːr
clothes kləʊðz phrase покупка одежды going to shops to buy clothes

short ʃɔːt adjective короткий continuing for a small amount of time

sing sɪŋ verb петь to make musical sounds with your voice

singer ˈsɪŋ.ər noun певец someone who sings

single ˈsɪŋ.gl̩ adjective холостой / незамужем not married
single ˈsɪŋ.gl̩ noun билет в одну сторону a ticket for a journey that is from one place to another but not back again
sister ˈsɪs.tər noun сестра a girl or woman who has the same parents as you

six sɪks number шесть the number 6

sixteen ˌsɪkˈstiːn number шестнадцать the number 16
sixteenth ˌsɪkˈstiːnθ number шестнадцатый 16th
sixth sɪksθ number шестой 6th
sixty ˈsɪk.sti number шестьдесят the number 60
ski skiː verb кататься на лыжах to move over snow wearing skis

skirt skɜːt noun юбка a piece of women's clothing that hangs from the waist and has no legs

sleep sliːp verb спать to be in the state of rest when your eyes are closed, your body is not active, and yo

small smɔːl adjective маленький little in size or amount

series of television programmes that continue over a long period and are about the
soap operas ˈsəʊpˌɒp.ər.əz noun мыльные оперы characters

sometimes ˈsʌm.taɪmz adverb иногда on some occasions but not always or often

son sʌn noun сын your male child

Spain speɪn noun Испания a country in Europe

Spanish ˈspæn.ɪʃ adjective испанский from, belonging to or relating to Spain
sparkling ˈspɑː.klɪŋ adjective газированный A sparkling drink has bubbles in it.
speak German spiːk ˈdʒɜː.mən phrase говорить по-немецки speak the language of Germany, Austria, and parts of Switzerland
square skweər noun площадь an open area with buildings around it, often in the centre of a town

stadium ˈsteɪ.di.əm noun стадион a large, open area with seats around it, used for playing and watching sports

start a new job stɑːt ə njuː dʒɒb phrase начать новую работу to begin a new job
start school stɑːt skuːl phrase начать учиться в школе to begin going to school
stɑːt начать учиться в
start university ˌjuː.nɪˈvɜː.sɪ.ti phrase университете to begin going to university

start work stɑːt wɜːk phrase начать работать to start doing what you do as a job to earn money, usually in the morning
останавливаться в
stay in a hotel steɪ ɪn ə həʊˈtel phrase гостинице to be in a hotel overnight
steɪ wɪð останавливаться у
stay with family ˈfæm.əl.i phrase родственников to visit family for a short period of time and stay overnight
stay with friends steɪ wɪð frendz phrase останавливаться у друзей to visit friends for a short period of time and stay overnight
still stɪl adjective негазированный A still drink does not have any bubbles in it.
strawberry ice ˈstrɔː.bər.i aɪs
cream kriːm noun клубничное мороженое a sweet food with strawberry flavour made from frozen milk or cream and sugar

street striːt noun улица a road in a town or city that has houses or other buildings
study English ˈstʌd.i ˈɪŋ.glɪʃ phrase изучать английский язык to learn about English
study languages ˈlæŋ.ɡwɪdʒɪz phrase изучать языки to learn about languages

sugar ˈʃʊg.ər noun сахар a very sweet substance used to give flavour to food and drinks

suit suːt noun костюм a jacket and trousers or a jacket and skirt that are made from the same material

Sunday ˈsʌn.deɪ noun воскресенье the day of the week after Saturday and before Monday
supermarket ˈsuː.pəˌmɑː.kɪt noun супермаркет a large shop that sells food, drink, things for the home, etc
surname ˈsɜː.neɪm noun фамилия the name that you and people in your family all have

sweet swiːt noun конфета a small piece of sweet food, often made of sugar or chocolate
swim swɪm verb плавать to move through water by moving your body
swim swɪm verb плавать to move through water by moving your body
table ˈteɪ.bl̩ noun стол a piece of furniture with four legs, used for eating off, putting things on, etc
take photos teɪk ˈfəʊ.təʊz phrase фотографировать to make pictures with a camera
taxi ˈtæ noun такси a car with a driver who you pay to take you somewhere
taxi driver ˈtæ ˈdraɪ.vər noun таксист someone who drives a taxi
tea tiː noun чай a hot drink that you make by pouring water onto dried leaves
teacher ˈtiː.tʃər noun учитель someone whose job is to teach in a school, college, etc
tell tel verb говорить, рассказывать to say something to someone, usually giving them information

ten ten number десять the number 10

tenth tenθ number десятый 10th
terrible ˈter.ə.bl̩ adjective ужасный very bad
Thailand ˈtaɪ.lænd noun Таиланд a country in Asia

