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-------------------------------------------------------------------------------EVGA Precision v2.0.3 -------------------------------------------------------------------------------Visit http://www.evga.

com/precision/ for more information on this utility and to download the latest version -------------------------------------------------------------------------------System requirements: -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Windows XP, Windows Vista or Windows 7 (both x86 and x64 versions) with full administrative rights - NVIDIA 6, 7, 8, 9, 200, 400 and 500 series graphics card (*) - NVIDIA ForceWare 96.xx or higher drivers * Note: Integrated and mobile graphics cards are not officially supported -------------------------------------------------------------------------------Features: -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Quick and easy beginner friendly access to the most popular overclocking, fan control and hardware monitoring features - Independent overclocking and fan control for multi-GPU systems. The GPUs can be optionally synchronized and the settings can be applied synchronically to all similar GPUs in the system absolutely transparently for the user - On-Screen Display technology and Logitech G15 LCD display support allow gamers monitoring display adapter's state directly while gaming - System tray temperature monitoring support allows monitoring temperatures while working in office applications - Profiles system supports 10 customizable profile slots and provides beginner friendly interface for saving current Precision overclocking and fan settings to a profile and restoring previously created profile via graphical user interface, tray menu or programmable global hotkeys - Automatic profiles management system allows experienced users to define their own dynamic downclocking rules on the systems with no hardware downclocking support or program different fan control modes for 2D and 3D applications - Basic screen capture features support. BMP, PNG and JPG formats are supported -------------------------------------------------------------------------------Known limitations: -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Additional server process is required to provide some functionality including framerate monitoring, On-Screen Display, screen capture and automatic profiles management. The server will be automatically launched by Precision as soon as you enable any of the features listed above. You will not be able to shut down the server manually while these features are in use, that is by design of Precision - Framerate monitoring, On-Screen Display, Screen capture and automatic profiles management functionality is currently not supported in native 64-bit

applications - Framerate monitoring, On-Screen Display, screen capture and automatic profiles management functionality can be incompatible with some third-party On-Screen Display software (e.g. XFire or Steam In-Game Chat) The limitation is not specific to our product, many third-party products are designed to be the only On-Screen Display products in the system and to block their own functionality when any other On-Screen Display software is running - Anticheat systems of some online games may restrict On-Screen Display usage and block connection to the server when On-Screen Display server is running -------------------------------------------------------------------------------Revision history: -------------------------------------------------------------------------------Version 2.0.3 (published on 3.05.2011) - Improved compatibility with some smart UPS models, EVGA Precision task is no longer being terminated by Windows task scheduler when the PC is entering suspended mode - Now Microsoft Visual C++ 2008 runtime libraries are included in distributive and installed with software - EVGA On-Screen Display server has been upgraded to version 4.2.0. New version gives you the following improvements: - Improved OpenGL On-Screen Display coordinates calculation for framebuffer coordinate space mode - Added custom raster 3D fonts support to On-Screen Display in addition to the previously available vector 2D / 3D fonts. On-Screen Display 3D mode rendering mode switch has been replaced with new vector 2D / vector 3D / raster 3D rendering modes switch - Now On-Screen Display coordinates are specified in pixels instead of zoomed units - Now it is possible to use drag-and-drop in On-Screen Display preview window to adjust On-Screen Display position - Now On-Screen Display supports tabulation symbols for better appearance in conjunction with new variable width custom fonts - Improved desktop windows notification mechanism for faster server startup and shutdown - Windows Sidebar is now captured properly on desktop screenshots - Updated system profile template mapping rules for application profiles - Updated profiles list Version 2.0.2 (published on 17.01.2011) - Fixed issue in the context help system causing it to display wrong floating tooltips when hovering cursor over the controls under certain conditions - EVGA On-Screen Display server has been upgraded to version 4.0.0. New version gives you the following improvements: - Reduced On-Screen Display rendering related CPU performance hit due to more effective geometry batching in On-Screen Display 3D rendering mode codepath - Now EVGA On-Screen Display server supports RivaTuner's user extendable localization system - Screenshot compression library SaveImage.dll has been replaced with more progressive SaveMedia.dll library providing unified screenshot and video encoding engine - JPEG screenshot quality settings are no longer power user oriented and can be adjusted directly from the client application GUI - Screen capture implementation is now multithreaded to minimize the impact on the game performance when saving screenshots on the systems with multicore

