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Progress in Cardiovascular Diseases 52 (2010) 456 – 466

Physiological Adaptation of the Cardiovascular System to High Altitude

Robert Naeije⁎
Erasme University Hospital, Brussels, Belgium

Abstract Altitude exposure is associated with major changes in cardiovascular function. The initial
cardiovascular response to altitude is characterized by an increase in cardiac output with
tachycardia, no change in stroke volume, whereas blood pressure may temporarily be slightly
increased. After a few days of acclimatization, cardiac output returns to normal, but heart rate
remains increased, so that stroke volume is decreased. Pulmonary artery pressure increases
without change in pulmonary artery wedge pressure. This pattern is essentially unchanged with
prolonged or lifelong altitude sojourns. Ventricular function is maintained, with initially
increased, then preserved or slightly depressed indices of systolic function, and an altered
diastolic filling pattern. Filling pressures of the heart remain unchanged. Exercise in acute as well
as in chronic high-altitude exposure is associated with a brisk increase in pulmonary artery
pressure. The relationships between workload, cardiac output, and oxygen uptake are preserved in
all circumstances, but there is a decrease in maximal oxygen consumption, which is accompanied
by a decrease in maximal cardiac output. The decrease in maximal cardiac output is minimal in
acute hypoxia but becomes more pronounced with acclimatization. This is not explained by
hypovolemia, acid-bases status, increased viscosity on polycythemia, autonomic nervous system
changes, or depressed systolic function. Maximal oxygen uptake at high altitudes has been
modeled to be determined by the matching of convective and diffusional oxygen transport
systems at a lower maximal cardiac output. However, there has been recent suggestion that 10% to
25% of the loss in aerobic exercise capacity at high altitudes can be restored by specific pulmonary
vasodilating interventions. Whether this is explained by an improved maximum flow output by an
unloaded right ventricle remains to be confirmed. Altitude exposure carries no identified risk of
myocardial ischemia in healthy subjects but has to be considered as a potential stress in patients
with previous cardiovascular conditions. (Prog Cardiovasc Dis 2010;52:456-466)
© 2010 Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.

Keywords: High altitude; Physiologic adaptation; Cardiovascular system; Cardiac failure; Exercise; Pulmonary hypertension; Hypoxia

You cannot fool Mother Nature. Jack Reeves, 1976 mention of tachycardia, palpitations, and shortness of
breath as a symptoms of “cardiac fatigue.”1 Heart failure
High-altitude exposure has long been recognized as a syndromes have been reported at high altitudes, including
cardiac stress. Early accounts of alpine climbs include “brisket disease” in cattle brought to high-altitude pastures
in Utah and Colorado,2 “Monge's disease” in the
inhabitants of the South American altiplano,3 “subacute
mountain sickness” or “chronic mountain sickness” in the
Statement of Conflict of Interest: see page 465. Himalayas,4,5 and “high-altitude right heart failure” in
⁎ Address reprint requests to Robert Naeije, Laboratory of
Physiology, Erasme Campus, CP 604, Lennik road, 808, B-1070 occasional high-altitude travelers.6 On the other hand,
Brussels, Belgium. there is the notion that the myocardium has a good toler-
E-mail address: ance to hypoxia and that the prevalence of cardiovascular

0033-0620/$ – see front matter © 2010 Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.
doi:10.1016/j.pcad.2010.03.004 456
R. Naeije / Progress in Cardiovascular Diseases 52 (2010) 456–466 457

