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rihq mrXwdw
The Sikh
Code of Conduct:
To have ONE Unified Sikh Nation
With ONE Unified Sikh Code of Conduct
based upon;
a) The Teachings of Guru Granth Sahib.
b) Historicity of Sikh Struggle & Discipline.
Historic Development of
Sikh Code of Conduct:
a) Necessity / Trigger points:
1. Singh Sabha Movement.
2. Degradation/desecration of
Sikh Gurdwara Sahibs.
3. Saropa to Gen Dyer.
4. Mahants’ control of
Sikh Gurdwaras Sahibs.
5. Cultist Division in the Panth.
b) Akali Movement Triggers;
• Episode of Nankana Sahib.
• Anti-Sikh Refusal of
– Mazabi Sikhs’ Parshad at Golden
Gurdwara Sahib.
Development of Sikh Code of Conduct: …
a) Some sub Committee
• S.Kahn Singh Nabha
• Bhai Vir Singh
• Prof Teja Singh
• Dr. Ganda Singh
• Bhai Randhir Singh
• Prof Sher Singh & others.
b) Historic dates;
• Meetings: … 1931, Oct 4, 5
1932, Jan 3 & 31.
• Deliberations: 1932, May 8
1932 Sept 26.
• Draft submission: 1932, Oct 1.
• SGPS Draft acceptance: 1936, Oct 12.
• Revised Draft submission: 1945, Jan7
• SGPC Draft acceptance: 1945 Feb 3.
c) In every Sikh’s Personal Life:
bring in High Moral Character &
clarity of Sikh thought by;
* Understanding of Guru’s Massage.
* Adoption of a Clean life style.
* Freeing one’s mind from Superstitions and
Mechanical ritualism through discipline of
Khanday Dee Pahul.
d) In Every Sikh Institutions;
… bring in uniformity of functioning;
• By re-introducing Sikh Practices.
• By eliminating Anti-Sikh practices like:
* Beliefs in fasting, tombs, crematoriums,
hermitages, black magic, and many other
lower form of worship.
* Beliefs in superstition or superstitious
practices such as, the seeking of
auspicious moment, fear of eclipses or
phases of the moon etc.
Definition of a Sikh:
• A Sikh is any woman or man, who has faith in;
– One Timeless Waheguru (God).
– The Ten Gurus (from Guru Nanak Sahib to Guru
Gobind Singh Sahib).
– The Word and Teachings of;
– Siri Guru Granth Sahib.
– The Ten Guru Sahibaan, and
– The Amrit of Dashmesh Jee (Guru Gobind Singh
• AND,
• Does not believe in any other religion
Personal Living:

• Khanday Dee Pahul: (Amrit):

a) Daily Gurbani Practice:
* Morning: Jap, Jaap, Swayaas.
* Evening: Rahiras,
* Night: Sohila.
b) Five K’s:
• “KESH” … the “UNCUT HAIR”
– symbolizing acceptance of God’s Will.
– symbolizing cleanliness.
– symbolic of chastity.
– symbolic of the right to self-defense and the
upholding of justice.
c) Four Cardinal Don’ts:
• Not to disrespect (cut) hair.
• Not to eat Kutha (Halaal meat).
• Not to commit adultery.
• Not to use Tobacco.
• (Or any other intoxicant like, Marijuana,
Opium, Alcohol, Poppy, Cocaine etc.)

