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Faballa, John Andrei C.


1.How can copying others lifestyle increas your income

-like a store or restaurant to sell you have to imitate what they do and improve it so that people notice
you or you make a way to sell the products, in short you have to do something different but the same
product you are selling is the same product you copy to others

2. Diffirentiate hospitality and tourism

-Hospitality is a field that focuses on providing accommodations to visitors at hospitality-related

industries, such as hotels, motels, restaurants, cruise ships, country clubs, casinos, and convention
centers, while tourism is focused on providing quality attractions and events in order to entice tourists
to come.
1. -Hospitality comprises the services offered by the host to the guest With the aim of friendly reception and
quality entertainment of guests.
2. Hospitalityis a broader concept.
1. Tourism comprises the activities of people traveling to and staying in places outside their usual environment
for pleasure or business.
2. Tourism is a narrower concept.

3.Will tourism exist without hospitality

-The tourism industry and the hospitality industry are two integral parts of the same whole and are interdependent on
each other for success.
Without the hospitality industry, it is impossible for the tourism industry to exist, and vice versa.
The hospitality industry is an umbrella term that includes all businesses that provide services to travelers, such as
hotels, resorts, restaurants, tour operators, transportation companies, and more. It is the hospitality industry that
provides the infrastructure and services for the tourism industry.

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