diseases is lower in high-

Abbreviations and Acronyms
altitude dwellers than in
IVRT = isovolumic sea level inhabitants. 7
relaxation time Hypoxia induces an in-
LV = left ventricular crease in pulmonary vas-
PAP = pulmonary artery cular resistance, but
pressure resulting pulmonary hy-
pertension is most often
RV = right ventricular
moderate. 8 However,
TAPSE = tricuspid annular there has been recent sug- Fig 2. Mean heart rate (HR), cardiac output (Q), and stroke volume during
plane systolic excursion gestion that specific pul- the first days of acclimatization to the altitude of 3800 m in 8 healthy
volunteers. Both Q and HR increased initially. After 8 days of altitude
TDI = tissue Doppler imaging monary vasodilating exposure, Q was back to prehypoxic normal, but stroke volume remained
interventions to unload decreased and heart rate increased. After study by Klausen.11
the right ventricle might improve aerobic exercise capacity
at altitude.9
or slightly below in a few days.11,12 Heart rate remains
increased, so that stroke volume is decreased. This is
Stroke volume and heart rate at rest
illustrated in Fig 2 that depicts the evolution of cardiac
output, stroke volume, and heart rate in 5 subjects during
Immediately after exposure to hypoxia, normobaric or
the first 8 days of exposure to an altitude of 3800 m.11
hypobaric, the resting cardiac output increases. A typical
This situation then remains stable over time. Resting
response in 24 subjects acutely breathing a fraction of
cardiac output in long-term sojourners and high-altitude
inspired oxygen of 0.12 to decrease arterial PO2 to 40 ±
natives is not different from that of sea level controls but
1 mm Hg is illustrated in Fig 1.10 Cardiac output
with somewhat higher heart rate and lower stroke
increased by 22%, and this was entirely explained by an
volume.13-15 Interestingly, there seems to be no relation
18% increase in heart rate. Stroke volume did not
between the altitude and cardiac output. Because cardiac
change. It is remarkable that the increase in cardiac
output returns to baseline a few days of hypoxic
output exactly matched the decrease in arterial oxygen
exposure before the onset of polycythemia, there has to
content, so that the product of both, or the oxygen
be an increased oxygen extraction. Why it takes a few
delivery to the tissues, remained unchanged. This
days for the body to select increased extraction over
observation has been repeatedly confirmed and suggests
increased delivery to preserve the oxygen uptake is not
that oxygen delivery to the tissues is tightly matched by
exactly known. Maintenance of cardiac output with
immediate cardiac output changes to peripheral demand
decreased stroke volume and increased heart rate may be
in normal subjects at rest.
related to the development of respiratory alkalosis with
However, this cardiovascular response to hypoxia is
progression of the hypoxic ventilatory response during
transient, as cardiac output returns to normoxic baseline
acclimatization, although this would decrease over the
years.16 Another possible explanation is that increased
heart rate and decreased stroke volume allow for an
improved coupling of the right ventricle to the
pulmonary circulation in the presence of even mild
hypoxic pulmonary hypertension, through an adaptive
decrease in the oscillatory component of pulmonary
arterial hydraulic load.17

Effects of exercise

Fig 1. Mean ± SE percent (%) changes in cardiac output (Q), heart rate
Altitude exposure is associated with a decrease in
(HR), stroke volume (SVI), arterial PO2 (PaO2), and oxygen delivery maximal oxygen uptake (VO2max) that parallels the
(TO2) in 24 subjects submitted to a brief period of normobaric hypoxic decrease in barometric pressure or the inspired partial
breathing with a fraction of inspired oxygen of 12.5% (FIO2)—full pressure of oxygen (PO2) and is thus essentially
columns in normoxia, empty columns in hypoxia. Arterial PO2 explained by a decreased oxygenation of the blood.18
decreased to 40 mm Hg, but the decrease in arterial O2 saturation
was limited to 79%. Cardiac output increased because of an increased
However, both maximal stroke volume and heart rate are
heart rate. Oxygen delivery to the tissues was maintained. Redrawn decreased. Initially, there is a higher cardiac output at
from Naeije et al.10 any workload, so that maximum cardiac output and heart
458 R. Naeije / Progress in Cardiovascular Diseases 52 (2010) 456–466

increase in plasma and urine catecholamines27,28 and has

been confirmed by microneurographic recordings.29,30
Sympathetic nervous system activation is also responsible
for an increased metabolic rate.11 On the other hand, there
has been evidence of diminished heart rate responses to
isoproterenol31 together with reduced β-adrenergic recep-
tor activity32 and of increased muscarinic receptor
activity.33 Although none of these changes explains an
increase in heart rate at rest, each of them could contribute
Fig 3. Cardiac output (Q) as a function of workload (W) or oxygen uptake to decrease maximal heart rate at altitude. However, the
(VO2) in 4 healthy volunteers at the altitude of 5800 m and at sea level. immediate reversibility of maximal heart rate with pure
The relationships between Q, W, and VO2 were preserved at high altitude
but reaches a peak at lower maximal VO2 (after study by Pugh23).
oxygen breathing, and similar effects of infused isopro-
terenol in acute and chronic hypoxia, while heart rates are
different, argue against autonomic nervous system
changes playing a role in reduced maximal cardiac output
rate are either maintained or only slightly reduced.19-22 at altitude. A parasympathetic block with atropine or
With acclimatization, the relationship between cardiac glycopyrrolate restores maximum heart rate but not
output, workload, and oxygen uptake is not different maximal cardiac output or VO2max.28,34,35 β-Adrenergic
from that measured at sea level, but it reaches a peak at blockade with propranolol decreases maximal heart rate
lower VO2max, workload, cardiac output, and heart without any effect on maximal cardiac output or
rate.13-15,23-26 This is illustrated in Fig 3, which represents VO2max.28,36 Therefore, how a sympathetic-parasympa-
cardiac output, workload, and oxygen uptake measure- thetic nervous system imbalance could account for
ments in 4 subjects at sea level and again after tachycardia at rest, but decreased maximal heart rate at
acclimatization at the altitude of 5800 m,23 and in Fig 4, exercise remains difficult to understand. On the other
which shows the increased resting but decreased maximal hand, the absence of changes in VO2max by pharmaco-
heart rate as a function of increased altitude.24 logic manipulations of the autonomic nervous system
Typical changes were reported by Alexander et al20 indirectly suggest that a decreased chronotropic reserve
in normal subjects exposed for 3 weeks at 3100 m. does not contribute to decreased exercise capacity
Maximal oxygen uptake decreased by 25% during the at altitude.
first days of altitude exposure with no subsequent
improvement. There was a fall in arterial oxygen Myocardial depressant effects of hypoxia
saturation at maximal exercise but minimally so. Heart
It has long been thought that the myocardium may self-
rate increased at all levels of exercise, but maximal
limit its pump function because of decreased oxygen
heart rate was unchanged. Stroke volume was decreased
availability, thereby, preventing potentially fatal hypoxia-
at rest and at all levels of exercise. Maximal cardiac
induced arrhythmia or failure.20,37 Hypoxia has been
output was decreased. The authors discussed possible
reported to exert negative inotropic effects in intact animal
contributions of increased pulmonary vascular resis-
preparations38 and in isolated myocardial fibers. 39
tance, sympathetic nervous system activity, decreased
plasma volume, and alluded to a possible depressant
effect of alkalosis but favored the idea of a myocardial
depressant effect of moderate hypoxia.20 This is
intriguing because stroke volume was decreased with
hardly any change in arterial oxygen saturation.
Furthermore, supplemental oxygen to correct hypoxemia
at higher altitudes does not immediately correct the fall
in stroke volume.13,23,24

