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Lesson Plan: 

Dangling Modifiers

Teacher’s Name:  Ms. Analyn M. Roa

Level:  Intermediate Level
Subject:  Grammar- Dangling Modifiers

Topic: Dangling Modifiers

To let the student learn about dangling modifiers.
Objectives: To understand a story with dangling modifiers.
To correct sentences with dangling or misplaced modifiers. .
Materials: Speaker, video/music, visual aids
The teacher will play the song “She’s Leaving Home '' by The
Motivation: Beatles and while listening to the song, the lyrics are being posted
on the white board (visual aids).
Development of the Explore:
lesson: Choose a partner, and tell the students to imagine they are this girl,
and that they are leaving home. They are going to write the note to
their parents. Start the letter like this and make sure all the
questions are covered:

Dear Mom and Dad,

 Why am I leaving?
Where am I going?
 How do I feel? (Am I sorry?)
 Do I plan to ever come back?

a. Reading Activities
Basketball Reading - Have one student to be the first one to read
the first lines in the story “Departure”. When the teacher said stop,
that student will select a classmate to read the next lines. This will
continue till the story ends.

b. Post Reading Activities - The students will pass the object to

his/her classmate as the music starts, and when the teacher pause
the music, the student with the object in his/her hands will be the
one to answer the corresponding question in the in Comprehension
Questions (book) and discuss their answer in the class.

Teacher will discuss the topic about dangling modifiers.

Teacher will give example sentences about dangling modifiers and
how to correct them.

(Sample part of the teacher discussing dangling modifiers.)

- A dangling modifier is a word or phrase that modifies a word not
stated in the sentence. Another error that makes a sentence illogical
or confusing is the misplaced modifier. It is a word, phrase, or
clause that is separated from the word it modifies.

For example:
Dangling: Standing by a window in the Winesburg post office, a
stamp is put on an envelope for George.
Correct: Standing by a window in the Winesburg post office, Helen
White puts a stamp on an envelope for George. (Helen White
should be the one standing by a window and not a stamp.)

- This final story relates the going away of George Willard. George
who has lived his life in the small town of Winesburg and
experienced his entire adolescent dreams here, is now ready to try
his wings and set out to make all his dreams a reality. His departure
has saddened the townsfolk. Even the stern lady, who used to never
speak to George, bids him good luck. George however is eager to
leave. His youth makes him impervious to the sadness of leaving his
beloved hometown. Such is the callousness of youth that he doesn't
even look out for Helen White, his childhood sweetheart who has
come to bid farewell to him.

The students will watch a video about misplaced and dangling
modifiers. []

Review: The teacher will review her students about the lesson and check if
they understand the topic by giving them exercises about dangling

Example: Dangling modifiers

From the following pairs of sentences, put a check on the one which
is correct.
1. Piled up next to the washer, I began doing the laundry.
I began doing the laundry piled up next to the washer.

2. While John was talking on the phone, the doorbell rang.

While talking on the phone, the doorbell rang.

3. Standing on the balcony, the ocean view was magnificent.

Standing on the balcony, we had a magnificent ocean view.

4. As I was running across the floor, the rug slipped and I lost my
Running across the floor, the rug slipped and I lost my balance.

5. While taking out the trash, the sack broke.

While Jamie was taking out the trash, the sack broke.

Values Integration:
• Overcoming personal struggle
Slightly discuss some of the students personal struggles like the one
Closure: they have read.

Refer to their Grammar textbook.
Refer and answer the page from their book about dangling
Homework: modifiers.

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