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Unsecured Credit Agreement in Terms of Section 93(2) Of File Reference: 1715690

The National Credit Act 34 Of 2005 As Amended “(Hereinafter
Credit Number:
Referred to as The Act)” Including an Application for Small
Unsecured Credit and a Pre-Agreement Statement and Quotation
for Small Credit Agreements in terms of Section 92 (1) Of The Date: 2023-03-18

Version: BFS Credit Agreement 25052022_01

1. The Credit Provider (hereinafter referred to as “the Lender”)

The Lender BARKO FINANCIAL SERVICES (PTY) LTD trading as Branch

Registration 1999/022139/ NCR Registration NCRCP 1764 FSP Registration FSP 45614
number 07 Number Number

Telephone E-Mail Address VAT Registration 491 023 7504

number number

Physical address


2. The Consumer (hereinafter referred to as “the Borrower”)

Mr./Mrs./Ms. MR Surname NYAKALE Full names LEHLOHONOL


Identity number 92122252980 Date of Birth 1992-12-22 Cellphone 0672406384

84 Number

Gender MALE Marital Status SINGLE Number of 0

children and

Residential 9203 RAFUBE Postal Address GAUTENG E-Mail Address

Physical Address STREET SHAR
TENG 1928

Employer Name AFRI GUARD Employer ZA MPUMALAN Employer 0861100625

PTY LTD Physical Address GA NELSPRUIT Telephone
1200 NELSPR Number

Employment N3830E Employment PERMANENT Employed from 2021-06-12

Number Type (Date)

Salary MONTHLY Department SAFETY Position CBI

Home Language In which language do you prefer
your correspondence

3. Introduction

The Lender confirm that the Borrower can choose between 2 (two) options when he/she apply for credit, and
that either option A or option B below will be applicable based on the Borrower’s chosen option. The 2 (two)
options available to the Borrower are as follows;

3.1 Option A (Borrower Present)

Option A will be selected if the Borrower chooses to visit a branch of the Lender.

3.2 Option B (Borrower not Present)

Option B will be selected if the Borrower chooses to make use of the telephonic/electronic option available
and not to visit a branch of the Lender.

4. Consent

To obtain his/her credit profile from any registered Credit Bureau;
To Confirm his/her employment with his/her employer;
To Validate his/her identity with the Department of Home Affairs, or any other authorised registered
To investigate his/her latest salary slip and / or bank statement and to compare these documents with
his/her declared income and expenses.

Option A

The Borrower give the following expressed consent to the Lender:

To conclude his/her credit application process verbally and electronically

To sign the Credit Agreement, [Annexure “A” (if applicable)] as well the Credit Protection
Insurance Policy and Mandate by affixing his/her fingerprint on a fingerprint scanner; The
Borrower acknowledge that he/she were verbally informed that his/her fingerprint is an
electronic signature and that the fingerprint (biometric information) is classified as special
personal information in terms of the Protection of Personal Information Act, 4 of 2013. The
Borrower expressly consent to the use of his/her biometric information (fingerprint) as an
electronic signature and understand that he/she is required to sign the Credit Agreement,
[Annexure “A” (if applicable)] as well the Credit Protection Insurance Policy and Mandate
in terms of Section 2(3) of the National Credit Act 34 of 2005 read together with the
Electronic Communications Act 25 of 2002;

The Borrower acknowledge that the credit application process will be conducted verbally, The
Borrower will receive his / her Credit Agreement, [Annexure “A” (if applicable)] as well the
Credit Protection Insurance Policy and Mandate electronically within 24 (twenty-four) hours.

Option B

The Borrower confirm that he/she has given his/her verbal and electronic consent to the Lender to
proceed with the following:

To conclude his/her credit application process telephonically and electronically on the USSD,
alternatively the WhatsApp for Business platform;

The Borrower acknowledge that the credit application process will be conducted telephonically,
and that all telephonic conversations will be recorded for quality and record purposes. The
Borrower will receive his / her Credit Agreement, [Annexure “A” (if applicable)] as well the
Credit Protection Insurance Policy and Mandate electronically within 24 (twenty-four) hours.

5. Administration order/Debt review

Option A

The Borrower confirm that he/she did not apply for Debt Counselling nor has he/she been placed under
Debt Review. The Borrower confirm that he/she has not been declared insolvent or placed under an
administration order in the past 10 (ten) years.

Option B

The Borrower telephonically confirmed that he/she did not apply for Debt Counselling nor has he/she been
placed under Debt Review. The Borrower telephonically confirmed that he/she has not been declared
insolvent or placed under an administration order in the past 10 (ten) years.

6. Credit Amount and reason for Credit

The Credit Amount of R 1000.00 Reason: GROCERIES

7. Financial Information
The Borrower verbally and herewith in writing confirm that his/her income and expenses declared is as set
out in Clause 9 below is correct. The Borrower was informed that the Lender must at least have his/her
latest salary slip or bank statement to validate his/her income and expenses. The Borrower confirms that
he/she was informed that if his/her Actual Living Expenses in Clause 9 is below the Minimum Living
Expenses as calculated in Clause 9, he/she may object to the calculations of his/her Minimum Living
Expenses, and the Lender may in EXCEPTIONAL CIRCUMSTANCES, approve his/her objection if he/she can
justify his/her Actual Living Expenses. The Borrower MUST complete the Consumer Necessary Expense
Declaration Questionnaire marked Annexure “A”. Annexure “A” will then also form part of the Credit

8. Consent: Electronic Signature

The Borrower was informed that he/she is the only person who has the right to accept the
Credit Agreement [Annexure “A” (if applicable)] as well the Credit Protection Insurance Policy
and Mandate.

Option A

The Borrower was verbally informed of the content of Clause 11, and the Borrower were asked
to confirm if he/she accepted the quotation by placing his or her finger on the fingerprint
scanner. The Borrower electronically and now in writing accept the quotation as well as the
general terms and conditions of the Credit Agreement, [Annexure “A” (if applicable)] including
the Credit Protection Insurance Policy and Mandate. The Borrower were verbally informed that
by placing his fingerprint on the signature pad, he/she confirm that he/she will be deemed to
have affixed his/her signature to the Credit Agreement, [Annexure “A” (if applicable)] as well
the Credit Protection Insurance Policy and Mandate, and he/she will be legally bound by this
Credit Agreement, [Annexure “A” (if applicable)] as well the Credit Protection Insurance Policy
and Mandate. The Credit Agreement, [Annexure “A” (if applicable)] as well the Credit
Protection Insurance Policy and Mandate which will be sent to the Borrower electronically
after the electronic acceptance of the Credit Agreement, [Annexure “A” (if applicable)]
including the Credit Protection Insurance Policy and Mandate will serve as a written
confirmation of the Borrowers acceptance of the Credit Agreement, [Annexure “A” (if
applicable)] as well the Credit Protection Insurance Policy and Mandate.

Option B

The Borrower was verbally, and electronically on the USSD alternatively the WhatsApp for
Business platform informed of the content of Clause 11 and the Borrower was asked to confirm
if he/she accepted the quotation by electronically confirming on the USSD, alternatively the
WhatsApp for Business platform “I accept”. The Borrower telephonically, and electronically,
by electronically confirming “I accept” on the USSD, alternatively the WhatsApp for
Business platform, accepted the quotation as well as the general terms and conditions of the
Credit Agreement, [Annexure “A” (if applicable)] including the Credit Protection Insurance
Policy and Mandate. The Borrower were telephonically informed that by electronically
confirming “I accept” on the USSD, alternatively the WhatsApp for Business platform, he/she
will be deemed to have affixed his/her signature to the Credit Agreement, [Annexure “A” (if
applicable)] as well the Credit Protection Insurance Policy and Mandate, and he/she will be
legally bound by this Credit Agreement, [Annexure “A” (if applicable)] as well the Credit
Protection Insurance Policy and Mandate. The Credit Agreement, [Annexure “A” (if
applicable)] as well the Credit Protection Insurance Policy and Mandate which will be sent to
the Borrower electronically after the electronic acceptance of the Credit Agreement, [Annexure
“A” (if applicable)] including the Credit Protection Insurance Policy and Mandate will serve as
a written confirmation of the Borrowers electronic acceptance of the Credit Agreement,
[Annexure “A” (if applicable)] as well the Credit Protection Insurance Policy and Mandate.

9. Actual Living Expenses (Income and Expenses)

Monthly Salary Minimum Living Expenses Actual Living Expenses
Applicable Monthly Necessary Expenses Borrower declared
(Calculated by the Lender as per Table 1 below)
(as per Borrower
Income - Minimum Income = Sub-total 1
Subtotal 1 X Monthly Fixed Factor % = Sub-total 2
Minimum Monthly Fixed Factor + Sub-total 2 =
Applicable Monthly Necessary Expenses (B2)

R 6464.00 R 1187 R 1200.00

Table 1: Minimum Expense Norms as per National Credit Regulations including Affordability
Assessment Regulations dated 13 March 2015

Minimum Income Maximum Income Minimum monthly Monthly fixed factor =

fixed factor % of Income above
Band minimum

R 0.00 R 800.00 R 0.00 100%

R 800.01 R 6 250.00 R 800.00 6.75%

R 6 250.01 R 25 000.00 R 1 167.88 9.00%

R 25 000.01 R 50 000.00 R 2 855.38 8.20%

R 50 000.01 Unlimited R 4 905.38 6.75%


Nett Salary R 6464.00 LOWEST DUE TO SHORT


Other Income R 0.00

Total Income R 6464.00

Actual Living Expenses

Municipal Services (Water, Electricity, Rates and R 0.00 NONE


Martial Maintenance Payments / Court Order R 0.00 NONE

Client is paying maintenance.

Groceries (Food and Cleaning products and personal R 700.00 FOOD


Transport PETROL

Petrol Own Car / Taxi / Bus / Alternative Transport R 400.00 PETROL

Housing (Rental) R 0.00 NONE

Clothing (cash purchase only) R 0.00 ACCOUNT

Hire Purchase Instalments R 0.00 NONE

Renting item till paid in full then item becomes
property of client.

