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TPACK Creating Assignment Template

Subject Science
Grade Level Second grade
Learning Objective Living Systems and Processes
Content Knowledge

The objective of the lesson is what students will be able to do

as they finish the activity. For this objective, use the Standards
of Learning (SOL) to say what you want to focus on. 2.4The student will investigate and understand that plants and
You can find the SOLs at look on the right of the animals undergo a series of orderly changes as they grow
screen for the subjects and go from there.
and develop. Key ideas include
a) animals have life cycles; and
b) plants have life cycles

Complete this sentence by naming the technology tool and the creation activity:

In this activity, my students are going to use VoiceThread to create a video explaining in their own words
Pedagogy Planning

the plant and animal life cycle.

For example: In this activity, my students are going to use Edublogger to create a blog from the view of
Abraham Lincoln.
Activity Describe what the learning activity will be. What
will the students and the teacher be doing? (This includes
what they are doing with the technology). Many people tend
1. The teacher will ask students to open up their
to find this part easier if they number the action in order and chrome books and log in to VoiceThread.
think of this from the view of a substitute teacher. This lesson
was left on the desk, can you follow it and teach the class 2. Once students have signed in, the teacher will
today? Add numbers as you need to describe your show her example of the assignment to the
class/activity for the day.
class and explaining the directions both
visually (with directions on the board) and
verbally (by explaining the process to
complete the assignment).
3. After logging into VoiceThread, students will
pick out their animal and plant of choice and
write it down so that they can have their topic
approved by the teacher.
4. It is important for the teacher to go around to
each student and write down the student’s
choices once they’re approved. The purpose
of this is so students don’t change up their
choices and also so that everyone doesn’t
choose the same plant/animal.
5. Next, the student will go to to
search kid friendly images of their animal and
plant of choice during its life cycles.
6. Students will save each photo to their device
so that they can upload it into VoiceThread.
The teacher’s role at this point is to be on the
sideline and assist students with this part if
they need help seeing how to save a photo to
their chrome book.
7. Next, students will go back into voice threads
and hit the small yellow circle with a plus sign
at the bottom of the screen.
8. There should be an option that says add

media at the bottom left part of the screen.

From there, the students will upload their
photos from step 4.
9. Students can click the plus sign in the middle
of the screen to add text, audio, and/or a
video of themselves explaining the process.

Any of the three options are allowed.

10. Steps 7-9 will also be put on the board by the
teacher so that students have instructions to
go back to.
11. Once students have completed their videos on
BOTH the animal and plant life cycle, students
can ask one peer if they can see their video in
the VoiceThread folder to double check that
they submitted their video correctly.
Web 2.0 Technology VoiceThread with Chromebooks
Name of the device and/or programs being used. (The
description of what the students will be doing with the
technology will be included in the pedagogy/activity section).

Link to the example product you teacher link example

made pretending to be a student
Imagine that you are at a school that utilized BYOD and allows students to use mobile
Mobile App Option devices. Answer the following questions:

1. Does the web tool you’ve chosen have a mobile app? If so, give the mobile
app information here (name, price, app store name: iTunes App Store,
Google Play, and Amazon App Store).
VoiceThread on Google Play (free) and Apple App Store (free). Voice
thread is also available any mobile browser.
2. If your web tool is not available via a mobile app, locate an alternate
mobile app choice that allows students to create the same thing.Give the
mobile app information here (name, price, app store name: iTunes App
Store, Google Play, and Amazon App Store).
Not applicable because it is available everywhere!
Before you submit, delete the explanatory text (the text in small italics).

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