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Module Code

Test requirement

Test Results

ID Description
Check UI

Check UI of registration screen

Check Validation
Full Name

Check input < 50 characters into 'Full

Name' field

Check maxlength for 'Full Name' field

Check maxlength for 'Full Name' field

Check mandatory field for ' Full Name'

Input special characters into 'Full

Name ' field

Check behavior of system when input

space before and after full name


Check input < 50 characters into

'Account' field

Check maxlength for 'Account' field

Check mandatory field for ' Account'

Input special characters into 'Account '

Check behavior of system when input
space before and after Account

Check behavior of system when input

an Account but it is existed in DB

Check behavior of system when input

an Account that is NOT existed in DB


Check input < 50 characters into

'Email' field

Check maxlength for 'Email' field

Check mandatory field for ' Email '

Input special characters ( without

@._ ) into 'Email ' field

Check behavior of system when input

Check behavior
incorrectly of email
format system when input
correctly format email
Check behavior of system when input
space before and after Email


Check input < 50 characters into

'Password' field

Check maxlength for 'Password' field

Check mandatory fieldon
displaying data for'Password'
' Password'
Check behaviorPassword
of system when
Check behavior
Confirmation of system
Password when
is matched
with Password Password is NOT
matched with<Password
Check input 50 characters into
'Address' field

Check maxlength for 'Address' field

Check mandatory
Input special field for
characters into' Address'
'Address '

Check behavior of system when input

space before and after Address

Phone Number
Check input < 50 characters into
'Phone Number' field
Check maxlength for 'Phone Number'

Check mandatory field for ' Phone


Input special characters (without +, (,)

characters ) into 'Phone Number ' field

Check behavior of system when input

space before and after Phone Number

Check behavior of system In case

input text into 'Phone Number' field

Check behavior of system In case

input a serial number including only
digit "0" into 'Phone Number' field
Check behavior of system In case
input 10 numeric characters but it is
NOT format of Phone Number
Check behavior of system In case
input 11 numeric characters but it is
NOT format of Phone Number

Check behavior of system In case

input valid phone number that has 10
or 11 numeric characters
Check behavior of system In case
input valid phone number that has
format 84...

Check behavior of system In case

input valid phone number that has
format +84...

Function : Register

Register successfully

Register unsuccessfully when has at

least 1 field that is invalid data

Register unsuccessfully when click

[Cancel] button
<Brief description about requirements which are tested in this sheet>


1. Open this url on browser :

2. Click on 'Registration' menu on the top menu
3. Check UI of 'Registration' form

1. Input 49 characters into 'Full Name' field

2. Input valid data into remain fields
3. Click on [Registration] button

1. Input 50 characters into 'Full Name' field

2. Input valid data into remain fields
3. Click on [Registration] button
1. Input 51 characters into 'Full Name' field
2. Input valid data into remain fields
3. Click on [Registration] button

1. Input blank into 'Full Name' .

2. Input valid data into remain fields
3. Click on [Registration] button

1. Input special characters into 'Full Name' field

2. Input valid data into remain fields
3. Click on [Registration] button

1. Input space before and after 'Full Name' .

2. Input valid data into remain fields
3. Click on [Registration] button

1. Input 49 characters into 'Account' field

2. Input valid data into remain fields
3. Click on [Registration] button

1. Input 50 characters into 'Account' field

2. Input valid data into remain fields
3. Click on [Registration] button

1. Input 51 characters into 'Account' field

2. Input valid data into remain fields
3. Click on [Registration] button
1. Input blank into 'Account' .
2. Input valid data into remain fields
3. Click on [Registration] button
1. Input special characters into 'Account' field
2. Input valid data into remain fields
3. Click on [Registration] button
1. Input space before and after 'Account' .
2. Input valid data into remain fields
3. Click on [Registration] button

1. Input an Account but it is existed in DB

2. Input valid data into remain fields
3. Click on [Registration] button

1. Input an Account that is NOT existed in DB with length =

49 characters
2. Input valid data into remain fields
3. Click on [Registration] button

1. Input 49 characters into 'Email' field

2. Input valid data into remain fields
3. Click on [Registration] button

1. Input 50 characters into 'Email' field

2. Input valid data into remain fields
3. Click on [Registration] button

1. Input 51 characters into 'Email' field

2. Input valid data into remain fields
3. Click on [Registration] button
1. Input blank into 'Email' .
2. Input valid data into remain fields
3. Click on [Registration] button
1. Input special characters ( without @._ ) into 'Email' field
2. Input
Input wrong format
valid data intoemail into
remain 'Email' field.
1. Click on [Registration]
Input valid button'field
email into 'Email
E.x: test@gmail
Or test@gmail.
2. Input
Input valid
valid data
data into
into remain
remain fields
3. Click
Click on
on [Registration]
[Registration] button
1. Input space before and after 'Email' .
2. Input valid data into remain fields
3. Click on [Registration] button