Insurance Premiums SABFUNERAL

Car / House / Funeral etc. R 50.00 SABFUNERAL

Telephone / Cellphone (pre-paid only) R 50.00 PREPAID

Education Expenses (School Fees / University Fees) R 0.00 NONE

Medical Expenses (Medical Aid or all medical R 0.00 PAYSLIP


Other Debit Orders R 0.00 NONE

Stop Orders R 0.00 NONE

Actual Living Expenses Total (B1) R 1200.00


Minimum Living Expenses Table (B2) R 1187

Nett Income ( Gross less – Statutory R 5264.00 LOWEST DUE TO SHORT

Deductions) - Living Expenses [B1] or [B2] = DAYS

Less Current Credit Agreement(s) payable) R 0.0

Barko Financial Services current loan (s)

Micro and other Credit Agreements R 116.00 ACCOUNTS

Clothing accounts

Furniture bought in instalments

Other Loans from other micro lenders / banks

Credit Cards

Car bought - vehicle finance

House bought - bond

Cellphone – Contract

Debt obligations Total (D) R 116

Equals: Discretionary Income [C] - [D] = [E] R 5148


10. Credit Cost Multiple

Credit Cost Multiple 1.31

11. Payment Schedule

Instalment(s) payable (monthly/weekly/fortnightly) MONTHLY

Number of Instalments 1

11.1 Credit Amount R 1000.00

11.2 Cost element of Credit

11.2.1 Initiation fee (excluding VAT) R 150.00

11.2.2 Deferred Amount (11.1 + 11.2.1) R 1150.00

11.2.3 Monthly Service Fee (excluding VAT) R 85.16

11.2.4 Amount of interest charged and calculated on the Deferred R 30.62

Amount @ 5 % per month on the first Credit Agreement
within this calendar year and 3 % per month on
subsequent Credit Agreement (s) within the same
calendar year.

11.2.5 VAT on Initiation fee and monthly service fee @ 15% R 35.27

11.2.6 Rand value of Total Cost of Credit (11.2.1 + 11.2.3 + 11.2.4 + R 301.05

11.3 Credit Life Insurance Premium R 6.33

11.4 Total amount to be added to Credit Amount (11.2.6 + 11.3) R 307.38

11.5 Total amount repayable (11.1 + 11.4) R 1307.38

11.6 Repayment arrangement Payment will be made to the

Lender by the Borrower as follows:
2023-04-14 R 1307.38

12. Quotation
Option A

Clause 11 serves as the quotation verbally and now in writing explained to the Borrower, and the
Borrower verbally advised that he/she had the right to delay the quotation by 5 (five) business days, to
consider the quotation as set out in Clause 11. The Borrower was also advised that if he / she elects to
enter into a Credit Agreement with the Lender, the Credit Agreement should be concluded at or below the
interest rate and costs initially verbally and in writing quoted. The Borrower was advised that he/she had
the right to enter into a Credit Agreement at any stage prior to the lapse of the 5 (five) business day
period. The Borrower also accepted the repayment amount, quote and repayment date verbally
confirmed and contained in this Credit Agreement.

Option B

Clause 11 serves as the quotation telephonically and electronically on the USSD, alternatively the
WhatsApp for Business platform explained to the Borrower, and the Borrower was telephonically and
electronically on a the USSD, alternatively the WhatsApp for Business platform advised that he/she had
the right to delay the quotation by 5 (five) business days, to consider the quotation as set out in Clause
11. The Borrower was also advised that if he / she elects to enter into a Credit Agreement with the
Lender, the Credit Agreement should be concluded at or below the interest rate and costs initially
telephonically and electronically on the USSD, alternatively the WhatsApp for Business platform quoted.
The Borrower was advised that he/she had the right to enter into a Credit Agreement at any stage prior to
the lapse of the 5 (five) business day period. The Borrower also accepted the repayment amount, quote
and repayment date as per USSD / WhatsApp for Business string attached to this Credit Agreement.

13. Interest Rate

The interest for Small Credit Agreements is calculated daily on the Deferred Amount at a fixed rate of 5%
per month on the first Credit Agreement within this calendar year and 3% per month on
subsequent Credit Agreement (s) within the same calendar year as per Table A of Regulation 42 of
the Act as amended, subject to any changes to the interest rate in respect of Small Credit Agreements as set
out in the Act. Should any change of interest rate occur that affects this quotation, the Borrower will be given
5 (FIVE) business days' written notice of such change before the change is implemented.

14. Allowable Fees

The following fees will be charged by the Lender in terms of regulation 42(2) and regulation 44 of the Act
as amended in government gazette no 38911 of 26 June 2015 under notice no 655 of 2015:
An initiation fee of R165.00 plus VAT will be charged per Credit Agreement if the Credit Amount
does not exceed the amount of R1 000.00. The Initiation fee will never exceed the amount of R1
050.00 plus VAT, or 15 % plus VAT of the Principal Credit.
If the Credit Amount exceeds the amount of R1 000.00, the initiation fee will be R165.00 plus 10
% of the amount of the Credit Agreement in excess of R1 000.00, plus VAT.
The initiation fee means fees in respect of the costs of initiating a Credit Agreement.
The Borrower has been given the option of paying the initiation fee separately, and has
declined the option.
The maximum monthly service fee is the amount of R60.00 plus VAT.
A monthly service fee will be charged for a calendar month in which it is due and payable and on a
pro rata basis where the Credit Agreement was concluded during the course of that calendar month.
Monthly service fee means fees in connection with the routine administration cost of maintaining a
Credit Agreement as well as the operational costs of the Lender.

15. Registration
The Lender is duly registered as a Credit Provider with the National Credit Regulator in terms of the Act, and
as a Financial Services Provider with the Financial Sector Conduct Authority.

16. Credit Protection Insurance in terms of Section 106 of the National Credit Act
The Lender requires the Borrower to purchase and maintain during the term of the Credit Agreement, credit
protection insurance not exceeding the total of the Borrowers outstanding obligations to the Lender in terms
of the Credit Agreement. The Lender will not offer or demand that the Borrower purchase or maintain credit
protection insurance that is unreasonable or at an unreasonable cost to the Borrower. The Borrower has the
right to waive the proposed policy and substitute the policy with a policy of the Borrowers' own choice. The
maximum prescribed costs for credit protection insurance on short term credit transactions is R4.50 per R1
000 on the deferred amount. The Borrower may add additional temporary disability cover of R1.00 per R1
000 on the deferred amount, to ensure that the total obligation under the credit agreement is paid in the
event of temporary disability. This addition to the minimum benefit is completely voluntary and the Borrower
may decline the option to add this additional cover to his/her policy. The additional cover referred to
above is not available to Pensioners.

If the Borrower exercises his/her right to substitute the proposed policy with an insurance policy of the
Borrowers' own choice, the Lender requires the Borrower to provide the Lender with the following:
a valid direction in the prescribed manner and form requiring and permitting the Lender to pay any
premiums due under the policy during the term of the Credit Agreement on behalf of the Borrower as
they fall due, and to bill the Borrower for the amount of such premiums on a monthly basis for small
Credit Agreements.
a valid direction to the Insurer in the prescribed manner and form, naming the Lender as a loss payee
under the policy, up to the settlement value at the happening of an insured contingency, and requiring
the Insurer, if an insured event occurs, to settle the Borrowers obligation under the Credit Agreement
as a first charge against the proceeds of that policy at any time during the term of the Credit
Proof that the agreement was concluded during the course of that calendar month.

17. Re-payment of Credit and Electronic Collection Authorisation
The Borrower agrees that this loan will be settled by way of DebiCheck Debit Order. The Borrower, hereby
authorises the Lender to debit the nominated account with the repayment amount due, on the Repayment
Date(s). It remains the responsibility of the Borrower to ensure the monthly DebiCheck Debit Order for the
repayment of the credit remains in effect and that it is sufficient to cover the minimum repayment required.
In the event that the payment day falls on a Sunday or recognised South African public holiday, the payment
day will automatically be the first immediate ordinary business day after to the non-processing payment
day(s). Furthermore, if there are insufficient funds in the nominated account to meet the obligation, the
Lender is entitled to track the nominated account and re-present the instruction ("re-presenting
functionality") for payment until sufficient funds are available in the nominated account.

18. Statements and documents relating to this Credit Agreement

The Lender will, on request, provide a statement to the Borrower, free of charge. The Credit Agreement is
electronically sent to the Borrower, free of charge. A copy of the Act and regulations can, on request, be sent
to the Borrower by electronic mail, free of charge.

19. Default and Default administration costs

In terms of Section 129 (1) of the Act, if the Borrower Defaults under the Credit Agreement, the Lender
may draw the default to the notice of the Borrower in writing and propose that the Borrower refer the Credit
Agreement to a debt counsellor, alternative dispute resolution agent, Borrower court or Ombud with
jurisdiction, with the intent that the parties resolve any dispute under the Credit Agreement or develop and
agree on a plan to bring the payments under the Credit Agreement up to date. The Lender may not
commence any legal proceedings to enforce the Credit Agreement without first providing notice to the
Borrower of his or her default. In terms of Section 130 (1) of the Act, the Lender may approach any court
of law for an order to enforce a Credit Agreement only if the Borrower is in default and has been in default
under the Credit Agreement for at least 20 (TWENTY) business days and at least 10 (TEN) business days
have lapsed since the Lender delivered a notice to the Borrower as contemplated in Section 129 (1) stated
above. The Borrower will be liable for the costs of a Section 129 notice as contemplated in Regulation 46 of
the National Credit Regulations, sent to the Borrower's chosen address, as well as all expenses, including but
not limited to registered post fees, if it becomes necessary. Attorney costs and/or Debt Collector's costs at
the official tariff as set out in the Act as well as the Magistrate Court Act/Rules 32 of 1944 as amended and
the Debt Collector's Act 114 of 1998 as amended will also be recovered from the Borrower.