CPUs - Text indication of screen capture events in the On-Screen Display has been replaced with graphics progress indicator - Fixed issues causing the On-Screen Display to be rendered in wrong colors in 3D mode in some multitextured Direct3D9 applications (e.g. several bumpmapping related samples from DirectX 9 SDK) - Updated profiles list Added option allowing hiding On-Screen Display on captured screenshots Reduced hardware polling time on multi-GPU systems due to cached GPU context switching in hardware monitoring module All synchronization mutexes have been moved from local to global namespace Added programmable alarm system allowing the Precision to play alarm sound when any monitored parameter is out of range defined by user Localization reference guide documentation has been updated to v1.2

Version 2.0.1 (published on 03.11.2010) - Fixed issue in hotkey handler causing it to detect false keystrokes under certain conditions - Added delayed fan speed readback mechanism to improve compatibility with fan control on GeForce 580 GTX series - Added French and Polish languages Version 2.0.0 (published on 07.09.2010) - Added software automatic fan control mode allowing end users to define custom temperature to fan speeed mapping curve - Added NVIDIA GeForce GTS 450 series support - Added floating tooltips based help system for advanced EVGA Precision settings window - Now it is possible to pause hardware monitoring module via "Pause" command in the context menu of hardware monitoring window - Performance profiler status information is no longer power user oriented, now it is possible to toggle the performance profiler status visibility directly via "Show status" command in the context menu of hardware monitoring window - Now it is possible to clear hardware monitoring history via "Clear history" command in the context menu of hardware monitoring window - Now it is possible to get directly into hardware monitoring graph properties by clicking a tray icon associated with it or via "Properties" command in the context menu of hardware monitoring window - Added multilanguage system and sample Russian localization pack - Added SDK folder containing reference guide documentation for third party EVGA Precision skin and localization creators - Now core clock controls are displayed on GeForce 400 series if built-in skins are in use. Please take a note that it is still impossible to adjust core and shader clocks independenty on these cards due to GPU architecture limitations - Now it is posssible to use both core and shader clock as the primary clock when adjusting the clocks in linked mode - Removed some outdated options from advanced EVGA Precision settings window - Framerate monitoring graph limits have been changed to [0,100] FPS - Fan tachometer monitoring graph limits have been changed to [0,5000] RPM - Fixed videomemory usage monitoring for non-primary NVIDIA graphics cards - Added ability to assign a hotkey for toggling the On-Screen Display Server blocking. This hotkey is aimed to provide a simple way for diagnosing the server related compatibility issues - Now EVGA Precision uses previously undocumented power user oriented DirectInput based hotkey handler. New hotkey handling mechanism drastically reduces hotkey response time in applications heavily loading CPU. Please take a note that new sophisticated hotkeys handling can cause some system security applications (e.g. KIS proactive defense module) to warn you about possible

