Intro To Urban Final Report

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February 3, 2023
Part 1 – Introduction
Urban planning is the process of developing and designing urban areas to meet the needs of a
community. The practice draws from a number of disciplines—architecture, engineering,
economics, sociology, public health, finance, and more. In addition to this it strives to prepare
cities and towns for the future. It is typically used as part of a larger city plan, and should tie back
to our city’s mission and vision statements.
Urban planning touches on numerous city-life elements, new and pre-existing land, buildings,
roads, communal spaces, transportation, economic development, infrastructure, and the
environment, among others.
So, when we come back to our topic, this project has been made by 4th Year Architecture student
in Addis Ababa Science and Technology University. In this project we have done several tasks in
order to complete the project. This paper is classified into five main chapters.
The first chapter is all about the introduction, objectives, background study, project scope and the
approaches and methodology used for this project. The second chapter contains literature review
and some legal frame works. The third chapter is the wide part which talks about every existing
situation of the site like physical characteristics, environmental conditions, existing settlement and
pattern, existing roads and transport, land use, drainage and utilities, social services and finally the
economic status of the site. The fourth chapter is all about the proposal that we introduce to do on
the site. The last part, fifth chapter is the conclusion part.

Urban planning is more effective when we approach it with a strategic lens. That means setting
clear goals, measuring progress, and strategically defining and executing projects. At the end of
this project, we will have some objectives to be achieved successfully. We have divided it into two
categories, General objective and Specific objective.
General Objective
The overall goal of this urban planning project is to support the woreda 03 lot 5/2 to be improved
and acquire a better performance in planning and delivering significant services and infrastructure
that are needed to make the area more convenient to live in and work in. It also aims to improve
the sub city's socioeconomic status and environmental health by fostering a welcoming and
cooperative business environment and protecting the natural environment.
Specific Objective
Here are the detailed objectives of this project: -
- To maximize the effective and efficient use of land.
- To provide adequate housing by implementing an integrated housing program successfully.
- To develop a neighborhood that is socially integrated, environmentally safe, and commercially
- To offer the residents of the sub city an appropriate and well-organized infrastructure as well as
public services.
Objectives To offer environmentally friendly, relatively just public green places.
- To increase employment opportunities and give young people and women the seed money they
need to launch small businesses and start their own companies.
- To establish effective coordination with neighborhood development initiatives.

Background of Study
This area-based development project is going to be done for Akaki Kality Sub city woreda 03.
Akaki –Kality is one of the ten sub cities of Addis Ababa and is the industrial zone of Addis Ababa
as well as the country. It is located in the southern parts of the city. It is 20 km far from the city’s
The topography of this sub city includes both gentle and sloppy. There is a river in this sub city
called Akaki River. This river is very risky during a rainy season because it causes for the loss of
life and property many times. For example, in the summer season of 2009 E.C the overflow of the
river had brought big consequences for people living in the surrounding, and it had made few
people to loss their life and many people to loss their properties. Unless proper and sustainable
measures are taken, risks will always be there.
Physically, Akaki Kality sub city is one of the under developed sub cities of Addis Ababa. Even if
it is the industrial zone of the city, it is poor in infrastructure. It does not have the necessary
facilities that are necessary for the full functioning of industries and other business sectors as well
as for the convenience of the habitants in a full package. In this sub city there are four types of
roads their grading type, and these are Asphalt, cobblestone, gravel and earthen. The quality of
roads in general is very poor and highly deteriorated. With regard to vegetation the area has little
vegetation coverage like Eucalyptus, Auriferous and Acacia trees, and the access for public green
spaces or greeneries is very low and even we can say that it is out of existence.
If we say all this about akaki subcity, now let’s proceed to the major problems of the sub city. This
sub city is one of the crowded sub cities in Addis Ababa. Most of the residents who resided in this
sub city have low socio-economic status. A considerable number of people live in houses that are
not well built and/or built from non-standard construction materials.
Akaki Kality sub city is one of the 10 sub cities of Addis Ababa, and it is one of the under
developed sub cities. It has a considerably large population density and high concentration of
different factories but lower infrastructure and facilities concentration.
In this sub city there are various issues of development that are in need of real improvement and
new development. These include road and road light, housing, drainage and waste disposal, water,
unemployment, poverty and greeneries.
Regarding the road, there is a high flow of heavy load trucks that pass through this sub city. Roads
are highly deteriorated and very dusty, and even they are not wide enough to allow the free flow
of many vehicles.
Housing is another development issue of Akaki Kality sub city. Many people in this sub city do
not have their own house, and they live in a rent house. Therefore, the problem of housing is one
of the most fundamental issues that need to be addressed.
Drainage is also another problem in which the existing drainage systems are stuck by various solid
waste materials. Besides, solid and liquid waste materials are poorly managed and this resulted in
environmental pollution.
High number of people is living under poverty. In addition to poverty, in this sub city access to
public green space is almost zero. Most of the environment are not well conserved and do not
provide with greeneries. Therefore, poverty reduction and the provision of public green space
should be given high concern.
So, in general, addressing those development issues is the priority of this integrated area-based
project. And the resolution of these issues needs an effective and efficient design implementation
in order to address all these problems.

