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the real world and extends vulnerability assessment to the fact that,

under controlled conditions, an attempt is made to exploit them in order

to gain unauthorized access to the system and determine the impact
on business operations and critical data.24

iv) Red team / blue team exercises: red teaming mimics real cyber threat
actors by using the same tactics, techniques and procedures. The
purpose is to train and measure the effectiveness of people, processes
and technologies used to defend the organization.25 "Red team" is the
name of the team conducting the attack, while the "blue team" is the
group of people in charge of the defense (Security Operations Center
staff, incident response team, etc.).

For further study regarding red teaming, MITRE ATT&CK 26 is an

internationally recognized knowledge base that contains documented
tactics, techniques and procedures of real cybercriminals and is widely
used as a resource to simulate malicious behavior and improve the
security level of organizations.


Develop and document:

• a cybersecurity technical assessment policy that
► 14.1 addresses purpose, scope, roles and responsibilities,
• procedures for implementing the policy and the
relevant protection measures.

Perform automated vulnerability scans on a regular basis

(e.g. once a month) to identify potential vulnerabilities
► 14.2
and unpatched systems on your corporate assets and
network. 24
For a study of the most popular
methodologies for conducting penetration
test, see
The_OWASP_ Testing_Framework/1-
For an indicative presentation of the tools
that can be used in each phase of the
Perform a full vulnerability assessment of your network penetration test process,
► 14.3 and information systems on a periodic basis (e.g. at least
once a year). 25
Vest, J. and Tubberville, J., (2019).
Red Team Development and Operations –
A practical Guide. Independently published.

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