Service Robots

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Service robots assist human beings, typically by performing a job that is dirty, dull, distant,

dangerous or repetitive. They typically are autonomous and/or operated by a built-in control
system, with manual override options. The term "service robot" does not have a strict technical
definition. The International Organization for Standardization defines a “service robot” as a robot
“that performs useful tasks for humans or equipment excluding industrial automation
The first industrial robot arm, "Unimate," was developed by Joseph F. Engelberger, known as the
"father of the robot arm," using George Devel.[2]
According to ISO 8373 robots require “a degree of autonomy”, which is the “ability to perform
intended tasks based on current state and sensing, without human intervention”. For service
robots this ranges from partial autonomy - including human-robot interaction - to full autonomy -
without active human robot intervention. The International Federation of Robotics (IFR) statistics
for service robots therefore include systems based on some degree of human robot interaction or
even full tele-operation as well as fully autonomous systems.
Service robots are categorized according to personal or professional use. They have many forms
and structures as well as application areas.

The possible applications of robots to assist in human chores is widespread. At present there are
a few main categories that these robots fall into.

Industrial service robots can be used to carry out simple tasks, such as examining welding, as
well as more complex, harsh-environment tasks, such as aiding in the dismantling of nuclear
power stations. Industrial robots have been defined by the International Federation of Robotics as
"an automatically controlled, reprogrammable, multipurpose manipulator programmable in three
or more axes, which may be either fixed in place or mobile for use in industrial automation

Domestic robots perform tasks that humans regularly perform in non-industrial environments, like
people's homes such as for cleaning floors, mowing the lawn and pool maintenance.[5] People
with disabilities, as well as people who are older, may soon be able to use service robots to help
them live independently.[6] It is also possible to use certain robots as assistants or butlers.

Robotic systems perform many functions such as repetitive tasks performed in research. These
range from the multiple repetitive tasks made by gene samplers and sequencers, to systems
which can almost replace the scientist in designing and running experiments, analysing data and
even forming hypotheses.
Autonomous scientific robots perform tasks which humans would find difficult or impossible, from
the deep sea to outer space. The Woods Hole Sentry can descend to 4,500 metres and allows a
higher payload as it does not need a support ship or the oxygen and other facilities demanded
by human piloted vessels.[7] Robots in space include the Mars rovers which could carry out
sampling and photography in the harsh environment of the atmosphere on Mars.

Care-O-bot is the product vision of a mobile robot assistant to actively support humans e.g. in
their daily life, in hotels, health care institutions or hospitals, developed by the Fraunhofer Institute
for Manufacturing Engineering and Automation.
The fourth generation, Care-O-bot 4, was completed in January 2015. While its predecessors
from 1998 onwards were used primarily in the development of technological fundamentals, Care-
O-bot 4 is a modular product family providing the basis for commercial service
robot solutions.[1] In 2015, the product design of Care-O-bot 4 was awarded with the Red Dot
Award: Product Design. As only 1,6 percent of all applications, Care-O-bot 4 received the
recognition "Best of the Best”.[2]
Numerous research institutions and universities around the world work with Care-O-bot to
advance the areas of applications.[

PatrolBot is a programmable autonomous general purpose service robot rover built by

MobileRobots Inc. PatrolBots are manufactured in various configurations and serve as bases for
companies developing delivery robots, security robots, environmental monitoring rovers, robot
guides and other indoor service robots.[1]

Capabilities of PatrolBot[edit]
PatrolBot can scan buildings, create floor plans and navigate them autonomously using a laser
range-finding sensor inside the robot. It employs Monte Carlo/Markov-style localization
techniques using a modified value-iterated search technique for navigation. It searches for
alternative paths if a hall is blocked, circumnavigates obstacles and re-charges itself at its
automated docking/charging station as needed. Using a Wi-Fi system the device can operate
autonomously or be controlled remotely.[2]

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Robot software "drag-and-drop" interface for setting up goals, tasks and routes for autonomous robots.
(Courtesy of MobileRobots Inc)

