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The self in Western and Oriental

Eastern thought

Postorioso, Margie S.
GEED 001

On January 10, we had first meeting in the year of 2023. Before our professor discuss the first
topic, we had a little conversation about what happened to our Christmas vacation and our new year’s
resolution. After a while, she talked about "the self in Western and Oriental Eastern thought." In this
topic, we compare the values, self-description, and self-evaluation of Western and Eastern countries.
When it comes to values, the Western and Eastern worlds are vastly different. Eastern countries, such
as the Philippines, are more hospitable, respectful, and religious adherence than western countries.
Furthermore, when it comes to self-description, eastern countries answered the question by talking
about their social situations, families, and themselves, whereas western countries answered the question
by describing themselves. Finally, when it comes to self-evaluation, eastern countries are more private
about their accomplishments than western countries. Now, after we tackled lesson 5 I have some values
from Eastern and Western that I adopt. However, I have some values that I dislike from Eastern and
Western countries.

Western values are different to my Eastern countries, such as the

values that I adopt. But, I have one western Philippines, are the most religious,
value that I adopt. Western values are the hospitable, and respectful. Our elderly are
most independent people than eastern treated with dignity in our country. To
people because at the age of 18, some of show respect for the elderly, we used to add
teenagers have separated from their parents "po", "opo", "ate", and "kuya". That term is
and are living alone. However, in our only used in Philippines. I am proud to be
country, when we reach the age of 18, our Filipino because I believe I am unique in
parents become strict because we are comparison to others. As eastern people, I
teenagers. They believe that teenagers must have values that I have adopted while
concentrate on their studies. However, growing. I was raised by my parents with
teenagers like me want to explore and big respect to elderly, hospitability, and
experience the real world. Furthermore, I religious values. I adopted these values
believe that this value of independence has because I grew up in an eastern country, the
been adopted to myself, but in different Philippines.
I remember being constantly with Respecting the elderly, being
my mother because I could not stand by hospitable, and being religious are all
myself at the time. I am now eighteen years aspects of our culture. Not only the
old. When it comes to my personal matters, culture, but also the values taught us by
I am proud to say that I am capable of our parents, teachers, and elders. And
standing on my own. In addition, my sister these values taught us to appreciate
once asked if I was available to accompany others, particularly our culture.
her to school. That day, I realized how
Furthermore, we spent Christmas with our
grateful I am to be able to stand on my own.
relatives, whom we had not seen in several
However, as her older sister, I accompany years due to the pandemic. But this
her because she requires my assistance to Christmas, we went to our relatives. We
complete her schoolwork. I told to myself
were “mano” to them, to show respect.
that one day my sister would be able to
”Mano” is kind of act to show respect.
stand on her own, but now I will However, I remember one time, I act to
accompany her until she can stand on her “Mano” to my relatives to show respect, but
own. Finally, I disagree with the Filipino
he refused my hand because he said that “he
elders' belief that we should separate from
will grow faster”. I realized that day, that
them. It means to them that I prefer to they are taking away the culture that most
separate myself from them. But sometimes Filipino adopted with just for no reason. I
I just want to be independent and have
am adopted also of being hospitable and
peace of mind. religious because my love language is act of
service and I will make sure that they are

To conclude, even if we have different thoughts

about our culture, we must respect those opinions. As a
student, daughter and Filipino, I will do my obligation. And
even if we have different culture, we must respect the
culture of each other countries. Moreover, I have learned in
our discussion and while writing this journal the difference
of western and eastern culture and how I adopt the culture
of western even though I was not lived there. Finally, even if
I dislike the sum of culture of my country, I should respect
and accept the fact that we have different perspective.

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