Tba1322a - Nurul Diyana Binti Azmi - Speech Outline 2

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Topic : Methods in taking lecture note

General purpose : To inform
Specific purpose : To inform my audience the two best methods in taking lecture notes.
Central idea : The two best methods in taking lecture notes are 'SQ4R' and Cornell
Main points : I. The 'SQ4R' method consists of 6 steps.
II. The Cornell method of note taking lectures consists of 3 sections.


I. Did you know, if we want to take lecture notes there are many ways that we can use?
A.I will introduce to you two best methods that we can use to take a lecture note.
II. The SQ4R method and the Cornell method are methods of reading and taking notes
that are used to improve students’ ability to understand a reading.
A.This method consists of six steps, namely, Survey (preliminary study), Question
(ask), Read (read), Recite (restate), Record (mark) and Review (repeat).
B. Cornell Note Taking is a system for taking, organising, and reviewing notes
designed by Professor Walter Pauk of Cornell University in the 1950s.
III. The information that I’m going to share with you guys today comes from research
that I've done.
A. I have read from several websites that state about the effectiveness of these two
a. Many school and university students still use these two methods.
b. They stated that this method has helped them a lot to better understand what
they are learning.
IV. So, today I will explain to you guys that the 'SQ4R' method consists of 6 steps and
the cornell method of note taking lectures consists of 3 sections.

[Transition]: Today I would like to share with you the best methods in taking lecture notes.
Let's go to the first method that we can use to take a lecture note.

Body Of Speech

I. The 'SQ4R' method consists of 6 steps.

A.'SQ4R' stands for Survey, Questions, Read, Recite, Relate and Review.
B. You have to take about three to five minutes to slam or 'survey' the reading, writing
down all the major headings, subheadings, topics and other key points.
C. Based on what you saw while surveying, write down any broad questions you
about the text.
a. Now, actually read the text, section by section, keeping an eye out for the
answers to your questions from the previous step.
b. After each section, write down all major ideas, keywords and concepts.
c. In other words, take notes.
d. Again, answer the questions you posed in the second step as best you can.
e. As a trick to enhance memorization, try to develop personal connections to
what you just read.
f. Can you relate to any of the topics discussed? Does the information remind
you of anything in your own life?
g. When you're finished, reread your notes to increase retention and help with

[Transition:] Let’s move to our last main point.

II. The Cornell method of note taking lectures consists of 3 sections.

A. The first section is the note section.
a.In this section we should take notes during the course of the lecture.
b. Use bullets, sentences, short-hand and others.
B. The second section is Clues.
a.In this section students should put questions, main points and main ideas, visual
clues and other clues that jog your memory go here.
b. Students can fill this section after class.
C. The last section we have in this section is summary.
a.The most important points and main ideas go here.
b. Usually, this section will be filled when you are in the reviewing process.


I. In conclusion, 'SQ4R' and Cornell method is the best methods that we can use to
taking a lecturer note.
II. Just remember that it always seems impossible until its done.
III. When you got the excellent result you will forget how hard it is to achieve that


Library, M. (2021). Guides: Study Effectively: Reading Textbooks with SQ4R. Uoguelph.ca.

Lucas, S. E., & Stob, P. (1983). The art of public speaking. McGraw-Hill Education.

Sridharan, M. (2020, January 16). Cornell Method: A method to take great notes. Think
Insights. https://thinkinsights.net/consulting/cornell-method-great-notes/

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