PatrolBot is a robotic base used for delivery, security, sensor monitoring, inspection and guidance
tasks. It is a reference platform added onto with various carrying attachments, sensors,
touchscreens and cameras. While it began primarily as a security robot the platform is now used
as a base for a broad range of applications.
CoroWare was founded in 2003 by David Hyams and Lloyd Spencer and joined the Technology
Collaborative of Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania in 2005. In 2006 CoroWare became a subsidiary of the
public corporation Innova Holdings, later named Innova Robotics & Automation. In 2008, Innova
became CoroWare, Inc. and CoroWare Technologies continued to operate as a fully owned
subsidiary of CoroWare, Inc.
On October 28, 2016, the company ceased all operations, citing insufficient cash reserves,
accumulated tax and debt liabilities, and "certain recent events resulting from the Notice of
Default from YA Global Investments".[1]
On February 13, 2018, CoroWare announced that the company is dramatically changing its
strategic focus and will focus its business on the natural resources sector through joint venture
partnerships. The company is in the process of transitioning itself into a global natural resources
company with a focus on coal production and new technologies and products derived from
coal.[citation needed]
On February 8, 2021, CoroWare announced, via a website update, that they have begun their
early renovation stages of transitioning itself into a resource reclamation company with a focus on
hydrogen and carbon technologies.

Gita is a two-wheeled, follow-me, cargo-carrying robotic vehicle developed by Piaggio Fast

Forward, a Boston area subsidiary of Piaggio.[1][2]
Gita prototypes were first introduced in February 2017. The production model of the gita robot
first became available for purchase on the United States market at the end of November of 2019.
Two production models currently exist and are sold online at

Original device[edit]

An early gita robot prototype being packed with groceries at a Boston area supermarket.
The gita robot is a self-balancing two-wheeled robotic transporter that follows a human leader
while observing pedestrian etiquette.
The gita prototypes were cylinder-shaped with two rubber tread-like wheels at the outer edges.
Each unit had a cargo bin enclosed between the wheels. Although capable of rolling at up to 22
miles per hour, which is fast enough to keep up with a runner or a bicyclist, the production models
were subsequently limited to 6 miles per hour (an appropriate pace for walking and relaxed
jogging). The Gita uses an array of cameras and sensors to navigate.

Latest version[edit]
Whereas the early prototypes made use of lidar, the production models rely instead on
a computer vision solution that visually identifies the user and locks onto their body shape while
scanning the surrounding environment. The gita operating system is being regularly updated with
new behaviors that include small autonomous maneuvers and responses to the outdoor and
indoor settings in which they are traveling. [3][4]
Two production models exist: gita and gita mini. Unlike the prototype, both self-balance by shifting
the vehicle's weight forward and backward, with their wheels tucked into the vehicle's side (not on
the outer edges). gita has the following capabilities: it can carry 40 lbs., has a 2630 cubic inch
cargo bay (or roughly ~10 days worth of groceries for a single person), can stream music, is good
for 4 hours of continuous travel (or about 12 miles), and fully recharges in 2 hours. gita mini has
the following specifications: it can carry 20 lbs., has a 990 cubic inch cargo bay (roughly 5 days
worth of groceries for a single person), is good for 7 hours of continuous travel (about 21 miles),
and fully recharges in 2 hours. Both can operate fully in GPS-denied environments and without a
wifi connection. They are exceedingly simple to operate: push the pairing button and off you go;
then push the pairing button to park. A cell phone app permits more advanced functionalities.

Justin (also known as Rollin' Justin) is an autonomous and programmable humanoid robot with
two arms, developed by the German Aerospace Center (DLR) at the Institute of Robotics and
Mechatronics, located in Wessling, Germany.[1][2] Introduced in 2009, this wireless robot is
controllable through telepresence, a type of technology that allows a person to feel as if he or she
were present from a location other than his or her true location.
Justin is intended to be mounted on its own satellite, maneuver in orbit, and repair other satellites.
However, it can also be used on Earth to perform simple tasks.[3] The European Space
Agency (ESA) plans to have astronauts aboard the International Space
Station teleoperating Justin by 2014.[4]
Rollin' Justin has some variations depending on its intended purpose. For example, some
versions of Justin may not have wheels. DLR also created Agile Justin—an upgraded version of
Rollin’ Justin, and in 2013 TORO—which is similar to Rollin' Justin, except with legs instead of

The main goal in creating Justin was to make new space robots that are not only light in weight
but also have multiple senses and can be controlled from earth. DLR stated that they want to
establish robots from "powerful telerobotic concepts and man-machine-interfaces."[6] Eventually,
DLR hopes for Justin the robot to be self-controlling; however, not much has been said about
what Justin would be able to do if it were self-controlling. [3]
Justin has many features and characteristics that make it different from other robots.