Scope of the project

Since the general objective of the project is to design, plan and overcome all possible development
issues regarding physical and social aspects of akaki kality sub city, we need to classify our scope
area into two parts; Thematic and Spatial area.
Thematic Scope: -
There are several issues to be solved in urban planning like planning, design and development, as
well as in areas such as transport, economic development, housing, urban regeneration, tourism,
environmental protection and environmental consultancy. Since covering all these aspects is time
consuming and needs high man power, we scaled down our thematic area into Physical
Characteristics, Environmental conditions, Settlement pattern and characteristics, Road and
Transport, Drainage and Utilities
Spatial Scope: -
Akaki Kality Sub city is located in the southern parts of the city. It is 20 km far from the city’s
center. The topography of this sub city includes both gentle and sloppy. The sub city is an industrial
zone where 60% of metal, paints, garment and food processing industries of Addis Ababa are
found. Currently, there are more than 300 industries with estimated labor force of 80,000. The high
urbanization associated with population flow to Akaki Kality, being the industrial zone of Addis
Ababa influenced the city administration to designate the area as one of the 10 sub-cities in 2005,
and the sub city is divided in to 11 woredas.
So, in order to design and overcome several of its problems efficiently and effectively, we should
scale down our spatial area into akaki sub city woreda 03 lot 5/2.

Approach and methodology

We used a specific technique for collecting and analyzing data in order to uncover new
information. We used Mixed methods research which combines quantitative and qualitative
approaches by including both kinds of data in a single questionnaire.

• Sharing project information and gathering local knowledge and understanding about the
woreda, and its residents.
• Gathering quantitative data using questionnaire and interviewing.
• Investigating the physical, environmental and social aspects of the site
• Seeking community advice for physical improvements that enhance liveability and public
• Analysing neighbourhood urban design features to identify strengths and opportunities.

Part 2 – Review of Literatures, Legal Frameworks and Experience

Theory of Urban Planning

Urban theory tries to model how cities form, change, and grow. Urban Planning theory tries to
model how cities are governed with future-oriented policies. Thus, one of the most important
aspects of planning theory is to figure out what urban regimes actually are, and how they work.
Obviously one piece of an urban regime is the formal government of a city. But as a local
government, the municipality is usually subordinate to several higher levels of government, and
they also play a role in the urban regime