20. Borrower's right to rescind / cancel the Credit Agreement

Option A

The parties agree that this Credit Agreement was concluded on the registered business premises of the
Lender and that Section 121 of the Act is therefore not applicable.

Option B

The parties agree that this Credit Agreement was not concluded on the registered business premises of
the Lender and that Section 121 of the Act is therefore applicable. The parties further agree that the
provisions of this Credit Agreement, since it is an electronic transaction, is governed by Section 14 of
the Electronic Communications and transactions Act 25 of 2002 as amended. The Borrower is
entitled to cancel this Credit Agreement without cost or penalty within 7 (seven) business days following:

The date on which the Credit Agreement is concluded, or

The date on which the Credit Amount is transferred into the Borrowers bank account, whichever is the

If the Borrower cancel this Agreement in terms of Clause 20, any amounts advanced to the Borrower in
terms of this Credit Agreement must be repaid to the Lender and in order to do so, the Borrower hereby
authorise the Lender to immediately initiate a one-time debit to the account specified in the Mandate in
the amount of the advance made to the Borrower. In addition, if the Borrower cancel this Credit
Agreement in terms of the provisions of this Clause 20, any payments made by the Borrower under this
Credit Agreement will be refunded by the Lender to the Borrower (except repayment of any part of the
Loan Amount advanced).

21. Borrower's right to settle Credit Agreement early in terms of Section 125 of the Act
The Borrower is entitled to settle the Credit Agreement at any time with or without advance notice to the
Lender and the settlement amount is the total of the following:
un-paid balance of the principal debt at that time; and
un-paid interest charged and all other fees and charges payable by the Borrower to the Lender up
until the settlement date.

22. Borrower's right to terminate the Credit Agreement

The Borrower may terminate the Credit Agreement at any time by paying the settlement amount to the
Lender in accordance with Section 125 of the Act.

23. Lender's right to terminate the Credit Agreement

The Lender may terminate the Credit Agreement before the time provided if the Borrower is in default under
the Credit Agreement. If the Borrower defaults with any of the agreed repayments in terms of this Credit
Agreement, the Lender may proceed with legal proceedings as set out in Section 129 (1) (b) and Section 130
(1) of the Act. If the Borrower defaults under the Credit Agreement, the Lender reserves the right in terms of
Section 129 and Section 130 of the Act to enforce and terminate the Credit Agreement which may result in a
Court of law enforcing the repayment of the Borrower's outstanding obligations in terms of the Credit
Agreement. If judgement is granted against the Borrower, the said judgement may be recorded at any Credit
Bureau and be made available to other Lenders.

24. Addresses for receiving of documents and notifications of change of address

The Borrower nominates the addresses and Cellphone numbers reflecting in clause 2 above to receive and
accept documents, pleadings and notices relating to this Credit Agreement and agree that the Credit Provider
may make use of any of these addresses and Cellphone numbers to send and or serve documents, pleadings
and notices relating to this Credit Agreement. Should the Borrower elect to change his/her addresses to
receive and accept documents, pleadings and notices relating to this Credit Agreement, the Borrower shall
inform the Lender in writing within 14 (FOURTEEN) days of such change, with the onus on the Borrower to
ensure that the Lender receives notice of such change in address. The Lender nominates the following
addresses to receive and accept documents, pleadings and notices relating to this Credit Agreement:

General Debt Review / Administration Department

Details of Company Barko Financial Services (Pty) Ltd Details of Company Barko Financial Services (Pty) Ltd

Registration number 1999/022139/07 Registration number 1999/022139/07

Branch Physical Address Telephone Number 013 235 1030

078 191 2111

Branch Telephone Number Email Address

Branch Email Address

Legal Department Attorneys

Details of Company Barko Financial Services Details of Company Ruthven Burger Kraft Inc.
(Pty) Ltd
Registration number 2012/079444/21
Registration number Email Address
Email Address
Credit Life Insurance Communications Department

Details of Company Barko Financial Services (Pty) Details of Company Barko Financial Services (Pty)
Ltd Ltd

1999/022139/07 1999/022139/07
Registration number Registration number
FSP 45614 080 777 3777
FSP Number Telephone Number
Menlyn Woods Office Park 291
Physical Address Email Address
Sprite Avenue Faerie Glen

Postal Address
P O Box 37004 Faerie Glen
Telephone Number 0043

Email Address 087 980 5002


Compliance Department Good Service / Bad Service / Complaints

Details of Company Barko Financial Services Details of Company Barko Financial Services
(Pty) Ltd (Pty) Ltd
Registration number
1999/022139/07 1999/022139/07
Telephone Number Registration number
087 980 5002 080 777 3777
Compliance e-mail Telephone Number
Email Address

SMS “Good Service” or
“Bad Service”

25. Interest on arrear amounts

In the event of default for whatever reason, default interest on the Deferred Amount in arrears
will be charged at 5% per month on the first loan within this calendar year and 3% per month on
subsequent loans within this calendar year from date of default to date of final payment.​

26. Marketing option

The Borrower herewith verbally and in writing gives his / her expressed consent to receive electronic
communications from the Lender In terms of Section 69 of the Protection of Personal Information Act 4 of
2013. The Borrower verbally and in writing consent to receive marketing material from the Lender as

The Borrower gives consent to receive information about services and Yes

The Borrower gives consent that his/her name and address may be used
to receive the following information

a Any marketing information about the Lender Yes

b Other new or current business information of the Lender Yes

The Consumer gives consent to receive marketing information as follows:

WhatsApp No Telephone No

Facebook No E-Mail No

SMS Yes Instagram No

The Consumer wishes to be included in telemarketing Yes

The Consumer wishes to be included in marketing lists for service Yes

providers, done by Barko Financial Services (Pty) Ltd

The Lender will make sure that your dealings with the Borrower is held in the strictest confidence
and the Borrower’s privacy as a Barko Financial Services (Pty) Ltd client is one of the highest
priorities. Barko Financial Services (Pty) Ltd will never distribute any of your private information,
unless you have given written consent to it or if it is required by law. The Borrower acknowledge
that he/she has the right to opt out at any time by notifying the Lender.

27. Debt Counselling/Administration Orders

The Borrower certifies that he/she has not applied for debt review and/or is not under an existing
Administration Order issued by a competent Court for the management of his/her debts and/or has not
previously been declared insolvent. If a Debt Counsellor determines that the Borrower is over-indebted, the
Debt Counsellor must propose a re-arrangement of the Borrower's financial obligations to the Lender's Debt
Review Department. Contact details of the Lender's Debt Review Department is set out above. If the Lender
agrees to the proposal, the Borrower's financial obligations under this Credit Agreement will be re-arranged
under a Magistrate Court Order. If the Lender does not agree to the proposal, the Debt Counsellor must refer
it to a Magistrate Court which may exercise its power to re-arrange the Borrowers financial obligations under
this Agreement. The Borrower agrees that he/she Borrower may discuss his or her financial position with the
Lender in the event of financial difficulties. The Borrower consents that in the event of being placed under
administration on a date before the approval of this Credit Application, and the Borrower incurs any debt
without disclosing that he or she is under administration then he or she shall be guilty of an offence and on
conviction liable to imprisonment, and upon application by any interested person, the administration order
can be set aside, (Section 74S of the Magistrate Court Act). The Borrower consents that in the event of being
placed under Debt Review on a date after the Lender or an attorney or a Debt Collector appointed by the
Lender has proceeded with steps as contemplated in Section 129 of the National Credit Act to enforce the
Credit Agreement, that all future payments still due to the Lender after the granting of the Debt Review
Order, shall fall within the ambit of Section 86(2) of the Act and therefore be excluded, and the Lender shall
therefore be entitled to recover all monies still outstanding in terms of this Credit Application, Pre-Agreement
Statement and Quotation and Credit Agreement by means of legal action.

28. Variation and Severability

This Credit Agreement contains all of the terms and conditions of the agreement between the Lender and the
Borrower and is the whole and only contract between the parties. No amendments to or variations of this
Credit Agreement shall be binding upon the parties unless reduced to writing in terms of Section 116 and
Section 117 of the Act, and signed by both of the parties. The setting aside or suspension of any provision
contained in this Credit Agreement shall not render the full Credit Agreement void, but instead the provision
shall be severed from this Credit Agreement or altered by a court of competent jurisdiction (if it is reasonable
to do so having regard to the Credit Agreement as a whole).

29. Cession
The Lender may verbally cede its rights under the Credit Agreement to a third party without the prior consent
of the Borrower.

30. Conditions, rights and obligations

The Borrower and Lender agree that their rights and obligations under the Credit Agreement are limited to
the conditions and clauses of this Credit Agreement as well as the conditions and requirements as set out in
the Act.

31. Complaints and dispute resolution

In the event of a dispute or a complaint, the Borrower will FIRST refer the dispute or complaint to the
Lender. The Borrower confirms that all disputes and or complaints must be sent to the Lender's chosen
addresses above. The Borrower understands that the Lender will try to resolve the complaint and / or dispute
within 10 (TEN) business days after receipt of the dispute and / or complaint. Only if the Lender is not able
to resolve the dispute and / or complaint to the Borrowers satisfaction, the Borrower may refer the matter to
the applicable Ombud, Tribunal (if applicable) and / or Regulator with jurisdiction as set out below. The
Borrower has a right to refer a complaint which the Borrower may have with the Lender to the Ombud,
Tribunal (if applicable) and/ or Regulator with jurisdiction. If the Act applies, the Borrower also has the right
to file a complaint with the National Credit Regulator in respect of any alleged contravention of the Act and
further has a right to make an application to the Tribunal for an order resolving a dispute over information
held by a credit bureau, for an order compelling the delivery of a statement of account or review of a
statement of account, for leave to bring a complaint directly before the Tribunal, or for an order condoning
late filing.

