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CHAPTER 6 o Rizal is not a common felon but a

o He gave Rizal freedom to go
ARBITRARY DEPORTATION IN DAPITAN anywhere and permitted him to
ride chestnut horse.
 July 16, 1892 12:30 am o Rizal admired the generous and
o Rizal was heavy guard to Steamer kind Spanish Captain.
Cebu that is sailing to Dapitan o Rizal wrote “A Don Ricardo
under Captain Delgras. Carnicero” on August 26, 1892
o Rizal handed over to Captain (Captain’s Birthday)
Ricardo Carnicero (Spanish
Commander) in Dapitan on July17, WINS IN MANILA LOTTERY
1892 at 7:00 pm.
 Rizal is a lottery addict.
o Rizal’s exile from July 17, 1892 to
o In Madrid (1882-1885) 3 pesetas
July 31, 1896 (4 years and 13
every month in lottery tickets.
o Wenceslao Retana (Rizal Spanish
EXILE IN DAPITAN biographer / former enemy) said
that this is only Rizal’s Vice.
 Dapitan, a remote town in Mindanao  September 21, 1892 Butuan boat
which under the Missionary Jurisdiction of arrived and announced the winning
the Jesuits (1892-1896). lottery.
 4 years was tediously unexciting but o Lottery Ticket No. 9736 jointly
abundantly fruitful with varied
owned by Captain Carnicero, Dr.
Rizal, and Francisco Equilior won
 He practiced medicine, pursued scientific
the second prize of P20,000 in the
studies, continue artistic and literary
Government-owned Manila Lottery.
works, widened knowledge in language,
 Rizal’s share of the winning lottery:
established school for boys, doing
o P20,000- lottery prize
agricultural and civic projects, engaging in
o P6,200 of it was given to Rizal
business activities and writing letters to
o P2,000 of his share he gave to his
his friends in Europe particularly
Ferdinand Bluementrit and Reinhold father and
Rost. o P200 to Basa in Hong Kong
 Cebu Steamer carried a letter from Fr. o The rest he invested through
Pablo Pastells (Superior of Jesuit Society purchasing agricultural lands from
in Philippines) to Fr. Antonio Obach the coast of Talisay about
(Jesuit Parish Priest of Dapitan). kilometer away from Dapitan.
 Letter includes conditions that Rizal could
live at Parish Convent:
o Rizal must admit his errors about  Started when Pastells gave Rizal a book
religion and make a statement that by Sarda and advised him to stop
his Pro-Spanish and against the seeing religion through the majaderas
revolution. (foolishness) perspective of individual
o Perform church rites and confess judgment and self-esteem.
his past life.  Rizal hated the friars for abusing religion.
o He will behave as excellent Spanish  Father Pastells tried to convert Rizal to
citizen. Catholicism by convincing him that human
 He refused and live at Captain Ricardo knowledge is limited and that he needed
Carnicero’s house. God's direction.
o Their relationship was warm and  Pastells and Rizal were clearly friends
friendly. behind the argument.
o Carnicero gave good reports to o Pastels gave Rizal a copy of
Governor Despujol about Rizal. Imitacion de Cristo by Father
(Report only once a week) Thomas a Kempis
o Rizal gave Pastells a bust of St. operated his mother’s right eye. Though
Paul which he had made Rizal the operation was successful, his mother
continued to hear mass and had a wound infection after ignoring
celebrate religious events. Rizal’s instruction of not removing the
bandages. However, the infection was
 Pablo Mercado is a spy on November 3,  He had many patients came from Luzon,
1893. Bohol, Cebu, Panay, Negros and Mindanao
o Pretends to be a relative of Rizal by and even from Hong Kong.
showing photo of Rizal and pair of  He had somehow rich patients:
buttons with initial P.M. as o Don Ignacio Tumarong (Filipino) –
evidence of kinship. 3,000 (restoration of his eyesight)
o He offered services as Rizal’s o Englishman – 500
Confidential Courier of Rizal’s o Don Florenio Azcarraga
Letter and writings for the Patriots (Haciendero of Aklan) – Cargo of
in Manila. Sugar (Eye Ailment)
o The spy was suspicious and wanted
to be sent out, but Rizal gave him
a place to stay for the night. He  Water System of Dapitan
dismissed the spy the following  As a perito agrimensor (expert surveyor),
day. Rizal applied his engineering knowledge
o Spy stay in Dapitan and spread by constructing a system of waterworks to
that his a relative of Rizal. furnish clean water to the towns people.