keylogging threat - Now screen capture events are also indicated by notification messages in the hardware monitoring window Version 1.9.6 (published on 10.08.2010) - Fixed COM security initialization issue causing task scheduler helper library to fail with error code -2 under certain conditions - "Start the task only when computer is running on AC power" option is no longer set in the startup task settings to allow automatically starting application via the task scheduler on laptops or on some UPS models - Added On-Screen Display profile for Startcraft II : Wings of Liberty Version 1.9.5 (published on 09.07.2010) - Added GeForce GTX 460 series graphics cards support - Added fan tachometer monitoring for NVIDIA graphics cards. Please take a note that not all graphics cards are tachometer reading capable. So depending on graphics card and cooling system fan tachometer monitoring can be unavailable - Optimized NVIDIA driver-level clock frequency monitoring codepath - Dynamic overclocking and fan speed limits. EVGA Precision no longer uses static slider limits calibration and adjusts the limits dynamically when some external factors affect it (e.g. when minimum fan speed is limited by NVIDIA driver) - Built-in skin sizes have been reduced due to optimized internal skin panels representation and optimized compiled bitmap cache - Optional skin compression ability in the built-in skin compiler - Now EVGA Precision uses previously undocumented power user oriented startup mode via the task scheduler under Windows Vista / Windows 7. EVGA Precision launch no longer requires UAC confirmation at Windows startup. Please take a note that Microsoft Visual C++ 2008 runtime libraries must be installed to get new startup mode working - Now EVGA Precision automatically fixes startup link if "Start with Windows" or "Apply at Windows startup" is enabled but the registry or task scheduler startup entry is missing - Now power users can enable optional DirectInput based hotkeys handler via the configuration file. DirectInput based hotkeys processing can seriously reduce hotkey response time in the applications heavily loading CPU (mostly 3D games) and leaving not enough time for processing standard keyboard input message queues. Please take a note that enabling such sophisticated hotkeys handling mode can cause some system security applications (e.g. KIS proactive defense module) to warn you about possible keylogging threat - Improved skin engine, now skinned controls support horizontal and/or vertical centering. Skin format reference guide has been updated to document these new alignment modes - EVGA On-Screen Display server has been upgraded to version 3.7.2. New version gives you the following improvements: - Now screen capture events are identified visually by text message flashing in On-Screen Display during 0.25s - Built-in skin sizes have been reduced due to optimized compiled bitmap cache Version 1.9.4 (published on 21.05.2010) - Added NVIDIA GeForce GTX 465 series support - Fixed D3D11 framerate display in Logitech keyboard LCD - Fixed "Link" button saving issue on old NVIDIA graphics cards caused by adding Fermi graphics cards support in v1.9.2 - Unlocked memory downclocking ability on GeForce GTX 400 series under the latest NVIDIA drivers

- EVGA On-Screen Display server has been upgraded to version 3.7.1 featuring the following changes: - Improved On-Screen Display 3D rendering mode compatibility with Source engine based games and Star Trek Online - Updated profiles list - Startup profile is now displayed in "Apply at Windows startup" option floating tooltip - Floating tooltips help system is now reinitialized properly after runtime skin switching Version 1.9.3 (published on 04.05.2010) - Default tray icon text color has been changed from white to red to improve icon text readability in Windows 7 - Default screenshots folder location has been changed from application folder to common pictures folder - Full EVGA Precision uninstallation no longer unregisters EVGA OC Scanner - Fixed units and On-Screen Display group name for videomemory usage graph - "Stop the task if it runs longer than 3 days" option is no longer set in the task settings when using alternate startup mode via the task scheduler under Windows Vista / Windows 7 - Screen capture and On-Screen Display hotkey events are now being processed via direct connection to the On-Screen Display server instead of command line. Due to this change Screen capture and On-Screen Display visibility control hotkeys are being processed faster now - Now "i" button displays info about active clients connected to EVGA On-Screen Display server, allowing you to see why the server is running on your system - Now "i" button displays details about all GPUs in multi-GPU system instead of currently selected GPU details - Now automatic 2D/3D profiles management feature is unlocked by default - EVGA On-Screen Display server has been upgraded to version 3.7.0. New server gives you a lot of improvements including: - DirectX11 On-Screen Display and screen capture support - DirectX screen capture engine is no longer using DirectX runtimes to capture and compress screenshots. Screen capture and compression to PNG/JPG formats in DirectX applications is now handled by own more effective LIBPNG/JPEGLIB based library - PNG and JPG screen capture support for desktop and OpenGL applications - Adjustable JPG screen capture quality for experienced users - Screen capture support for DirectX10 and DirectX11 applications using multisampled antialiasing or non-standard frame buffer formats (e.g. sRGB) - Optional On-Screen Display 3D rendering mode. New mode uses 3D accelerated DirectX functions to emulate previously used 2D framebuffer access functions and render 2D text. New rendering mode provides On-Screen Display support in DirectX10 and DirectX11 applications using multisampled antialiasing and can also drastically reduce OSD related performance hit on the systems with badly optimized 2D acceleration in display drivers - Simplified On-Screen Display coordinate space settings. Rarely used desktop and window coordinate space modes have been merged into single framebuffer coordinate space mode - Now the server automatically selects framebuffer coordinate space instead of viewport coordinate space when viewport is not accessible (e.g. if pure Direct3D8 device is in use) - Improved application notification scheme during runtime profiles adjustment. Now runtime changes in OSD application profiles (e.g. OSD zoom ratio change on the fly) are reflected in affected application almost immediately instead of approximately 1 second delay in the previous versions - Reduced runtime skin engine memory footprint due to dynamic skin storage unloading

