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Ronda, Aeleu Joverz B.

BSED - 1st Year November 1, 2022

Educ 8 – 72370

LECTURE 24: Curriculum Development Reforms and Enhancement

           It is an action that enhances the Philippine educational system by improving the
curriculum and lengthening basic education.
           I have learned in this particular lesson that the latest educational reform (launched in
2012) in the Philippines is the Enhance Basic Education (K-12), signed by former president
Benigno Aquino III. One chief reason for this implementation is for the overall betterment of
productive employment, entrepreneurship, and higher education studies to the hue learners and
society, thus, to cope with other internationals. The K-12 covers, 6 years of Primary Education;
followed by, 4 years of Junior High School, and 2 years of Senior High School.
           A procedure intended to alter the goals of education and the manner in which it is carried
out. Depending on the change's objectives and motivations.

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