 Rizal went to the commandancia on May o Waterworks built using stones,
4, 1893. cast-off tiles, bamboo pipes and
o He reported the impostor to mortar from burnt coral.
Captain Juan Sitges (successor  Mr. H.F Cameron – an American
of Capt. Ricardo Carnicero). engineer who praised Rizal for his
o Sitges detained Pablo Mercado and engineering ingenuity.
tasked Anastacio Adriatico with
his capture and investigation.
 Florencio Namanam is the real name of  Rizal had:
spy from Cagayan de Misamis. o Drained the marshes to get rid of
o Hired by Recollect Friars to a secret malaria that was infesting Dapitan
mission in Dapitan. o Equipped the town with lighting
o Introduced himself as Rizal’s friend system using P500 one of his
and relative. patients paid him. The lighting
o Spy on Rizal’s activities. system consisted of a coconut oil
o Steal certain letters and writings lamp.
that will bind Rizal in revolutionary o Beautified the town of Dapitan by
movement. remodeling the town plaza and
 Pablo Mercado's secret mission was an making a huge relief map of
espionage plot planned by the friars. Mindanao out of earth, stones and
 Rizal’s patients are mostly poor and he
gave them free medicine and prescribed  Rizal established in Dapitan a school
medical plants. (1893 – 1896).
o Wrote a letter form Dr. Marquez  It began with 3 pupils who increased to 16
in Hongkong about what situation and eventually 21.
he had and what he did. o 16 of his pupils did not pay tuition,
 Dona Teodora and Maria lived with Rizal instead of charging them fees,
for a year and a half. It is here when Rizal
Rizal made them works in his to improve the farm products,
gardens and construction projects. obtain better outlets for them,
 Formal classes were between 2:00p.m collect fund for their purchases and
and 4:00p.m. he also applied the help the producers and workers by
“emperor” system like that of Ateneo establishing a store wherein they
o During recess, pupils-built fires to can buy prime commodities at
drive away insects, pruned fruit moderate prices.
trees and manured the soil.
 Outside class hours, students had
gymnastics, boxing, wrestling, stone  Rizal is also an inventor.
throwing, swimming and boating.  He invented a cigarette lighter which he
 Trained the students how to collect sent as a gift to Blumentritt called
specimens of plants and animals, to love “sulpukan” was made of wood. Its
works and to behave like men. mechanism is based on the principle of
compressed air.
 He invented a machine for making bricks.
 In Dapitan Rizal devoted much of his time This machine could manufacture about
to agriculture. 6,000 bricks daily.
 He bought 16 hectares of land in
Talisay, where he built his home, school
and hospital and planted cacao, coffee,  My Retreat
sugarcane, coconuts and fruit trees. (1st o Request of his mother.
year of Exile in Dapitan) o Describes in melodious verse his
 Rizal acquired total holdings of 70 quiet life in Dapitan.
hectares where 6,000 hemp plants, 1000 o One of the best poems.
coconut trees and numerous fruit trees,  Hymm to Talisay
sugarcane, corn, coffee and cacao were o To be sung by his students.
planted. o Vigorous song praises the free life
 He planned to establish an agricultural in Talisay.
colony in Sitio Ponot because it was ideal  To Josephine
for raising cacao, coffee, coconuts and o Lovely poem dedicated to
cattle. However, this did not materialize
Josephine Bracken.
due to lack of support from the
 Pretty Irish girl from HK.
 Faithful wife of Rizal.
RIZAL AS BUSINESSMAN  To Don Ricardo Carnicero
o Birthday greeting to Capt.
