Pyramus and Thisbe Script

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Narrator: In a world filled with broken pieces.

Allow me to speak and hear my voice as I present to you

the undeniable love story of the two lovers who fought their love under the mulberry tree. The dark story
behind in crimson fruit begins. Let us all witness the tragic love story of the two lovers, Pyramus and
Thisbe, and have a little bit of adventure in their relationship as they give way to their love for each

Open Curtains*
Scene #1
(SFX *nature #enter)

Narrator: Thus, our story begins with a young Thisbe crying on the wooden chair, under a big tree.

Thisbe: Why I'm even crying?! This is horrible for me to cry just because my precious little turtle died!
(Pyramus walks through the forest to hunt only to see a gorgeous young Thisbe crying on the
wooden chair.)

Pyramus: A beautiful lady like you shouldn't cry. Here's my cloth take it and erase those waters that fall
around your lovely eyes.
(As Pyramus leave, a crying Thisbe stops as she looks at her hands holding the random man given
to her.)

Thisbe: I shouldn't take this random item from an unknown person. Mother will be angry if I will bring
this home.

Narrator: Thisbe stood and was about to leave the forest.

(SFX *nature #stop)

(SFX *dangerous/intense/dramatic #enter)

Narrator: But when she walked away from her place, a big lion came out on the bush and tried to attack

Thisbe: Oh, my dear...

(Thisbe run)

Thisbe: Help! a lion trying to find a way to eat me!

(Thisbe run and the lion almost reached her)
Thisbe: This is not nice of you, lion, to eat a young lady.
(As soon as the lion came closer to Thisbe, Pyramus came to stop it.)

(SFX *dangerous/intense/dramatic #stop)

Pyramus: I'll protect you, young lady, from this dangerous lion! You shall not eat this young lady, or I
shall kill you with my sharp sword!

(SFX *fighting #enter)

(Pyramus fought the lion until the lion surrendered himself and ran out.)

(SFX *fighting #stop)

Thisbe: My savior! You saved me from that big creature!

Pyramus: I will never let you be eaten, my beautiful lady.

Thisbe: Thisbe, my name is Thisbe my savior.

Pyramus: And my name is Pyramus, my lady.

(Kissed her hand)

Narrator: As they casually talk to each other, the mother of Thisbe, walks in. She looks at her daughter,
worried. She thought her daughter might've been eaten by the dark forest.

Madea: My dearest daughter, Thisbe! I thought you had been swallowed by this dark forest! Let us go
home, my child, so that we will be able to feel unworried.

Thisbe: Mother, this is my savior! He saved me from the lion!

Madea: Get away from that boy, my dearest! He's the son of Magnus. I shall not allow you to be close
to him. Now let us go home.

Thisbe: But mother! He’s, my savior!

Madea: I don't care!

Pyramus: I'll find my way to cross our path again, my beautiful Thisbe!

Close Curtains*

Narrator: Thisbe was so confused about how her mother acts toward the boy who saved her from death.
She thought that maybe they're lots of things she doesn't know.

Open Curtains*
Scene #2

Father of Thisbe: You should eat this, my dearest.

Thisbe: Until you explain the reason why I shouldn't be seeing Pyramus, I won't eat this food.

Madea: Stop asking such a horrible question! not all of the things you ought to know!

(Father of Thisbe touched his wife hand softly to calm her down)
Father of Thisbe: Calm down my beloved... Will talk about these things later, after we eat.

(Thisbe stood up)

Thisbe: No father! If there is no reason, then I shall meet Pyramus!

(Madea stood up also)

Madea: I would not allow that child! You know that the family of that child killed my parents without
sorrow or sympathy! How audacious of you to say that without comprehending the situation. I wouldn't
let that family touch any of us. I will not let them go into our home.

(Father of Thisbe smash the table)

Father of Thisbe: Enough with this conversation!

(Thisbe walks out)

(Father of Thisbe, sighed and stood up and walked to his wife)

Father of Thisbe: At least you should calm yourself first my wife. Thisbe, is still in the process of
growing up. The best thing to do is to wait until the right day will come, where she will fully understand
(Madea lean on her husband shoulder)

Close Curtains*

Narrator: Pyramus lay on he's bed as he keeps thinking of the young beautiful lady, Thisbe he meets
earlier nonstop.

Open Curtains*
Scene #3
(SFX *night #enter)

Pyramus: Thisbe, my beautiful lady, if I could just look into your eyes once, I would happily fall
asleep. I wish I could.
(Thisbe start singing)

Pyramus: Who is singing that melody? The voice quite familiar...

Narrator: Pyramus followed the voice until he reached the wall with a small crack that separated the
houses from his neighbor. He peeps through the small crack in the wall and recognizes the beautiful
woman he previously saved.

Pyramus: My lady, Thisbe, is that you? Your voice never failed to make me recognize it.
(Thisbe stop singing, as she heard the voice of her savior.)

Thisbe: Pyramus, is that you, my savior?

Pyramus: Yes, it's me my love Thisbe.

