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Speech #2: Oral Interpretation


Your overall goal is to bring life to a piece of literature, displaying your understanding of the authors message through personal vocal

interpretation. Also, you will exercise formal speaking techniques while demonstrating the ability to organize and deliver a manuscripted speech.


You may choose the literature (poetry or prose) with teacher approval for appropriateness and technical quality, but you must fill 1-3 minutes of time with your presentation.

Like all speeches, yours will have an organized structure---introduction, body, conclusion. >INTRO/CONCLUSION: These, the head and tail of your speech, will be prewritten (MelCon-concept), including background on the literature and your reason for choosing it, a content paraphrase/preview to include poetic/verbal highlights, and a conclusion/statement of personal effect.

>BODY: The new requirement for this speech will be the marked manuscript, from which you will read and take your cues for interpretative speaking.

You will continue to concentrate on your delivery skills ---oculesics (eye contact), kinesics (body language, gestures, movement), and most importantly your paralanguage (pitch, articulation, volume, and rate).

SCHEDULE FOR COMPLETION: DAY 1(12/10-13 ) Teacher preview of OI Unit (including cold read vs.interpreted read)
(HW): Learn the basics of Oral Interp. Read and take CRS-Notes on SEC, Ch. 20, pp. 553-575 (photocopied packet). Be familiar with the concepts and terminology as we discuss how voice and diction affect our communication.

DAY 2.(12/14-15 ) (CLASS ACTIVITY*)

Appreciate, understand, and enjoy literature that lends itself to oral interpretation by choosing and marking a work of literature from your textbook OR classroom sources. USE THE LITERATURE ANALYSIS WORKSHEET TO GUIDE YOUR WORK as you READ, CUT/COPY 15-20 lines(min.), MARK YOUR MANUSCRIPT; then, SHARE YOUR READINGS IN GROUPS. (HW): READ (see teacher previewed sites/sources); CHOOSE piece for OI; COMPLETE the Analysis Worksheet to support choice. CUT (if necessary), TYPE(triple-spaced!), and MARK your manuscript.

DAY 3 (12-16/1-3) (CLASS ACTIVITY*)

Learn how to write Introduction/Conclusion (See diagram and sample.) LISTEN/WATCH a model oral interpretation (The Raven). Perform evaluation /participate in class discussion. Conference with teacher for approval /view speech (teachers choice/MLKs I have a Dream). (HW): OVER THE HOLIDAY BREAK Use rubric to create your presentation (type MelCon intro/con paragraph; type/mark manuscript, photocopy your marked script!) PRACTICE, PRACTICE, PRACTICE!

DAY 4 (1/4-5)

(CLASS ACTIVITY) Vocal warm-ups: tongue twisters, body-movement warm-ups, de-stressors Begin speeches (x8-10)


speeches (10-12)

DAY 6 (1/10-11) (CLASS ACTIVITY)

speeches (10-12) (HW): STUDY for STEMS UNITS 1-5 TEST

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