 Ramon Carreon – Rizal’s businessman Carnicero who became his admirer
partner in Dapitan Rizal made profitable and friend.
business ventures in fishing, copra and  Song of the Traveler
hemp industries. o Sad poem of a lonely traveler
 Hemp Industry – Rizal’s most profitable destined to roam from shore to
business. shore.
o Once he shipped 150 bales of o Last poem of Rizal in Dapitan.
hemp to Manila, he purchased
hemp in Dapitan at P7 and 4 reales ARTISTIC WORKS IN DAPITAN
per pisul and he sold it to Manila at
 Rizal:
P10 and 4 reales.
o Contributed paintings to Sisters of
 Rizal also engaged in lime manufacturing
Charity who were preparing for the
capacity of more than 400 bags of lime.
sanctuary of the Holy Virgin.
 January 1, 1895 – He organized the
o Made sketches of persons and
Cooperative Association of Dapitan
thing that attracted him in Dapitan.
Farmers to break Chinese monopoly.
o Modelled “The Mother Revenge”
o According to its constitution, which
(statuette) to stress moral of the
he had drafted, its purposes were
incident where a pupply of his dog o The two were happy for the were
Syria was eaten by crocodile. expecting for a baby. However,
o Constructed “The Dapitan Girl” Rizal played a prank on Josephine
(statue of a girl), woodcarving of making her give birth to an eight-
Josephine Bracken month baby boy.
o Made a bust of St. Paul for Fr. o The baby lived for only 3 hours.
Pastells. He was named “Francisco” in
RIZAL AS A LINGUIST honor of Rizal’s father. Rizal
wrote a poem which entitled
 Rizal learned in Dapitan: Josephine, Josephine.
o Bisayan
o Subanun
o Malay Language
 He already knew 22 languages that time. UNIT VI – ARREST, TRIAL AND EXECUTION


 The death of Leonora Rivera left a  July 31, 1896 – Rizal left Dapitan on
poignant void in Rizal’s heart. In his board Espana to Manila with
loneliness, he met Josephine. stopovers in:
 Josephine Bracken o Dumaguete
o Irish girl of sweet eighteen who  Visited Herrero Regidor
was born on Hongkong. (Judge of the Province)
o Born October 3, 1876
(Friend / Former
o Parents:
 James Bracken – father
 Visited Periquet and
which is a Corporal in British
Garrison. Rufina families.
 Elizabeth Jane McBride –  Espana left Dumaguete
mother that died in 1:00 pm.
childbirth. o Cebu
 Mr. George Taufer – Adopt Josephine and  Rizal wrote in his diary
later became blind. that he did two
 Manuela Orlac – Filipina companion who operations of
accompanied Josephine Bracken to strabotomy (ears and
 Rizal and Josephine Bracken decided to
 August 3 Monday Rizal
get married but Father Obach (Priest of
Dapitan) refused to marry them without left Cebu.
the permission of Bishop of Cebu. o Iloilo
o Hearing of the planned marriage  Went shopping and
and unable to endure the thought visited MOLO (church).
of losing Josephine, Mr. Taufer
tried to commit suicide by cutting RIZAL MISSES SHIP GOING TO SPAIN
off his throat with a razor but Rizal  Rizal was unable to catch the mail ship
was able to prevent this.
Isla de Luzon for Spain.
o To avoid strategy, Mr. Taufer
 Staying in Manila for one month might
returned to Hong Kong alone while
Josephine stayed with the Rizal in give him troubles so he requested to
Manila. Governador Generalto be isolated from
 Having no priests to marry them, Rizal everybody, except his family.
and Josephine married themselves before  Near midnight the same day, August
the eyes of God. 6, 1896 Rizal was transferred to
Spanish cruiser Castilla by the order
of Governador General Ramon o Manila (as a province)
Blanco. o Bulacan
 Capt. Enrique Santalo (cruise o Cavite
captain) said he wasn’t a prisoner but o Batangas
a guest detained on board in order to o Laguna
avoid difficulties from friends and o Pampanga
enemies. o Nueva Ecija
 Rizal stayed on the cruiser for about a o Tarlac
month, from August 6, 1896 to  Rizal was worried when he read the news
at newspaper for two reasons:
Sept. 2, 1896.
o The violent revolution which he
LAUNCHING OF THE PHILIPINE REVOLUTION sincerely believed to be premature
and would only cause much
 Various wings of Katipunan gathered suffering and terrible loss of human
at the house of Juan Ramos at Bahay lives and property, had started.
