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Two-way ANOVA Assignment - Template

student name


write here

• one paragraph why understanding consumers’ expectations may be important

_ research question


• describe in your own words the settings of the experiment

• describe your dataset: definition of the variables, tables with summary statistics (counts, means, stan-
dard deviations) by the number of promotions and by depth of discount (use group_by + summarize))
• make two-way table of means (rows: promotions, columns: discounts, cells: means of expected price)
with marginal means

tip1: to make two-way table of means use pivot_wider() from Lesson 2

tip2: you can add margins with function addmargins() with FUN=mean but it works with tables, matrices
and lists, so first you should convert the two-way table created by pivot_wider() into matrix using function

• The two-way ANOVA model which you estimate

• make boxplots by group - mapping discounts to x and promotions to colour (or the other way around)
• plot the means (data from two-way table of means prepared before)
• discuss what you see on the plots (is there evidence of interaction effects?)
• estimate two-way ANOVA (don’t forget to convert promotions and discounts to factors)
• check assumptions of ANOVA
• you may also wish to do two separate one-way ANOVA 1. by discounts promotions and comment
of the differences (if any) with two-way ANOVA


• paragraph: summarize what you have done

• paragraph: summarize what you have found
• (+ extra paragraph: any thought/comments you might have)

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