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Book Name: Arranged Marriage to that Ruthless Vampire

Akisha Emika Smith, a beauty but a demon. Their world’s chosen one. She lived
in circle of life and fantasy. All her life she longed for care and love, to know the
meaning of happiness. Satoshi Kei Haru Lee, a demon with a greek-god face. A ruthless
CEO, someone who’s not in to the world of our society. He lived in a life everyone
dreamed of, but he’s looking for something to complete his life. Something that’ll give
him a reason to live.

They both are struggling with the life everyone dreamed of. They met in a way
nobody wants. A life situation no one would desire. Being ‘tied the knot with someone
they didn’t even love. Even do they do not want this to happen, they still have no choice
but to oblige. They’ve been set up.

Time goes by and their relationship is so far so good. They managed to live their
life their way, without being annoyed with each other. But as the days past Akisha’s
worst nightmare have haunted her. Will Satoshi realize his mistake? Or be fooled by the
lies that sorrounds him?

Time passes and they’ve known their destiny. Amnesty takes place and together
they fight for their world’s sake. They’ve faced many trials, risking their lives for their
mission. They have done what they think is enough. They’ve gone victorious; but this
isn’t the end, it just the beginning.

A world full of mystery, secrets to discover, identities to be unveiled. Everything’s

just a mask to cover everyone’s true identity. Will they discover the mystery behind their
world’s prophecy? Will they be able to hinder their enemy’s plans? Come and let us
discover them piece by piece.

//Character Design//

Main Protagonist:
Female Lead: Emika Kagami Tsurugi/ Akisha Emika Smith
Personality: An angel but far more worst than a demon. Deceiving one it is. She is
cunning, a beauty and hard to reach. She has this charming eyes, that can deceive you.
Has this powerful voice, that can control you. She has everything everyone can dream of
yet she still hide this. She want to live a happy life, surrounded by the ones she loved.
She hides behind a mask. You can see her sweet smiles and her cheerful eyes; But behind
that that face stays from within a cold heartless woman you can never imagine she would
Backstory: She's a princess, the legendary princess from the most powerful kingdom; the
Crystal Kingdom. She's the princess of fairies and the chosen one to save their kingdom,
their world. Being the chosen one made her life in danger the day she was born. Being
her life on the line, her mother in bond made a secret decision that only the ones in the
realm of gods and goddesses knew about it. The gods and goddesses sent her to the
mortal world, there she grew up with a rich family. Everyone thinks she got all she need,
but they are wrong. She may have everything everyone wishes for but she longed for one
thing; Love.
Initial Desires: All she want is to be loved and cared. To be like someone else, having a
happy family. Happiness that is true.
Action: She's doing everything to gain her family's attention, to gain the care and love she
longed for. She became an attention seeker for short. She have lowered her pride to get
the attention she wanted. Pathetic isn't it.

Male Lead: Satoshi Kei Haru Lee

Personality: A cold man with a greek-god face. His fierce full eyes depicts his anger. His
cold aura shows how merciless he is. He's cold, merciless and he doesn't talk much. He
doesn't care even if someone dies in front of him.
Backstory: He was once a sweet naughty boy but after that dreadful incident, he lost his
smile and hide behind his dark aura. He hates if someone calls him in his second name,
specially his third name. No one calls him in his third name and only his parents call him
in his second name. He don't want to be hurt anymore so he acts nothing. He do his best
to hide any feelings of him in order not to be hurt again.
Initial Desires: To discover his true destiny and unveil his real identity.
Action: : He acts like nothing, trying to find his life's true meaning and purpose. He's
finding the right girl for him.
Main Antagonist
Male Lead Antagonist: Sadao Orochi
Personality: A ruthless god. He is revengeful and he cares about nothing.
Backstory: He was once with the other gods and goddesses but was cast out because of
his jealousy and greediness. He was exiled from the realm because he tried to get the
sword of the phoenix and the dragon sabre. The sword of the phoenix together with the
dragon sabre is the most powerful weapon in the Land of Aurora. It has the power to
control the elements of nature which are: Wind, Earth, Water and Fire. Anyone who
possesses both the sword and the sabre will have infinite power.
Initial Desires: To take over all over the world.
Action: He do all he can in his power to achieve his goal. In order to achieve his true 
goal he is leading his enemies astray. Then after that he'll lead them to their doom.

Female Lead Antagonist: ?

