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LECTURE 16: The Role of Technology in Delivering the Curriculum

The Role of Technology in Delivering the Curriculum

 Right at the planning phase of any instruction, aside from formulating the objectives and
among other considerations, there is a need to identify what instructional media are to be
utilized in the implementation. 
 Technology offers various tools of learning and these range from non-projected media
from which the teacher can choose, depending on what he sees fit with the intended
instructional setting.
Types of Instructional Media/Technology
 Non-Projected Media
 Visuals that do not need the use of equipment for projection. Examples are:
 Drawings
 Diagrams and sketches
 Posters
 Cartoons 
 Charts
 Real Objects
 Audio Materials
 Other Printed Materials
 Projected Media
 Are those aids which are used a projection. So, they translate abstract ideas into a
more realistic format. Examples are:
 Slides
 Filmstrips
 Films
 Video, VCD, DVD
 Computer/Multimedia presentations
 Opaque Projections
Factors for Technology Selection
 Practicality
 Appropriateness in relation to the learners
 Activity/ suitability
Objective – matching
Three Current Trends That Could Carry on the Nature of Education in the Future!
1) The first trend is the paradigm shift from the teacher centered to student-centered
approach to learning
2) The second is the broadening realization that education is not simply a delivery of facts
and information, but an educative process of cultivating the cognitive, affective,
psychomotor, and much more the contemplative intelligence of the learners of a new age.
3) Is the increase in the use of new information
The Role of Technology in Curriculum Delivery
1) Upgrading the quality of teaching-and-learning in schools
2) increasing the capability of the teacher to effectively inculcate learning, and for students
to gain mastery of lessons and courses
3) Revolutionizing the use of technology to boost educational paradigm shifts that give
importance to student-centered and holistic learning.

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