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NURS 463 Community Health Windshield Survey Assignment

For this assignment you will choose a community or neighborhood in relation to your community partnerproject for clinical and spend some time just observing your community of interest to gather information about the health and environmental status of that community. The windshield survey is the view you get of the neighborhood/community as you drive through it. The purpose of this assignment is to quickly gather general observations about the community conditions, resources and needs that are readily apparent through visual observation.

Items Needed: - Digital camera

Map or layout of your neighborhood/community A mode of transportation around the neighborhood/community Windshield Survey Tool

A. Identify a community/neighborhood you want to focus on for your community health practicum experience. B. Using Google Maps, identify the zip code or boundary of the area you want to assess. C. Download the Windshield Survey Tool posted on Blackboard, and preview the items/topics you will need to assess on your outing. D. As you conduction your assessment and complete the Windshield survey tool, support the survey with actual images you have taken with your camera. Record the images as you travel around. E. Analyze the data you gained from your observations and categorize into the areas of Physical Environment; People, Services; and Economics. F. Based on your observations in the windshield survey, comprehensively identify 3-4 presenting problems (including gaps in service) in the community you surveyed. G. Identify community resources you observed that may address the identified problems. Develop a list of community strengths you identified in your survey. H. Lastly share your reflections on the experience. How did you feel when you were in the community? Comfortable? Safe? Unsafe? Were the people friendly, reserved, withdrawn? Would this area be one in which you would live or work?

Final Product: Using the photos (8 to 12 photos only) you took during your survey, you will make an
electronic presentation of your assessment using Power Point demonstrating the results of your survey, analysis and conclusions.

Essential Elements will include:

1. Assessment: Physical Environment General appearance Boundaries Housing

Signs of decay/pollution/safety People Demographics Homogeneity Health/Lifestyle behaviors Risk Behaviors Services Parks/Recreation/Open Spaces Transportation Health & Social Services Protective Services Religion Education Stores and Shops Economics Business/Industry Major Employers Signs of poverty/wealth 2. Identification of Problems/Issues 3. Identification of Community Resources 4. Summary/Reflections

Evaluation: This assignment counts for 15% of your course grade. The various elements of the
assignment will be graded as follows: Content/quality Depth Creativity Analysis/Summary 1 5% 35% 15% 35 % 100%

The attached rubric will be used for grading this assignment.

Grading Rubric for Windshield Survey Assignment Excellent (A) Good (B) Fair (C) The presentation The Does not have all Content includes all the presentation of the required and required includes all of elements. There quality of elements in an the required is not enough Electroni organized elements; information c fashion. The however, is not present. Presentat work exceeds all well organized. Information expectations. The work was presented in an ion done with a unorganized (2) good deal of fashion. Quality is

Poor (D/F)
Is lacking in elements. There are many gaps in information present. Is very unorganized. Work is incomplete and lacks any apparent effort. Description of community core is unsatisfactory, lacks depth and many elements missing. Lacks clear understanding of the assignment, many errors, lacks any effort toward creativity. Images are very poor quality. Summary insufficient. Fails to identify community strengths/needs . Conclusions are inaccurate or based on personal opinion.

Depth of Survey (6)

Creativity of Presentat ion (2)

Describes community systems completely, all areas were assessed in detail. The presentation has an element of creativity and style. Not just a list of facts and images. Presentation is clear and concise and stylish. Clearly and succinctly identifies community strengths and community health issues. Conclusions are accurate and based on data collected.

Analysis & Summary (5)

Adequate description of community systems, but 23 elements missing or lacks depth. The presentation is clear, logical, and stylish. It contains quality visuals. Efforts toward creativity apparent but somewhat lacking. Provides summary of community strengths and needs, data interpretations could be strengthened. Conclusions are based on data but linkages not clear.

lacking, work appears rushed. Satisfactory description of community systems but 4-5 assessment areas missing. Lacks detail. The presentation lacks style and plays more like a travelogue than a community assessment. Lacks neatness and clarity.

Provides a general summary of community strengths/or needs but interpretations are inaccurate or lack supporting data. Lack conclusions or only minimally addressed.

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