• Patit, Meenhay.
• Masand, and Dhirmalias.
• Female infanticides.
• Addicts.
Institutional Reform:
• Elimination of Anti Gurmat Practices like:
• AwrqI, joqW, tl KVkwauxy, nwrIAl (gxyS) Xw kuMB
(pwxI) pUjxw ]
• mUrqIAW, isK guru swihbwn, Xw iksy isK bzurgW dIAW
qsvIrW nUM mQw tykxw ]
• Squeezing legs of Palki Sahib.
• guru gRMQ swihb dy brwbr iksy hor gRMQ dw pRkwS ]
• pwT nwl koeI hor pwT krnw ] (More than one activity
in the Gurdwara)
• bodI, Xw Bdx krnw ]
• sMgq ivc nMgy isr Xw GuMf kF ky bYTxw ] (Sitting
with Veil, or bare head in Sangat)
Anti Gurmat Practices (Cont):
• sMgq ivc isK-AisK, CUq-Cwq, jwq-pwq, aUc-nIc dw
ivqkrw krnw ]
• jMqR-mMqR-qMqR, Sgn, iqQ, mhUrq, gRih, rwS ]
• SrwD, ipqr, iKAwh, ipMf pql, dIvw, ikirAw ]
• hom, jg, qrpx, isKw sUq, iekwdSI, pUrnmwSI Awid dy
vrq ]
• iqlk, jM\U, qulsI, mwlw, gor, mT, mVI mUrqI pUjw ]
• Celebrating Functions of some other faiths.
Bringing in Uniformity in Gurdwara
• By precisely specifying the Contents and
practices of;
– Sikh Ardas.
– Gurdwara etiquettes.
– Keertan.
– Taking Guru’s Order for the day.
– Way to Read Guru Granth Sahib;
• At a leisurely pace.
• Continuous pace.
- Way to Start the Reading.
• Six Pauries of Anand Sahib.
• Ardas.
• Hukamnama.
• And start the Reading.
– Way to End the Reading.
• Stop at the end of Mundavani Or Raag Mala.
• Complete Anand Sahib.
• Ardas
• Hukamnama.
• Parshad.
– Way to prepare & distribute Karahah Parshad.
– Way to explain Guru’s Word.
• Only a Sikh should do.
– Way to name a New born.
– Way to solemnize a Sikh Wedding.
– Way to honor death.
– Way to administer Khanday Dee Pahul… etc..

Most popular Confusions::

• Daily Paath Requirement. … Is it Five Or Seven Banis?

• Should one be a super Sikh? … before taking Khanday
Dee Pahul - Amrit ?
• Is Keski … the Sixth Kakkaar ?
• Kutha … Is it regular meat or Halaal meat ?
– What is the difference?
– Why the prohibition of “Halaal” meat and not of
“entire” meat ?.
– Should an Amritdhari Sikh be a strict Vegetarian?
mÚ 1 ] mwxs Kwxy krih invwj ] CurI vgwiein iqn gil qwg ] iqn
Gir bRhmx pUrih nwd ] aun@w iB Awvih EeI swd ] kUVI rwis kUVw
vwpwru ] kUVu boil krih Awhwru ] srm Drm kw fyrw dUir ] nwnk kUVu
rihAw BrpUir ] mQY itkw qyiV DoqI kKweI ] hiQ CurI jgq kwsweI ]
nIl vsqR pihir hovih prvwxu ] mlyC Dwnu ly pUjih purwxu ] ABwiKAw
kw kuTw bkrw Kwxw ] cauky aupir iksY n jwxw ] dy kY caukw kFI kwr
] aupir Awie bYTy kUiVAwr ] mqu iBtY vy mqu iBtY ] iehu AMnu Aswfw
iPtY ] qin iPtY PyV kryin ] min jUTY culI Bryin ] khu nwnk scu
iDAweIAY ] suic hovY qw, scu pweIAY ]2] {pMnw 471-472}