Urban planning can include urban renewal, by adapting urban planning methods to existing cities
suffering from decline. Alternatively, it can concern the massive challenges associated with urban
growth, particularly in the Global South. All in all, urban planning exists in various forms and
addresses many different issues. The modern origins of urban planning lie in the movement for
urban reform that arose as a reaction against the disorder of the industrial city in the mid-19th
century. Many of the early influencers were inspired by anarchism, which was popular in the turn
of the 19th and 20th centuries. The new imagined urban form was meant to go hand-in-hand with
a new society, based upon voluntary co-operation within self-governing communities.
In the late 20th century, the term sustainable development has come to represent an ideal outcome
in the sum of all planning goals. Sustainable architecture involves renewable materials and energy
sources and is increasing in importance as an environmentally friendly solution.
Smart planning and Compact development
The compact city is one of the leading paradigms of sustainable urbanism. Compact city planning
and development has, over the last 30 years or so, been the preferred response to the challenges of
sustainable development. It is strongly promoted by global and local policies due to its positive
outcomes in terms of contributing to the economic, environmental, and social goals of
sustainability. Indeed, according to many studies the compact city can promote sustainability by
reducing the amount of travel and shortening commute time; decreasing car dependency; lowering
per capita rates of energy use; limiting the consumption of building and infrastructure materials;
mitigating pollution; maintaining the diversity for choice among workplaces, service facilities, and
social contacts; and limiting the loss of green and natural areas. This is justified by the fact that the
compact city emphasizes the intensification of development and activities, creates limits to urban
growth, encourage land use and social mixes, and focuses on the importance of public
transportation and the quality of urban design. All in all, the compact city harnesses the advantages
of agglomeration and taps into the tremendous variety of environmental, economic, and social
benefits it has to offer through proper planning and development.
Rooted in the study of the relationship of urban planning and sustainable development in a rapidly
urbanizing world, sustainable urbanism is concerned with the study of cities and the practices and
strategies to design and develop them that focus on promoting their long-term resilience and
viability through reducing material use, lowering energy consumption, mitigating pollution, and
minimizing waste, as well as improving social equity and well-being. The compact city is the
central paradigm of sustainable urbanism.

There are multiple views on what a sustainable city should be or look like and thus various ways
of conceptualizing it. Generally, a sustainable city can be understood as a set of approaches to
practically applying the knowledge about sustainability to the planning and design of existing and
new cities. It represents an instance of sustainable urban development, a strategic approach to
achieving the long–term goals of urban sustainability. Accordingly, it needs to balance between
the environmental, economic, and social goals of sustainability as an integrated process. Such
balance has more opportunity to make the city greener, fairer, and more profitable for all
stakeholders of the city.
Sustainable cities have been the leading paradigm of urbanism for more than three decades.
However, there are different approaches to sustainable cities, which are identified as models of
sustainable urban forms, including compact cities, eco–cities, green cities, new urbanism,
landscape urbanism, and urban containment. Of these models, compact cities are often advocated
as more sustainable.

While there is no definite definition of the compact city in the literature, most of the available
definitions tend to share the core dimensions of this model of sustainable urban form. To Burton
(2002), the so-called compact city is taken to mean “a relatively high–density, mixed–use city,
based on an efficient public transport system and dimensions that encourage walking and cycling.”
According to other, the compact city is characterized by high–density and mixed land use with no
sprawl. Dantzig and Saaty (1973) provide an explanation of the densification characteristics based
on three elements: the urban form, the space, and the social functions.

Review of Legal Frameworks and Practices

Review of International Experiences
Urban plan preparation and implementation in international level

Planning professionals and their associations should:

• Facilitate urban and territorial planning processes by contributing their expertise during all
preparatory and updating stages and mobilizing the groups of stakeholders concerned for
their views;
• Play an active role in advocating for more inclusive and equitable development, ensured
not only by widespread public participation in planning but also through the content of
planning instruments such as plans, designs, regulations, by-laws and rules;
• Promote the application of the Guidelines and advise decision makers to adopt them and,
whenever necessary, adapt them to national, regional and local situations;
• Contribute to the advancement of research-based knowledge on urban and territorial
planning and organize seminars and consultative forums to raise public awareness of the
recommendations in the Guidelines;
• Collaborate with institutions of learning and training to review and develop university and
professional curricula on urban and territorial planning, in order to introduce the content of
the Guidelines into those curricula, with the necessary adaptation and further elaboration,
and contribute to capacity development programs.
Review of Local Experience
Urban plan preparation and implementation in Ethiopia
Urban Plan Initiation and Preparation
• Dwellers, stakeholders or any concerned body may initiate the preparation of urban plan
or detailed implementation plan.
• Adequate awareness creation activity shall be conducted to urban dwellers and
stakeholders on desired objective, before commencement of any urban plan preparation.
• An initiation for urban plan preparation shall be implemented when it is approved by an
authorized body.
• During urban plan preparation there shall be a distinct and independent infrastructure
network system plan along with explanatory report.
• Development activities carried on may be suspended by authorized body when public
interest requires change of land use function during urban plan preparation.

