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Pertemuan: SKS : 2


Hari/ Tanggal: UJIAN TENGAH SEMESTER Waktu : 60’
Senin, 27 Maret 2023 CULTURE IN ELT

1. Language and culture are intertwined. Explain!

2. Give an example on how language can cause cultural misunderstanding!

3. What do you think (your opinion) about Cultural Stereotyping?

4. Can cultural stereotyping be good in some occasion? how? and if not, why not?

5. Are there any non-verbal communication in your culture? What are they (provide 3 examples)?
Name : Iis Siti Aisyah
Reg. No : 2213321061
Class : DIKF21

My answers

1. Language and Culture are 2 things that are interrelated. This is evidenced by the many phenomena or
realities that show the relationship between language and culture. This relationship can be in the form of
transformation, mutual influence, and so on. One theory from experts says that the relationship between
language and culture is a subordinate relationship, where language is under the scope of culture. But
there are other opinions that say that language and culture have a coordinative relationship, that is, an
equal relationship, with the same position.
2. The existence of language similarities but different meanings is one of the problems that occur in social
interaction in society. This will lead to misunderstanding of culture values or misunderstanding of
cultural values. An example of misunderstanding of culture values between countries is raising the
middle finger for Americans is an insult, but for Indonesians it is normal. If for Indonesians this is
something that is normal while in America, then there will be a rejection because the Americans feel
3. Stereotypes (a tendency for people to categorize other people based on the groups from which the other
person comes). In my opinion, there are actually positive stereotypes, but unfortunately most of them
give a negative impression. For example, the stereotype that all Batak people are tough, or the stereotype
that fat people are lazy and greedy. Even though not all Batak people have such characteristics and
characteristics. It is something that is unfair because everyone is equalized only because of one or two
people. In fact, to know a person's true nature requires a more approach.
4. Stereotypes can help the existence of "stereotypical" assumptions or assumptions that are often attached
to each person's heart and head about other nations. If these assumptions are then reflected in the form of
negative attitudes and behavior in interactions, then this already indicates a conflict. If the negative
stereotype perception is very attached and almost difficult to get rid of ("pokoke") then that attitude is
called "prejudice" and it is this prejudiced attitude that has led to conflicts or even inter-ethnic wars
everywhere. The positive side is that stereotypes sometimes have a fairly high degree of truth, but often
have no basis at all and form an oversimplification of the image of other group members if that is an
acceptable positive value.
5. Generally non-verbal communication in my culture is also the same thing in other cultures such as:

o Frowning to show you are thinking.

o Grinding your teeth often shows anger or annoyance.

o Look away to show displeasure or displeasure.

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