Credit Ombud National Credit Regulator

Tel: 0861 662 837 Tel: 011 554 2600 or 0860 627 627
Fax: 086 383 4644 Fax: 011 484 6122
e-mail: e-mail:
Address: Suite 444, Private Bag 1 Juskei Park 2153 Address: 127, 15th Road, Randjespark, Midrand
Website: Website:

National Consumer Tribunal​ FAIS Ombud​

Tel: 012 294 1450 Tel: 012 470 9080 / 012 762 5000
Website: Website:

Credit Bureaux​

Name: XDS Name: TransUnion

Tel: 011 645 9100 Tel: 0861 482 482
Website: Website:

Name: Experian Bureau (Pty) Ltd Name: Compuscan

Tel: 0861 105 665 Tel: 021 888 6000
Website: Website:

32. Waiver
No extension of time, waiver or relaxation of any of the provisions or terms of this Agreement shall operate as
an estoppel against the Lender in respect of its rights under this Credit Agreement, nor shall it operate so as
to preclude the Lender thereafter from exercising its rights strictly in accordance with this Credit Agreement

33. Anti-Money Laundering

The Borrower warrants to the Lender that:
any funds paid towards the credit granted will not represent the proceeds of, or have not been derived
from any activity which would be considered illegal, the proceeds of terrorist activity or a crime under
the laws or regulations of South Africa or any other country; and
the payment of funds or processing of transactions in respect of this Credit Agreement by the Lender
in accordance with the Borrowers instructions will not breach any laws or regulations in South Africa.
The Borrower hereby undertakes to provide all information which is required in the Lenders
reasonable opinion in order to manage money laundering, terrorism financing or economic and trade
sanctions risk or to comply with any laws or regulations in South Africa
The Borrower is to disclose all citizenships and residencies that he/she holds.
The Borrower agrees that the Lender may disclose any information concerning the Borrower to any
law enforcement or regulatory agency or court where required by any such law or regulation in South
The Lender endeavours to stop or prevent any criminal activities including money laundering and
terrorist financing. Because of this the Lender can do any of the following things if it considers it is
necessary to do so, or if South African laws, rules, regulations, restrictions and policies require it to do
The Lender may verify (check and confirm) the identity of any Borrower as well as that of any persons
related to or acting on behalf of the Borrower. This includes mandated persons. The Lender will do this
at the start of the business relationship and as often as it or the law considers necessary thereafter.
The Lender can refuse to do business with any person that it considers undesirable.

34. Credit Bureaux

The Credit Bureau shall provide a credit profile of each Borrower which will be shared with other Credit
Providers. The Borrower has the right to contact the Credit Bureau, have the record disclosed and correct
inaccurate information. The Lender shall give the Borrower at least 20 (TWENTY) business days' notice of
its intention to submit adverse information concerning the Borrower to a credit bureau. The Borrower
consents and authorises the Lender to transmit to the Credit Bureau all data relating to the application,
conclusion and termination of this Credit Agreement and to obtain from the Credit Bureau all data relating to
the Borrower's credit profile as permitted in terms of the Act.

35. Protection of Personal Information: Acceptance and Declaration

The Borrower declares, confirms and acknowledges that:

The Borrower can refer to the Lender's Privacy Policy and statement located on for
more information on the Lender's privacy practices.
The Lender may collect information from me directly, or from my usage of the Lender's products and
services, or from my engagements and interactions with the Lender, or from public sources and from
third parties.
The Borrower's information will be confidential and will only be processed if the Borrower consented
thereto, if it is necessary to conclude or perform in terms of the Credit Agreement with the Lender,
and if the law requires it.
The Lender may process the Borrower's information. The Borrower's information includes amongst
others, information regarding marital status, national origin, age, language, birth, education, financial
history, identifying number, e-mail address, physical address, telephone number, online identifier,
social media profile, biometric information (like fingerprints, signature or voice) and his/her name and
The processing of information includes the collection, storage, updating, use, making available of or
destruction of his/her personal information.
The Lender may process the Borrower's information for the following reasons (amongst others):
To comply with legislative, regulatory, risk and compliance requirements (including directives,
sanctions and rules), voluntary and involuntary codes of conduct and industry agreements or to fulfil
reporting requirements and information requests.
To detect, prevent and report theft, fraud, money laundering and other crimes.
To enforce and collect on the Credit Agreement when the Borrower is in default or breach of the Credit
Agreement's terms and conditions, like tracing the Borrower or to institute legal proceedings against
the Borrower.
To conduct market and behavioural research, including scoring and analysis to determine if the
Borrower qualifies for products and services.
To develop, test and improve products and services for the Borrower.
For historical, statistical and research purposes.
To process electronic payment instructions.
To do affordability assessments, credit assessments and credit scoring.
To manage and maintain my relationship with the Lender.
To disclose and obtain information from Credit Bureau regarding the Borrower's credit history.
To enable the Lender to deliver documents or notices to the Borrower.
For security, identity verification and to check the accuracy of the Borrower information.
To communicate with the Borrower and carry out the Borrower's instructions and requests.
For satisfaction surveys, promotional and other competitions.
The Lender may share the Borrowers information with the following people (amongst others) whom
have an obligation to keep the Borrower's information secure and confidential:
Attorneys, tracing agents, debt collectors and other people that assist with the enforcement of
the Credit Agreement.
Debt counsellors, payment distribution agents and other people that assist with the debt
review process under the National Credit Act.
Payment processing Services Providers, Merchants, Banks and other people that assist with
the processing of the Borrower's electronic payment instructions.
Insurers that assist with the providing of Credit Life Insurance.
Law enforcement and fraud prevention agencies and other people tasked with the prevention
and prosecution of crime.
Regulatory authorities, industry ombudsman, governmental departments, local tax authorities
and other people that the Lender by law has to share the Borrower's information with.
Credit Bureau's.
The Lender's Service Providers, agents and sub-contractors like couriers and other people the
Lender uses to offer and provide products and services to the Borrower.
People to whom the Lender cedes their rights or delegates their obligations to under this
Credit Agreement.
The Lender may process the Borrower's information using automated means (without human
intervention in the decision making process) to make a decision about the Borrower's Credit
Application for Credit. The Borrower may query the decision made about him/her.
The Borrower has the right to access the information the Lender has about him/her by contacting the
The Borrower has the right to request the Lender to correct or delete the information the Lender has
about him/her if it is inaccurate, irrelevant, excessive, out of date, incomplete, misleading, obtained
unlawfully or no longer authorised to be kept.
The Borrower may object on reasonable grounds to the processing of his/her information. The
Borrower may not object to the processing of his/her information if he/she have provided consent or
legislation requires the processing of same. The Borrower must inform the Lender of his/her
The Borrower has the right to withdraw his/her consent which allows the Lender to process his/her
information. However, the Lender will continue to process his/her information if permitted by law.
The Borrower has the right to file a complaint with the Lender or the Information Regulator once
established about an alleged contravention of the protection of his/her information.

36. The Borrowers Acceptance and declaration

The Borrower understand the risks and costs involved. All information provided above is correct and no
information was withheld which could be important. The Lender has not induced, harassed or
forced me to apply for credit. I understand that the Lender will decide in its sole discretion whether or
not to approve or decline my Application, and I am entitled to verbal reasons if my application has been
declined. I understand that I need to request written reasons from the Lender, if I am in need of the
reasons in writing. I understand that this Application shall be incorporated into the Pre-Agreement
Statement and Quotation and the Credit Agreement, and read together as one document, if my
Application is successful and I accept the Pre-Agreement Statement and Quotation from the Lender. I
understand that if I am married in community of property, I need my spouse's written consent
to apply for credit. I confirm that I have my spouse's written consent in terms of section 15(2)
of the Matrimonial Property Act 88 of 1984 to apply for Credit in terms of the Act. By accepting
this Credit Application, I confirm that the Lender can rely upon the truth, correctness and accuracy of the
information contained herein and any other supporting documentation or information provided by me.
Any incorrect or false information. supplied by myself will be reported to the South African Fraud
Prevention Services and the Police. I have fully and truthfully disclosed my income and
expenditure to the Lender. I have disclosed whether I am currently under debt counselling or
subject to debt review. Accepting the Pre-Agreement Statement and Quotation, as well as
entering into the Credit Agreement will not cause me to become over indebted as
contemplated in the Act. The Borrower agrees to the once-off and monthly costs, interest charges and
fees as set out above being collected together with the Credit Amount on date of repayment of Credit
granted. The Borrower hereby authorises the Lender to debit his/her chosen bank account in terms of the
mandate, with any once-off or monthly cost(s), charges or fees as set out in this Credit Agreement. In
the event of default by the Borrower, he/she further consents and authorises the Lender to forward all
relevant confidential information pertaining to the Borrower, to third parties including but not limited to
Credit Bureau's, Attorneys, Debt Collectors and Tracing Agents. The Borrower consents in terms of
Section 45 of the Magistrates' Courts Act, 32 of 1944, as amended, to the Lender instituting any legal
proceedings or enforcing any of its rights under this Credit Agreement, in the Magistrate's Court of any
district having jurisdiction in terms of Section 28(1) of the aforesaid Act, as amended. Notwithstanding
the Borrower's consent as aforesaid, the Lender shall have the right to institute legal proceedings in any
other competent Court having jurisdiction in the matter. The Borrower hereby warrants that he/she has
disclosed to the Lender all relevant information relating to other existing Credit Agreements and current
Credit Applications submitted to any other Credit Provider(s). The Borrower warrants that, to the best of
his/her knowledge and belief, the information herein provided to the Lender is true, accurate and
complete. The Borrower acknowledges that should he/she furnish the Lender with incorrect or false
information, he/she may be denied the protection offered by the Act.

37. Signature Clause

The Borrower acknowledges and confirms that if he/she has chosen Option A (Borrower present),
his/her fingerprint will be the electronic signature used. The Borrower further acknowledges and
confirms that if he/she has chosen Option B (Borrower not Present), his/her electronic consent given
on the USSD, alternatively the WhatsApp for Business platform will be the electronic signature used.

Option A

By placing your fingerprint on the fingerprint scanner, you electronically sign this Credit Agreement and
agree to be legally bound by its terms and conditions.