Mechanisms of decreased maximal cardiac output at Fig 4. Mean cardiac output (Q) as a function of oxygen uptake (VO2) or
high altitudes heart rate (HR) in 8 subjects at progressively increased simulated altitudes
with barometric pressures (PB) of 760 mm Hg (full circles, n = 8), 380
Sympathetic nervous system activation mm Hg (empty triangles, n = 6), and 282 mm Hg (full triangles, n = 4).
The relationships between Q and VO2 are preserved but interrupted at a
The pattern of change in cardiac output on acute high- maximal VO2 decreased in proportion to decreased PB. There is an
altitude exposure is at least in part related to an activation increase in resting HR and a decrease in maximal HR with altitude (after
of the sympathetic nervous system. This is reflected by an study by Reeves et al24).
R. Naeije / Progress in Cardiovascular Diseases 52 (2010) 456–466 459

Plasma volume decreases with exposure to high
altitudes.13,42-44 Hypoxia acutely increases hemoglobin
concentration, implying an escape of water out of the
vascular space.45 Further decrease of plasma volume is
explained by loss of water by increased ventilation,
perspiration, and urine output, this at least in part related
to increased bicarbonate and sodium diuresis, and decreased
Fig 5. Increased ratio of maximal LV systolic pressure to end-systolic intake by hypoxia-induced adypsia but also a loss of plasma
volume at rest and at exercise at altitude. Abbreviation: PB, barometric protein.44,46 The decrease in plasma volume accounts for
pressure (after study by Suarez et al40). weight loss, increased hematocrit, and decreased filling
pressures of the heart at high altitudes.13,23,24 However, a
closer analysis of invasively measured stroke volume and
Possible effects of hypoxia would require several days to filling pressures shows that hypovolemia-induced decrease
become manifest and are not immediately reversible in preload is unlikely to account for the decreased maximal
because oxygen breathing in acclimatized subjects does cardiac output.24 Further evidence against this mechanism is
not rapidly modify the relation of heart rate to stroke provided by the observations that plasma volume
volume.13,23,24 However, stroke volume as a function of expansion does not consistently increase maximal cardiac
right or left heart filling pressures have been reported to be output and VO2max20,47 and that correction of hypoxemia
well maintained at extremely high simulated altitudes, by supplemental oxygen rapidly increases maximal
indicating preserved contractility.24 This has been con- cardiac output.13,23,24 There is a report of a 9% increase
firmed by measurements of left ventricular (LV) peak in VO2max with the administration of 300 mL of 6%
systolic vs end-systolic volume relationships, as illustrated hydroxyethyl starch in 8 subjects at the simulated altitude
in Fig 5.40 of 6000 m.44 This could not be confirmed in another study
Hypocapnia in 8 normal subjects acclimatized at the altitude of 5260 m
and given 1 L of 6% dextran.47 The apparent contradiction
More than a century ago, Angelo Mosso hypothesized between these 2 studies is probably related to different
that much of the symptoms of high altitude intolerance severities of hypovolemia, and thus, different preload-
could be accounted for by hypocapnia instead of hypoxia.1 recruitable stroke volume.
Accordingly, stroke volume could be depressed as a
consequence of alkalosis because of altitude-induced Blood viscosity
increased ventilation and associated fall in arterial partial Hematocrit increases at altitude, initially because of
pressure of carbon dioxide (PCO2). This was actually tested hemoconcentration, then because of increased erythro-
by Grover et al,41 who exposed 8 normal subjects to poiesis after approximately 2 weeks.28,42,43 Increased
hypobaric conditions, with a barometric pressure of 440 hematocrit at high altitude increases the viscosity of the
mm Hg and with 3.7% inspired carbon dioxide in 5 of blood. This could theoretically decrease cardiac output.48
them. The results of these experiments are shown in Fig 6. However, isovolumic hemodilution does not increase
Supplemental carbon dioxide allowed for the arterial pH
and PCO2 to remain unchanged and stroke volume to be
preserved. However, VO2max decreased by 32% instead
of 29% in subjects without supplemental carbon dioxide,
and this was explained by a lower arterial PO2 as predicted
by the alveolar gas equation, decreasing oxygen delivery
to the tissues. Supplemental carbon dioxide prevented the
usual acute hypoxia-related increase in hematocrit,
suggesting maintained plasma volume. The authors
thought that maintained stroke volume by supplemental
carbon dioxide in hypoxic subjects at exercise could be
explained by the combined effects of increased plasma Fig 6. Mean values of stroke volume (SV) as a function of oxygen uptake
volume and sympathetic nervous system activation. These (VO2) at sea level (barometric pressure [PB], 760 mm Hg) and at altitude
experiments have not been repeated, even though the (PB, 450 mm Hg) with supplemental carbon dioxide (CO2) in 4 healthy
subjects (left) and without supplemental CO2 in 3 healthy subjects (right).
results reported by Grover et al41 were obtained in a Altitude exposure was associated with a decreased SV at rest and at