Thisbe: Pyramus! I thought I would never see or hear your voice again
Narrator: They never thought of meeting in the small crack separating their homes. The couple
communicates nonstop as they express their love and affection to one another through the small wall
(SFX *night #stop)

Close Curtains*

Narrator: Everyone in Babylon is preparing for the attack by the unknown creature. Queen Semiramis
has ordered her entire populace to remain in their homes while they prepare for battle with the large

Open Curtains*
Scene #4
(SFX *dramatic #enter)

Queen Semiramis: All of my people stay in your homes and do not leave until I command! The big
creature is trying to destroy our homes!
(Everyone was shocks and the others start to worry)

Pyramus: I will help to kill that creature my dearest queen! I am Pyramus, a fighter for this place.

(SFX *dramatic #stop)

Close Curtains*

Narrator: Pyramus went back home to prepare his things for the attack. But as he was getting ready, a
voice from the small crack in the wall suddenly spoke.

Open Curtains*
Scene # 5

Thisbe: My love, Pyramus, why are you fixing your things?

(Pyramus stopped fixing as he looks at the small crack in the wall.)

Pyramus: My love Thisbe, I volunteer to help the Queen Semiramis to fight over the big creature who
is destroying our home.

Thisbe: Then what if you're going to hurt? I will never live my life if that big creature kills you!
(Thisbe starts crying)

Pyramus: You shouldn't worry about me, my love. You won't need to worry because I will return here
safely and speak to you once again.

Narrator: Thisbe would like to stop him from entering the war because she's afraid of her lover's death,
but as her lover walks away, it seems that she doesn't have a chance of changing the man she likes'
decision anymore.

Close Curtains*

Narrator: The war has begun. Pyramus left his home and headed over to the big creature who was
trying to destroy their home.

Open Curtains*
Scene # 6
(SFX *war/fighting #enter)

Narrator: The unknown creature was destroying the village and attacking the armored warriors.

Pyramus: I wouldn't be scared of a big creature like you! So, you must leave our home, or I will slash
you with my sword!

Warrior 1: Pyramus, half of the warriors died!

Pyramus: I can handle this creature!

Warrior 2: We should back-out and ask for help to the queen!

(Pyramus ignored)

Pyramus: Don't be afraid everyone! I will handle this creature.

(Pyramus attacked the beast again)

(SFX *war/fighting #stop)
Queen Semiramis: Our savior! A savior like you should be given a gift because of how brave you are!
(Everyone cheered)

Pyramus: giving me gift I shouldn't accept, my queen. I'm glad I was able to help defend our homes.
My lover has been waiting for me now, so I should go.

Close Curtains*

Narrator: The war has come to an end. Pyramus left for home, but when he returned, he tried to call his
lover through the wall but got no response. Pyramus didn't have any idea at first, but then he realized
that his beloved might have been upset with him for leaving while she was ill with worry.

Open Curtains*
Scene # 7

Pyramus: My love Thisbe, are you in there? It's me, your Pyramus, my love.

Narrator: Pyramus started to worry when her lover didn't reply back. He attempted to peer through the
small crack, but he was unable to see his lover.
(Pyramus fall asleep)

Narrator: Pyramus sat beside the wall, waiting for his love, Thisbe.

Narrator: Reaching 12 o'clock at midnight, an open door from the other room has been heard. It was
Thisbe coming back tired.
(Pyramus awake right away)

Pyramus: My love Thisbe is that you?

Thisbe: Pyramus! Thank you to the gods and goddesses for letting you get home safely! I thought I had
lost you!

Pyramus: You need to stop crying, my love! You are aware that I cannot erase your tears. Hearing you
cry makes my heart ache.

Thisbe: I went out to look for you because I feared you had been devoured by that beast.
Pyramus: You shouldn't have done that, my love!

Close Curtains*

Narrator: To make it up to his lover, Pyramus had made up his mind to meet her in a market. However,
Pyramus parents entered the room and stopped him from leaving as he was getting ready for their meet.

Open Curtains*
Scene # 8
(SFX *angriness #enter)

Magnus: My child, end this madness! Do you really believe I wouldn't be aware of your meeting with
that lady? I won't permit you to meet her.

Pyramus: Father! We love one another. Why can't you just be there for your own son?

Magnus: I would support you if the woman you like is not the daughter of Madea!

Pyramus: Then you should explain to me why!

Magnus: The secret between me and her parents should be hidden forever.

Pyramus: Mother! Let me see her...

(Pyramus broke his voice in the middle of his words)

Phaera: I'm sorry my child... But it's better for you to stay here instead. We don't want anything
dangerous will happen to you.

Pyramus: Mother...?

Phaera: We love you son... It's just... It's just better for you to stay away from that lady and her family's.
It's for your own good and safety.

(SFX *angriness #stop)

Close Curtains*

Narrator: While Pyramus fights with his parents, Thisbe arrives at the planned place where they are
supposed to meet.

Open Curtains*
Scene # 9
(SFX *night #enter)

(Thisbe waited for Pyramus until the night set)

Thisbe: My love, Pyramus, where have you been? The moon is already set, and you are still not here.
(Thisbe starting to worry)

Pyramus: My love Thisbe!