Option B

Signature of Borrower

By electronically confirming on the USSD, alternatively the WhatsApp for Business platform “I accept”
you electronically sign this Credit Agreement and agree to be legally bound by its terms and conditions.
USSD alternatively WhatsApp for Business string attached to this Credit Agreement is also binding as
agreed in USSD alternatively the WhatsApp for Business replies.


Date Biometrically Signed


Signature of Lender Representative

Name and Surname: A KOLA

ID Number: 9202290236085

Date: 2023-03-18
© Barko Financial Services 2023 | Privacy Policy (
BFS Loan Application Consent


Selected Product: PAYDAYLOAN

Loan Purpose: GROCERIES

Repayment Date: 2023-04-14

Repayment Frequency: MONTHLY

Repayment Method: DEBICHECK ABSA (TT3 228)


Disbursement Method: EFT

Loan Amount: 1000

Interest Rate 36% Total Cost R272.11

Interest Amount R30.62 Total VAT R35.27

Initiation Fee R150.00 Total Repayment R1307.38

Initiation Fee VAT R22.50

Service Fee R85.16

Service Fee VAT R12.77

Insurance R6.33

2023-04-14 1307.38

Date Biometrically Signed 2023-03-18

© Barko Financial Services 2023 | Privacy Policy (

Mandate File Reference: 1715690

Version: January 2021 Loan number AA23077YTW8Y

Date: 2023-03-18

The Consumer herewith gives the following authority to the Credit Provider

1. The Consumer

Mr/Mrs/Ms MR Surname NYAKALE Full names LEHLOHONOL


Identity number 92122252980 Bank Statement BFSAA23077Y Cellphone 0672406384

84 Reference TW8Y Number

Work telephone 0861000126 E-Mail Address Salary MONTHLY

number Frequency

Bank Details

Account Holder L NYAKALE Bank Name Standard Bank Branch Universal

South Africa Branch Code

Branch Code 051001 Type of Account SAVINGS Bank Account 10177004523



2. The Credit Provider (hereinafter referred to as “the Lender”)

The Credit BARKO FINANCIAL SERVICES (PTY) LTD trading as Branch (hereinafter
Provider referred to as the “Credit Provider”)

Registration 1999/022139/ NCR Registration NCRCP 1764 FSP Registration FSP 45614
number 07 Number Number

Telephone E-Mail Address VAT Registration 491 023 7504

number number

Physical address

The Consumer nominates the above addresses as his/her addresses to receive documents/mail of any nature,
including the Mandate. Should the above addresses of the Consumer change, the Consumer must notify the
Credit Provider within 14 (FOURTEEN) business days from date of change of the new addresses by
submitting a written request at any branch of the Credit Provider, sending an e-mail to
(, phoning the toll free number on 080 777 3777, alternatively the Consumer
can sms “mandate” to 43991 and someone will phone him/her back to assist with the change of addresses.

3. DebiCheck Debit Order

We refer to your Credit Agreement dated 2023-03-18 (herein after referred to as “the Agreement”). I,
the Consumer, hereby authorise the Credit Provider to issue and deliver payment instructions to my banker
for collection against my above mentioned bank account, at my above mentioned bank, on condition that the
sum of such payment instructions will never differ from my obligation as agreed to in the Agreement. The
individual payment instruction, so authorised to be issued, must be issued and delivered on the date when
the obligation in terms of the Agreement is due or as agreed in accordance with this payment authorisation
and the amount of each individual payment instruction may not differ as agreed to in terms of the
Agreement. The payment instruction so authorised to be issued must carry a number, which number must be
included in the said payment instruction and if provided to me, should enable me, to identify the Agreement.
The said number should be added to this form before the issuing of any payment instruction and
communicated to me, directly after having been completed by me. I, the Consumer, agree that the
payment(s) instruction will be issued and delivered as follows:

Instalments payable MONTHLY

Number of Instalments 1

Repayment Amount 1307.38

Payment will be made to the Credit Provider by the Consumer as follows:

2023-04-14 R 1307.38

The Consumer authorises the originator to make use of the tracking facility as provided for in DebiCheck
Debit Order. The Consumer authorise the Credit Provider to request payment from my financial institution at
least 3 (THREE) days but not more than 5 (FIVE) days prior to the agreed payment(s) date(s), as well as
at least 4 (FOUR) days and not more than 5 (FIVE) days after.

If the date of the instruction falls on a non-processing day (weekend or a single public holiday), The
Consumer, agree that the payment instruction may be debited against my account on the first business day
immediately after the non-processing day(s) to allow for tracking of dates to match with flow of Credit at no
additional cost to myself.

The Consumer authorise the Credit Provider to increase my tracking facility in terms of clause 3
above to accommodate for any changes in my, the Consumers, salary pay date.

If the DebiCheck Debit Order is unsuccessful, The Consumer consent to subsequent payment instructions to
be delivered in terms of this authority until the obligations in terms of the Agreement have been paid or until
this authority is cancelled by myself, the Consumer, by giving the Credit Provider notice in writing and sent by
pre-paid registered post or delivered to the Credit Providers address indicated above.

4. Mandate
The Consumer acknowledge that all payment instructions issued by the Credit Provider shall be treated by my
above-mentioned bank as if the instructions had been issued by me personally.

5. Cancellation

The Consumer agree that although this authority and mandate may be cancelled by me, such cancellation will
not cancel the Agreement. The Consumer also understand that I cannot reclaim amounts, which have been
withdrawn from my account (paid) in terms of this authority and mandate, if such amounts were legally owed
to the Credit Provider.

6. Assignment

The Consumer acknowledge that this authority may be ceded or assigned to a third party if the Agreement is
also ceded or assigned to that third party.

7. Contract/Agreement reference number

The Agreement reference number is AA23077YTW8Y and the Consumer file number is 1715690
8. Signature Clause

The Consumer acknowledges and confirms that if he/she has chosen Option A (Borrower present), his/her
fingerprint will be the electronic signature used. The Consumer further acknowledges and confirms that if
he/she has chosen Option B (Borrower not Present), his/her electronic consent given on the USSD
platform will be the electronic signature used.

Option A

Signature of Consumer

By placing your fingerprint on the fingerprint scanner, you electronically sign and authorise this Mandate as
per electronic channel provided by your Bank and agree to be legally bound by its terms and conditions.

Option B

Signature of Consumer

By electronically confirming on the USSD platform “I accept” you electronically sign and authorise this
Mandate as per electronic channel provided by your Bank, and agree to be legally bound by its terms and
conditions. USSD string attached to this Mandate is also binding as agreed in USSD replies.


Date Biometrically Signed


Signature of Lender Representative

Name and Surname: A KOLA

ID Number: 9202290236085


© Barko Financial Services 2023 | Privacy Policy (

Guardrisk Life Limited
Barko Financial Services (Pty) Ltd
Registration Number:
Registration Number: 1999/022139/07 1999/013922/06
FSP Number: 45614; Cell Number: 00139
FSP Number: FSP 76
Menlyn Woods Office Park 291
P.O. Box 786015, Sandton,
Sprite Avenue Faerie Glen 0081 2146

P O Box 37004 Faerie Glen 0043 The Marc, Tower 2, 129 Rivonia
Road, Sandton 2196
Tel Number: 013 235 1030
Tel Number: (011) 669-1000



Credit Life Insurance 1715690 / Credit Life Insurance Active

Policy Number / ZA0010163 Policy Status

Loan Reference Product Credit Life Insurance

Version: CCI 25052022_01​

Frequency Once Off Endorsement Reasons New Policy

Credit Life Insurance 2023-03-18 Client Reference 1715690

Policy Inception Date Number



The Client nominates to receive all documentation, legal notices and his/her Credit Life Insurance Policy
documents, including the Credit Life Insurance Policy Proposal and Schedule and the Credit Life Insurance
Policy, via the below electronic mail address / an “sms” link to the below Cellphone number. The
Client nominates to receive all communications, including but not limited to claims, repudiations and general
communications including premium increases/decreases via the below electronic mail address / an “sms”
link to the below Cellphone number. Should the below electronic mail address / Cellphone number
of the Client change, the Client must notify BFS within 48 (FORTY EIGHT) hours from date of change, of the
new electronic mail address / Cellphone number by submitting a written request at any branch of BFS,
sending an electronic mail to, phoning the toll free number on 080 777 3777,
alternatively the Client can sms “credit life insurance” to 43991 and someone will phone him/her back to
assist with the change of his/her electronic mail address / Cellphone number.

Full names and LEHLOHONOLO NYAKA Identity Number 9212225298084

Surname (insured LE

Title MR Married Status SINGLE

Home Address 1928 VEREENIGING Work Address 1200 NELSPRUIT

Date of Birth 1992-12-22 Telephone Number 0861000126


Cellphone Number 0672406384 E-mail address

Occupation GUARD Number of Dependants 0


Full names and PHUMLILE MDODA Identity Number


Work Address Relationship to Client SPOUSE

Home Address Telephone Number


Cell Number 0659357000 E-mail address


Product Plan Particulars Monthly Premium Sum insured

Credit Life Insurance for Death, Unemployment or R4.50 for each The outstanding balance
short term credit being unable to earn an R1 000.00 of the Clients total
transaction income, Permanent obligation under the
Disability cover or Credit Agreement as set
Temporary Disability out below.
cover as set out below

Optional Additional Temporary Disability R1.00 for each R1 000.00 Settlement of client's
minimum benefits total obligations under
the Credit Agreement as
set out below.

Pensioner Death, Permanent R4.50 for each The outstanding balance

Disability cover or R1 000.00 of the Clients total
Credit Life Insurance for
Temporary Disability obligation under the
short term credit
cover as set out below Credit Agreement as set
out below.


Product Monthly Premium

Credit Life Insurance for short term credit transaction R 6.33

Total Premium Payable R 6.33

All premiums are inclusive of Commission @ 7,5 % and Binder Fee @ 9% (for administrative and
binder functions performed on behalf of Guardrisk). This schedule becomes a tax invoice once the full
amount has been paid. This schedule forms part of the insurance company's Credit Life Insurance Policy
wording and must be read in conjunction with the applicable wording.