1. Input 49 characters into 'Password' field

2. Input valid data into remain fields
3. Click on [Registration] button

1. Input 50 characters into 'Password' field

2. Input valid data into remain fields
3. Click on [Registration] button

1. Input 51 characters into 'Password' field

2. Input valid data into remain fields
3. Click on [Registration] button
1. Input blank into 'Password' .
2. Input text,
data intospecial
fields space... into
1. Click .
on [Registration]
Input data buttonPassword' that is matched
into 'Confirmation
1. Check
with displaying
on 'into data on
Password this Password'
' field. field that is NOT
matched with data into
2. Input valid on ' Password
remain fields' field.
2. Input valid data into remain
3. Click on [Registration] button fields
3. Input
Click 49
on characters intobutton
[Registration] 'Address' field
2. Input valid data into remain fields
3. Click on [Registration] button
1. Input 50 characters into 'Address' field
2. Input valid data into remain fields
3. Click on [Registration] button

1. Input 51 characters into 'Address' field

2. Input valid data into remain fields
3. Click on [Registration] button
1. Input blank into 'Address' .
1. Input
Input valid data
special into remain
characters into fields
'Address' field
2. Click on [Registration]
Input valid button
data into remain fields
3. Click on [Registration] button
1. Input space before and after 'Address' .
2. Input valid data into remain fields
3. Click on [Registration] button

1. Input 49 characters into 'Phone Number' field

2. Input valid data into remain fields
3. Click on [Registration] button
1. Input 50 characters into 'Phone Number' field
2. Input valid data into remain fields
3. Click on [Registration] button

1. Input 51 characters into 'Phone Number' field

2. Input valid data into remain fields
3. Click on [Registration] button
1. Input blank into 'Phone Number' .
2. Input valid data into remain fields
3. Click on [Registration] button
1. Input special characters into 'Phone Number' field
2. Input valid data into remain fields
3. Click on [Registration] button

1. Input space before and after 'Phone Number' .

2. Input valid data into remain fields
3. Click on [Registration] button

1. Input text into 'Phone Number' field

2. Input valid data into remain fields
3. Click on [Registration] button

1. Input a serial number including only digit "0" into 'Phone

Number' field
2. Input valid data into remain fields
1. Click on numeric
Input 10 [Registration] button
characters but it is not format of Phone
Number into 'Phone Number' field.
2. Input valid data into remain fields
3. Click on [Registration] button
1. Input 11 numeric characters but it is not format of Phone
Number into 'Phone Number' field.
2. Input valid data into remain fields
3. Click on [Registration] button

1. Input valid phone number into 'Phone Number' field ( 10

or 11 numeric characters )
2. Input valid data into remain fields
3. Click on [Registration] button
1.Input valid phone number that has format 84 at the first
phone number
2. Input valid data into remain fields
3. Click on [Registration] button

1.Input valid phone number that has format +84 at the first
phone number
2. Input valid data into remain fields
3. Click on [Registration] button

1. Input valid data into all mandatory fields

2. Click on [ Registration ] button

1. Input valid data into mandatory fields but has at least 1

field that is invalid data
2. Click on [ Registration ] button

1. Input data into all mandatory fields

2. Click on [Cancel] button
Expected results Test Results

1. UI is displayed as prototype
'- Full Name *: textbox
- Account * : textbox
- Email *: textbox
- Password * : textbox
- Confirmation Password *: textbox
- Address *: textbox
- Phone Number * : textbox
- Registration: button
- Cancel: button

3. Register successfully

3. Register successfully
3. System shows error message under the textbox : Please enter no
more than 50 characters
- Highlight focus into 'Full Name' field

3. System shows error message under the textbox :This field is

- Highlight focus into 'Full Name' field

3. System shows error message under the textbox : System does not
allow input special characters into this field
- Highlight focus into 'Full Name' field

3. System auto trim space before /after full name

- Register successfully.

3. Register successfully

3. Register successfully

3. System shows error message under the textbox : Please enter no

more than 50 characters
- Highlight focus into 'Account' field
3. System shows error message under the textbox :This field is
- Highlight focus into 'Account' field
3. System shows error message under the textbox : System does not
allow input special characters into this field
- Highlight focus into 'Account' field
3. System auto trim space before /after Account
- Register successfully.