Approval of Plans
• National urban development spatial plan shall be approved by the Federal Government.
• Regional urban development spatial plan shall be approved by Regional State.
• City-wide urban plan and detail implementation plan shall be approved by urban councils.

Publicity of Approved Plans and Copy provision

• Approved plans or detailed implementation plans shall be widely familiarized to the public
by using any available means of communication.
• Approved plans or detail implementation plans shall be delivered to concerned bodies.
• Copies of the approved plans or detail implementation plans shall be provided upon
request to any person who has interest in the plan.

Implementation of Plans
• There shall be clear directives and working procedures to support the implementation of
plans or detail implementation plans.
• Necessary budget, human resource, logistics and technology shall be fulfilled to
implement approved plan.
• Development of infrastructure network shall be based on the approved plan of the given
urban center.

In general, urban legislation has an important role to play by defining conditions for
formal/informal access to land, infrastructure, housing and basic services; laying out rules for
planning and decision-making; and pushing for improved livelihoods and living conditions
because the law sets requirements for urban development

Physical Characteristics

Our site is located in the south western part of Akaki Kality sub city. Which to specifically
locate is in woreda 03 in front of the administration office. The exact location is 8.87,
The site covers 76.5 hectares area.

January February March April May June July August September October November December.
AVG. 15.4 16. 6 17.6 17.8 17 15.7 14.9 14.7 14.9 15.0 15.2 14.9
PECIPTATION/ 17 28 72 145 178 271 386 410 286 50 11 6
HUMIDITY (%) 50% 44% 49% 58% 62% 76% 86% 87% 82% 59% 50% 50%
RAINY DAYS 3 4 8 10 10 17 22 22 18 5 2 2
AVG. SUN 9 10 10 9.0 9.0 8.0 6.0 6.0 7.0 9.0 10.0 9.0

Since the location is said to be near the equator, the sun's course does not alter
significantly. The number of hours of rain and sunlight do vary throughout the year,
The site gets most of the sun from November to MAY, jumping the rainy seasons which
are the times of most precipitation and humidity.
The site is blown with eastern monsoon winds that breaths from north east towards the
south and southwestern.
There is not much site design and infrastructure planning built to counteract the climatic
conditions, so consideration is needed in this regard for future proposals.

Drainage and infrastructure

• The site is relatively located on a leveled surface which doesn’t have any major
sloped area.
• The above fact makes drainage a big problem to counteract. This is a huge
problem that needs to be solved because it can cause Inadequate water drainage
and can result in a variety of issues, including structural damage and flooding.
• Why is drainage necessary? Drainage reduces soil and nutrient loss from runoff
and can help avoid soil erosion. Drainage can be collected and saved for future
use during periods of dry weather.
• The common issue regarding drainage:
➢ Blockages
➢ Broken or displaced joints
➢ Fractures
➢ Root Intrusions
➢ Collapsed sections of pipe

Environmental conditions
Green and vegetation
With regard to vegetation the area has little vegetation coverage like Eucalyptus,
Auriferous and Acacia trees, and the access for public green spaces or greeneries is very
low and even we can say that it is out of existence.
Waste management system
➢ The problem of drainage and waste management is common in this sub city.
Most of the roads do not have drainage system, and the existing drainage lines
are blocked by various ill-managed waste materials.
➢ The amount of waste generated in this sub city is large since there is high
population density and there is considerably high number of industries that
generate high amount of wastes. Those waste materials have various nature i.e.,
they range from non-hazardous waste to hazardous waste materials.
Existing Settlement pattern and characteristics

Establishment and formation of the site

Physically, Akaki Kality sub city is one of the under developed sub cities of Addis
Ababa. Even if it is the industrial zone of the city, it is poor in infrastructure. It does not
have the necessary facilities that are necessary for the full functioning of industries and
other business sectors as well as for the convenience of the habitants in a full package.
➢ In this site there are four types of roads their grading type, and these are Asphalt,
cobblestone, gravel and earthen. The quality of roads in general is very poor and
highly deteriorated.