Toro, Pugadlawin, Balintawak, o It would arouse Spanish vengeance
North Manila. against al Filipino patriots.
o Ramos, son of Melchora Aquino
aka Tandang Sora and
acknowledge as the mother of  Sept. 2 1896, Rizal was transferred to
Katipunan. the steamer Isla de Panay which was
 August 23, 1896, formally launched sailing for Barcelona, Spain.
 Sept. 3, 1896, the steamer left Manila
the armed revolution. They tore their
Bay. Rizal’s last trip to Spain began.
residence certificate /cedulas
 Among his fellow passengers on board
symbolizes against the colonizers and were Don Pedro Roxas (Rich Manila
shouting long live Philippines. creole industrialist and his friend) and his
o Cry of Balintawak / Cry of son named Periquin.
Pugadlawin took place in
Bahay Toro / Quezon City.
o Beginning of Philippine  Isla de Panay arrived at Singapore in
Revolution against Spaniards. the evening of Sept. 7,1896.
 September 3, 1896, Rizal left for  Don Pedro advised Rizal to stay behind
Spain on the steamer Isla De Panay. too and take advantage of the protection
of British Law. Rizal did not heed his
 Filipino residents of Singapore headed by
 August 19 1896, the Katipunan plot Don Manuel Camus boarded the steamer
to overthrow Spanish rule by means of urging him to stay in Singapore to save
revolution was discovered by his life which he ignored because he
Augustinian Cura of Tondo Fray already gave his word to the Governador
Mariano Gil, after Teodoro Patinos General Ramon Blanco.
disclosure of organization’s secret. VICTIM OF SPANISH DUPLICITY
 August 26, 1896, Andres Bonifacio
and Katipunan raised the Cry of  Without his knowledge, Governador
Balintawak. General Blanco was secretly conspiring
 August 30, 1896, revolutionist led by with the Ministers of War and the
Colonies (Ultramar) for his
Bonifacio and Jacinto attacked San Juan
but they were repulsed by heavy issues.
 Rizal proved to be as gullible as Sultan
 After the battle of San Juan, Governor
Zaide who is another victim of Spanish
General Blanco proclaimed a state of
war in the first eight provinces for rising
arms against Spain:
 One of Rizal’s greatest mistakes was to  On Oct. 3, Isla de Panay arrived in
believe in the Governador General that Barcelona with Rizal as a prisoner.
he was a man of honor and a friend  His jailor was no longer the ship captain
because he allowed him to go as a but the Military Commander of Barcelona
free man to Spain to become a who happened to be General Eulogio
physician-surgeon of the Spanish Despujol, the same one who ordered his
army in Cuba and give him two nice banishment in Dapitan in July 1892 was
letters on introduction addressed to one of the coincidences in the lives of men
Spanish Ministers of War and that make “history stranger than fiction.”
Colonies. o Rizal held incommunicado in his
 According to the declassified documents in cabin.
the Ministries of War and the Colonies was  Oct. 6, Rizal was escorted to the grim and
that Blanco regarded Rizal as a infamous prison-fortress named
“dangerous Filipino” who was Monjuich.
responsible for the raging Filipino  About 2 in afternoon, he was taken out of
revolution, and therefore plotted his the prison and brought to the
doom. headquarters of General Despujol. He told
 Rizal was unaware that since his Rizal that he would be brought back to
departure from Manila, Blanco and the Manila on board the transport ship
Ministries of War and Colonies were Colon which would leave that evening.
exchanging coded telegrams and
confidential messages for his arrest CONFISCATION OF RIZAL’S DIARY
upon reaching Barcelona and that he was  Since he leave Barcelona, he recorded the
a deportee and was being secretly kept events in his diary.
under surveillance.  On Oct. 8, a friendly officer told Rizal that
RIZAL ARRESTED BEFORE REACHING the Madrid newspaper was full of the
BARCELONA news about the bloody revolution in the
Philippines and they were blaming him
 Isla de Panay with Rizal on board left for it.