- Improved race condition protection system for multithreaded 3D engines (e.g. Age of dragons : Origins and ArmA II) - Improved race condition protection system for the systems running multiple OSD applications simultaneously (e.g. OSD server, FRAPS and STEAM In-Game Chat) - Improved floating injection address hooking technology. Due to more advanced built-in code analyzer hooks can be injected deeper into 3D application code if stealth mode is enabled. These changes improve stealth mode compatibility with third party tools using similar stealth injection technologies (e.g. FRAPS v2.9.8 and newer) - Now stealth mode cannot be toggled during 3D application runtime to reduce the risk of crashing 3D application - Removed single screen capture per second limitation - Updated profiles list Version 1.9.2 (printed on EVGA GTX 400 series driver CD) - Added initial GeForce GTX 400 series graphics cards support - It is no longer necessary to close the application to save monitoring window attachment state Version 1.9.1 (published on 21.01.2010) - Added workaround for overclocking bug of ForceWare 196.21. Please take a note that the workaround is applied only to 196.00 - 196.21 driver versions range in order to ensure compatibility with future fixed NVIDIA drivers. That is wny you may need to force the workaround via ClockDomainIdWorkaround configuration file entry if NVIDIA release a few more versions affected by this problem prior to fixing it Version 1.9.0 (published on 13.01.2010) - Fixed 3D memory clock monitoring on NVIDIA GeForce GT 240 DDR5 series graphics cards - Added configuration file setting allowing power users to display performance profiler status information in the hardware monitor window. The information allows estimating average CPU performance hit caused by hardware monitor - On-Screen Display and Logitech LCD monitoring modules no longer explicitly read displayed data from hardware and retrieve cached data from monitoring graphs instead. Due to this change CPU performance hit is reduced when OSD or LCD monitoring features are enabled - Fan speed slider position and numeric fan speed input field are now being refreshed in automatic fan speed mode only when EVGA Precision window is active - Added configuration file switches allowing power users to tweak Precision startup process and define startup delay or force the startup to be handled by Windows Vista / Windows 7 Task Scheduler to bypass UAC evaluation window (additional Microsoft Visual C++ 2008 runtime libraries installation is required for task scheduler based startup way) - Added videomemory usage monitoring for NVIDIA graphics cards under ForceWare 185.xx and newer drivers - Added GPU usage monitoring for NVIDIA GT2xx and newer graphics cards under ForceWare 185.xx and newer drivers - EVGA On-Screen Display server has been upgraded to version 3.6.0. New server provides improved desktop windows notification mechanism and also features optional power user oriented task scheduler based startup way - Reduced runtime skin engine memory footprint due to dynamic skin storage unloading

