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Journal : Seven Minutes with God

Anggia Putri Sinulingga - 13321072 - K02

Day, date Saturday, November 14th 2022

Reading material Luke 20: 1 - 47

Memorable verses He said to them, “Then give back to Caesar what is Caesar’s,
and to God what is God’s.”
He is not the God of the dead, but of the living, for to him all
are alive.”

Summary Jesus was questioned by the chief priests, from where did He
get His power to do all miracles? Jesus questioned them back,
they were silent after being torn, He then replied, “Neither will I
tell you by what authority I am doing these things.” Jesus told
the parable about a landlord who gave his vineyard to be
rented by farmers. By the end the farmers became greedy and
betrayed him. Jesus confirmed that it is okay to give back to
Caesar what is Caesar’s, but still to God what is God’s.

Reflection and What was left in my mind by reading this chapter was how
Implementation Jesus warned those who don't welcome the words of the
Kingdom of Heaven. As He said, “The Kingdom of God has come
near.” I take that as He saying that the end of the day has come
near, and we have to be prepared by any time. Also, how the
two laws of love and compassion were stated to be the main
laws to inherit eternal life makes me realize more that love,
mercy, and compassion are the core of this beautiful belief.


Adoration All aspects in my life, each day that passed, I know that God
was always involved, He played His part, until every single
detail. I’m amazed by how each day come with its own
surprises. Whether it’s a good day or bad day, I adore God to
always present Himself and make me notice His presence.

Confession I know for a fact that I’m an ordinary person, and as the result of
my ancestors, since the very first one Adam and Eve, it’s my
only nature to sin and make mistakes. But, as Jesus has done
His salvation work, sacrificed Himself to be crucified, we all
humans have a chance to be reborn as new, humans who have
been one step closer towards God and His Kingdom of Heaven.
Yet, living in this world, as it is not perfect, as I am, I obviously
have made many mistakes, I slipped and messed a lot. Many of
which I might not have noticed, or have noticed, remember or
didn’t. For those all, I lowered myself in front of my superior God,
to beg for forgiveness to all my sin. I hope that I’m one of the
lucky ones, who will be saved in the end of time.

Thanksgiving I am grateful for this resting day. I am grateful to be able to

meet again with my distant family at the church today. I am
grateful for encounters, friendships, and worships I experienced

Supplication I’m praying for my little family, both of my parents and my little
sister. I’m hoping for a smooth and successful career for my
mom and dad. May all the work and effort they done paid off,
be good to provide for our family. May my little sister do well in
her studies, get good grades, and mature well as an individual.
I’m hoping for my whole family's wellness and happiness. I pray
that my studies will go smoothly as planned. I’m begging for
God's assistance and presence in all of the things I have to go
through, especially academically. I hope that I can graduate
well in the right time, or even sooner. I pray that all the things in
this world, all the creation, alive or not, will do and be good, as
God created all of things to be good.

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