limited number of subjects, with perhaps insufficient exercise and a decrease in maximal VO2. Supplemental CO2 increased
matching in baseline conditions. stroke volume at rest and at exercise (after Grover et al41).
460 R. Naeije / Progress in Cardiovascular Diseases 52 (2010) 456–466
VO2max and increases only slightly maximal cardiac
output and stroke volume at high altitude.50 The
observation that supplemental oxygen improves maximal
exercise capacity and cardiac output at altitude13,23,24
strongly argues against a possible limiting effect of blood
viscosity in normal subjects at a high altitude.
Pulmonary hypertension
Hypoxia induces pulmonary vasoconstriction, but the
resulting hypoxic pulmonary hypertension is usually mild, Fig 8. Oxygen uptake (VO2) as a function of venous PO2 (PvO2) according
to the equations of convectional O2 transport (Fick principle, VO2 =
with mean pulmonary artery pressures usually around cardiac output × arteriovenous O2 content difference = Q × [CaO2 −
25 mm Hg, a bit more in acclimatized lowlanders, a bit less CvO2]) and diffusional O2 transport (Fick law of diffusion, VO2 = D ×
in native high-altitude inhabitants.8 It is nevertheless PvO2, mitochondrial PO2 around 1-2 mm Hg, neglected, and capillary PO2
possible that mild hypoxic pulmonary hypertension assumed equal to PvO2). The coupling between the 2 O2 transport systems
contributes to altitude-related limitation in exercise can be modeled to occur at a lower Q (from A to B) because of reduction
in convectional oxygen transport in hypoxia. An adaptational increase in
capacity. Ghofrani et al9 showed that the intake of the the diffusional oxygen transport (increased D, or slope of VO2 vs PvO2)
phosphodiesterase-5 inhibitor sildenafil to decrease pul- could theoretically occur in hypoxia (from B to C), but this has not been
monary vascular resistance in healthy subjects either demonstrated (after study by Wagner54).
acutely exposed to normobaric hypoxia at sea level, or
acclimatized to more chronic hypobaric hypoxia at the base
camp of Mount Everest, around 5200 m, decreased systolic systolic PAP (echocardiography) without change in
pulmonary artery pressure (PAP) and increased maximal oxygen saturation (Fig 7). Preventive intake of dexametha-
cardiac output (measured noninvasively) and workload. In sone or tadalafil also decreased systolic PAP (echocardi-
that study, sildenafil also improved arterial oxygenation, so ography) and improved VO2max in subjects with a
that improved maximal exercise capacity could have been previous high-altitude lung edema and a strong pulmonary
accounted for, at least in part, by an increased arterial vasoconstrictor response to hypoxia, who rapidly ascended
oxygen content. This was shown in a similar design to the altitude of 4559 m in the Italian Alps.53
subsequent study on healthy volunteer studies at 5000 m
on the slopes of Mount Chimborazo (Ecuador).51 Further- Decreased peripheral demand
more, the efficacy of sildenafil to improve hypoxic Because most of the decrease in maximal cardiac output
exercise capacity appeared to decrease over time.9,51 at high altitude cannot be explained by changes in blood
However, repetition of these experiments in acute volume, viscosity, contractility, increased pulmonary
normobaric hypoxia with inhibition of hypoxic pulmonary vascular resistance, or autonomic nervous system tone,
vasoconstriction by the endothelin receptor antagonist Wagner hypothesized that hypoxic exposure would be
bosentan, consistently showed a 20% to 25% inhibition of associated with a decreased peripheral demand resulting
hypoxia-related decrease in exercise capacity as measured from the matching between diffusive and convective
by maximal workload or VO2max.52 Partial restoration of oxygen transport systems at a lower arterial oxygenation.54
VO2max in that study was tightly correlated to decreased This “passive hypothesis” is illustrated in Fig 8. Thus, VO2
is determined not only by the product of cardiac output (Q)
and the arteriovenous oxygen content difference (CaO2 −
CvO2) but also by the product of a diffusion constant D and
venous PO2 (an acceptable estimation of capillary PO2,
whereas mitochondrial PO2 neglected as being close to
zero). Because an increase in PvO2 increases VO2 by an
increased diffusional transport of oxygen but decreases
VO2 by a decreased convectional transport of oxygen, a
graphical analysis shows that the 2 oxygen transport
systems must be coupled at a unique value of VO2 and
Fig 7. Relationship between bosentan-induced changes in maximal PvO2. A decrease in arterial oxygen content in hypoxia is
oxygen uptake (ΔVO2max) and resting systolic pulmonary artery necessarily associated with a coupling of the oxygen
pressure (ΔsPpa) in 11 volunteers breathing a fraction of inspired O2 transport system at a lower VO2—or a lower cardiac
of 0.12. Acute hypoxia had increased sPpa from 24 ± 1 to 35 ± 1 mm Hg
(mean ± SE) and decreased VO2max from 47 ± 6 to 35 ± 5 mL/kg per
output. Oxygen uptake could theoretically be at least partly
minute. Bosentan intake decreased sPpa to 30 ± 2 mm Hg and restored restored by a series of adaptive changes to increase the
VO2max to 39 ± 7 mL/kg per minute. diffusional transport of oxygen (the slope of the VO2 −
R. Naeije / Progress in Cardiovascular Diseases 52 (2010) 456–466 461