I confirm that the following quotation was verbally explained to me and that I have accepted the quotation
including the Credit Protection Insurance Premium payable together with the repayment amount:

Instalment(s) payable (monthly/weekly/fortnightly)

Number of Instalments

6.1 Credit Amount R 1000.00

6.2 Cost element of Credit

6.2.1 Initiation fee (excluding VAT) R 150.00

6.2.2 Deferred Amount (6.1 + 6.2.1) R 1150.00

6.2.3 Monthly Service Fee (excluding VAT) R 85.16

6.2.4 Amount of interest charged and calculated on the Deferred R 30.62

Amount @ 5 % per month on the first Credit Agreement
within this calendar year and 3 % per month on
subsequent Credit Agreement (s) within the same
calendar year.

6.2.5 VAT on Initiation fee and Monthly Service Fee @ 15% R 35.27

6.2.6 Rand value of Total Cost of Credit (6.2.1 + 6.2.3 + 6.2.4 + R 301.05

6.3 Credit Life Insurance Premium R 6.33

6.4 Total amount to be added to Credit Amount (6.2.6 + 6.3) R 307.38

6.5 Total amount repayable (6.1 + 6.4) R 1307.38

6.6 Repayment arrangement Payment will be made to the

Lender by the Borrower as follows:

Amount Payment Date

R 1307.38 Date: 2023-04-14

© Barko Financial Services 2023 | Privacy Policy (

7. Introduction
BFS confirms that the Client can choose between 2 (two) options when he/she applies for credit, and that either option A or option B below will be applicable
based on the Clients’ chosen option. The 2 (two) options available to the Client are as follows;
7.1. Option A (Borrower Present)
Option A will be selected if the Borrower chooses to visit a branch of the Lender.

7.2. Option B (Borrower not Present)

Option B will be selected if the Borrower chooses to make use of the telephonic/electronic option available and not to visit a branch of the Lender.

8. Important information and acceptance of this Credit Life Insurance Policy

This is an optional product and it is hereby agreed that this Credit Life Insurance Policy is entered into voluntarily and without any force or coercion by any of the
parties involved. You, the client, have a right to reject the offer or proposal of insurance. However, you, the client. will need to provide a replacement Credit
Life Insurance Policy with the relevant benefits and cession. The Client may exercise his or her right in terms of Section 106(4)(a) ) of the National Credit Act 35
of 2005 to substitute this Credit Life Insurance Policy with a Credit Life Insurance Policy of the Client's choice at any time after the Credit Agreement is entered
into, and BFS must accept such substitution, provided that the new Credit Life Insurance Policy provides at least the benefits referred to in the Final Credit Life
Regulations. The Client is the only person who has the right to accept this Credit Life Insurance Policy.

If the Client accepts this Credit Life Insurance Policy, the Client will be required to confirm his/her acceptance by:

Option A
Placing his/her fingerprint on the fingerprint scanner. By placing his/her fingerprint on the fingerprint scanner, the Client will be deemed to have affixed his/her
signature and he/she will be legally bound by this Credit Life Insurance Policy, read together with the consent granted in the Credit Agreement and verbally during
the Credit Application stage.

Option B
Electronically confirming on the USSD, alternatively the WhatsApp for Business platform “I accept”. By electronically confirming on the USSD alternatively the
WhatsApp for Business platform, the Client will be deemed to have affixed his/her signature and he/she will be legally bound by this Credit Life Insurance Policy,
read together with the consent granted in the Credit Agreement and verbally during the Credit Application stage.

The Credit Life Insurance Policy which is sent to the Client electronically after his/her acceptance of the Credit Life Insurance Policy, serves as a written confirmation
of his/her acceptance of the Credit Life Insurance Policy. You are entitled to a copy of this Credit Life Insurance Policy free of charge.

9. Definitions
In this Credit Life Insurance Policy, unless inconsistent with or otherwise indicated by the context, the following words and expressions shall have the meanings as
indicated below:
Administrator Means Barko Financial Services (Pty) Ltd.
Applicable Laws Means the Insurance Act 18 of 2017, the Long-term Insurance Act 52 of 1998, the Policyholder Protection Rules (Long-term
Insurance), 2017 and the Protection of Personal Information Act 4 of 2013 and all other legislation dealing with data management
and such processes.
BFS (Financial Services Means Barko Financial Services (Pty) Ltd, the Financial Services Provider, Intermediary and Administrator with registration number
Provider and Credit 1999/022139/07, an authorised Financial Services Provider with FSP no 45614.
Business days Means a day which is not a Saturday, Sunday or South African public holiday.
Claim Means, unless the context indicates otherwise, a demand for a Credit Life Insurance Policy benefit by a person in relation to this
Credit Life Insurance Policy, irrespective of whether or not the person’s demand is valid, made by submitting a completed and signed
claim form with supporting documents to the Administrator.
Claim event Means the risk insured, occurring during the term of this Credit Life Insurance Policy, being the date of Death, date of Unemployment
or date of being unable to earn an income, date of Permanent Disability or date of Temporary Disability of the Client.
Claimant Means a person who makes a Claim in relation to this Credit Life Insurance Policy.
Day Means a 24 (twenty-four) hour period, and “Days” has a corresponding meaning.
Death Means the Accidental Death or the Natural Death of the Client.
Disability Means that a person becomes physically or mentally impaired, whether totally or partially, or temporarily or permanently, that the
person’s ability to earn an income or meet the obligations under a Credit Agreement is impaired, and includes, but is not limited to,
occupational disability.
Exclusion Means the losses or risk events not covered under this Credit Life Insurance Policy.
FAIS act Means the Financial Advisory and Intermediary Services Act 37 of 2002.
Insurer/Underwriter Means a life insurer in respect of the Insurance Act, namely Guardrisk Life Limited, the Insurer and Underwriter (Product supplier)
with registration number 1999/013922/06, an authorised Financial Services Provider with FSP no 76.
Intermediary Means an independent intermediary or representative, respectively.
Lapsing of Credit Life Means that the Credit Life Insurance Policy for which all benefits to the Client cease due to non-payment of the monthly premium.
Insurance Policy
Client (Consumer) Means a person who has successfully applied for this Credit Life Insurance Policy, who is listed in the Credit Life Insurance Policy
Schedule and for whom the full premium has been paid up to date.
Misrepresentation Means the conscious decision to provide inaccurate or incorrect information in relation to any personal details or medical history or
to change the true facts to mislead an interested party. This shall also mean the failure to disclose material information at the date
of application that had the Insurer been aware of would have resulted in the Credit Life Insurance Policy not being issued.
Next of Kin Means the nominated contact person whom the Administrator may contact to obtain your documentation in the event of death.
Occupational Disability Means a form of disability where a person’s ability to earn an income or meet the obligations under a Credit Agreement arises from
a physical or mental impairment which renders the person unable to continue his or her employment, own occupation, profession
or trade. Occupational Disability will not be applicable to the Pensioner Plan
Policyholder Has the meaning assigned to it in the Applicable Laws and for purposes of this Credit Life Insurance Policy shall refer to the Client.
Credit Life Insurance Policy Means the date on which this Credit Life Insurance Policy commences and is effective, and the date of obtaining the loan with BFS
Inception Date
Period of Insurance Means the period for which premiums remain paid and the Credit Life Insurance Policy remains in force.
Personal Information Means personal information as defined in the Protection of Personal Information Act 4 of 2013.
Credit Life Insurance Policy Means the Credit Life Insurance Policy Schedule, the terms and conditions, Credit Life Insurance Policy wording and any endorsements

C r e d i t L i f e P o l i c y P a g e 2|6
Premium Means the amount payable as stated in the Credit Life Insurance Policy Schedule or any endorsement issued in terms of the Credit
Life Insurance Policy.
Repudiate In relation to a claim, means any action by which the insurer rejects or refuses to pay a claim or any part of a claim, for any reason,
and includes instances where a claimant lodges a claim
a) in respect of a loss event or risk not covered by a Credit Life Insurance Policy; and
b) in respect of a loss event or risk covered by a Credit Life Insurance Policy, but the premium or premiums payable in respect of
that Credit Life Insurance Policy has not been paid.
Short term credit Means the credit transaction not exceeding R8 000.00 (eight thousand rand) and in terms of which the whole amount is repayable
transaction within a period not exceeding 6 (SIX) months.
Type of Credit Life The main purpose of this Credit Life Insurance Policy is to provide credit life insurance to the client in the event of death, temporary
Insurance Policy or permanent disability and in the event of the client becoming unemployed or being unable to earn an income.
Variation / Vary Means any act that results in a change to-
- the premium;
- any term;
- any condition;
- any Policy benefit;
- an exclusion; or
- the duration of the Policy.

This Agreement shall be interpreted according to the following provisions, unless the context requires otherwise:
• References to “Credit Life Insurance Policy” shall include this Credit Life Insurance Policy as amended, varied, novated or substituted in writing from time to
• The headings of clauses and sub-clauses are included for convenience only and shall not affect the interpretation of this Credit Life Insurance Policy wording.
• If figures are referred to in numerals and words, the words shall prevail in the event of any conflict between the two.
• Words importing the singular number shall include the plural and vice versa, and words importing either gender shall include both genders.
• Unless specifically otherwise provided, the number of days indicated to commit an act or indicated for any other purpose, is calculated by excluding the first
day and including the last day.
• Reference to "days" shall be construed as calendar days unless qualified by the word "business", in which instance a "business day" will be as defined above.
• References to “months” shall be construed as calendar months.
• If any provision in a definition contains a substantive provision conferring rights or imposing obligations on any Party, effect shall be given to such provision as
if it was a substantive provision in the body of this Credit Life Insurance Policy.
• References to the provisions of any Law shall include such provisions as amended, re-enacted or consolidated from time-to-time in so far as such amendment,
re-enactment or consolidation applies or is capable of applying to any transaction entered into under this Credit Life Insurance Policy.

10. Death Cover

The Credit Life Insurance Policy ensures cover for the settlement of the outstanding balance of the client’s total obligations under the Credit Agreement in the
event of death.