Version 1.8.1 (published on 06.10.2009) - Added NVIDIA GeForce 210, NVIDIA GeForce GT 220 and NVIDIA GeForce GT 240 series graphics cards support - EVGA On-Screen Display Server has been updated to version 3.5.0. Floating injection address hooking technology, which has been introduced in the previous version, is now disabled by default and can be enabled via the Stealth mode option in the server's properties - Added hotkeys cross-links checking, Precision no longer allows defining the same hotkey for two different actions at the same time - Added Browse button to Screen capture tab to allow users to change target folder for screenshots - Added integration with external overclocking stability testing applications Version 1.8.0 (published on 18.08.2009) - All vendor specific hardware access code has been moved from the executable file to separate hardware abstraction layer library (RTHAL.dll) to simplify the process of supporting new hardware products in the future - Fixed GDI resource leak during monitoring window detachment / attachment - EVGA On-Screen Display Server has been updated to version 3.4.0. New version adds pre-created On-Screen Display rendering profile for The Chronicles of Riddick: Assault on Dark Athena and introduces floating injection address hooking technology aimed to reduce the risk of On-Screen Display detection by third party applications (e.g. anti-cheat systems) - New skin format v1.2 gives new possibilities to skin developers and reduces skin file size and runtime skin engine memory footprint - Reduced CPU usage for simultaneous GPU and PCB temperature readings, both sensors are being read in single pass now - Added workaround for SLI mode switching related issues on ForceWare 190.xx series drivers. Now Precision is waiting for the end of SLI mode switching process before retrieving any data via NVIDIA driver API - Includes new Sleek Skins by Jonttu Version 1.7.1 (published on 28.04.2009) - Added update checking system - Now Logitech keyboard soft-buttons can be used to scroll Precision's LCD text in any direction. Both vertical and horizontal scrolling can be easily reset by pressing up and down or left and right scroll soft-buttons simultaneously Version 1.7.0 (published on 17.04.2009) - Considering that many third party EVGA Precision skins are still not updated to be compatible with 1.5.x and newer versions, now the Precision provides a temporary workaround and allows unlocking outdated skins usage (in reduced functionality mode). Experienced users may unlock outdated skins usage by setting ShowNonNativeSkins configuration file entry to 1. Please don't use the workaround as a long term solution and ask skin creator to provide the update if the skin you are using is invisible to Precision by default - Link button state is no longer restored improperly on multi-GPU systems when GPU synchronization mode is disabled - Fixed fan control for ForceWare 17x.xx and older driver families - Now pressing "Apply" or "Reset all" button causes the Precision to forcibly re-apply current overclocking and fan control settings on multi-GPU systems when GPU synchronization mode is enabled even when master GPU settings are not being altered. The enhancement ensures more correct GPU synchronization functionality on the systems with several differently clocked cards - Now Precision displays GPU synchronization indicators on GPU selection icons to ensure easy identification of all GPUs synchronized with the master GPU

on multi-GPU systems - Improved stress-test results handling on multi-GPU systems working in GPU synchronization mode - Added internal hardware emulation layer for simplifying distant debugging and testing process - Now Precision allows assigning a global hotkey for capturing desktop/in-game screenshots using built-in screen capture features of EVGA On-Screen Display server Please take a note that similar to the server's On-Screen Display limitations, screen capture functionality is also currently not available in native 64-bit applications and in Direct3D10 applications when multisampled antialiasing is enabled - Now Precision allows assigning a global hotkey for toggling On-Screen Display visibility in addition to the previously available hotkeys explicitly showing and hiding the On-Screen Display - Now Precision displays warnings when you are trying to display too many text information in the On-Screen Display causing the displayed information to be truncated - EVGA On-Screen Display Server has been updated to version 3.3.0 - Minor user interface cleanups Version 1.6.1 (published on 01.04.2009) - Added PCB temperature monitoring (also known as board, ambient or environment temperature in other hardware monitoring tools) for display adapters equipped with additional thermal sensors (e.g. 8800GTX or GTX 200 series) - Added workaround for NVIDIA driver's internal fan control timing issues causing wrong fan speed to be displayed on the slider during switching from automatic to manual fan control mode on display adapters equipped with discrete ADT7473 fan controllers under certain conditions - Added new OSD tab to advanced Precision settings window. New tab allows users to define global hotkeys for toggling On-Screen Display visibility and allows disabling On-Screen Display header - Now Precision can display system time in On-Screen Display header - EVGA On-Screen Display Server has been updated to version 3.2.1. New version includes improved exception handling and no longer crashes on startup after closing the previous running instance of the server improperly (e.g. due to crash or due to forcible server process killing via the task manager) - Various code and skin engine cleanups and optimizations Version 1.6.0 (published on 26.03.2009) - Now Precision monitoring window can be detached from the main form allowing the user to define custom monitoring window position and size. Double click attached monitoring window to detach it from the main form, double click it one more time or simply close it to attach it back - Now Precision provides multi-GPU control for the systems with up to 8 NVIDIA GPUs to ensure compatibility with future SLI systems and provide support for modern 5-GPU Quad-SLI + PhysX systems - Optimized multi-GPU profiles loader drastically reduces profiles load time when GPU synchronization mode is enabled - Now Precision always sorts GPUs by PCI location to ensure that GPU indices stay the same in the system regardless of operating system, display driver version and GPU display outputs connection - EVGA On-Screen Display Server has been updated to version 3.2.0. Similar to the previous version of Precision, new server also features new skin format v1.1 adding bitmap effects support to the skin compiler - Added new black skin edition Version 1.5.1 (published on 09.03.2009)