3. System shows error message under the textbox : This account is

existed in system.
- Highlight focus into 'Account' field

3. Register successfully

3. Register successfully

3. Register successfully

3. System shows error message under the textbox : Please enter no

more than 50 characters
- Highlight focus into 'Email' field
3. System shows error message under the textbox :This field is
- Highlight focus into 'Email' field
3. System shows error message under the textbox : System does not
allow input special characters into this field ( without @._ )
- Highlight focus into 'Email' field
3. System shows error message under this field : Wrong format email.
-3.Highlight focus into 'Email' field
Register successfully
3. System auto trim space before /after Email
- Register successfully.

3. Register successfully

3. Register successfully

3. System shows error message under the textbox : Please enter no

more than 50 characters
- Highlight focus into 'Password' field
3. System shows error message under the textbox :This field is
Inputted data
encoded and displayed
'Password' field with format : *****
3. System shows error message under Confirmation Password field :
‘Password’ and ‘Confirmation Password’ are not matched .
3. Register successfully
- Highlight focus into 'Confirmation Password' field

3. Register successfully

3. Register successfully

3. System shows error message under the textbox : Please enter no

more than 50 characters
- Highlight focus into 'Address' field
3. System shows error message under the textbox :This field is
3. System shows error message under the textbox : System does not
allow input focus
- Highlight specialinto
'Address'into this field
- Highlight focus into 'Address' field
3. System auto trim space before /after Address
- Register successfully.

3. Register successfully
3. Register successfully

3. System shows error message under the textbox : Please enter no

more than 50 characters
- Highlight focus into 'Phone Number' field
3. System shows error message under the textbox :This field is
-3.Highlight focus error
System shows into 'Phone Number'
message field
under the textbox : System does not
allow input special characters into this field (without +, (,) characters
- Highlight focus into 'Phone Number' field

3. System auto trim space before /after Phone Number

- Register successfully.

3. System shows error message under this field : Only allow input
number .
- Highlight focus into 'Phone Number' field

- System shows error message under this field : Wrong format Phone
- Highlight focus into 'Phone Number' field
3. System shows error message under this field : Wrong format Phone
- Highlight focus into 'Phone Number' field
3. System shows error message under this field : Wrong format Phone
- Highlight focus into 'Phone Number' field

3. Register successfully
3. Register successfully

3. Register successfully

2. System shows successful message about 3s with content : Register


2. System shows error message under the field

- Highlight focus into the field

2. All textboxes are blank >> Register unsuccessfully

Module Code

Test requirement

Test Results

ID Description
Check UI

Check UI of Login screen

Check beharvior of system when pressing


Check beharvior of system when pressing

"Shift+ Tab"

Check font size,color of text on the screen

Check validation of all fields in Login screen

Check maxlength for 'Username' and
'Password' field

Check mandatory filed for 'Username' and

'Password' fields
Check input special characters into
'Username' field

Check behavior of system when input space

before and after Username

Check behavior of system when input lower

case into 'Username'

Check behavior of system when input upper

Check displaying
case into password in 'Password'
Check the correctness data in 'Language'
Check combo

Login successfully

Login unsuccessfully in case inputting

incorrectly into 'Username'

Login unsuccessfully in case inputting

incorrectly into 'Password'
Login unsuccessfully in case inputting
incorrectly into 'Username' and

Login unsuccessfully in case clicking on

[Cancel] button

Login unsuccessfully in case lost connect

with server
Check behavior of system when ticking on
Check behavior
'Remember of system
Username when
and un-tick on
Check behavior
check box of system
Username when
and ticking on
check box Username and Password'
check box

Check behavior of system when selecting

'Language' = "Viet Nam' value

Check behavior of system when selecting

'Language' = 'English' value
<Brief description about requirements which are tested in this sheet>


1. Open this link on browser :
2. Check UI of Login screen

1. Focus mouse on the first text box

2. Press 'Tab" on keyborad

1. Focus mouse on the first text box

2. Press 'Shift+ Tab" on keyborad

1.Check font size,color of text on the screen

1. Input 51 characters into 'Username' field
2. Input valid data into remain fields
3. Click on [ Login ] screen

1. Input 51 characters into 'Password' field

2. Input valid data into remain fields
3. Click on [ Login ] screen

1. Input 50 characters into 'Username' field

2. Input valid data into remain fields
3. Click on [ Login ] screen

1. Input 50 characters into 'Password' field

2. Input valid data into remain fields
3. Click on [ Login ] screen

1. Username is blank
2. Input valid data into remain fields
3. Click on [ Login ] screen

1. Password is blank
2. Input valid data into remain fields
3. Click on [ Login ] screen
1. 'Username' and 'Password' are blank
2. Click on [ Login ] button
1. Input special characters into 'Username' field ( e.x: #@$
%&*^ '
2. Input valid data into remain fields
3. Click on [ Login ] screen

