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Oy ang group na lumaban matapang

Oy, ang group kung lumaban matapang

Oy, oy, oy, oy

Lalaban pa ba, kayo sa amin

Kung kayo nama’y dadaigin
Pagisipan na, inyong gagawin
Manginig na kayo sa
Group namin
Group namin
Sa Group namin, kayo ay manginig
Dahil dadaigin, patatalsikin
Ang chararat niyong group hey!

Magandang umaga mga ka PP, Panibagong episode na naman ng Chismisan nang may
katotohanan, sabunan, hindi sa liguan ngunit sa kwentuhan. Alaman ng saloobin, mga
nakakaintrigang Tanong kanilang haharapin, ako si JM Caguimbal, at Samahan niyo akong
kilatisin ang ating mga panauhin ngayong araw na sina Mr. Zeus Velasco and MS. Trixia Lopez..

INT: good morning Mr. Velasco, Ms. Lopez.

RES/PAR: Goodmorning….

INT:Ok we are aware that your research, Mr Velasco is about how marijuana can be a reliever
for aids. And Her Ms. Lopez is one of your respondent in your research.

I prepared some questionnaires that will be answered by the both you.

INTERVIEWER:  For you, Mr. Researcher, why did you choose Miss Lopez to be one of your

RESEARCHER: It’s easy to answer; when I asked her personally about her condition, she said
that she is suffering due to AIDS, and frankly, as a researcher, I told her that I am currently
involved in a study of marijuana as a reliever for AIDS.

INT: Do you trust your research that much to subject such a person’s life for an experiment?

RES: Yes, of course I gave every knowledge I have, I researched every piece of related literature
about marijuana as a medicine, and I skipped sleep nights just to come out with successful

INT: How did you convince Ms. Lopez to be your respondent?

RES: I think it should be her to answer that question.

INT: OK, MS. Lopez, How did Mr. Velasco convince you to be part of his research?

PAR: When he first reached out to me, I really said no, because I know marijuana can be
addictive, and I am hearing and seeing information about the negative effect of that in a human’s
life, and I am the first person he asked to try his marijuana as a reliever for AIDS.

INT: Then?

PAR: Then he reached out again; he really wanted me to be his respondent. That’s why, in his
second attempt, he informed me about the help of marijuana for my AIDS; he laid out his studies
about marijuana as medicine; he showed me related studies about marijuana being a reliever for
AIDS. And of course, he told me the conditions I could get if I agreed to be his respondent.

INT: Under what conditions did he make you say "yes"?

PAR: First, he informed me about the purpose of the study, which is to help AIDS warriors all
over the world. He also laid out the risks a participant could encounter in his study.

INT: When there are possible risks, then why did you say "yes"?

PAR: It’s a hard decision I’ve made because there’s a risk, but he indicated to me the benefits
and assurance I could get if ever there’s a risk; that would pave the way.

INT: For you, Mr. Researcher, why do you think it is important to make her participate in your
research voluntarily?

RES: Because it protects the rights and well-being of the participants, it promotes ethical
research practices, it respects the autonomy and dignity of participants, and, of course, it helps
researchers and participants build trust with each other.

INT: Ok, both of you are informed about her volunteering as your respondent, but did you tell
her about the "Right to Withdraw" policy?

RES: Yes, of course.

INT: Ms. Lopez, did he really tell you that you can quit the study any time with any reason and
without any questions being asked?

PAR: Yes, sir, he did; he told me that if I ever feel something is wrong, I can quit as a

INT: He never threatened you if ever you would quit his research study?
PAR: No, and I guess never. Because he also assured confidentiality for my information that I
gave him. He told me that he will keep my personal information private and will not disclose it
to any unauthorized person unless I permit it. And I trust him with that.

INT: So Mr. Researcher is really a good and ethical man, but Mr. Researcher, are you aware of
the possible consequences if ever you fail to assure the things you’ve said to Miss Lopez?

RES: I know all of that. I can lose my funding. She can file institutional sanctions and civil
lawsuits against me. I can be in jail. And I would accept it all.

INT; are you saying that there’s a chance that your study would fail?

RES: Yes, but just one in a hundred percent, because if we’re going to base it on my ongoing
research, the help of marijuana for Aids fighters is great. And I know Ms. Lopez can testify
about it.

INT: Miss Lopez, are you willing to continue your involvement in his research study?

PAR: Yes, the study is not done yet, but the help it gave me and my family is more than I 
expected. Our spending for my medication now is not that high because marijuana is an
alternative. I also have insurance from him from the start until the end. And of course I trust him
because the information I told him to take privately is being kept private even now.

INT: Ok, thank you so much, Ms. Lopez and Mr. Researcher; do you have anything to say?

RES: I just wanted to say that I will do my very best to secure the information, health, and life of
Miss Lopez. And I will continue to be an ethical and good researcher for my study to achieve its
purpose, which is to help.

I just like to indicate that we’re using marijuana for medicational purposes only with
government’s permission. We’re using it legally with legal contracts if ever there’s a problem
that would come up. “ sinabi ni Catriona”

INT: Ok, OK OK, thank you so much, Mr. Researcher and Miss Lopez, for your honest
statements and answers. I hope your study achieves its goal and purpose.

RES/PAR; Thankyou thankyou thankyou thankyou

INT: Do you have anyone you want to greet?

RES: I’d like to say Hi to my husband at home for believing me, trusting me, and motivating me
to push this study. And of course, I’d like to say thank you to other researchers who started the
study of marijuana as a medicine and gave me the idea.

PAR: I’d like to say hello to my family; don’t worry about me; I know Mr. Co. will take care of
me. And to my boyfriend, thank you for not leaving me and for accepting me for who I am. I
know with the help of Him, My self, and God we can surpass these problems. Thank you so

INT:  It is evident that their research about Marijuana as a reliever for AIDS is PAKAK! And
their answers is not PLAKAK. Until next Saturday ng chismisan na may katotohanan, sabunan
hindi sa liguan ngunit sa knwentuhan. ako po si Jaymart Caguimbal at magandang umaga, PP

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