- Precision settings no longer reset at Windows startup on multi-GPU systems - Optimized runtime skin switching implementation for better appearance when switching between the skins with different window shapes Version 1.5.0 (published on 06.03.2009) - New multi-GPU systems control approach. Now Precision gives you independent access to thermal monitoring, overclocking and fan control settings of all GPUs installed in the system regardless of SLI mode status. Please take a note that the previous version settings and profiles are not compatible with version 1.5.0 and will be lost - Added new green and dark skin editions - New skin format v1.1 adds bitmap effects support to the skin compiler. Now skin creators can use new technology to simplify skin creation process and easily create different color editions of the same skin by applying various color tuning effects to the same bitmaps during compilation. Built-in blue, violet, green and dark skin editions are based on new technology, so it is recommended to use these skins as bitmap effects usage tutorials - Added multi-GPU core, shader and memory clocks and fan speeds monitoring - SLI mode status is detected dynamically and displayed properly in system info when SLI mode is being toggled on the fly during Precision runtime - Now Precision displays graphics processor codename in system info - Fixed memory clock monitoring for G98 graphics processors family - Now Precision is able to detect memory clock frequency generator switching to PCIE bus clock and display correct idle 100MHz memory clock frequency on GeForce 9 and older series graphics cards - Added -profile0 ... -profile9 command line switches for loading the profiles - EVGA On-Screen Display Server has been updated to version 3.1.2. New server provides improved compatibility with SecuRom protected games when high application detection level is selected and fixes issues with starting the server with no server icon displayed in the system tray area under certain conditions - Various internal code cleanups and optimizations Version 1.4.0 (published on 22.12.2008) - EVGA On-Screen Display Server has been updated to version 3.0.0. New server supports skinned user interface (more skins coming soon!) and provides more quick and easy beginner friendly access to On-Screen Display customization features. The server's On-Screen Display profiles are upgradable now and no longer lost after installing new version of Precision - New version of skin engine improves compatibility with third party skins and gives more freedom to skin creators, allowing creating animated buttons - Now the first graph is automatically selected when opening monitoring tab in advanced Precision settings to make On-Screen Display, G15 LCD and tray icon monitoring settings more simple for beginners Version 1.3.3 (published on 27.10.2008) - Added fan control support for NVIDIA ForceWare 180.xx drivers family - EVGA On-Screen Display Server has been updated to version 2.8.0. Added new On-Screen Display rendering mode. Optional configurable On-Screen Display background improves On-Screen Display readability in some applications and prevents it from merging with solid color screen - Added G98 graphics processors support - Now Precision displays product version in On-Screen Display Version 1.3.2 (published on 08.08.2008)