Rollin' Justin does have some variations; however, Justin is always equipped with two hands, two
high-definition cameras, PMD sensors, a head, and a torso.
Justin is equipped with two four-finger hands that provide human-like maneuvers. Justin's arms
and hands are made with software algorithms, or step-by-step procedures for calculations, that
allow it to interact with the environment, avoid collision with the other arm or hand, and perform
tasks.[7] The head of the robot has two high-definition cameras that give a sense of depth when
manipulating the arms. Likewise, the cameras are also equipped with object-recognition
Rollin' Justin, the one meant for daily tasks on earth, has a mobile platform that allows for
mobility. Independently operated by the system, Justin is able to freely travel long distances. The
mobile platform includes four spring born wheels (wheels made from springs) that create easy
mobility. [9] These wheels are independently mobile, which match the requirements needed by
Justin's upper body when executing tasks.
The Justin version meant for space would only be equipped with the head, torso, arms, and no
wheels. As a result, the spring born wheels and mobile platform would be removed and Justin
would be mounted on a spaceship.

In addition to fixing satellites, Rollin' Justin has many unique abilities which separate it from other
robots. For example, Justin has the ability to catch flying objects with an 80 percent success
rate.[10] It can do this because of the cameras on its head, tracking software, and precision
grasping.[10] Justin's arms are made of carbon-fiber, which allow up to 31 pounds to be lifted on
each arm. [8] Justin is also able to make tea and coffee and hold a paper cup without splashing
the liquid all over its hands.[10][2] Not only can it make coffee, Justin can also do a dance from Pulp

SpaceJustin test in a Mars scenario on 2017, operated by the astronaut Paolo Nespoli, which was on board
of the International Space Station.

Justin's upper body has 43 total controllable degrees of freedom, which is the number of
independent factors that define the robot's configuration. It can not only pick things up from the
ground, but can also reach items at a height of about 2 meters.[2] The robot also has torque
sensors (a device that measures the tendency of a force to rotate an object about an axis) in its
joints that allow it to manipulate its arms and hands. [1] If Justin were to go to space, it could be
controlled here on earth by someone wearing an exoskeleton, which is a combination of an arm
and glove that has force feedback (a sense of touch through forces, vibrations, or motions to the
user).[8][11] With Justin's unique software, one can use basic programming tools
like Matlab or Simulink for control.[1] Similarly, if Justin were to be in a household environment,
humans would be able to control it via an iPad.

Roomba is a series of autonomous robotic vacuum cleaners made by the company iRobot.
Introduced in September 2002,[1] they have a set of sensors that enable them to navigate the floor
area of a home. These sensors can detect the presence of obstacles, particularly dirty spots on
the floor, and steep drops (e.g., to avoid falling down stairs).
As of 2022, iRobot markets models of their 600, i, j, Combo and s9 series, while continuing to
provide support and sell accessories for their previous series.[2] Various models have different
features, including tangle-free brushes, separate sweep canisters, more
powerful vacuums, obstacle avoidance, and performance maps displayed via smartphone apps.
Newer high-end models also have a camera, which works in conjunction with onboard mapping
and navigation software to systematically cover all floor area, move from room to room, avoid
obstacles such as pet waste and charging cables, and find recharging bases and beacons.
Roombas allow some customizability and reprogramming. Parts of some models are
interchangeable, allowing owners to mix and match features, or switch to other units for longer
battery operation. Additionally, some units can be adapted to perform more creative tasks using
an embedded computer in conjunction with the Roomba Open Interface.

700 series model upside down, showing the two driving wheels, beater brushes, various sensors and other

Most Roomba models are of a disk shape, measuring 338–353 millimetres (13.3–13.9 in) in
diameter and 86–94 millimetres (3.4–3.7 in) high depending on the model. The S9 and S9+
robots are D-shaped rather than circular, with the flat part of the D at the front, and are narrower
at 311 millimetres (12.2 in) wide. A large contact-sensing mechanical bumper is mounted on the
front half of all models, with an omnidirectional infrared sensor at its top front center. Most models
also have a recessed handle on top.[3]
First- and second-generation Roombas were not compatible with the Virtual Wall, an accessory
used to prevent them from entering an area. It projects a pattern of infrared light,[4] which the
vacuum detects and treats as a physical wall, prompting it to stop and turn around. Third-
generation and newer models are compatible with the Dual Mode Virtual Wall, which, in addition
to simulating a straight wall, can create a circular barrier roughly 4 feet (1.2 m) in diameter. Some
500-, 700- and 800-series models are compatible with the Virtual Wall Lighthouse.[5][6] It initially
confines the vacuum to one area to be cleaned; then, once the vacuum reports the area has been
sufficiently cleaned (based on its estimated area), it directs it to proceed to the next space to be
cleaned, and contains it there.[7]