➢ Roads are highly deteriorated and very dusty, and even they are not wide enough
that allow the free flow of those heavy load trucks and other vehicles. Roads in
this site require not only maintenance but also, they need to be rebuilt in such a
way that they can allow the flow of many vehicles at a time.
➢ At current circumstance the traffic jamming is very high due to the high flow of
trucks, the slenderness of the road, and the deterioration of the road. Due to this
reason many transports provider especially private transport providers do not
prefer to transport people from various part of the city to Akaki Kality.
➢ And this makes people especially the sub city dwellers to suffer from lack of
transport service, and many times they get forced to pay above the tariff by
those private transport service providers (taxi owners).
➢ In addition to this, those roads and /or streets do not have street lighting, and it
creates its own difficulty and inconvenience for the vehicles as well as
pedestrians during the night.
Socio-Economic Assessment and analysis

The population of Akaki Kality sub city is estimated about 220,740 with 114,095 female
and 106,645 males. Most of the Kebeles/woredas are found at the out skirts of the city.
The residents of the site are factory workers, daily laborers, people working in urban
agriculture, civil servants, military personnel, commercial sex workers, unemployed
youth and women, etc. From this factory workers and civil servants constitute the
majority population segment.
This site is one of the crowded places in Addis Ababa, and it has three socio-economic
groups. These are high, middle and lower socio-economic classes. However, the socio-
economic groups who are at the top of the socio-economic pyramid are few in number.
The number of medium socio-economic group is still low as compared to the lower
socio-economic groups.
Most of the residents who resided in this sub city have low socio-economic status. A
considerable number of people live in houses that are not well built and/or houses that
are built from non-standard construction materials. In addition, a considerable number
of people do not have well-built toilets.

➢ Most of the youths and even the adults are not as such educated or skilled. A
considerable number of people are either primary or secondary school
➢ And those people are either factory workers, daily laborers or engaged in a
governmental or non-governmental institution jobs that do not require special
skill such as guard or janitors. Therefore, they generate low income, they spend
and save low, and thus socio-economic status become low.

➢ In general, those people who have lower socio-economic status are living in
ramshackle attached houses that are built without regard to sanitation or
drainage; have low educational status; earn lower income, and they spend low
for their day-to-day home or domestic consumption and to get other services like
health service, education, sanitation, etc.
➢ The has a considerably large population density and high concentration of
different factories but lower infrastructure and facilities concentration. There are
various issues of development that are in need of real improvement and new
development. These include road and road light, housing, drainage and waste
disposal, water, unemployment, poverty and greeneries.
➢ Housing is another development issue. Many people in this place do not have
their own house, and they live in a rent house. The rent of house is getting higher
from time to time.
➢ Many houses in this site are built from non-standardized construction materials
and aged, and they are constructed without taking drainage and sanitation into
➢ The other development concern around the housing is drainage and waste
disposal. In this site there is no well-built drainage systems in enough amount
and even the existing drainage systems are stuck by various solid waste
➢ And this resulted in the happening of flood during the rainy season and loss of life
and property. Besides, solid and liquid waste materials are poorly managed and
this resulted in environmental pollution.
➢ This also should be resolved through the designing and application of proper
waste management system.
By unemployment, in this sub city there is a considerable number of youths who are
not well educated and well trained. As we described in the socio-economic context
there is high number of youths who just completed primary and secondary education
and who do not either take technical and vocational education or continue further
(higher) education.
Those youths are factory workers, daily laborer, and/or they are engaged in jobs that
do not require special education and training or skill. Those employees generally earn
lower income. And besides those lower-level laborers, high numbers of youths are
still unemployed.
Summarizing socio economic analysis
aria les evels re ency ercentage




Ed cational evel

Employment Stat s

o ype

Social ro lems

isa ility Stat s

Social Service Stat s

In conclusion to this data analysis, we propose a design to fix
➢ The waste management system
➢ Lack of green area
➢ The slum compactness of the house holds
➢ The road connections among the site segment regions
➢ Connection with other sites in the area










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