PvO2 relationship). These could include a decreased Additional resting echocardiographic measurements
muscle fiber diameter and or an increased capillarity, to were reported in a similar series of experiments in
decrease the distance of diffusion, an increase in 8 healthy volunteers at simulated altitudes of 5000 m to
myoglobin content, or decreased capillary red blood cell 8000 m (Operation Everest III).55 Heart rate increased at
velocity (because of increased viscosity). None of the all altitudes accompanied by a decrease in stroke volume,
adaptive changes in diffusional oxygen transport have and cardiac output remained unchanged. Mitral flow peak
been demonstrated to occur with chronic hypoxic E velocity decreased, peak A velocity increased, and the
exposure. There has been no report of any pharmacologic E/A ratio decreased, suggesting an alteration in diastolic
intervention to increase the diffusional transport of oxygen. function. The isovolumic relaxation time (IVRT) tended to
increase, but this did not achieve significance. There was
Conclusion no increase in estimated LV filling pressure. Pulmonary
artery pressure increased, with a peak transtricuspid
Thus, maximal cardiac output in hypoxia is difficult
gradient calculated from the maximum velocity of
to manipulate. The only interventions reported to
tricuspid regurgitation to an average of 40 mm Hg at
increase maximal cardiac output in hypoxia are supple-
8000 m. Assuming a right atrial pressure of 5 mm Hg, this
mental carbon dioxide, plasma volume expansion,
allows for a calculation of a systolic PAP of 45 mm Hg,
hemodilution, and a pharmacologic decrease in pulmo-
and a mean PAP of 30 mm Hg. Left ventricular end-
nary vascular resistance.9,41,49,51-53 The associated im-
systolic and end-diastolic volumes decreased, and there
provement in VO2max is variable. The only interventions
was also a decrease in end-diastolic right ventricular (RV)
reported to increase both maximal cardiac output and
volume. The ratio of RV to LV end-diastolic volumes
VO2max are plasma volume expansion (in case of severe
hypovolemia) and specific pharmacologic pulmonary tended to increase, but this was not significant. The LV
vasodilator interventions. ejection fraction and percentage of fractional shortening
tended to increase, but this was not significant. Altogether,
these measurements confirmed previously reported mild
Cardiac function pulmonary hypertension, preserved LV contractility, and
decreased preload of both ventricles but showed an
Invasive hemodynamic studies in hypoxic healthy abnormal LV filling pattern with decreased early filling
volunteers have understandably been limited to right and greater contribution of atrial contraction, without
heart catheterizations. This approach has provided valid elevation of LV end-diastolic pressure. The authors
cardiac output and pulmonary vascular pressure mea- thought that these LV diastolic changes could be explained
surements at rest and at exercise but cannot provide a by the combined effects of tachycardia and reduced
full assessment of ventricular pump function. Further preload, with possibly also effects of ventricular interde-
insight has been provided by progress in echocardio- pendence or hypoxia.
graphic evaluations. Left ventricular diastolic function was further ex-
Echocardiography was used in 8 volunteers progres- plored with tissue Doppler imaging (TDI) in 41 healthy
sively decompressed in 40 days to the simulated altitude volunteers who ascended in 24 hours to the altitude of
of Mount Everest (Operation Everest II), for measure- 4559 m in the Italian Alps.56 The transtricuspid gradient
ments of LV volumes and evaluation of systolic function increased from 16 to 44 mm Hg, allowing for the
by peak systolic (brachial artery sphygmomanometry) vs calculation of a mean PAP of 32 mm Hg. The transmitral
end-systolic volume (echocardiography) relationships. E/A decreased from 1.4 to 1.1, due to a significant increase
This is a surrogate for completely invasive end-systolic in the A wave. The E/A ratio and the transtricuspid
elastance measurements as a gold standard of load- gradient were inversely correlated. The diastolic mitral
independent contractility. The results showed a decrease annular motion pattern measured by TDI showed similar
in the volumes of both the left ventricle and the right changes. The authors speculated that the observed mitral
ventricle, compatible with hypovolemia, but a normal E/A changes would reflect an adaptive increase in atrial
ejection fraction that increased adequately at exercise. As contraction rather than an alteration in diastolic function.
shown in Fig 5, the ratio of peak systolic pressure to end- A complete evaluation RV and LV function by Doppler
systolic volume at rest and at exercise increased at all echocardiography with TDI was reported in 25 healthy
altitudes, indicating enhanced contractility, up to the volunteers acutely breathing a fraction of inspired oxygen
simulated altitude of approximately 8400 m.40 Thus, of 0.12.57 For a better understanding of the contribution of
contractility appeared to be remarkably preserved in hypoxia-induced sympathetic nervous system activation,
healthy subjects at high altitudes, indicating excellent the authors also evaluated in normoxia the effects of low-
tolerance of the normal myocardium to extremes possible dose dobutamine titrated to reproduce the same increase in
environmental oxygen deprivation. heart rate. Hypoxia and dobutamine increased the
462 R. Naeije / Progress in Cardiovascular Diseases 52 (2010) 456–466

