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UNIT IV: Multinational Financing Institutions and Working Capital Management

The International Bank for Reconstruction and Development, the international development
association, The International Finance Corporation, International monetary fund, international
Working Capital Management, Cash management Export and Import financing.

The International Bank for Reconstruction and Development(IBRD)

The International Bank of Reconstruction and Development (IBRD) is a
development bank administered by the World Bank. The IBRD offers financial products and
policy advice to countries aiming to reduce poverty and promote sustainable development.
The International Bank of Reconstruction and Development is a cooperative owned by 189
member countries.
Its main focus is on providing financing and economic policy advice to help the leaders of
middle-income countries navigate the path toward greater prosperity.
International Development Association
International Development Association – Donor Countries
• Since the funds of the IDA get eroded, they need to be replenished periodically. The replenishment is provided
by different countries. Some important statistics regarding the categorization of donor countries of the IDA are
given below.
• G-7 countries dominate donor contributions. Their contribution comprises 69% of the total funds donated.
• 26% of the total funds are donated by 11 mid-sized traditional donor countries.
• 5% of the total funds are donated by 34 small-donor nation
International Development Association – Resource Allocation
• The resource allocation by the International Development Association is
done after evaluating various metrics which are given below.
• Only countries meeting the IDA eligibility criteria are allowed to receive
funds from it.
• Allocation of funds is done annually through Performance-Based
Allocation (PBA) System.
• The performance of a country is measured through Annual Country Policy
and Institutional Assessment (CPIA).
• Gross National Income (GNI) per capita.
• The population of the country.
• Terms of IDA assistance are determined by the country’s risk of debt
• Special allocations to post-conflict and re-engaging countries.
The International Finance Corporation
The objectives of International Finance Corporation are:
International monetary fund

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