- Now Precision pauses all activity in suspended mode - Now Precision is able to detect core clock frequency generator switching to alternate clock source and fix incorrect readings under certain conditions (e.g. when shader/core clock ratio is equal to 2 and both clock domains are attached to the same source on GeForce GTX 260 / 280 series graphics cards) - Now Precision displays both raw and traditional (ForceWare xxx.xx) versions when pressing "i" button - Includes new Slate skin - Minor user interface tweaks Version 1.3.1 (published on 18.07.2008) - Fixed default On-Screen Display position - Fixed issue with missing uninstaller after clean installation Version 1.3.0 (published on 17.07.2008) - EVGA On-Screen Display Server has been updated to version 2.7.0. New server uses more aggressive hooks unload routines aimed to minimize the situations which require system reboot during server uninstallation - Added more detailed warnings to reboot prompts displayed by the uninstaller - Automatic re-connection to Logitech G15 LCD display allows restoring output to LCD display when G15 software is being dynamically started or restarted - Now profiles panel visibility button physically toggles visibility of each profile slot button to give more freedom to third party skin creators - Improved hardware monitoring module flexibility: - Now you can optionally disable rarely used graphs and change graphs order - On-Screen Display, Logitech keyboard LCD display and tray icon monitoring support can be enabled individually for each graph now - Tray text color can be configured individually for each graph now - Added optional framerate graph - Now you can select one of 4 predefined raster fonts for Logitech keyboard LCD display output or even add your own raster fonts if needed - Floating tooltips based help system is no longer controlled by Show user interface hints option. Now there are separate Show user interface hint icons and Show user interface tooltips options allowing disabling hint icons and floating tooltips independently - Added Lock profiles button allowing protecting the profiles from unwanted modification via both keyboard and graphical user interface - Added optional settings override tracking system, allowing the Precision to detect external attempts to override Precision settings (e.g. overclocking via third party overclocking tool) and restore original Precision settings either manually or automatically depending on selected tracking mode - Various internal code cleanups and optimizations - Now Precision is able to detect memory clock frequency generator switching to PCIE bus clock and display correct idle 100MHz memory clock frequency on GeForce GTX 260 / 280 series graphics cards Version 1.2.0 (published on 17.06.2008) - Added GeForce GTX 260 / 280 series graphics cards support - Added floating tooltips based help system. New tooltips are also affected by previously available Show user interface hints option and can be disabled by unchecking it - Improved overlapped controls support in skin engine - Improved installer and uninstaller. Now user is prompted to reboot the system if some Precision component (e.g. On-Screen Display server's hook library) is blocked by OS and such component can be automatically updated / removed after reboot

Version 1.1.1 (published on 24.05.2008) - Link button state is no longer restored improperly after loading the profiles under certain conditions Version 1.1.0 (published on 21.05.2008) - Changed default tray text color - Improved set of synchronization protocols aimed to improve Precision usage safety in conjunction with third party hardware monitoring tools - Precision product version is no longer hardcoded in the skin, now you may press "i" button or move mouse over Precision tray icon to see Precision product version - Added overclocking and fan profiles system. Profiles system supports 10 customizable profile slots and provides beginner friendly interface for saving current Precision overclocking and fan settings to a profile and restoring previously created profile via graphical user interface, tray menu or programmable global hotkeys - Added option for disabling user interface hints system - Added ability to customize monitoring window color scheme via the skins - Added ability to disable monitoring window via the skins - Added support for monowidth fonts and fonts with adjustable interval in the skin engine - Optimized runtime skin changing routine for improved skin switching appearance - Now Precision saves window position and restores it on the next startup - Added new blue skin (special thanks to Derek Wood!) - Now the skins are sorted in alphabetical order in skin browser window - Optimized startup PCI bus scanner. Now the core supports filtered PCI bus scanning and by default scans just the fist 16 buses where display adapters normally reside. This optimization reduces Precision startup time by approximately 3x factor on the majority of mainboards Version 1.0.2 (published on 08.05.2008) - Added tray icon temperature monitoring feature - Added set of synchronization protocols aimed to improve Precision usage safety in conjunction with third party hardware monitoring tools - Added exception handling to PLL clock frequency monitoring routines - Precision settings are now stored in display adapter model specific profiles to allow keeping the settings when installing new version - Now the uninstaller allows you to keep Precision settings - Compact graph mode is enabled by default now - Now Precision reverts to default skin if corrupted skin is selected Version 1.0.1 (published on 01.05.2008) - Added desktop shortcut creation feature to the installer - Fixed problem with instance checking in the installer causing false detection of active instance during installation from a folder with EVGAPrecision name - Added display driver version detection for Vista x64 Version 1.0.0 (published on 30.04.2008) - The first public release

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