transtricuspid gradient to the same extent, from 17 to, tricuspid but not mitral E/A (Fig 9). Altogether, these
respectively, 36 and 33 mm Hg (P nonsignificant, hypoxia results suggested that short-term hypoxic exposure is
vs dobutamine), showing the flow dependency of systolic associated with a preserved RV systolic function, either
PAP. The acceleration time of pulmonary arterial flow, sympathetically mediated or homeometric adaptation to
corrected for the ejection time, decreased from 0.52 to 0.37 mild pulmonary hypertension. Early RV diastolic
in hypoxia and remained unchanged at 0.53 with changes probably reflected an increased afterload.
dobutamine, underscoring the validity of this measure- Changes in diastolic filling patterns of both ventricles
ment as an internal control for the diagnosis of increased and increased LV contractility would be essentially
PAP at increased flow. Both hypoxia and dobutamine explained by acute hypoxia-induced activation of the
increased LV ejection fraction, isovolumic contraction sympathetic nervous system.
velocity, acceleration, and systolic wave velocity (S) at the These measurements were most recently repeated in 15
mitral annulus, indicating enhanced systolic function. healthy high-altitude inhabitants of the Bolivian altiplano,
Dobutamine had similar effects on RV indices of systolic at approximately 4000 m, as compared to age and body
function. Hypoxia did not change RV area shortening surface area-matched acclimatized lowlanders.58 Acute
fraction, tricuspid annular plane systolic excursion exposure to high altitude in lowlanders caused an increase
(TAPSE), isovolumic contraction velocity, isovolumic in mean PAP, to 20 to 25 mm Hg, decreased RV and LV
contraction acceleration, and S wave at the tricuspid E/A with a prolonged IVRT of the RV, an increased RV
annulus. Regional longitudinal wall motion analysis performance (Tei) index, and maintained RV systolic
revealed that S, systolic strain, and strain rate were not function as estimated by TAPSE and tricuspid annulus S
affected by hypoxia and increased by dobutamine on the wave. This profile was essentially unchanged after
RV free wall and interventricular septum but increased by acclimatization and ascending to 4850 m, except for a
both dobutamine and hypoxia on the LV lateral wall. higher PAP. The natives presented with relatively lower
Hypoxia increased IVRT corrected for the RR interval at PAP and higher oxygen saturation (pulse oximetry) but
both annuli, delayed the onset of the E wave at the more pronounced alteration in indices of diastolic function
tricuspid annulus, and decreased mitral and tricuspid of both ventricles, a decreased LV ejection fraction,
inflow and annuli E/A. Dobutamine shortened the decreased TAPSE and tricuspid annulus S wave, and
tricuspid annulus IVRT corrected for RR and decreased increased RV Tei index. The estimated LV filling pressure

