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Gerund and infinitive

Infinitive with to is used:

1. To express purpose
e.g. I’ll call her to tell what happened.

2. After adjectives and such structure as it + be+ adjective+ infinitive

e.g. He was so glad to see you.
It is important to know how to swim.

3. After certain verbs:

4. After question words: what, who, when etc.

e.g. We didn’t know where to go.

Infinitive without to (or bare infinitive) is used:

1. After modals (must, should, might, can, etc)
e.g. You mustn’t smoke here.

2. After let/make
e.g. Let me go!
They made him cry. – in active voice we use bare infinitive

Gerund is used:
1. as a noun, especially if the noun is the subject of the sentence:
e.g. Smoking is bAd for your heAlth.

2. after all prepositions

e.g. You cAn't mAke An omelette without breAking eggs.

3. After certain verbs and phrases:

 It’s no use
 It’s no good
 It’s (not)worth
 There is no use
 Can’t help
 Have trouble
 Love
 Prefer

Words followed either by Infinitive or Ing-Form

 Start
 Begin
 Stop
 Finish
 Continue
 Like

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