K1B UNIT 5 Assessment

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KIDS 1 – K1B

This course is aimed at students at the age of 7. Taking into account children’s development at this age, while teaching a language, teachers should
approach these three areas: cognition, emotions, and motor skills. The focus is on oral comprehension and production.

Overall objectives:By the end of this course, students are expected to understand short, very simple questions and statements provided that they are
delivered slowly and clearly and accompanied by visuals or manual gestures to support understanding and repeated if necessary .



Specific objectives: By the end of this stage, students are expected to recognize and identify the names In the book: pages 56 and 57.
of different clothing items.


Specific objectives: By the end of this stage, students are expected to describe the clothes they are In the book: pages 58 and 59.
wearing, by answering the question: “What are you wearing?”.


Specific objectives: By the end of this stage, students are expected to add details to describe what they In the book: page 60.
are wearing, such as colors, by answering the questions: “What’s that?”; “What are those?”.


Specific objectives: By the end of this stage, students are expected to describe what other people are In the book: pages 62.


Activity: Students’ favorite clothes fashion show. Besides linguistic skills, the purpose of the activity is to help promote respect and intercultural
skills in the classroom.

Materials and resources: Song and clothes.

Conducting the project: Students are going to wear, for that specific class, their favorite clothes. Students will be both in the role of designers and
models. First, each student is going to present the outfit they’ve chosen for the fashion show by using the sentence “I’m wearing…”. Then, as the
teacher creates an atmosphere for a fashion show in the classroom (turn off some lights, put on some music, etc.), students are going to pretend they
are walking on a catwalk as models. As a student models, another student is going to describe the model’s outfit, for instance: “Carol is wearing…”.
Students who are attending from home will follow the same steps.

GRADING CHART – 30 points

POINTS 8 – 10 5–8 0–5

10 The student was able to recognize and The student was able to recognize and The student wasn’t able to recognize
identify the names of different clothing identify the names of different clothing and identify the names of different
items. items with the help from the teacher. clothing items, even with the help from
the teacher.

10 The student was able to describe what The student was able to describe what The student wasn’t able to describe
he/she was wearing, including details, he/she was wearing, including details, such what he/she was wearing with details,
such as colors. as colors with the help from the teacher. even with the help from the teacher.

10 The student was able to describe what The student was able to describe what their The student wasn’t able to describe
their classmate was wearing, including classmate was wearing, including details, what their classmate was wearing,
details, such as colors. such as colors with the help from the including details, such as colors, even
teacher. with the help from the teacher.

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