Fig 9. Mean pulsed-TDI isovolumic contraction velocity (ICV), systolic ejection (S), IVRT, early (E) and late (A) diastolic waves, recorded at the tricuspid
annulus in 19 subjects in normoxia, in acute hypoxia, or with a dobutamine infusion in normoxia. *P b .05 compared to normoxic baseline. The increase in
heart rate was similar during hypoxia test or dobutamine infusion. Hypoxia did not change ICV, S, and E and increased A and IVRT. Dobutamine
increased ICV, S, and A; did not change E; and decreased IVRT. Sample recordings in a 25-year-old woman (right). After study by Huez et al.57
R. Naeije / Progress in Cardiovascular Diseases 52 (2010) 456–466 463

was somewhat lower in high-altitude natives. Thus, the Monge's disease presented with transtricuspid gradients at
cardiac adaptation to high altitude appeared qualitatively an average of 34 mm Hg, which is in the range reported in
similar, with however slight but significant deterioration acclimatized lowlanders, and an RV dilatation with an
of indices of both systolic and diastolic function in high- increased Tei index to an average of 0.54, higher than
altitude natives, in spite of less marked pulmonary reported in both acclimatized lowlanders and healthy high-
hypertension and better oxygenation. The authors altitude inhabitants. The authors excluded the diagnosis of
explained these results by combined effects of a lesser heart failure clinically and on the basis of preserved
degree of sympathetic nervous system activation, relative indices of RV and LV systolic function. However, a higher
hypovolemia, and may be some negative inotropic effects RV Tei index in patients with Monge's disease may reflect
of a long lasting hypoxic exposure. The Bolivian subjects a more important alteration of RV function.
live in less favored economic conditions, and this is known A small percentage of otherwise normal subjects
to be associated with an increased prevalence of present with a constitutively increased pulmonary
cardiovascular diseases. However, none of the Bolivian vascular reactivity to hypoxia and are prone to the
subjects included in the aforementioned study was a development of lung edema when rapidly taken to high
smoker or presented with cardiovascular risk factors such altitudes.60 Recent progress in portable Doppler echocar-
as hypertension, diabetes, or obesity. The prevalence of diography has revealed that these subjects may present
cardiovascular conditions has been reported repeatedly to with severe hypoxic pulmonary hypertension inducing
be lower in the South American altiplanos than in North high-altitude acute right heart failure, characterized by a
America or Western Europe.7 dilatation of right heart chambers with a septal shift,
Echocardiographic measurements have also been dilatation of the inferior vena cava with loss of
reported in a study on high-altitude Peruvian dwellers inspiratory collapse, indicating increased right atrial
with a diagnosis of Monge's disease.59 This form of pressure, and RV TDI disclosing an apically prominent
chronic mountain sickness, predominantly reported in “postsystolic shortening” wave (Fig 10). This specific
South America, is defined by the combination of excessive TDI aspect of RV postsystolic shortening reflects
polycythemia, fluid retention, and relative hypoventila- asynchronic contraction the RV, much like recently
tion, accompanied by an increase in PAP in proportion reported by magnetic resonance imaging studies in severe
to decreased arterial oxygenation.8 The patients with pulmonary arterial hypertension.61

Fig 10. High-altitude right heart failure in previously healthy subject after arrival in La Paz, 3600 m, and touring on the Bolivian altiplano at altitudes
around 4000 m. Maximum velocity of tricuspid regurgitation (A) is suggestive of severe pulmonary hypertension, with pressures around 40 mm Hg; there
is dilation of the right ventricle with abnormal eccentricity index (B); RV apex postsystolic shortening; and dilatation of the inferior vena cava with loss of
inspiratory collapsibility. These aspects indicate right heart failure on hypoxic pulmonary hypertension (after study by Heath and Williams7).
464 R. Naeije / Progress in Cardiovascular Diseases 52 (2010) 456–466