11. Permanent Disability Cover (includes occupational disability)

The Credit Life Insurance Policy ensures cover for the settlement of the outstanding balance of the client’s total obligations under the Credit Agreement in the
event of Permanent Disability, including occupational disability.

12. Temporary Disability Cover (includes occupational disability)

The Credit Life Insurance Policy ensures cover for the settlement of the client’s obligations under the Credit Agreement that becomes due and payable in the event
of temporary disability, including occupational disability, for whichever one is the shorter period:
• A period of 12 (twelve) months;
• The remaining repayment period of the Credit Agreement; or
• Until the client is no longer disabled

13. Unemployed or unable to earn an income cover

The Credit Life Insurance Policy ensures cover for the settlement of the client’s obligations under the Credit Agreement that becomes due and payable in the event
of the client becoming unemployed or unable to earn an income, other than as a result of permanent or temporary disability, for whichever one is the shorter
• A period of 12 (twelve) months;
• The remaining repayment period of the Credit Agreement; or
• Until the client finds employment or is able to earn an income.

The cover includes clients whom are unable to earn an income in the informal sector being open ended fixed term contracts or limited duration contracts.
(Retrenchment or occupational disability excluded).

14. Optional Benefit – Temporary Disability (includes occupational disability)

The client may add additional optional cover for temporary disability under his or her Credit Agreement in the event of temporary disability. The client’s total
obligation will be settled under this Credit Agreement in the event of temporary disability, if the client is unable to earn an income. No client will be able to accept
this optional additional benefit if the client is a pensioner.

15. Waiting periods

There are no waiting periods in terms of this Credit Life Insurance Policy.

16. Premium
The premium payable is the amount specified in the Proposal/Schedule above. The premium is calculated at R4.50 (four rand and fifty cents) per R1 000.00 (one
thousand rand). The Optional Benefit Premium is calculated at an additional amount of R1.00 (ONE RAND) per R1 000.00 (one thousand rand). If the client wants
to add the optional benefit as set out above, the premium is calculated at R5.50 (five rand and fifty cents) per R1 000.00 (one thousand rand). If payment of
the premium is not received by BFS by the due date, this insurance shall be deemed to have been cancelled. By agreeing to take out this Credit Life Insurance
Policy, the Client consents to BFS to DebiCheck debit and collect the premium from the Client's bank account or to collect the premium in cash. BFS is authorised
by the Insurer to process these electronic collections and to receive the relevant premiums. If the premium is paid by debit order / any electronic collection system:
• It may only be in favour of the Client and may not be transferred without your approval; and

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• BFS must inform you at least 31 (thirty-one) days before the cancellation thereof, in writing of its intention to cancel such debit order.

17. Claims Notification Procedure

All claims must be notified to BFS within 3 (three) months of the Claim Event. Client/Next of Kin may approach any BFS branch and request a claim form. The details
thereon must be fully completed. The branch staff will provide any assistance required, but the Client/Next of Kin must complete and sign the form. In addition,
the Client/Next of kin must take the following documents to the branch:

17.1. Death Benefit

• Fully completed Claim form.
• Copy of the deceased's death certificate.
• Copy of the deceased's identity document.

17.2. Unemployed/unable to earn an income / occupational disability benefit

• Fully completed Claim form.
• Copy of the Client's identity document.
• Copy of the retrenchment letter from employer.
• The Notification of Retrenchment letter.
• If not retrenched, proof of loss of income acceptable to the Insurer
• Any other information the Insurer may requested in order to validate a claim

17.3. Permanent/Temporary Disability benefit

• Fully completed Claim form.
• Copy of the Client's identity document.
• Disability confirmation from an accredited medical doctor private, or at a hospital.

The branch will arrange for the transfer of the above-mentioned documents to BFS claims administration department. In the event of any queries, please contact
BFS on 080 777 3777, or send an e-mail to, or sms “credit insurance” to 43991 and someone will phone you back to assist you. BFS reserves
the right to request any additional information/documentation to verify or process the claim, which must be provided at the Client/Next of kin costs.

18. Payment of Claims

All Claims received and validated will be paid within 24 (twenty-four) hours after receipt of the claim on the following conditions:
• The Claim form received is completed in full and signed by all relevant parties.
• All documentation required is attached to the claim form submitted.

19. General Exclusions

19.1. Death/Disability – Death or disability resulting from:
• The abuse of alcohol, drugs or narcotics;
• Wilful self-inflicted injury or suicide;
• Active participation in war, invasion, acts of foreign enemies, hostilities, warlike operations (whether war be declared or not), civil war, insurrection,
rebellion revolution, civil commotion or uprisings, military power;
• The use of nuclear, biological or chemical weapons, or any radioactive contamination;
• Participation in criminal activities;
• Participation in hazardous activities such as mountain climbing, bungee jumping and speed racing;

19.2. Unemployment – inability to earn an income (other than due to disability):

• Lawful dismissal, including dismissal as a result of wilful misconduct that is a violation of some established, definite rule of conduct, a forbidden act, willful
dereliction of duty or misconduct;
• Voluntary forfeiture of salary, wages, or other employment income;
• Voluntary retrenchment or termination of employment;
• Resignation;
• Retirement;
• Participation in an unprotected strike; and
• Retrenchment of which the client was aware of or received notice of during the 3 (three) months preceding the date on which cover under this Credit Life
Insurance Policy commenced.

20. Repudiation of claims

Your claim will be repudiated in the event of any occurrences as set out in clause 19 (nineteen) above. Where the Client disputes the Insurer's rejection of her/his
claim, the Client has 90 (ninety) days from the date of the rejection letter to make representations to the Insurer in respect of this decision. If the dispute is not
resolved at the end of this period, then the Client must within a further 90 (ninety) days institute legal action by way of service of summons against the Insurer,
failing which the Client will forfeit her/his claim and no liability can arise in terms of such claim. The Insurer and not BFS must give reasons for the repudiation of
your claim.

21. Misrepresentation
If any claim under this Credit Life Insurance Policy is in any way misrepresented or any fraudulent means are used by you or anyone acting on your behalf to obtain
any benefit under this Credit Life Insurance Policy or if any of the Events insured against are occasioned by your intentional act, or with your connivance, all benefits
under this Credit Life Insurance Policy and any premium paid in terms of the Credit Life Insurance Policy will be forfeited and the Credit Life Insurance Policy will
be voidable at Our option. Appropriate action will be taken as deemed necessary by BFS/the Insurer.

22. Condition Precedent

Strict compliance by the Client and by BFS with all the provisions and terms of this Credit Life Insurance Policy shall be a condition precedent to liability on the part
of BFS and/or the Insurer.

23. Cancellation
This Credit Life Insurance Policy may be cancelled by the Client giving 31 (thirty-one) days' notice in writing to BFS or it may be cancelled by the Insurer, for
whatsoever reason, giving 31 (thirty-one) days' notice in writing to the Client at the latter's last known address. Please contact BFS on 080 777 3777, or send an
e-mail to, or SMS “credit insurance” to 43991 and someone will phone you back to advise you on the cancellation of your Credit Life Insurance
Policy. The Insurer may immediately cancel this Credit Life Insurance Policy, or place it on hold, refuse any transaction or instructions, or take any other action

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considered necessary in order to comply with the law and prevent or stop any undesirable or criminal activity. If any claim under this Credit Life Insurance Policy
is in any respect fraudulent, or if any fraudulent means or devices are used by the Client or anyone acting on his/her behalf to obtain any benefits under this Credit
Life Insurance Policy, all benefits under this Credit Life Insurance Policy shall be forfeited. The Insurer may not cancel your Credit Life Insurance Policy merely by
informing BFS. There is an obligation to make sure the cancellation notice has been sent to you.

24. No Surrenders or Cession of Cover

This Credit Life Insurance Policy acquires no surrender, paid-up or loan values. There is no cumulative effect of premium paid and each monthly premium payable
is used to cover the risk for that specific month. Cover under this Credit Life Insurance Policy shall automatically cease on the day that:
• The instalments that are due are unpaid i.e. your BFS loan is in arrears.
• The Client's loan is settled.
• The Death Benefit becomes payable in respect of the Client under this Credit Life Insurance Policy.
• The Insurer shall not be affected by any arrangements that may be made between BFS and the Client in any reduction of the repayment of the loan and
premium originally agreed upon or extending the period for the repayment of the indebtedness beyond that originally agreed upon.

25. Termination of the Credit Life Insurance Policy

The Credit Life Insurance Policy is terminated when the premium in terms of this Credit Life Insurance Policy is not paid, or when the loan is settled in full.

26. Variations
No variation to this Credit Life Insurance Policy will be binding on BFS/the Insurer unless made in writing and signed by a duly authorised officer of BFS/the Insurer
and confirmed thereafter by payment by the Client of the Premium whether varied or not. No act or omission to act by BFS/the Insurer or any officer or employee
of BFS/the Insurer shall be deemed to be a representation on behalf of BFS/the Insurer upon which the Client or the Client’s heirs, executors or assigns are entitled
to act. This Credit Life Insurance Policy is issued on the basis that the statements and information made and set forth in the application and all declarations made
in respect thereof are true and correct and constitute a full disclosure of all facts and circumstances likely to materially affect the assessment of the risk at the time
of the issuing of this Credit Life Insurance Policy. BFS/the Insurer reserves the right to amend, add or change the terms and conditions of this Credit Life Insurance
Policy by giving 31 (thirty-one) days’ written notice of its intention to do so. Any variations and or changes will be binding on BFS/the Insurer and the Client and
can be applied at any time to the existing terms and conditions after written communication of these changes has been sent to the Client’s last known address as
it appears in our records at that time.

27. Indulgence, Leniency or Extension

No indulgence, leniency or extension of time which BFS or the Insurer may grant or show to the Client, shall in any way prejudice BFS or the Insurer, from exercising
any of their rights in the future.

28. Commissions and other remuneration payable

Commission of 7,5 % (seven point five) and a binder fee of 9 % (nine) of the total monthly premium is payable to BFS, which is included in the monthly premium.