1. Input pace before and after Username

2. Input valid data into remain fields ( with condition :
Username and Password are couple in DB )
3. Click on [ Login ] screen

1. Input lower case into 'Username' with length

2. Input valid data into remain fields ( with condition :
Username and Password are couple in DB )
3. Click on [ Login ] screen
1. Input upper case into 'Username' with length ( with
condition : Username is existed in DB )
2. Input data
data'Password' field
into remain fields
3. Click
2. Checkon 'Language'
displaying combo box
[ Login ]password
screen on 'Password' field
2. Check the correctness data in 'Language' combo box

1. Input 'Username' and ' Password' are couple in DB

2. Click on [ Login ] button

1. Input valid data into 'Username' field

2. Input valid data into "Password' field
3. Click on [ Login ] button

1. Input valid data into 'Password' field

2. Input valid data into "Username' field
3. Click on [ Login ] button
1. Input invalid data into 'Username' and 'Password'
2. Click on [ Login ] button

1. Input valid data into 'Username' and 'Password'

2. Click on [ Cancel ] button

1. Input valid data into 'Username' and 'Password'

2. Lost connect with server
1. Input
3. Input 'Username'
Click on [ Login ]and
'Username' '' Password'
and Password' are
are couple
couple in
in DB
2. Tick on
Un-tick 'Remember
on 'RememberUsername and
Usernameare Password'
andcouple check
Password' box
3. Input 'Username' and
Click on [Login] button ' Password' in DB
2. Tick on 'Remember Username
3. Click
Click on
on [Logout]
[Login] hyperlink
button at and Password'
the top site check box
5. Click
Checkon [Login] button
displaying data in Login screen site
4. Click
Click on
on [Logout]
[Logout] hyperlink
hyperlink atat the
the top
top site
5. Check displaying data in Login screen
5. Check displaying data in Login screen
1. Input 'Username' and ' Password' are couple in DB
2. Select 'Language' = Viet Nam
3. Click on [Login] button
4. Check displaying content in this site

1. Input 'Username' and ' Password' are couple in DB

2. Select 'Language' = English
3. Click on [Login] button
4. Check displaying content in this site
Expected results Test Results

2. UI of Login screen is displayed as below:

- Username*: textbox , default is blank
- Password*: textbox , default is blank
- Language : Combo box , default is 'Viet Nam ' value
- Remember Account and Password: Checkbox , default is uncheck
- Login: button, Always enable

2. The point is moved from left to right, from up to down on each item

2. The point is moved from right to left, from down to up on each item

1. Font size ,color of text is displayed as prototy

- System displays error message : Username or password is incorrect
- Highlight focus into Username and Password textboxes

'- System displays error message : Username or password is incorrect
- Highlight focus into Username and Password textboxes

3. Login successfully

3. Login successfully

'- System shows error message under 'Username' field : This is mandatory
- Highlight focus into 'Username' field
'- System shows error message under 'Password' field : This is mandatory
- Highlight focus into Password field
'- System shows error message under 'Username' and 'Password' fields : This
is mandatory field
- Highlight focus into 'Username' and 'Password' field
'- System shows error message: Username or Password is incorrect
- Highlight focus into 'Username' and Password fields

'- Space before/after Username are auto trim
- Login into system successfully

3. Login successfully

3. Login successfully
Inputted password is displayed with format: *****
- Shows 2 values : 'Viet Nam ' and 'English'

2. Login into system successfully

3. System shows error message : Username or password is incorrect.

>> Login unsuccessfully

3. System shows error message : Username or password is incorrect.

>> Login unsuccessfully
2 System shows error message : Username or password is incorrect.
>> Login unsuccessfully

2.All textboxes are displayed blank data

>> Login unsuccessfully

3. System shows error message : Can not connect with server. Please inform
for admin .
>> Login unsuccessfully
- 'Username' and "password" are displayed on the textbox.
- No'Username' and password
need to input are NOT displayed
Username/password on the
again , user cantextbox.
click [Login] button
'Username' and password are displayed on the textbox.
login successfully
- No need to input Username/password again , user can click [Login] button
and login successfully

4. '
- Login into system successfully
- All contents in this site is displayed by Vietnamese

- Login into system successfully
- All contents in this site is displayed by English

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