Singapore at 1:00 pm Sept. 8.  Spanish authorities know of the fact that
 On Sept. 25, he saw the steamer Isla de Rizal was keeping tabs of his daily events
Luzon leaving the Suez Canal crammed in the diary and they were curios of what
with Spanish troops. Two days later (Sept might be written on it. They were
25) he heard from the passengers that a suspicious that something seditious or
telegram arrived from Manila reporting the treasonable might be written on his diary.
execution of Francisco Roxas, Genato and But after the cabin searched thoroughly,
Osorio. they found nothing.
 On Sept. 28, a day after the steamer had  October 11 – Rizal’s diary was taken
left Port Said (Mediterranean terminus of from him and nothing dangerous content
Suez Canal) a passenger told Rizal that he found.
would be arrested by order of Blanco and  November 2 – The diary was returned to
would be set in prison in Ceuta (Spanish him and he did not record any events
Morocco) opposite of Gibraitar from October 12 to November 1.
 Shocked by the news, Rizal then realized
that he was duped by the Spanish officials UNSUCCESSFUL RESCUE IN SINGAPORE
and sly Blanco.  News of Rizal predicament reach his
 Sept. 30 he was officially notified by friends in Europe and Singapore.
Captain Alemany that he should stay in his  From London, Dr. Antonio Ma. Regidor
cabin until further orders from Manila and Sixto Lopez dispatched telegrams to
which he graciously obliged. an English lawyer in Singapore named
o The purpose is to rescue Rizal from
 Sept. 30, steamer anchored in Malta. Spanish steamer when it reached
Singapore by means of Writ of 3. Letter from M. H. Del Pilar
Habeas Corpus. to Deodato Arellano
o Chief Justice Loinel Cox denied 4. Poem entitled Kundiman
the Writ on the ground that the 5. Letter of Carlos Oliver to
Colon was carrying Spanish troop unidentified person
to the Philippines. Hence, it is a 6. Masonic document
warship of foreign power, which (February 2, 1892)
under the international law and 7. Letter signed Dimasalang to
was beyond the jurisdiction of the Ten Luz (Juan Zulueta)
Singapore authorities. (May 24, 1892, Hong Kong)
o Rizal was unaware of this attempt 8. Letter of Dimasalang to an
by his friends. unidentified committee
(June 1,1892, Hong Kong)
ARRIVAL IN MANILA 9. An anonymous and undated
 November 3, The Colon arrived at Manila. letter to the Editor of the HK
 Rizal was quietly transferred under heavy Telegraph
guard from the ship to Fort Santiago. 10. Letter of Ildefonso Laurel to
 Many Filipino Patriots: Deodato Arellano, Rizal (September 3, 1892,
Dr. Pio Valenzuela, Moises Salvador,
11. Letter of Rizal Segundo
Jose Dizon, Domingo Franco, Temoteo
12. Letter of M. H. Del Pilar to
Paez, and Pedro Serrano Laktaw were
Don Juan A. Tenluz
brutally tortured to implicate Rizal.
13. Transcript of a Speech of
 Paciano is also arrested and cruelly
Pingkian (Emilio Jacinto)
tortured but he never signed any
14. Transcript of a Speech of
damaging statement incriminating his
Tik-Tik (Jose Turiano)
younger brother. Although his body was
15. Poem by Laong Laan (Rizal)
shattered on the torture rack and his left
o Testimonial Evidence – oral
hand crushed by the screw, his valiant
Asian Spirit remained unbroken. testimonies
1. Martin Constantino
3. Jose Reyes
 November 20 – Preliminary investigation
4. Moises Salvador
5. Jose Dizon
 Rizal appeared before the Judge
6. Domingo Franco
Advocate, Colonel Francisco Olive.
7. Deodato Arellano
 Rizal is subjected to grueling five-day
8. Ambrosio Salvador
9. Pedro Serrano Laktaw
 He answered the questions asked by the
10. Dr. Pio Valenzuela
Judge but he wasn’t permitted to confront
11. Antonio Salazar
those who testified against him. The
12. Francisco Quison
question on first day centered on 2 points:
13. Timoteo Paez
o Whether Rizal knew certain
 November 26, After the preliminary
individuals and what is his relation investigation, Colonel Francisco Olive
with them. transmitted the records of the case to
o Rizal’s subversive activities in Blanco and the latter appointed Captain
Madrid and Philippines. Rafael Dominguez as Special Judge
 2 kinds of evidence were presented Advocate to institute the corresponding
against Rizal: action against Rizal.
o Documentary Evidence  Governador General transmitted the
1. Letter of Antonio Luna to resume of charges to the Judge
Mariano Ponce (October 16, Advocate General Don Nicolas dela
1888, Madrid) Pena for an opinion.
