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English 102 Effective Communication

Prepared by:
Armando Florentino C. Damasco
MA Ed English
1st Sem. 2022-2023
Types of Communication
A. On the basis of Organizational Relation
1. Formal
2. Informal
3. Unofficial
B. On the basis of Flow/Direction
4. Vertical
5. Horizontal
6. Diagonal
C. On the basis of Expression
7. Oral
8. Written
9. Gesture
A. On the basis of
⦿ Formal Communication
⚫ The flow of information is through formally established channels
in an organization where information flows from a manager to
his subordinates and they in turn pass on the information to the
next level of staff.
A. On the basis of
⦿ Informal Communication
⚫ Refers to communication on the basis of personal relations. It is
unstructured, unplanned.
⚫ Casual communication between coworkers in the workplace.
A. On the basis of
⦿ Unofficial Communication
⚫ It is referred to as grapevine communication. It carries
unofficial information. It is not a reliable source of

- Grapevine message is usually incomplete. - Influential
- Distortion of information - Spontaneous
- Free from accountability - Multidirectional
- No record

Advantages of Grapevine Communication

- Carry information rapidly.
- The managers get to know the reactions of their subordinates on their policies.
- Creates a sense of unity among the employees who share and discuss their views with each other.
- Helps in developing group cohesiveness.
- Serves as an emotional supportive value.
- Supplement in those cases where formal communication does not work.
ACTIVITY: Communication on the basis of
organizational relation.

a) Formal
b) Informal
c) Unofficial
B. On the basis of FLOW / DIRECTION
⚫ A communication strategy in which information, tasks, and requests
move upward and downward between senior management and
lower-level employees

⚫ Sometimes called 'lateral communication - it is the communication that
occurs between people at the same level in an organization

⚫ An exchange of information between the persons at a different level
across departmental lines.
⚫ It cuts across the levels of organizational structure.
ACTIVITY: Communication on the basis of
flow or direction

a) Vertical
b) Diagonal
c) Horizontal
C. On the basis of
○ When a message is expressed through spoken words, it may be either through
face to face conversations or with the help of electronic mode such as
telephone, cellular phone, etc.
○ It may also be in the form of informal conversation, group discussions, meeting
etc. It is a more effective means of exchange of information because the
receiver not only hears the message but also observes the physical gestures of
the speaker.

○ When opinions are exchanged in written form, rather than by spoken words, it is
knows as written communication.
○ It may be expressed through charts, pictures and diagrams. It includes
newspapers, reports, letters, circulars magazines etc. While using written
communication, words should be select very carefully because message ones
sent can not be altered. it is formal in nature and cannot be overlooked.
C. On the basis of EXPRESSION


⚫ Communication through expressions, gestures or posture is nonverbal
communication. It refers to the flow of information, through facial
expressions, tone of voice and other body movements.

⚫ Types
○ Body Language: Posture, Gesture, Eye Contact, Silence etc.
○ Proximity: Space (intimate space, public space), Time, Surroundings etc.
○ Para Language: Voice, Volume, Pause, Pitch, Proper stress etc
C. On the basis of EXPRESSION
BODY LANGUAGE: Posture, Gesture, Eye Contact,
Silence, etc.
C. On the basis of EXPRESSION
PROXIMITY: Space (intimate space, public space), Time,
Surroundings etc.
C. On the basis of EXPRESSION

PARA LANGUAGE: Voice, Volume, Pause, Pitch,

Proper stress etc

Some examples of tone of voice:

Formal tone Optimistic tone

Informal tone Humorous tone
Serious tone Motivating tone
Respectful tone Assertive tone
Conversational tone

The type of tone that you use will depend on a number of factors like the
level of formality and sometimes even the subject matter.
ACTIVITY: Communication on the basis of
ACTIVITY: Communication on the basis of
ACTIVITY: Communication on the basis of
ACTIVITY: Communication on the basis of

In a situation where we’re interacting with

others, the direction in which we point our
dominant foot reveals the direction in which
we want to go. It doesn’t matter whether
we’re standing or sitting.

In body language, the direction in which a

person points their foot reveals the
direction in which they want to go. Even if
they seem engaged in conversation with
other people.
ACTIVITY: Communication on the basis of
ACTIVITY: Communication on the basis of

Guillaume Duchenne, a French anatomist who

studied many different expressions of emotion,
focusing on the smile of pure enjoyment.
Thank you for listening and for your participation!
A Guide to Organizational Communication

Nonverbal Communication and Body Language

Body Language Quiz To Assess Your Own Body Language Skills

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