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Jea Guroalim

EDCS 422 Coordinator

I am Jelaira Saquilabon, a fourth-year BSEd-English student, I am one of the student

who took the EDCS 422 pre-test on January 29, 2023 and got the score of 73, but
failed to pass the required 65% which is 98. Due to my negligence in taking my part
as a student and for not taking the pretest seriously, since those students who failed
are required to make a commitment plan to make sure that this failing score will not
happen again throughout the test in every session as a result of this action. With
that, I re-assure that in every review session I will pass the 65% in the pre-test and
post-test. In order for me to make sure that I will pass the pre-test and post-test, I
have listed below my commitment plans.

 Taking the test seriously.

 Listen attentively to the assigned coach in the session.

 Read each question carefully.

 Analyze each questions thoroughly.

 Spare time to have advance study in the lesson.

 Take time to answer the test.

 Attend the session always and if it has emergency and can’t attend the
session, ask the classmate about what they discuss about that day.

These are the plans which I commit to myself in order to lessen the possibility of not
passing the required 65% in every test in this course. I will do my very best to work
hard on my studying skills in order to cope with the lessons I find difficult to
understand, and I'll also make sure that I will have a development as we progress
through our review session.

Noted by:

Aldrous Glenn A. Camino

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