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English Summarised Grammar in Use

So that(igy tehat)

Leave early so that you dont miss the bus.

I am sorry to heard about your father is ill

I saw Tom get in his car and drive away .(not to!!)I saw Ann waiting for the bus.

Feeling tired I went to bed early.

91 A unit

The woman who/that lives next dor is a doctor

Do not use What or Who

Where is the cheese that/which(not what!!) was in the fridge?

Everything that happened was my fault.

Do you know ayone that soeaks Italian?

Vs John, who(no that) speaks Italian and French, is a touris guide.

World order

large old white Chinese porcelan pot

111 Even

Even I could take better photos...

Even in hot weather

I cant even boil an egg

Even tough she can't drive she bought a car.

We are going to the beach even if it is raining.

Although/tough ámbár

Even tough-erosebb ambar

In spite of/despite

in case az esetben ( if vs in case We made food anyway Tom wheter coming ir not)
unless=except if hacsak nem

As long as/so long as

providing/provided that fektetelezve

Provinding she studies(not will!!)hard, she will passthe exam.


As it was a public holiday , all shops were shut.

As-2 things happened same time(When-after each other)

George arrived as Sue left. As the day went on the weather got worse.

Just as amint-Just as i sat dow the phone rang.

As we were asleep(because)

I left everything as I found it.

As you know/said/expected...

as usual

As the manager she has to make many important decisions.

This hotel used as a hospital.

I worked as a bus driver. He looked like a bus driver.

London is all right as a place to visit.

I regard her as my best friend.

As if/though/like=looks/smells/sound

Ann sounded as if she had a cold

He ran as if(mintha)he was runnig for his life.

She talks as if she knew(past)everything.(117)

For vs during vs while

by :Tell me by Friday(not until!!)whether you can come to the party.

Let wait until it stops raining(continuity)

by the time/by them/by that time-mire

On time-late, in time-too late

at the beginning of January vs at the end of January

at first vs at the end-végül

38 If I knew... I would

I wish I had an umbrella

If I had known

I wish It would stop raining

Nobody was hurt=nobody got hurt.

He is said to be 108 years old.

Jill had the roof repaired yesterday.

Shall I stay here? I would rather you came with us.


She was not used to driving in the left(nem szokott)

She got used driving in the left.(megszokja)

She is used to driving in the left(szokott)

I am used the weather in this country

There is no point to having a car if you never use it.

waste of time reading book...

too buys doing another things.


and(és/pedig/meg), also/too/as well, besides/moreover, firthermore, likewise, again

in addition, moreover, on the top of all that, and what's more

I am both pretty and can type as well.

neither/nor, not either, not only..but also, first,+then +finally,

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