the UK ˌjuːˈkeɪ noun Соединенное Королевство abbreviation for the United Kingdom: the country of Great Britain and Northern Irel
the USA ˌjuː.esˈeɪ noun США abbreviation for the United States of America

theatre ˈθɪə.tər noun театр a building with a stage where people go to watch plays
third θɜːd number третий 3rd

thirteen θɜːˈtiːn number тринадцать the number 13

thirteenth θɜːˈtiːnθ number тринадцатый 13th
thirtieth ˈθɜː.ti.əθ number тридцатый 30th
thirty ˈθɜː.ti number тридцать the number 30
thirty-first ˈθɜː.ti ˈfɜːst number тридцать первый 31st

thousand ˈθaʊ.zənd number тысяча the number 1,000

three θriː number три the number 3

θriː mʌntθs
three months ago əˈgəʊ phrase три месяца назад three months before now

throw θrəʊ verb бросать to make something move through the air by pushing it out of your hand

Thursday ˈθɜːz.deɪ noun четверг the day of the week after Wednesday and before Friday

ticket machine ˈtɪk.ɪt məˈʃiːn noun билетный автомат a machine where you can buy tickets

ticket office ˈtɪk.ɪt ˈɒf.ɪs noun билетная касса a part of a building where you can buy tickets

tie taɪ noun галстук a long, thin piece of cloth that a man wears around his neck with a shirt
tired taɪəd adjective усталый feeling that you want to rest or sleep
tired taɪəd adjective усталый feeling that you want to rest or sleep

tissue ˈtɪʃ.uː noun бумажный носовой платок a soft piece of paper that you use for cleaning your nose

today təˈdeɪ adverb сегодня this day, or on this day

together təˈgeð.ər adverb вместе with each other

форма прошедшего
времени глагола to tell
told təʊld verb (говорить, рассказывать) Past Simple of tell
tomorrow təˈmɒr.əʊ adverb завтра the day after today or on the day after today

tomorrow morning ˈmɔː.nɪŋ phrase завтра утром the morning of the day after today

tonight təˈnaɪt adverb сегодня вечером the night of this day, or during the night of this day
форма прошедшего
времени от to take photos
took photos tʊk ˈfəʊ.təʊz verb (фотографировать) Past simple of take photos

tourist ˈtʊə.rɪst noun турист someone who visits a place for pleasure and does not live there

train treɪn noun поезд a long, thin vehicle which travels along metal tracks and carries people or goods
(train) station ˈsteɪ.ʃən noun станция a place where trains stop so that you can get on or off them

trainer ˈtreɪ.nər noun кроссовка a soft sports shoe

travel around ˈtræv.əl əˈraʊnd phrase путешествовать to travel from one place to another

trousers ˈtraʊ.zəz noun брюки a piece of clothing that covers the legs and has a separate part for each leg

T-shirt ˈtiː.ʃɜːt noun майка a piece of cotton clothing for the top part of the body with short sleeves and no col

Tuesday ˈtjuːz.deɪ noun вторник the day of the week after Monday and before Wednesday
tuk-tuk XX noun тук-тук a small, covered passenger vehicle with two wheels and a motor, used in India an
tuna salad ˈtjuː.nə ˈsæl.əd noun салат с тунцом a salad with tuna and mayonnaise in it
Turkey ˈtɜː.ki noun Турция a country in Asia and Europe
Turkish ˈtɜː.kɪʃ adjective турецкий from, belonging to or relating to Turkey
twelfth twelfθ number двенадцатый 12th

twelve twelv number двенадцать the number 12

twentieth ˈtwen.ti.əθ number двадцатый 20th
twenty ˈtwen.ti number двадцать the number 20

twenty-eighth ˈtwen.ti eɪtθ number двадцать восьмой 28th

twenty-fifth ˈtwen.ti fɪfθ number двадцать пятый 25th
twenty-first ˌtwen.tiˈfɜːst number двадцать первый 21st

twenty-fourth ˈtwen.ti fɔːθ number двадцать четвертый 24th

twenty-ninth ˈtwen.ti naɪnθ number двадцать девятый 29th

twenty-second ˈtwen.ti ˈsek.ənd number двадцать второй 22nd

twenty-seventh ˈtwen.ti ˈsev.ənθ number двадцать седьмой 27th

twenty-sixth ˈtwen.ti sɪksθ number двадцать шестой 26th
twenty-third ˈtwen.ti θɜːd number двадцать третий 23rd

twin twɪn noun близнец one of two children who are born to the same mother at the same time

two tuː number два the number 2

two hours ago tuː ˈaʊəz əˈgəʊ phrase два часа назад two hours before now
ugly ˈʌ adjective безобразный, уродливый bad to look at
umbrella ʌmˈbrel.ə noun зонтик a thing that you hold above your head to keep yourself dry when it is raining
unfriendly ʌnˈ adjective недружелюбный not friendly

