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Hermine NAUT 40257817

MARK 454 AA: Assignment 3

Roleplay number 2

Salesperson: Hello Pam!

Customer: Hi Dwight!
Salesperson: So nice to see you again!
Customer: Nice to see you too, thank you again for arranging your schedule so that I could
come in when my shop is closed.
Salesperson: Don’t worry about it. It wasn’t a problem at all.
Customer: It is nice to feel appreciated, I haven’t really experienced that with other
Salesperson: It’s always a pleasure to make my clients happy. How has your day been so far?
Customer: It has been great thank you, a bit hectic but I still managed.
Salesperson: Really? Have you had an increase of customers with the coming holidays?
Customer: Yes actually! I have felt like there might have been more people lately, and I have
to admit I did feel a bit overwhelmed in the last week with all the additional paperwork I had
to do to prepare for the holidays.
Salesperson: I see, so maybe the need for a new printer won’t be as useless as you thought.
Customer: Exactly, I feel like I came here today for a reason.
Salesperson: Well, my plans for today was to show you our 2 printers in order to really know
what you’re buying and demonstrate their characteristics. If you could follow me to our
demonstration room.
Customer: Of course, no problem.
Salesperson: On your right is our Jenny 200 printer, a printer with digital technology and a
full year of warranty that allows for enhanced image quality, reliability and efficiency as its
small size and light weight allow you to set it up easily even in small locations. Furthermore,
it prints pretty quickly, I would say 30 pages per minute on average.
Customer: That all sounds great! What about the other one?
Salesperson: Of course, on your left is the Jenny 2 document centre 600, much more
professional and efficient, with laser print technology and 2 years of full warranty. It is a bit
bigger as you can see and thus it also weights more, about 650 lbs. compared to the 250 lbs.
of the other printer. But it means it also is way more efficient, it can print 150 pages in a
minute with a quality of image superior to any other.

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Customer: That all seems like a lot of features for a simple printer, I am not sure I have the
need for that much. Especially since I got by just fine until now without a printer and by just
going to the print shop across town.
Salesperson: Yes, I can see why you would say that, but what about your future needs? You
were just saying you saw an increase in paperwork because of the holidays sales.
Customer: That is true indeed, I just don’t know if I am ready for this kind of purchase when
the needs I will have for a printer are, as you pointed out, future needs and not immediate.
Salesperson: I can tell you that at Precision Photocopiers, we take pride in satisfying our
customers. In fact, a recent survey amongst our clients guarantees that 99% of them are happy
with their current printers.
Customer: That is reassuring I admit.
Salesperson: And you should now that over 70% of our clients are small business owners like
you who didn’t see the need to purchase a printer and are now more than happy with the
Customer: Really?
Salesperson: Yes of course, since buying a printer now will allow you to get ahead of your
future needs, and it will also help you cutting costs, as you won’t have to pay for transport to
the print store, as well as the costs of printing in the shop.
Customer: You’re right I didn’t think about that before.
Salesperson: Also, both of our printers are environmentally friendly and cost-savings thanks
to their time-saving technology.
Customer: Right, I guess I just don’t see how the printers can do all the things you say it can.
Salesperson: Really, what don’t you think is real?
Customer: Well, the copy speed for one, 150 pages seems impossible to print in a minute for
Salesperson: I see, that is easily demonstrated over here. I’m going to print for you on the
Jenny 2-600 its user guide as well as some technical studies on that printer, which I know
approximate to a bit more than a hundred pages. Feel free to time the printer to test its
capabilities yourself.
They both wait as the Jenny 2-600 is printing the documents.
Customer: 45 seconds! I see what you mean that really is fast!
Salesperson: Indeed, it is. And the papers here are more technical proof of our printers’
abilities, still warm from the printer! Please keep these documents so that you can check for
yourself our printers’ skills on your own time.
Customer: This is great thank you.

Hermine NAUT 40257817

Salesperson: The Jenny 200 can print just as well but not as fast I’m afraid, I can demonstrate
its copy speed as well if you wish it.
Customer: I am okay thank you, one demonstration was enough. I cannot help noticing the
quality of the print on the papers you just handed me, it looks remarkable!
Salesperson: It is the laser technology of the Jenny 2-600, just one of the many features that
make this printer a premium model for our customers, it even received the Editors’ Choice
Customer: That’s impressive, but I think a printer used in editing is one I need, as it sounds
much more expensive to me.
Salesperson: Yes, that is true, as I told you last time we met, the Jenny 2- 600 is $400. A
justified price, considering all the features it offers. This printer really is a “state of the art”
premium model.
Customer: Of course.
Salesperson: I do see why you might object to this however, which is why I might recommend
you our other model, the Jenny 200, which has less options but is only $200.
Customer: And still works very well! The Jenny 200 does seem to fit my needs better. I really
like the fact that it’s small too, it will fit in my office without any problem.
Salesperson: I can see you might be hesitating still; it reminds me of another one of my clients
from a long time ago, a small business owner just like you who owned a bar on main street.
He didn’t see the need for a printer as he just opened and didn’t have that many regulars yet.
After I met him, I didn’t manage to convince him to buy our printer but still left him my
information with the promise of coming if he ever changed his mind.
Customer: What happened then?
Salesperson: He opened his bar at the end of august, and he didn’t predict in his plans that
Oktoberfest was such a thing here. So, when October rolled in, imagine his surprise when tons
of clients came in too! He became swamped with orders he needed to fulfill the high demand,
and he quickly lost himself in the paperwork from all the different suppliers. Needless to say,
he called me the next week, ordered one of our printers, and he never had another issue with
keeping the books ever again! You can still go have a drink there, although I think his son is
mostly handling the bar now.
Customer: When did that happen?
Salesperson: Over 10 years ago, it was only the beginning of technological printers then, and
they have upgraded since then, thanks to our advice and our help.
Customer: You really take care of your customers then, it’s nice to see.
Salesperson: Of course, our customers are our priority, we’ve never had an issue with their
Customer: You know what, you’ve convinced me, I think I will buy the Jenny 200.

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Salesperson: Wonderful! I can assure you won’t regret it. I’ll fetch the papers for you.
Customer: Thank you.
A few moments later, after the papers and the check are all signed and verified.
Salesperson: This all looks perfect! I will call you in a few days to warn you of the delivery, it
shouldn’t take more than a week.
Customer: Thank you very much.
Salesperson: It was a pleasure doing business with you. And don’t hesitate to call me if you
have any issue with your new printer.
Customer: I will! Thank you again for your help. Goodbye Dwight!
Salesperson: Goodbye Pam!

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