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Julia Rei Ilagan - incorporated the Nagi Disablement Model

into its conceptual framework of physical

therapy practice
The role of the Physical Therapist
Topic 1: Introduction to
Neurodevelopmental Techniques Physical Therapy - "provide services to
patients/clients who have impairments,
functional limitations, disabilities, or changes
The practice of physical therapy in in physical function and health status
the United States continues to change to resulting from injury, disease, or other
meet the increase demands placed on causes"
service provision by managed care and
-Resposible for examining the pt. and
federal regulations
developing a plan of care that meets the
goals and functional expectations of the pt.
Saad Nagi- sociologist; developed a model
of health status that is used to describe the Roles:
relationship between health and function
 Diagnosis
4 components: o Interpret evaluation
examination data
 Disease - defined as a pathologic o Organize data into defined
state manifested by the presence of clusters, syndromes, or
signs and symptoms that disrupt an categories
individual's homeostasis or internal o Determine prognosis and
balance plan of care
 Impairments – alterations in o Plan the most appropriate
anatomic, physiologic, or psychologic intervention strategies
structures or functions  Prognosis
 functional limitations - occur as a o Determine level of optimal
result of impairments and become improvement expected from
evident when an individual is unable interventions
to perform everyday activities that are o Assess amount of time
considered part of the person's daily required to reach optimal
routine improvement level
 disability – results when functional o Document plan of café
limitations become so great that the specifying the interventions to
person is unable to meet age-specific be used, timing and fx
expectations within the social or  Intervention
physical environment o Apply purposeful and skilled
interaction w the pt./clients
and if appropriate with other
Guide to Physical Therapist Practice individuls involved in the pt./
clients care
o Reexamine pt/client status to
determine changes in statsus
Braddom, Randall, Physical Medicine and Rehabilitation,
DeLisa, Joel, Physical Medicine and Rehabilitation
O’Sullivan, Susan and Schmitz, Thomas, Physical Rehabilitation
and to modify or direct -motor abilities and skills acquired during the
intervention process of motor dev thru motor control and
 Outcomes motor learning
o Results of pt/client
managemenr, which include -once a basic pattern of movement is
the impact of physical therapy established
interventions in the ff domains
 Examination -Motor development is the result of the
o Obtain a history interaction of the innate or built-in species
o Perform a systems review blueprint for postire and movement and the
o Identify problems that require
person’s expi w moving afforded by the
consultation w or referral to
another provide
 Evaluation -sensory input is needed for the move to
o Utilize this dynamic process
learn about moving and the result of moving
to male clinical judgements
based on data gathered - it is also the combination of of the nature
during the pt/client of the mover and the nurture of the
Neurodevelopmental treatment approach
Karl and Berta Bobath (1940’s)
-common intervention for hemiplegia
-the ability to maintain and change posture
-also work w CP and movement

-children had gross and fine motor -the result of a complex set of neurologic and
delays, abnormal tone and mechanical processes (motor, cognitive and
movement, and primitive reflexes perceptual development)

-they nproposed that the children’s -allows the NS to direct what ms should be
movements were elicited stimulu used in what order and how quickly, to solve
and primitive reflexes that resulted in a movement problem
their abnormal movement patterns
-infant’s first movement problem relates to
-goal was to inhibit abnormal postural reflex overcoming the effect of gravity
activity and movements and to facilitate
-second related problem is how large the
normal motor patterns including head and
head as compared to smaller body
trunk control, UE support and balance
reaction -movement problems are related to
controlling the interaction between stability
Motor control and learning
and mobility of the head trunks and limbs

Braddom, Randall, Physical Medicine and Rehabilitation,
DeLisa, Joel, Physical Medicine and Rehabilitation
O’Sullivan, Susan and Schmitz, Thomas, Physical Rehabilitation
- control of task-specific movements such as -using appropriate sensory stimuli for
stringing beads or riding a tric depends on evocating the desired muscular response is
cognitive and perceptual abilities the basic principle of Rood approach
Hierarchic theory 2. Ontogenic development sequence
-top-down perspective -rood recommended the use of ontogenic
development sequence; sensory motor
-brain is seen as the highest level of control
control is developmentally based, so that
with all subcortical structures taking orders
during treatment therapist must assess
from it
current level of development and then try to
ROOD’S APPROACH reach next higher levels of control

Margaret Rood (1940) – neurophysiological 3. Purposeful movement –used purposeful

approach who developed Rood’s approach activities which can help to get the desired
movement pattern from the patient
-it deals with the activation or de-activation
of sensory receptors, w/c us concerned with 4. Repetition of movement – encouraged to
the interaction of somatic, autonomic and use repetitive movement for motor learning
psychic factors and their role in the
regulation of motor behavior
-neurophysiological approach was designed
for the pt w motor control problem
-motor fx ad sensory mechanisms are
-based on reflex/hierarchical model of the
central nervous system, movt is facilitated or
inhibited for rehab purpose
-motor patterns are developed from
primitive reflexes thru proper sensory
stimuli to the appropriate sensory receptors
-exploited the normal sequential dec to get
motor responses and establilsh proper
motor engrams
Basic principles of ROOD APPROACH:
1. Normalization of tone

Braddom, Randall, Physical Medicine and Rehabilitation,
DeLisa, Joel, Physical Medicine and Rehabilitation
O’Sullivan, Susan and Schmitz, Thomas, Physical Rehabilitation
Braddom, Randall, Physical Medicine and Rehabilitation,
DeLisa, Joel, Physical Medicine and Rehabilitation
O’Sullivan, Susan and Schmitz, Thomas, Physical Rehabilitation

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