• mÚ 1 ] lK corIAw lK jwrIAw lK kUVIAw lK gwil ] lK TgIAw

pihnwmIAw rwiq idnsu jIA nwil ] qgu kpwhhu kqIAY bwm@xu vty
Awie ] kuih bkrw irMin@ KwieAw sBu ko AwKY pwie ] hoie purwxw
sutIAY BI iPir pweIAY horu ] nwnk qgu n quteI jy qig hovY joru
]2] {pMnw 471}
• Historic: Kuthaa … A Symbol of Slavery.
• As per Gurumat; … Eating of Meat
• … is a NON-ISSUE.
• Superstition of Vegetarianism … Just a
Fight of the IDIOTS.
slok mÚ 1 ]
• pihlW mwshu inMimAw mwsY AMdir vwsu ]
• jIau pwie mwsu muih imilAw hfu cMmu qnu mwsu ]
• mwshu bwhir kiFAw mMmw mwsu igrwsu ]
• muhu mwsY kw jIB mwsY kI mwsY AMdir swsu ]
• vfw hoAw vIAwihAw Gir lY AwieAw mwsu ]
• mwshu hI mwsu aUpjY mwshu sBo swku ]
• siqguir imilAY hukmu buJIAY qW ko AwvY rwis ]
• Awip Cuty nh CUtIAY nwnk bcin ibxwsu ]1]
mÚ 1 ]
* mwsu mwsu kir mUrKu JgVy igAwnu iDAwnu nhI jwxY ]
* kauxu mwsu kauxu swgu khwvY iksu mih pwp smwxy ]
• gYNfw mwir hom jg kIey dyviqAw kI bwxy ]
• mwsu Coif bYis nku pkVih rwqI mwxs Kwxy ]
• PVu kir lokW no idKlwvih igAwnu iDAwnu nhI sUJY ]
• nwnk AMDy isau ikAw khIAY khY n kihAw bUJY ]

• AMDw soie ij AMDu kmwvY iqsu irdY is locn nwhI ]

• mwq ipqw kI rkqu inpMny mCI mwsu n KWhI ]
• iesqRI purKY jW inis mylw EQY mMDu kmwhI ]
• mwshu inMmy mwshu jMmy hm mwsY ky BWfy ]
• igAwnu iDAwnu kCu sUJY nwhI cquru khwvY pWfy ]
* bwhr kw mwsu mMdw suAwmI Gr kw mwsu cMgyrw ]
* jIA jMq siB mwshu hoey jIie lieAw vwsyrw ]
* ABKu BKih BKu qij Cofih AMDu gurU ijn kyrw ]
* mwshu inMmy mwshu jMmy hm mwsY ky BWfy ]
* igAwnu iDAwnu kCu sUJY nwhI cquru khwvY pWfy ]
* mwsu purwxI mwsu kqybˆØI chu juig mwsu kmwxw ]
* jij kwij vIAwih suhwvY EQY mwsu smwxw ]
* iesqRI purK inpjih mwshu pwiqswh sulqwnW ]
* jy Eie idsih nrik jWdy qW aun@ kw dwnu n lYxw ]
* dyNdw nrik surig lYdy dyKhu eyhu iD|wxw ]
• Awip n bUJY lok buJwey pWfy Krw isAwxw ]

* pWfy qU jwxY hI nwhI ikQhu mwsu aupMnw ]

* qoieAhu AMnu kmwdu kpwhW qoieAhu iqRBvxu gMnw ]
• qoAw AwKY hau bhu ibiD hCw qoAY bhuqu ibkwrw ]
• eyqy rs Coif hovY sMinAwsI nwnku khY ivcwrw ]2]
…. [SGGS: 1289, Vaar 25, M1]
Creeping up Confusions:
• Multiple Granth Parkash. (guru gRMQ swihb dy
brwbr iksy hor gRMQ dw pRkwS ])
– Dasam Granth
– Sarab-Loh Granth.
• Multiple Programs.
– (pwT nwl koeI hor pwT krnw ])
– (More than one activity in the Gurdwara)
• Keertan or Katha while Akhand Path ON.
• Akhand Path a mere ritual ?
• 101 Akhand Paths.
• Langar in front of Guru Sahib.
Present State :
Sikh Divided into different Cults.
a) With …. different Maryadas
Advocated by; …. countless Sadh Tollas.

Our Responsibility.
• To become ONE Unified Sikh Nation.
• Having ONE Unified Sikh Code of Conduct
based upon;
• a) The Teachings of Guru Granth Sahib.
• b) Historicity of Sikh Struggle & Discipline.
Stay Alert

• To free ourselves from all kind of

Superstitions & Mechanical Ritualism.
• To not to contribute any money where
there is;
– MORE THAN ONE Granth Parkash.

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