29. Additional Disclosure Details

BFS is licensed in terms of the Financial Advisory and Intermediary Act, FSP number 45614. According to BFS’s Licence, BFS is authorised to render advice and
intermediary services in respect of Category I, Long Term Insurance Subcategory A, B1, B1-A, B2 and B2-A. BFS is in possession of the required written agreements
to act as an intermediary of the Insurer. Independent Status of BFS. BFS has an agreement directly with the Insurer and is authorised to place business with them.
BFS has a financial interest in this Product Provider but emphasises the need for the client to have the freedom of choice. BFS has Professional Indemnity and
Fidelity Cover in place. The Insurer has Professional Indemnity and Fidelity Cover in place. Without in any way limiting to the other provisions of the Service
Agreements / Mandate, BFS accepts responsibility for the lawful actions of their Representatives (as defined in the Financial Advisory and Intermediary Act) in
rendering financial services within the course and scope of their employment. However, in terms of their service delivery, no advice or recommendations are
required. All clients are provided with factual information only on which they base their decision to obtain the relevant insurance product. BFS and the Insurer
have a Conflict of Interest Management Policy in place, and copies of the Conflict of interest Management Policies can be requested from and If the information or disclosures about BFS and the Insurer were given orally, it must be confirmed in writing within 31 (thirty-one)

Details of Financial Service Provider, Intermediary and Administrator (BFS) Details of Insurer and Underwriter (Product Supplier and Insurer)
Details of Company Barko Financial Services (Pty) Ltd Details of Insurer Guardrisk Life Limited
Registration number 1999/022139/07 Registration number 1999/013922/06
FSP Number FSP 45614 FSP Number FSP 76
Physical Address Menlyn Woods Office Park 291 Sprite Physical Address The Marc, Tower 2, 129 Rivonia Road, Sandown, Sandton,
Avenue Faerie Glen 0081 2196
Postal Address P O Box 37004 Faerie Glen 0043 Postal Address PO Box 786015, Sandton, 2146
Telephone Number (087) 980 5002 Telephone Number (011) 669-1000
Email Address (claims) Email Address (general)
Compliance Officer Martie Ruthven Email Address (compliance)
Compliance Telephone Number (087) 9805002 Website
Compliance e-mail Address

30. Complaint Resolution Process

Complaints relating to any advice given to you by your intermediary, as well as any claims complaints or any other complaints may be notified in writing to BFS at, Alternatively, you can phone the toll free number on 080 777 3777 or you can sms “bad service” to 43991. Please note that as per our
Complaints Policy, all complaints must be addressed to us in writing and may be hand delivered or emailed to BFS. Should BFS not be able to address your concerns
satisfactorily, you must first lodge a complaint with the Insurer. Should the Insurer not be able to address your concerns to your satisfaction, you may lodge a
complaint at any of the Ombudsman whose details appear below as well as the Regulator (FSCA). Our Complaints Policy can be obtained from the web-site
alternatively requesting a copy via e-mail from or
Postal Address PO Box 37004 Postal Address PO Box 786015 Postal Address PO Box 4343
Faerie Glen Sandton White River
0043 2146 1240
Telephone Number 011 669 1000 Telephone Number 082 772 5613
Telephone Number 087 980 5002 011 669 1104 (compliance) Email Address (claims)
Email Address (claims) 0860 333 361 (complaints)
Website Email Address
Postal Address Private Bag X45 Postal Address P.O. Box 74571 Postal Address P.O. Box 35655
Claremont Cape Town Lynwood Ridge Menlo Park

C r e d i t L i f e P o l i c y P a g e 5|6
7700 0040 0102
Telephone Number 021 657 5000 Telephone Number 012 470 9080 Telephone Number 012 428 8000
0860 103 236 012 348 3447 Fax 012 347 0221
Fax 021 674 0951 Email Address (claims) Email Address (claims)
Email Address (claims) Website Website

31. Treating Clients Fairly

The TCF principles are viewed seriously by BFS and all 6 (six) Outcomes are practised at all times. BFS will, in all Our interactions with any client, endeavour to
deliver excellent customer experiences which we will achieve through the ongoing review of all our business practices and analysis of complaints. Please contact
BFS on 080 777 3777, or send an e-mail to, or SMS “credit life” to 43991 and someone will phone you back to the advise you on the current
Credit Life Insurance Policy purchased to ensure that you purchased the correct Credit Life Insurance Policy according to your needs or if you have any questions
or concerns relating to the Credit Life Insurance Policy purchased. It is our objective to be fair in Our treatment of all clients and partners and be compliant, in all
aspects, of the 6 (six) Outcomes of the Treating Customers Fairly framework. These Outcomes are:
• You are confident that Your fair treatment is key to Our culture;
• Products and Services are designed to meet Your needs;
• We will communicate clearly, appropriately and on time;
• We provide advice which is suitable to your needs and circumstances;
• Our products and services meet Your standards and are of an acceptable level; and
• There are no barriers to access our services, change products, switch providers, lodge a claim or submit a complaint.

32. Spouse written consent

If married in community of property, I confirm that I have my spouse's written consent to apply for this Credit Life Insurance Policy.

33. Nominations of Next of kin

You are required to nominate at least 1 (one) next of kin.

34. Personal information

The Client’s privacy is of utmost importance to BFS. BFS will take the necessary measures to ensure that any and all information, including Personal Information
(as defined in the Protection of Personal Information Act 4 of 2013) provided by the Client or which is collected from the Client is processed in accordance with
the provisions of this Act and further, is stored in a safe and secure manner. The Client hereby agrees to give honest, accurate and up-to-date Personal Information
and to maintain and update such information when necessary. Unless consented to by the Client, BFS/the Insurer will not sell, exchange, transfer, rent or otherwise
make available Personal Information (such as marital status, national origin, age, language, birth, education, financial history, identity number, social media profile,
biometric information (like fingerprints, your signature or voice), your name, address, email address, telephone or fax number and your credit history). The
processing of Personal Information includes the collection, storage, updating, use, making available or destruction thereof. BFS/the Insurer may process
information for the following reasons (among others):
• To establish and verify the Clients identity in terms of the applicable laws;
• To enable BFS/the Insurer to fulfil its obligations in terms of this Policy;
• To enable BFS/the Insurer to take the necessary measures to prevent any suspicious or fraudulent activity in terms of the applicable laws;
• Reporting to the relevant Regulatory Authority/Body, in terms of the applicable laws;

BFS may share your information with the following persons (among others) whom has an obligation to keep the Clients information secure and confidential:
• Payment processing service providers, merchants, banks and other persons that assist with the processing of your payment instructions.
• Law enforcement and fraud prevention agencies and other persons tasked with the prevention and prosecution of crime.
• Regulatory authorities, industry ombudsman, governmental department, local and international tax authorities, and other persons that BFS, under the law,
has to share your information with.
• Credit Bureau’s.
• BFS’s service providers, agents and sub-contractors like couriers and other persons BFS uses to offer and provide products and services to the Clients.
• Persons to whom BFS cedes their rights or delegates their obligations to in terms of the Credit Protection Insurance Policy.

The Client indemnifies BFS / the Insurer from any claims resulting from disclosures made with consent. The Client understands that if BFS / the Insurer has utilised
Personal Information contrary to the applicable laws, the Client has the right to lodge a complaint with Guardrisk within 10 (ten) Days. Should Guardrisk not resolve
the complaint to the Clients satisfaction, the Client has the right to escalate the complaint to the Information Regulator. BFS may process information using
automated means to make a decision about or application for any products or services. The Client may query the decision made by contacting BFS on 080 777
3777, or send an e-mail to, or sms “credit life” to 43991. The Client has the right to access the information BFS has by contacting BFS on
080 777 3777, or send an e-mail to, or sms “credit life” to 43991. The Client has the right to request to correct or delete information BFS has,
if it is inaccurate, irrelevant, excessive, out of date, incomplete, misleading, obtained unlawfully or no longer authorised to be kept. The Client must inform BFS of
his / her request by contacting BFS on 080 777 3777, or send an e-mail to, or sms “credit life” to 43991. The Client may object on reasonable
grounds to the processing of their information. The Client may not object to the processing of information if consent is provided or legislation requires the
processing. The Client must inform BFS of the objection by contacting BFS on 080 777 3777, or send an e-mail to, or sms “credit life” to 43991.
The Client has the right to withdraw his / her consent, which allows BFS to process the information; however, BFS will continue to process the information if
permitted by the Applicable Laws.

35. Warnings to Client

Keep notes of what is said to you, and keep all documents handed to you, alternatively sent to you electronically. Where applicable, call recordings will be
made available to you within 7 (seven) business days of request. Don’t be pressurised to buy the product. Failure to provide correct or full relevant information
may influence an insurer or any claims arising from your Credit Insurance Life Policy. BFS and/or the Insurer will never require from you to Waiver any Rights
you have in terms of legislation and/or codes of conduct. Any such waivers of rights will be null and void.

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36. Signature Clause

The Client acknowledges and confirms that if he/she has chosen Option A (Borrower present), his/her
fingerprint will be the electronic signature used.The Client further acknowledges and confirms that if
he/she has chosen Option B (Borrower not Present), his/her electronic consent given on the USSD
platform will be the electronic signature used.

Option A
By placing your fingerprint on the fingerprint scanner, you electronically sign this Credit Protection Insurance
Schedule and Policy and agree to be legally bound by its terms and conditions.

Option B
Signature of Client
By electronically confirming on the USSD, alternatively the WhatsApp for Business platform “I accept”, you
electronically sign this Credit Protection Insurance Schedule and Policy and agree to be legally bound by its
terms and conditions. USSD, alternatively WhatsApp for Business string attached to this Credit Agreement is
also binding as agreed to in USSD, alternatively WhatsApp for business replies.


Date Biometrically Signed

Signature of Lender Representative

Name and Surname: A KOLA

ID Number: 9202290236085

Date: 2023-03-18

ID Number 9212225298084

© Barko Financial Services 2023 | Privacy Policy (

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