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Nursing informatics can affect the nursing practice in the Cordillera by helping all Hospitals to be

opened/ adapt to technology in terms of providing care to all patients. As we all know in many parts in
the Cordillera there are many hospitals that are very hard to find and they are so far from the client’s
home and by improving or adapting to technology like doing Telehealth it will help more patients in
terms of providing care to all client’s because it is less travel cost and save money. Nursing informatics
can greatly affect the nursing practice by evolving also on how we care to patients like evolving nurse’s
notes and doctor orders because as we all know, nowadays many people are prone to mistake especially
in writing and understanding each other’s writing and the effect of nursing informatics is that it will help
all hospital to adopt to technology and it will help nurses to easily chart nicely without doing a mistake
and it will also help them in understand each other’s notes because it is easily readable. The effect of
nursing informatics are not always good is because as we all know not all people don’t have enough
money to buy a gadget and not always have access to internet. In the Cordillera technology is not that
famous especially in terms of network because Cordillera is a mountain terrain that is hard to build any
tower line that could help the cloud/server (Network Service provider) to send connections to all of its
clients. In terms of having it also in charting we know that through the development of technology it
could be prone to plagiarism. But overall nursing informatics has a great impact in nursing practice is
especially here in the Cordillera is because with having knowledge in providing care and at the same
having knowledge in technology it would enhance all workforce of all nursing staffs and it would help
their job easier and better.

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