2. Letter of Rizal to his family
(August 20, 1890, Madrid)
 Pena submitted the following Polavieja with the help of powerful
recommendations: Dominican friars succeed Blanco.
o Accused be immediately brought to  The withdrawal of Blanco from the
trial gubernatorial office sealed Rizal’s fate for
o Should be kept in prison he was more human in character than the
o Order of attachment be issued ruthless Polavieja and moreover he firmly
against his property to the amount believed that Rizal wasn’t a traitor to
of 1M pesos as indemnity Spain. Had he remained longer in the
o Should be defended in court by an office, Rizal wouldn’t have been executed
Army Officer and not by Civilian but it was just a what if.
RIZAL CHOOSE HIS DEFENDER  December 15, Rizal wrote a manifesto to
 Only right given to Rizal was to choose his people appealing to them to stop the
a defense counsel which is also necessary shedding of blood and just to
restricted because he had to choose only achieve liberties by means of
from a list submitted to him. education and industry. It was written
 December 8, Feast Day of Immaculate in Fort Santiago
Conception, list of 100 1st and 2nd  Judge Advocate General Nicolas dela
lieutenant in the Spanish Army was Pena advised Governador General to
presented to Rizal. He chose Don Luis conceal manifesto, which he did. So
Traviel de Andrade, 1st lieutenant of the freeing Rizal from the embarrassment of
Artillery to become his defender. his manifesto being misinterpreted and
o The chosen defender is the brother disobeyed.
of Jose Traviel de Andrade, RIZAL SADDEST CHRISTMAS
Rizal’s bodyguard. He gladly
accepted it since he heard of him  December 25, Rizal’s last and saddest
from his brother. Christmas.
 He found himself alone and depress in
ACCUSED  He was in despair and no illusions about
his faith.
 December 11, information of charges was
 He took time to write a letter to Lt. Traviel
formally read to Rizal in his prison cell,
de Andrade because he want to see him
with his counsel present.
before another appearance in court.
 He was accused of:
o being the personal organizer and TRIAL OF RIZAL
the living soul of the Filipino
insurrection,  December 26 8;00 am, the court martial
o the founder of societies, of Rizal started in the building called
Cuartel De Espana.
periodicals, and books dedicated to
o Seated behind the table were 7
fomenting and propagating ideas of
rebellion. members of military court in
 Rizal raised no objection on the uniform.
jurisdiction but pleaded not guilty to the o Officers present were:
crime of rebellion.  Lt. Col Arjona
 He admitted the he wrote the Constitution  Capt. Munoz
of La Liga Filipina which was merely civic  Capt. Reguera
association.  Capt. Osorio
 He also said he had taken no part in  Capt. Nunez
politics since his exile in Dapitan.  Capt. Escribrano
 Dominguez forwarded the papers of Rizal  Capt. Rodriguez
to Malacañang Palace December 13 same o Trial opened by Judge Rafael
day when Governor General Camilo G. Dominguez.
o Attorney Alcocer detailed the o If according to witnesses the
allegations against Rizal and speech he delivered at Doroteo
requested the court to give the Ongjunco's house had inspired the
verdict of death to the accused. revolution, then he want to
They applauded noisily at Alcocer’s confront these persons. If he really
petition. was for the revolution, then why
did the Katipunan sent an
unfamiliar emissary to him in
 Andreade gave his eloquent defense of Dapitan? It is so because all his
Rizal. friends were aware that he never
 He ended his defense with a noble but advocated violence.
futile, admonition to the members of POLAVIEJA SIGN’S RIZAL’S EXECUTION
military: “The judges cannot be
vindictive, the judges can only be  December 28, Gov. Gen. Camilo
just.” Which fell on deaf ears because Polavieja approved the decision of the
officers were both vindictive and unjust. court-martial and ordered Rizal to be shot
 Rizal supplements of defense which he at 7:00 AM of December 30 at
wrote in his prison cell. He proved his Bagumbayan Field (Luneta).