Sanbot is an intelligent, cloud-enabled service robot[2] developed by Qihan Technology Co. Ltd.,
a robotics and AI company headquartered in Shenzhen, China.[3] Qihan has launched three
generations of intelligent robots under the Sanbot brand – Sanbot Elf(QIHAN Technology
renamed the first generation Sanbot to Sanbot Elf[4]), Sanbot King Kong[5] and Sanbot Nano.[6]

Development history[edit]
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Sanbot utilizes robotics and artificial intelligent (AI) technologies[7] both in design and
manufacture. It has an open API platform[8] which enables developers to program the robot with
customized Android applications for their business.[9] Sanbot was released at the IFA 2016
in Berlin.[10][11]
Sanbot Elf is in use by customs and airports including Gongbei Port of Entry and Shenzhen
Bao'an International Airport for passenger service and security purposes.[12][13]
Sanbot releases MPS (Multi-service Platform System) specially for business including retail,
hospitality, education and healthcare.[14] MPS enables businesses to centrally manage hundreds
of Sanbot robots from anywhere through the cloud-enabled, centralized system.[15]
QIHAN Technology launched new generation humanoid robot - Sanbot King Kong at the 2017
World Robot Conference in Beijing and was presented to the North American market
at CES 2018. Features include Sanbot being engineered to move at speeds up to five meters per
second and able to tow up to 165 pounds.[16]
Sanbot Nano is Qihan’s new generation intelligent robot for home use and it was launched at
2017 IFA Expo in Messe Berlin, Germany. Sanbot Nano adopts Amazon’s Alexa Voice
Service (AVS) and families can use it to control lights, thermostats and home appliances. People
can order pizza, request a car, track fitness stats, control the TV, play music from today’s leading
streaming providers through Sanbot Nano at home.[6][4]

Sanbot Elf[edit]
A matrix design of 360 wrap-around perception that utilizes more than 60 sensors gives Sanbot
Elf better than human-like awareness. The robot has the capacity for Voice Interaction, Facial
Recognition, Voice Localization, Video Chat, Obstacle Avoidance and Auto charging, giving users
feeling of Magic Audio-visual.[17][18][19]
Sanbot robot adopts components and systems from international hi-tech giants for its hardware
and intelligent software. The forward-sensing cameras is from Sony, touchscreen
from Sharp, IBM Watson powers the artificial intelligence capabilities, and Nuance provides the
voice recognition.[20][21]

Sanbot King Kong[edit]

EXTERNAL HARDWARE: Standing at approximately 4.8 feet tall, Sanbot King Kong boasts two
new bionic arms and hands that provide several degrees of freedom, similar to that of a human
arm. Its waist can automatically change the body’s center of gravity and adjust its posture, so that
it can perform well in hospitality services including food delivery and prevents it from falling over
when carrying objects on uneven terrain. Sanbot King Kong features the advanced four-wheel
drive system with an external wheel motor and Mecanum wheel chassis design and can move at
speeds up to five meters per second. Sanbot King Kong is able to tow up to 165 pounds during
the sophisticated movements.[16]
INTERNAL HARDWARE: Sanbot King Kong wields six built-in microphones in its head and it has
a strong speech recognition program that separates background noise in busy and loud areas.
With AI system powered by IBM Watson and Nuance, Sanbot King Kong is capable of speech
recognition technology and can identify and communicate in 26 different languages. Sanbot King
Kong adopts multiple 3D cameras vSLAM (vision simultaneous localization and mapping),
combining infrared, ultrasound and visual obstacle avoidance technology to help Sanbot King
Kong efficiently map out unfamiliar environments and even avoid glass doors and falling objects.
Sanbot King Kong is fused with security password system on its head to protect the robot from
unwanted access to its multiple USB ports and power-supply ports.

Sanbot Nano[edit]
Sanbot Nano stands at 2.7 feet tall and is equipped with over 50 sensors to avoid objects in its
way, recognize voices and know when someone enters the room. Sanbot Nano inherits popular
features from Sanbot Elf including the Android SDK, Sanbot App Store and automatic charging. It
adopts Amazon’s Alexa (Alexa Voice Service) and families can use it to control lights,
thermostats and home appliances. It is the first home robot adopting the Amazon Alexa AI

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