In summary, acute hypoxic exposure is generally coronary flow reserve by 18% in patients with coronary
associated with mild pulmonary hypertension, increased heart disease as compared to an increase of 10% in healthy
heart rate, decreased stroke volume, increased indices of controls.63 Altitude exposes the coronary circulation to the
LV systolic function, maintained indices of RV systolic combined effects of ambient hypoxia, exercise, cold,
function, and altered diastolic filling patterns of both hypocapnia because of hyperventilation, and increased
ventricles without increased filling pressures. These sympathetic nervous system tone as possible causes of
changes are explained by the combined effects of myocardial ischemia.60 Therefore, patients with coronary
increased PAP, sympathetic nervous system activation, artery disease are advised to avoid physical exercise or
and homeometric adaptation of RV function to afterload uncomfortable traveling at altitude and to avoid rapid
and hypovolemia. Cardiac function adaptation to even ascents to altitudes higher than 2000 to 2500 m.
milder pulmonary hypertension in high-altitude natives is Coronary artery disease appears to be less common in
qualitatively similar, even though indices of both systolic high-altitude inhabitants as compared to sea level
and diastolic function of both ventricles appear to be controls, but this may be related to a lower prevalence
somewhat depressed. These differences are explained by a of cardiovascular risk factors.7 Epidemiologic studies in
different level of sympathetic nervous tone, decreased New Mexico at altitudes ranging from 900 to 2100 m
preload, and possibly direct cardiac effects of lifelong indicate an altitude-related decreased mortality rate for
oxygen deprivation. coronary heart disease, which the authors attributed to
healthier lifestyle with relatively more physical exercise
at altitude.68
The coronary circulation

The coronary oxygen extraction is normally very high, Blood pressure

with resulting coronary sinus venous PO2 being one of the
lowest in the body. Thus, the hypoxic myocardium must Blood pressure either does not change or increases slightly
rely on an increased oxygen delivery, as extraction cannot in response a short-term hypoxic exposure.10,30,51-53,55-57,69
much increase. Accordingly, acute hypoxic exposure has Increased blood pressure during altitude acclimatization
long ago been shown to be associated with an increased is entirely explained by sympathetic nervous system
coronary blood flow.62 This observation has been recently activation.69 Permanent residence at high altitudes is
confirmed.63 Acute low oxygen breathing to simulate an associated with a decrease in both systolic and diastolic
altitude of 4500 m in healthy subjects increased coronary blood pressures.70,71
blood flow so that coronary oxygen delivery was There is some evidence that mild systemic hypertension
maintained. In these same experiments, there was an improves with prolonged altitude stays and that the
exercise-induced hyperemia by approximately 40%, sug- prevalence of hypertension is lower in high-altitude
gesting preserved coronary flow reserve. However, more inhabitants as compared to sea level controls.71
prolonged stays at altitude have been shown to decrease Syncope occasionally occurs at high altitudes in
coronary blood flow, in high-altitude inhabitants as well as otherwise healthy individuals.72 This has been reported
in recently acclimatized lowlanders.64,65 Corresponding in young adults, often within 24 hours of arrival at altitude,
coronary flow reserve measurements have not yet been and tentatively explained by a sympathetic-parasympa-
reported. However, epidemiologic data and clinical thetic imbalance. High altitude-induced syncope tends to
experience on the South American altiplanos indirectly recur, and in the author's experience, may be prevented by
suggest that coronary flow reserve would be maintained in drugs effective in the treatment of acute mountain sickness
more chronic hypoxic conditions as well, even though such as acetazolamide or corticosteroids.
oxygen delivery becomes probably more dependent on
arterial oxygen content, which is increased with polycy-
themia, than on coronary flow. These observations are in The electrocardiogram
keeping with preserved contractility40,57-59 and absence of
symptoms or electrocardiographic changes suggestive of The electrocardiogram at altitude shows variably
myocardial ischemia in healthy volunteers exposed to increased amplitude of P wave, right QRS axis deviation,
simulated high altitudes.66,67 Altogether, the data support and signs of RV overload and hypertrophy.65,66 Some-
the notion that the tolerance of the normal myocardium to times, an electrocardiogram may remain unchanged up to
hypoxic exposure is generally excellent. extreme altitudes, as illustrated by the normal tracing
However, altitude exposure may be an unwelcome taken on Mrs Phantog, the deputy leader of the successful
stress in patients with preexisting cardiac conditions. 1975 Chinese ascent of Mount Everest.73 Altitude and
Exposure to moderate hypoxia to simulate an altitude of exercise may be associated with supraventricular and
2500 m has been shown to be associated with a decrease in ventricular premature beats, but the limited data available
R. Naeije / Progress in Cardiovascular Diseases 52 (2010) 456–466 465

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