Initial Desires:

Male Supporting Antagonist: Draco Ahriman

Personality: He have this innocent face that you'll never see the devil behind it. He like to
get what he want even if he step on other people.
Backstory: He's from a rich family and he is a relative of our Male Lead(protagonist). He
always wants to be on top but he always come second to his brother( our protagonist male
lead). Being his cousin on the way to his success he wants to get rid of him.
Initial Desires: To get rid of his cousin, so that he can get what his brother owns.
Action: Being a companion to his brother but secretly stabbing him in the back.

Female Supporting Antagonist: Alisha Ferrer

Personality: She’s greedy. She may be a beauty but her heart is full of greed. An
ambitious greedy br*t.
Backstory: She’s born out of her father’s heart of greed and a life full of jealousy
Initial Desire: To make our Female Lead’s(protagonist) life miserable.
Action: She’s doing everything she can to destroy our Female Lead’s(protagonist) life

Supportive Characters and their roles:

A. Daiche, Daisuke, Daiki(The Triplets) - Guardians of our Female Lead(protagonist).
They play an important role in the mystery behind their master's life; specially in the
Land of Aurora
B. The gods and goddesses - They maintain the balance in the Land of Aurora. They play
an important role in our main protagonists life and destiny.
C. Other Princes and Princesses - To help our main characters achieve their goals. Being
the companions of our main characters.
D. The Seven Kingdom - The life of the chosen one is in their hands. They play the role
of the ones revealing the mystery behind the chosen one's real destiny.
E. The Witches – a companion and an enemy. They play an important role specially
when it comes to the hidden prophecy.
F. The spirit animals – They are the guardian of the weapons in every Kingdom. They
have the right to pick their owner.

//Chapter 1 – 10 (Describe at least 3 to 5 sentences about what happened in these


Chapter 1 – A glimpse from the prophecy. How our main leads start their ‘known life’.
Some parts of the mystery.
Chapter 2 – How it went for Akisha living her ‘known life’. The way she acts to things
her ‘known family’ did to her. A glimpse of the truth.
Chapter 3 – How it went for people learning about their marriage. How the other falls as
the other one rises again. And how they handle their situation knowing the truth behind it.
Chapter 4 – Satoshi giving Akisha cold treatment not knowing why Akisha married him.
Draco starting his plans against his brother. And Akisha enduring the cold treatment
Satoshi’s giving to her.
Chapter 5 – Change of plans. The two have an agreement each should follow in order to
maintain their poise and figure. Figure of a ‘so-in-love-couple’ But little did they know
they’ll regret it.
Chapter 6 – They started to fall for each other. The other gave in, and confessed. But the
other one denied his feelings, and he hang out with other woman to forget it.
Chapter 7 – It all happen so fast that the next day they found themselves in each other’s
arms. Something happen between them. But their reaction towards it is not mutual.
Chapter 8 – Days passed and Akisha show signs of being pregnant but she ignored it.
Soon after she collapsed at a meeting in the company and then she found out she’s with a
child. She’s so happy that she called her husband and talked to him. She taught he’d be
happy but he’s furious.
Chapter 9 – Her husband told her to abort the baby, but she didn’t comply. Satoshi
furious about the matter did everything he know to force her to abort the baby but she
really didn’t want to.
Chapter 10 – Not being able to force his wife to abort the baby, Satoshi did something
unthinkable. He cheated to her wife face to face. Little did he know it’ll result to
something he’ll regret for life.

//PLOT: (Including Start, Rising action, climax, falling action and ending)//
There are two people born to fulfill the prophecy to be able to save their world.
They have their own lives not until they met in such an unexpected way. Things are
going well when suddenly they engage in so many trials, trials where everything is at
They succeeded with their trials and have been able to defeat the enemy, or is it.
They thought it’s the end but little did they know it’s only the beginning.
One whom they trust, one who’ve been in their side, one who have been there for
them is their enemy. That she manipulated everything and you’ve been dancing in her
hands all along. And to be able to vanquish that enemy ‘one must die and sacrifice life’.
Who will sacrifice life for the sake of many lives living in their world? Who must die? Is
that the only reason? Or not?
The seven kingdom mourned for the death of a love one, a friend, and a family. A
real one. Several years later they became the leaders of their kingdom. They’ve become
one and lived a happy-ever-after life.
Additional Question: What is the uniqueness of your story?
In my opinion, the one that makes my story unique is the way I write/wrote it. It is
something based on reality alchemized to fictions.

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