unhappy ʌnˈhæp.i adjective несчастный sad

university ˌjuː.nɪˈvɜː.sɪ.ti noun университет a place where students study at a high level to get a degree (=type of qualification

unlucky ʌnˈlʌk.i adjective неудачный, неудачливый having or causing bad luck

usually ˈjuː.ʒu.ə.li adverb обычно in the way that most often happens
vanilla ice cream vəˈnɪl.ə aɪs kriːm noun ванильное мороженое a sweet food with vanilla flavour made from frozen milk or cream and sugar

vegetable ˈvedʒ.tə.bl̩ noun овощ a plant that you eat, for example a potato, onion, etc

vegetarian ˌvedʒ.ɪˈteə.ri.ən noun вегетарианец someone who does not eat meat or fish
vegetarian lasagne ləˈzæn.jə noun вегетарианская лазанья a type of Italian food consisting of flat pieces of pasta with layers of vegetables and
very ˈver.i adverb очень used to make an adjective or adverb stronger
ˈvɪzɪ.tɪŋ njuː
visiting new places pleɪsɪz phrase посещение новых мест visiting places not visited before
waiter ˈweɪ.tər noun официант a man who works in a restaurant, bringing food to customers
waitress ˈweɪ.trəs noun официантка a woman who works in a restaurant, bringing food to customers
a small, flat container for paper money and credit cards (=plastic cards used for pa
wallet ˈwɒl.ɪt noun бумажник by a man
watch wɒtʃ noun (наручные) часы a small clock on a strap that you fasten round your arm
watch DVDs wɒtʃ ˌdiː.viːˈdiːz phrase смотреть ДВД to watch films stored on small discs

watch the news wɒtʃ ðiː njuːz phrase смотреть новости to watch the announcement of important events on television
watch TV wɒtʃ ˌtiːˈviː phrase смотреть телевизор to watch television
watch TV wɒtʃ ˌtiːˈviː
programmes ˈprəʊ.ɡræmz phrase смотреть телепередачи watch shows on television or radio

watch videos wɒtʃ ˈvɪd.i.əʊz phrase смотреть видео watch recordings of moving pictures and sound, especially online
watching sport on wɒtʃɪŋ spɔːt ɒn смотреть спортивные
TV ˌtiːˈviː phrase передачи по ТВ watching games like football or tennis on television

water ˈwɔː.tər noun вода the clear liquid that falls from the sky as rain and that is in seas, lakes, and rivers

weather ˈweð.ər noun погода the temperature or conditions outside, for example if it is hot, cold, sunny, etc

wedding ˈwed.ɪŋ noun свадьба an official ceremony at which a man and woman get married

Wednesday ˈwenz.deɪ noun среда the day of the week after Tuesday and before Thursday

week wiːk noun неделя a period of seven days

weekend ˌwiːkˈend noun выходные Saturday and Sunday, the two days in the week when many people do not work
форма прошедшего
времени глагола to go
went went verb (идти, ходить) Past Simple of go

What wɒt pronoun Что used to ask for information about something

When wen pronoun Когда used to ask at what time something happened or will happen
Where weər adverb Где used to ask about the place or position of someone or something
white waɪt adjective белый being the colour of snow or milk

Who huː pronoun Кто used to ask about someone's name or which person or group someone is talking a

Why waɪ adverb Почему used to ask or talk about the reasons for something
wife waɪf noun жена the woman that a man is married to

woman ˈwʊm.ən noun женщина an adult female person

wɜːk fɔːr ə
work for a Spanish ˈspæn.ɪʃ работать в испанской
company ˈkʌm.pə.ni phrase компании to work for a company from Spain
work in an office wɜːk ɪn ən ˈɒf.ɪs phrase работать в офисе to work in a building where other people work
work in groups wɜːk ɪn ɡruːps phrase работать в группах work together
work in pairs wɜːk ɪn peəz phrase работать в парах work in groups of two people who are doing something together
write raɪt verb писать to make words, letters, or numbers on a surface using a pen or pencil

write raɪt verb писать to create a book, story, article, etc or a piece of music

write a blog raɪt ə blɒg phrase вести блог write a record of your thoughts that you put on the Internet for other people to read
wrong rɒŋ adjective ошибочный not correct
форма прошедшего
времени глагола to write
wrote rəʊt verb (писать) Past Simple of write

year jɪər noun год a period of 12 months, or 365 or 366 days, especially from 1 January to 31 Decem

yellow ˈjel.əʊ adjective желтый being the same colour as a lemon or the sun
yesterday morning ˈmɔː.nɪŋ phrase вчера утром the morning of the day before today
young jʌŋ adjective молодой having lived or existed for only a short time and not old

zero ˈzɪə.rəʊ number ноль the number 0; nothing

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