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The documentary is a representation of Pakistani sanitation workers, who are typically

from lower-class ethnic minorities including Hindus and Christians. The mini-
documentary I produced also focuses on their problems, including health issues
brought on by their work and other issues like lesser pay and embarrassment due to
their filthy work. The Christian sewer worker who is featured in my mini-documentary
has worked in this field for 36 years and claims that he barely makes enough money to
provide two meals a day for his family. He mentions that people devalue them to the
point that they don't even pay them for the labour they do. They are called various
insulting names, such as "Chora," yet they are so helpless that they are unable to even
dispute with their boss on their behalf because doing so would result in their losing
the money they would otherwise make from their work. A vicious spiral has
developed, leaving illiterate members of racial a "The Disrespected" emphasizes the
problem of these significant individuals having been devalued for many years. At last,
it shows a text animation on which the sewer workers' appeal to be treated as humans
is shared, and it concludes with a campaign that reads "CLEAN HANDS DIRTY WORK"
in which a note has been shared that appeals to the target audience to recognize the
efforts of these individuals who play a crucial role in creating a safe and clean society.


MR Pervaiz Masih is a manual scavenger who has been cleaning sewers for 36 years.
He lives in Lahore and works in this sector privately after years of serving in the public
sector for sanitation work.


MS Khadija Batool is a Pakistani female documentary filmmaker. She has released her
first work as an amateur filmmaker Titled ‘‘THE DISRESPECTED’’. She is the founder of
KB Production which aims to show different perspectives on ongoing things through
the film medium.

Most of the research done is secondary research and it is done through Google,
youtube, and Instagram. The facts I’ve included were studied from many websites. The
inspiration was taken from the previous work of the soc film docu-series Forsaken and
many other works were an inspiration for this as ‘‘THE DISGUSTFUL’’ BY DW
Documentary, The Documentary ‘’Invisible Side of Asia’’ were all looked upon for this
project. Many newspaper reports were studied which published The unfair treatment
of government officials with sewer workers, also the incident reporting the doctor not
checking a sewer cleaner because he was fasting and the man contained filth on him
and he died just because of this. The Campaign was started by a government official
Mary Gill ‘’Sweepers are superheroes were also studied for this project. It also
required research for conventions of production and the pre-production process of a
documentary and also for how to market it.


The link for shot design is attached below


The image for storyboard


BUDGET was 6000

In which a boya mic of Rs4000 was purchased to give a better sound through its voice
cancellation capacity.

RS2000 was for the transportation cost of the interviewee.

The director’s contribution was 20% while 80% was from kind resources.

Due to low finance low quality equipment was used.


My primary target market is audiences who watch short documentaries, I will be

creating its awareness through viral marketing on social media and by taking it to the
selection round for PAFF Film festival.

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