Thisbe: Pyramus! I thought you wouldn't show up. I'm getting concerned that something unfavorable
may have happened to you.

Pyramus: My love, Thisbe, I'm sorry for letting you wait for such a long period of time. I shouldn't let
you, but my parents and I had an argument a while ago. They refused to permit us to meet.

(Thisbe touch Pyramus face softly)

Thisbe: My Pyramus, you shouldn't have to apologize to me.

Thisbe: It's time to return home. The sun must be rising soon.

(SFX *night #stop)

Close Curtains*

Narrator: The two couples continue to converse with one another through the small wall crack as time
goes on. This evening, Pyramus and Thisbe have made the decision to elope. They thought that perhaps
once they were married their parents would be powerless to stop them. So Pyramus and Thisbe are
supposed to meet at night on the Tomb of Ninus in the shade of the mulberry.

Open Curtains*
Scene # 10
(SFX *night #enter)

(Thisbe walking to the tomb)

Thisbe: He's not here yet, I guess I'm the one who came first, I'll just wait for him.

Narrator: Thisbe happily waits for her lover to come.

(SFX *night #stop)

(SFX *dramatic/Intense #enter)

Narrator: Until the happily waiting turns to scared, Thisbe. The lion has come! jaws a crimson froth
with the blood of cows, fresh slain, came there for water, and as she shouts.

Thisbe: Lion!!!

Narrator: Far off through the moonlight Thisbe saw the lion and ran, all scared, but dropped her cloak
as she ran away.

Narrator: The lion saw the girl’s cloak, mangled it, and mouthed it with his bloody jaws.

(SFX *dramatic/Intense #stop)

(SFX *sad #enter)

Narrator: Pyramus, coming there too late, as he saw tracks of lion foot in the ground, turned pale, and
paler, seeing the bloody cloak that Thisbe was supposed to own.

Pyramus: My love, Thisbe! I should have come earlier. I couldn't have let you be swallowed by the
lioness. My dear, I will not be able to live without your presence. Come, tear my flesh, devour my guilty
body, come lions, all of you, whose lairs lie hidden under this rock! I am acting like a coward, praying
for death.

Narrator: Pyramus lifts the cloak of his lover Thisbe and takes it into the shadow of their trees. He
kisses the cloak he knows so well, and his tears run down into its folds.

Pyramus: Drink my blood too, lion!

(Pyramus cries)
Narrator: He draws his sword and plunges it into his body, dying. He draws it out, warm from the
wound. As he lay there on the ground, spouting blood leaped high, just as a pipe sent water spurting
through a small hissing opening. When broken with a flaw in the lead, all the air was sprinkled. The fruit
of the tree, from that red spray, turned crimson, and the roots, soaked with the blood, dyed all the berries
the same dark hue.

Narrator: Thisbe came out of hiding, still frightened, but a little fearful. She kept looking for her lover
not only with her eyes but with all her heart, eager to tell him about those terrible dangers and about her
own escape. She recognized the place and the shape of the tree, but there was something strange or
peculiar about the berries’ color.

Narrator: Thisbe steps are getting slower and slower. When she sees her lover Pyramus's dead body
under the mulberry tree, her heart begins to break.

Thisbe: Pyramus! What evil fortune takes you from me? Pyramus, answer me! Your dearest Thisbe is
calling you.

Thisbe: If you are going to leave, I will take your sword stabs myself.

Thisbe: Wretched parents of Pyramus and Thisbe, listen to us. Listen to both our prayers. Do not
begrudge us, whom death has joined, lying at last together in the same tomb. And you, O tree, now
shading the body of one and very soon to shadow the bodies of two, keep in remembrance always the
sign of our death, the dark and mournful color.

Narrator: She spoke, and fitting the sword-point at her breast, she fell forward on the blade, still warm
and reeking of her lover’s blood.
(Thisbe getting the sword of her lover, stabs herself with it)

(SFX *sad #stop)

(SFX *farewell #enter)

Narrator: Her prayers touched the gods and touched her parents, for the mulberry fruit still reddens at
its ripeness, and the ashes rest in a common urn.

Close Curtain*
(SFX *farewell #stop)

Pyramus and Thisbe
(Group 2 - St. Joseph)

• Alibay Bagundang as Narrator/Director/Costume Designer/Script Writer

Main Characters:
• Adam Abrahem as Pyramus
• Maria Athena Ysabella Carpizo as Thisbe/Props Maker & Designer

Supporting Characters:
• Jan Gabriel Sellona as Lion
• Carl Johnrei Bacabac as Magnus
• Hera Catoto as Phaera/Queen Semiramis/Costume Operator
• Josef Mariel Palomado as Father of Thisbe
• Benalyn Dungao as Madea
• Dan Emil Valdez as Unknown Creature/Costume Designer Assistant
• Gedrieck Vonfeng Tan as Warrior 1/Music Operator
• Christian Llyod Patarata as Warrior 2

• Jericho Estella as Curtain Boy 1
• John Alexis as Curtain Boy 2

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