innocence by 12 points:  His approval was forward to Judge
o As testified by Pio Valenzuela, Rizal Advocate Don Rafael Dominguez for
was against rebellion. compliance.
o He did not correspond to the
radical, revolutionary elements.
o Revolutionist used his name  Dr. Jose Rizal is convicted for the crime of
without his knowledge, if he were rebellion, sedition and conspiracy and
guilty, he could have escaped in sentence death by Spanish colonial
Singapore. authorities.
o If he was guilty, he left the country  He left Fort Santiago escorted by armed
while exile and didn’t stay in guards, two catholic priests (Fr. Jose
Dapitan. Villaclara & Fr. Estanislao March) and
o If he was a leader, revolutionist his friend/ defender Don Luis Traviel de
should have consult him. Andrade.
o He did not deny that he wrote the  Walked from Boulevard / Paseo de Maria
by-laws of the La Liga Filipina but Cristina to the execution field.
this is only for civic association not  Before execution a Spanish surgeon
revolutionary society. general requested to take his pulse and it
o After first meeting of La Liga was normal.
Filipina, it banished because Rizal  December 30, 1896, Rizal was executed
was exile in Dapitan. under the Artillery Commander Senor
o If La Liga was reorganized, he Manuel Gomes Escalante.
doesn’t know anything. o 6:30 am march from Fort Santiago
o If La Liga’s purpose is to Bagumbayan.
revolutionary, Katipunan will not o Artillery Commander Senor
exist. Manuel Gomez Escalante
o If the Spanish authorities found his ordered the firing squad formation.
letters having bitter atmosphere, it  First row – 8 selected
was because in 1890 his family was marksmen from 70th line
being persecuted resulting to their regiment.
dispossession of properties and  Second row – 8 soldiers (4
deportation of all his brothers-in- from seventh battalion and
law. 4 from eight hunter
o He lived an exemplary life in battalion)
Dapitan. o Rizal asked not to be blindfolded.
o Rizal also asked if he can face the  They take retraction document as
firing squad but the commander authentic.
didn’t agree because it is the order  Senator Jose Diokno – he said no
to fire him at the back. matter what Rizal is still Rizal.
o Rizal asked to spare his head.
o Rizal instructed where to aim for
his heart and commander said  4 texts of Rizal’s retraction have surfaced.
thanks. o 1st text – published by La Voz
o Commander ask if Rizal prefer to Espanola and Diario de Manila
kneel but he said he want to stand. on December 30, 1897.
 7:02 am drum roll o 2nd text – appeared in Barcelona,
o 1st order: Mark Spain on February 14, 1897 in
o 2nd order: Fire! magazine in La Juventud. Writer
 Rizal’s last words Consummatum Est! named Fr. Balaquer.
(It is finished!) o Original text – on May 18, 1935
 December 30, 1896 7:03 am Rizal died. at Archdiocesan Archives that
o His statue designed by Swiss disappeared 39 years.
Richard Kissling. o 4th text – appeared in El
o Motto Stella (Latin) title of his Imparcial
monument. Meaning guiding star.  Fr. Balaquer received exact copy of
o December 30, 1913, Rizal’s Rizal’s retraction signed by Rizal.
monument and 17th death o He received it after Rizal’s
anniversary. execution.
 Difference between Original and Manila
Newspaper Text and Copies of Fr.
o mi cualidad (Original / newspapers)
CHAPTER 7 – mi calidad (Jesuits copy)
o Catolica (Jesuits’ copy) – Iglesias
(Original / newspapers)
 Rizal retracted his anti-Catholic ideas. o Add word misma before Iglesia in
 No certificate of Rizal’s catholic Jeuits’ copy.
marriage to Josephine Bracken. o Fr. Balaquer’s text does not begin
 Ricardo Pascual – he said that the 2nd paragraph until 5th sentences
document discovered (Fr. Manuel Garcia, while the original and newspaper
May 18, 1935) was not Rizal’s start the 2nd paragraph with 2
handwriting. sentences.

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